Republicans in Arizona Were Blocked By Thate Arizona Sttate From Concealing Documents About The controversial "Audit".

He's not lying idiot. There were pictures of watchers having to use binoculars to see those counting. There were also pictures of paper being put over the windows so no one could see what they were doing. Catch a clue you biased hack.
The parties had their observers in the polling places.

You wanted maga fuckups looking over shoulders to limit votes of minorities.
No the Rep watchers were kicked out dummy. The couldn't get within 20 feet of those counting. Its was all over this board. Look it up dumbass.
No the Rep watchers were kicked out dummy. The couldn't get within 20 feet of those counting. Its was all over this board. Look it up dumbass.
I don't care what maga fuckups claim all over this board. Republic and Democratic poll watcher were in all polling places they choose to be.

Again, you wanted partisan hacks to stop the count.
Oh fuck off you idiot. Watchers were kicked out. If you don't to believe that then believe what you want. Doesn't alter the facts.

What a biased hack you are. You're not even worth talking to. Dumbass.
Oh fuck off you idiot. Watchers were kicked out. If you don't to believe that then believe what you want. Doesn't alter the facts.

What a biased hack you are. You're not even worth talking to. Dumbass.
I have posted the facts.

You can check court documents were pro former president lawyers were forced to admit this before their lawsuit were thrown out.

You have shit. The fact is the watchers were kicked out. Look it up dummy.
Yeah, I have looked it up and this is what you find.

Fact-checking Trump's claims on poll watchers

Mr. Trump's own lawyers admitted there are representatives from the campaign in the convention center where ballots are being processed, according to CNN. During a hearing in a separate case filed in federal court, Jerome Marcus, a lawyer for the campaign, told Judge Paul Diamond "there's a non-zero number of people in the room."

So, now all we have is your glaring ignorance.
The Fraudit was suppose to las only Three Months. It lasted months longer.

The search for (Bamboo Fibers) was bullshit.

The winner of the Arizona General Election, President Joseph R. Biden, according the new results released by the CyberNuts received Ninety-Nine (99) more votes in Maricopa County while the Traitor lost by Two Hundred Sixty -One (261) fewer votes.

The Arizona Republican had tried to prevent the release of the CyberNumbNuts report. Now we know why, the report did NOT say what they wanted it to say.

Now Maricopa County should NumbNuts for the cost of the new voting machines that county has to replace the machines NumbNuts damaged.

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Supplying routers would have violation voter law. Private voter information could have and would been made to an individual or individuals unknown.

Voter Information is by Federal, State and Local Law NOT public information.
I don't care what maga fuckups claim all over this board. Republic and Democratic poll watcher were in all polling places they choose to be.

Again, you wanted partisan hacks to stop the count.

I have worked for over 25-Years as a Poll Worker. Both as a Clerk and as an Assistant Judge.

Both parties are allowed Poll Watchers, Poll Watchers are NOT allowed to interact with Voters.

Campaigns for interested Poll Watchers, but allowed to interact with Voters.

IF a Poll Watcher did interact and/or interfere with a Voter when I was working, they were removed, the Candidate/Campaign Called and informed of improper conduct on the part of one of their Poll Watchers.

No Poll Worker, Clerk or Assistant Judge or for that matter the Judge are interfere with a Voter. A Voter can request assistance with voting, especially if they are disabled. But person can step into the vothing. A family member may assist the voter. No Poll Watcher can enter the voting booth or interact with voter, nor can they demand the voter show I.D.
But when you have a hand recount of paper ballots, it matters naught.... You can't change a paper ballot....?
I will not dispute your point. If only a presidential election were determined by paper ballots, with optimal scan and hand count. Due to population expansion, although, not many takers on recounting by hand I would imagine.

Future Elections: 2022 and beyond: US needs to ensure all states are using secure machines meaning: zero connected to a modem or cell phone etc. election equipment sales tactics, the details of how voting precincts need to do better (by force it would appear for some) and no, I'm not talking about mail-in ballots or ballots coming back in a day before they were mailed out.

