Republicans in Arizona Were Blocked By Thate Arizona Sttate From Concealing Documents About The controversial "Audit".

But paper ballots can be printed by the millions and run thru the machines for as long as it takes to overcome a deficit. It worked in Georgia.

Many Republican voters in CA never got their mail-in ballots and showed up to vote on election day.....only to find out they had already voted.....and were given a provisional ballot....which Democrats probably just threw in the trash.
No Mud, they can't.

Every absentee ballot counted, has to have an absentee enveloped, with an approved signature check, among other checks.

More ballots, than approved absentee ballot envelopes, is a check in the voting process meant specifically to catch, ballot stuffing.
There can not be more ballots counted than legitimate ballot envelopes received and approved.

There can not be more ballot envelopes, than registered voters in a well.
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No Mud, they can't.

Every absentee ballot counted, has to have an absentee enveloped, with an approved signature check, among other checks.

More ballots, than approved absentee ballot envelopes, is a check in the voting process meant specifically to catch, ballot stuffing.
There can not be more ballots counted than legitimate ballot envelopes received and approved.

There can not be more ballot envelopes, than registered voters in a well.
You're confusing absentee ballots with unsolicited mail-in ballots.
States like CA sent out millions of mail-in ballots to folks they claim were on their voter rolls.....because of COVID and new election laws.
Trump attempted to get them to clean their voting rolls and they refused of course. They claimed that Trump was being a racist....attempting to stifle the opportunity to vote for minorities.
Unsolicited mail-in ballots don't take into account people that move and never update their registrations.
A check on one audit showed mail-in ballots were sent to addresses that were vacant lots.
CA is 100% mail-in voting. Problem is....alot of Republicans never received theirs....and so they tried to show up on election day to vote and were told they had already voted. What a surprise!!
Some people got ballots from two different states because of unsolicited mail-in ballots.

I think you're under the assumption that there's no way to cheat when 100% of your state is voting thru the mail.....but in states like CA, OR, WA, and CO....that's exactly what's going on. Auditors were finding that some counties were separating the envelopes from the ballots and throwing them away. Establishing residency is all you need to vote in CA. Even if you're an illegal. Nobody checks your I.D. In some states they aren't allowed to ask illegals if they are US citizens.
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No Mud, they can't.

Every absentee ballot counted, has to have an absentee enveloped, with an approved signature check, among other checks.

More ballots, than approved absentee ballot envelopes, is a check in the voting process meant specifically to catch, ballot stuffing.
There can not be more ballots counted than legitimate ballot envelopes received and approved.

There can not be more ballot envelopes, than registered voters in a well.
you speak of how things should be done

not how they were done..
You're confusing absentee ballots with unsolicited mail-in ballots.
States like CA sent out millions of mail-in ballots to folks they claim were on their voter rolls.....because of COVID and new election laws.
Trump attempted to get them to clean their voting rolls and they refused of course. They claimed that Trump was being a racist....attempting to stifle the opportunity to vote for minorities.
Unsolicited mail-in ballots don't take into account people that move and never update their registrations.
A check on one audit showed mail-in ballots were sent to addresses that were vacant lots.
CA is 100% mail-in voting. Problem is....alot of Republicans never received theirs....and so they tried to show up on election day to vote and were told they had already voted. What a surprise!!
Some people got ballots from two different states because of unsolicited mail-in ballots.

I think you're under the assumption that there's no way to cheat when 100% of your state is voting thru the mail.....but in states like CA, OR, WA, and CO....that's exactly what's going on. Auditors were finding that some counties were separating the envelopes from the ballots and throwing them away. Establishing residency is all you need to vote in CA. Even if you're an illegal. Nobody checks your I.D. In some states they aren't allowed to ask illegals if they are US citizens.
thanks for confirming a suspicion i have had for some time, namely that CA and other "blue" states (not) have had the kind of corruption seen in the 2020 pres election for a long time.. they tried it in some states b4 they went national.. the *&^%$s
thanks for confirming a suspicion i have had for some time, namely that CA and other "blue" states (not) have had the kind of corruption seen in the 2020 pres election for a long time.. they tried it in some states b4 they went national.. the *&^%$s
CA and a couple other states have been test grounds for a complete takeover of elections by socialists.
They don't believe in "The Will Of The People".
you speak of how things should be done

not how they were done..
Actually, it is how it is done, that's part of the process with canvassing the votes, and then the certification process. There is no possibility, of us missing that check and balance....seriously!
thanks for confirming a suspicion i have had for some time, namely that CA and other "blue" states (not) have had the kind of corruption seen in the 2020 pres election for a long time.. they tried it in some states b4 they went national.. the *&^%$s
There was not corruption, nor rigging, nor stealing of the 2020 election. Joe Biden won, period.