Reality is that voting machines will be hacked unless the US requires voting machine manufacturers to provide proof they've enhanced the machines' security measures to prevent fraud and that their machines are not connected to a modem. The machine errors are easily manipulated, if someone has sold the machines for instance he or she knows a lot of the tricks. I watched a video with an ex-salesman describing the ways the machine could be hacked or manipulated. If I find it, I'll link it shortly.

"IT and cyber-security specialist Melissa Carone, who on November 3 and 4 worked as a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems — the company that provided the voting machines in 66 of Michigan’s 83 counties in 2020 — told a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hearing: “What I witnessed at the TDS Center [where votes were being counted] was complete fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there. There were batches of ballots being ran through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to ten times, I watched this with my own eyes. I was there to assist with IT.” Adding that she was “under the impression 100 percent that all of these workers were in on this,” Carone claimed: “There was not a single ballot that the whole night, the whole 27 hours that I was there, that was for Donald Trump, not one.” "

Ok, so Dominion wanted defamation of character following this court testimony. It's about a 20 minute clip, and if you can get through all of her "uhmmmm's" I wish they could have showed her face but who knows...angry lady like Dominion implies or truthful?

I'm focused mostly on the machine aspect of election fraud. When I read this following article I became aware of the possibilities. Plus, after I read ES&S's claim about zero internet connection was completely bogus and they knew it when they stated it, I began to think it was time for karma for these profiteer companies.

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But when you have a hand recount of paper ballots, it matters naught.... You can't change a paper ballot....?
Counting the same ballots twice will likely yield the same results. Counting all LEGAL ballots will likely not.
You want political hacks to contest legal votes of minorities.
You full of shit. Observers need to see the same things the counters see. Observers have no interest in who cast the vote, just that the vote is legal and counted for the person marked on the ballot. I want observers to contest every illegal vote.

Trolling is your only talent.
I will not dispute your point. If only a presidential election were determined by paper ballots, with optimal scan and hand count. Due to population expansion, although, not many takers on recounting by hand I would imagine.

Future Elections: 2022 and beyond: US needs to ensure all states are using secure machines meaning: zero connected to a modem or cell phone etc. election equipment sales tactics, the details of how voting precincts need to do better (by force it would appear for some) and no, I'm not talking about mail-in ballots or ballots coming back in a day before they were mailed out.

Reality is that voting machines will be hacked unless the US requires voting machine manufacturers to provide proof they've enhanced the machines' security measures to prevent fraud and that their machines are not connected to a modem. The machine errors are easily manipulated, if someone has sold the machines for instance he or she knows a lot of the tricks. I watched a video with an ex-salesman describing the ways the machine could be hacked or manipulated. If I find it, I'll link it shortly.

"IT and cyber-security specialist Melissa Carone, who on November 3 and 4 worked as a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems — the company that provided the voting machines in 66 of Michigan’s 83 counties in 2020 — told a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hearing: “What I witnessed at the TDS Center [where votes were being counted] was complete fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there. There were batches of ballots being ran through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to ten times, I watched this with my own eyes. I was there to assist with IT.” Adding that she was “under the impression 100 percent that all of these workers were in on this,” Carone claimed: “There was not a single ballot that the whole night, the whole 27 hours that I was there, that was for Donald Trump, not one.” "

Ok, so Dominion wanted defamation of character following this court testimony. It's about a 20 minute clip, and if you can get through all of her "uhmmmm's" I wish they could have showed her face but who knows...angry lady like Dominion implies or truthful?

I'm focused mostly on the machine aspect of election fraud. When I read this following article I became aware of the possibilities. Plus, after I read ES&S's claim about zero internet connection was completely bogus and they knew it when they stated it, I began to think it was time for karma for these profiteer companies.

Melissa was found to be a complete fraud....what she claimed was lies, and not only's impossible to do, without being caught because of the checks and balances put in place under State election rules and procedures, and canvassing process. i.e. the number of absentee ballots run through the machines to be counted, has to equal the number of absentee ballot envelopes received. ...and if you run a ballot through the machine twice, to count it twice, you would have more absentee ballots counted, than you have as the count recorded on absentee ballot envelopes received.... (More votes than voters, that voted). Also, you can't have more absentee envelopes of votes returned, than the absentee ballots the precinct mailed out that were requested...(so you can't stuff the ballot box) and a gazillion other checks purposely in election law rules, to prevent that kind of shenanigans....

My comment on paper ballots in the previous post, was that if the electronic vote scanning counters are temporarily connected to the net to transfer vote results to a central location, and if they are hacked at that time and votes were changed at the central location that reflects a different result than the result the precinct initially got, that too would send a Red Flag, and be caught on the checks and balance process....(the central location would have more votes or a different count by candidate, than the precinct recorded, before they made the transfer).

PLUS, there are paper ballots in the precinct that can be counted to verify any of the Red Flags that go up.

As laymen, most citizens have no idea all the rules and regs and processes and checks and balances that is really involved in the election counting process.... 99% of all the silly accusations made by the Trump team were easily proven, that they simply could NOT be true... Like what Melissa testified to.... It just can't happen, without a reg flag being thrown.

The one major issue us voters have had, is with in person electronic voting (approaching a couple of decades of complaining) is the fact that there is no paper trail, no paper ballot....

Well in 2020, that changed...we were able to get voting machine companies to put in a paper ballot trail, completely separate from the electronic counting, that snap shots our individual vote at the time we make it and makes a completed ballot, on a separate system, that can be accessed and used for if there is any shenanigans done on the electronic voting in a transfer due to a hack, it can be caught....

All the swing states in contention... electronic voting systems had paper trails.

Also, each voting district has their machines, looked at and gone through with trial runs etc and are certified by a third party, before every election....

But I'm with you, I still don't totally trust their security, and they definitely should not have internet access....
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I will not dispute your point. If only a presidential election were determined by paper ballots, with optimal scan and hand count. Due to population expansion, although, not many takers on recounting by hand I would imagine.

Future Elections: 2022 and beyond: US needs to ensure all states are using secure machines meaning: zero connected to a modem or cell phone etc. election equipment sales tactics, the details of how voting precincts need to do better (by force it would appear for some) and no, I'm not talking about mail-in ballots or ballots coming back in a day before they were mailed out.

Reality is that voting machines will be hacked unless the US requires voting machine manufacturers to provide proof they've enhanced the machines' security measures to prevent fraud and that their machines are not connected to a modem. The machine errors are easily manipulated, if someone has sold the machines for instance he or she knows a lot of the tricks. I watched a video with an ex-salesman describing the ways the machine could be hacked or manipulated. If I find it, I'll link it shortly.

"IT and cyber-security specialist Melissa Carone, who on November 3 and 4 worked as a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems — the company that provided the voting machines in 66 of Michigan’s 83 counties in 2020 — told a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee hearing: “What I witnessed at the TDS Center [where votes were being counted] was complete fraud. The whole 27 hours I was there. There were batches of ballots being ran through the tabulating machines numerous times, being counted eight to ten times, I watched this with my own eyes. I was there to assist with IT.” Adding that she was “under the impression 100 percent that all of these workers were in on this,” Carone claimed: “There was not a single ballot that the whole night, the whole 27 hours that I was there, that was for Donald Trump, not one.” "

Ok, so Dominion wanted defamation of character following this court testimony. It's about a 20 minute clip, and if you can get through all of her "uhmmmm's" I wish they could have showed her face but who knows...angry lady like Dominion implies or truthful?

I'm focused mostly on the machine aspect of election fraud. When I read this following article I became aware of the possibilities. Plus, after I read ES&S's claim about zero internet connection was completely bogus and they knew it when they stated it, I began to think it was time for karma for these profiteer companies.

You reek of the desperation of a Conservative who refuses to accepting the reality that her candidate lost.

All you have ever had is second and third hand hearsay. You have conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition. But you have no facts, you have no proof of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

The Cyber NumbNuts "Forensic Audit" yelded that Mr. Biden received more votes than the original talley and that the Traitor Lost by even bigger numbers.