It's a real shame those who claim Trump won, can't produce the evidence that Trump won any of the swing states in contention, let alone winning 4 of those states in order to beat Biden in the electoral college.

There has been no evidence, what so ever, that Trump got more votes than Biden, in any of those states. If there was evidence, they WOULD bring it up, before the Courts, in a suit.

Y'all have chosen to ignorantly believe in a lie.

Because you are as weak as your beloved Loser, and are willing to play along with this lie, because you can't accept your loss nor your life, without your beloved Trump, and you are willing to destroy free and fair elections, our democracy, and our nation.... Just because you can't accept, a clear and definitive, loss..... SHAME ON YOU!
u just won't quit... sigh
True that. You're actually complaining because thugs weren't allowed to harrass and intimidate the election staff.

It's good that you've finally stopped pretending you're not trying to steal elections through various types of cheating and violence. After all, it's not like your charade of being pro-democracy was ever fooling anyone. As long as you're going to be fascist, be honest about that.
CA and a couple other states have been test grounds for a complete takeover of elections by socialists.
They don't believe in "The Will Of The People".
I'm glad to find someone who sees this. I myself do not have substantial proof, anything that would hold up in a court of law but I totally believe this...

the reason I don't have proof is: the evidence has likely been destroyed.. certainly the evidence from the first election in which thiss was done.. And it just stands to reason that once they figured out how to orchestrate all this fraud and cover-up, well... they would get better at fraud and cover-ups...

maybe there should be some kind of audit of CA an d other so called blue states..
There was not corruption, nor rigging, nor stealing of the 2020 election. Joe Biden won, period.
Thiss is as far as i read

prove that Biden won.. you can't. I hve seen the evidence that it was stolen and no one will convince me otherwise... certainly no liberal. They are liars to the core. They have no integrity, will kill innocent children.. steal elections.

There is really only one party in America.. Republican and anti-Republican (anti-God, anti-science, anti-common-sense, anti-logic, anti-America)
Actually, it is how it is done, that's part of the process with canvassing the votes, and then the certification process. There is no possibility, of us missing that check and balance....seriously!
people who believe the system is totally trustworthy are either naive or sold-their-souls hacks
Thiss is as far as i read

prove that Biden won.. you can't. I hve seen the evidence that it was stolen and no one will convince me otherwise... certainly no liberal. They are liars to the core. They have no integrity, will kill innocent children.. steal elections.

There is really only one party in America.. Republican and anti-Republican (anti-God, anti-science, anti-common-sense, anti-logic, anti-America)
Sure it can be proved, with the certification of the count in each state....and electoral college picks and vote, as it is with every election in our nation for hundreds of years.....

You've fallen for a scam, a scam to make you think our elections are worthless, our Country is shit, and a bunch of other things to destroy our democracy through discrediting our elections, and open the doors for an unelected, authoritarian dictator....based on the BIG LIE of fraud.
I'm glad to find someone who sees this. I myself do not have substantial proof, anything that would hold up in a court of law but I totally believe this...

the reason I don't have proof is: the evidence has likely been destroyed.. certainly the evidence from the first election in which thiss was done.. And it just stands to reason that once they figured out how to orchestrate all this fraud and cover-up, well... they would get better at fraud and cover-ups...

maybe there should be some kind of audit of CA an d other so called blue states..
So, the republic maga fuckup party never loses elections anymore?
people who believe the 2020 was not conducted in a fair manner...were the losers.

And now are whiners.
I know how things turn out in the end

Jesus said that His followerss would be "hated by all" (Mk 1313 and Mt somethingg)

so yeh... Life on Earth is not going to be great for those who love truth and justice and God (the author of such)

Jesus said

Woe unto you who laugh now for u shall weep

Blessed are you who mourn now, for you shall laugh

He who laughs last....

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