Routers, which you seem to think to be the Arc of The Conenant are secure devices. Sharing routers would given private voter information (Name, Address, Party Affiliation, Phone Number and Date of Birth. Such information is held in utmost security).


All you really are half assed Conservative Conspiracy Theories that have no basis in reality.

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You full of shit. Observers need to see the same things the counters see. Observers have no interest in who cast the vote, just that the vote is legal and counted for the person marked on the ballot. I want observers to contest every illegal vote.

Trolling is your only talent.
Your post just proved my point.
Melissa was found to be a complete fraud....what she claimed was lies, and not only's impossible to do, without being caught because of the checks and balances put in place under State election rules and procedures, and canvassing process. i.e. the number of absentee ballots run through the machines to be counted, has to equal the number of absentee ballot envelopes received. ...and if you run a ballot through the machine twice, to count it twice, you would have more absentee ballots counted, than you have as the count recorded on absentee ballot envelopes received.... (More votes than voters, that voted). Also, you can't have more absentee envelopes of votes returned, than the absentee ballots the precinct mailed out that were requested...(so you can't stuff the ballot box) and a gazillion other checks purposely in election law rules, to prevent that kind of shenanigans....

My comment on paper ballots in the previous post, was that if the electronic vote scanning counters are temporarily connected to the net to transfer vote results to a central location, and if they are hacked at that time and votes were changed at the central location that reflects a different result than the result the precinct initially got, that too would send a Red Flag, and be caught on the checks and balance process....(the central location would have more votes or a different count by candidate, than the precinct recorded, before they made the transfer).

PLUS, there are paper ballots in the precinct that can be counted to verify any of the Red Flags that go up.

As laymen, most citizens have no idea all the rules and regs and processes and checks and balances that is really involved in the election counting process.... 99% of all the silly accusations made by the Trump team were easily proven, that they simply could NOT be true... Like what Melissa testified to.... It just can't happen, without a reg flag being thrown.

The one major issue us voters have had, is with in person electronic voting (approaching a couple of decades of complaining) is the fact that there is no paper trail, no paper ballot....

Well in 2020, that changed...we were able to get voting machine companies to put in a paper ballot trail, completely separate from the electronic counting, that snap shots our individual vote at the time we make it and makes a completed ballot, on a separate system, that can be accessed and used for if there is any shenanigans done on the electronic voting in a transfer due to a hack, it can be caught....

All the swing states in contention... electronic voting systems had paper trails.

Also, each voting district has their machines, looked at and gone through with trial runs etc and are certified by a third party, before every election....

But I'm with you, I still don't totally trust their security, and they definitely should not have internet access....
I want to give you a compliment Care4All about how you present your evidence, without the use of personal attack mode that downgrades any chance of debating the issue in an honest manner. You are the best representative that leans left that I’ve run into on this board, so thanks for entertaining oppositional viewpoints without the garbage. I’m sure they’re are a couple others but I’ve just not had the pleasure to engage with them. Oh, Old Lady is a decent sort! Looks like I need to find a male who represents the left in a positive manner. Anyway, enough of my own personal remarks! Lol

So, in response to your positivity about assuming that the checks and balances effectively prevent tampering, I do not share that impression. Mostly because technology is exponentially growing and cannot accurately be measured, but general estimate is every six months information doubles and that’s huge! This means there will always be techies who know more than everyone else. Hackers will easily keep up with new technology because of their own expertise and some surpassing the release of new, public knowledge. This will be the quandary from now on if we’re using any type of machines, which we will for now. Last election over 50% voted with the machine and around 47% mail in. Until technology produces a better solution, we’re stuck temporarily with trusting the machine manufacturers. After they lied I would expect a change in manufacturing companies but it didn’t happen.

“In recent exploration performed by the popular security corporation reveals that your computer and mobile phones can still get hacked even if they aren’t connected to the internet. So here are some of the ways through which your computer and mobile phone can be hacked – even if they are not connected to the online world!”


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