Republicans in Arizona Were Blocked By Thate Arizona Sttate From Concealing Documents About The controversial "Audit".

You reek of the desperation of a Conservative who refuses to accepting the reality that her candidate lost.

All you have ever had is second and third hand hearsay. You have conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition. But you have no facts, you have no proof of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

The Cyber NumbNuts "Forensic Audit" yelded that Mr. Biden received more votes than the original talley and that the Traitor Lost by even bigger numbers.

Routers, which you seem to think to be the Arc of The Conenant are secure devices. Sharing routers would given private voter information (Name, Address, Party Affiliation, Phone Number and Date of Birth. Such information is held in utmost security).


All you really are half assed Conservative Conspiracy Theories that have no basis in reality.

It doesn’t matter that the machines weren’t connected to the Internet.
You reek of the desperation of a Conservative who refuses to accepting the reality that her candidate lost.

All you have ever had is second and third hand hearsay. You have conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition. But you have no facts, you have no proof of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

The Cyber NumbNuts "Forensic Audit" yelded that Mr. Biden received more votes than the original talley and that the Traitor Lost by even bigger numbers.

Routers, which you seem to think to be the Arc of The Conenant are secure devices. Sharing routers would given private voter information (Name, Address, Party Affiliation, Phone Number and Date of Birth. Such information is held in utmost security).


All you really are half assed Conservative Conspiracy Theories that have no basis in reality.

It seems computers can be hacked that are not connected to Internet. Your rant has no impact; get a hobby you appear to have pent up rage. Not happy with Biden’s handlers since they’re failing? I understand.

Both political parties had personnel observers.

Stop lying.

Should have crashed through the doors and windows!
It doesn’t matter that the machines weren’t connected to the Internet.

It seems computers can be hacked that are not connected to Internet. Your rant has no impact; get a hobby you appear to have pent up rage. Not happy with Biden’s handlers since they’re failing? I understand.

So, now those devious Biden voters used radio waves to hack voting machines in Maricopa County to turn the election????
So, now those devious Biden voters used radio waves to hack voting machines in Maricopa County to turn the election????
I never suggested such a thing Mr. Otto, it’s just possible is my point. If you read my texts I’m talking about machines in general, not any specific county. My concern is new tech and future elections.
Old dude, Milwaukee County in WI always reports their election results late.

Even ron johnson knows that.

That graph is an accurate depiction of the former president's loss.

Biden admitted they planned on cheating, the evidence shows they cheated.

Here's you, "Orange Man Bad!!"
I never suggested such a thing Mr. Otto, it’s just possible is my point. If you read my texts I’m talking about machines in general, not any specific county or the selection. My concern is new tech and future elections.
The voting machines aren't internet capable in Arizona. The state uses sticks as a physical transfer.
It doesn’t matter that the machines weren’t connected to the Internet.

It seems computers can be hacked that are not connected to Internet. Your rant has no impact; get a hobby you appear to have pent up rage. Not happy with Biden’s handlers since they’re failing? I understand.

You are fixated on something that never happened. No Voting Machines were connected to the internet. Voting Machines tabulate results, these machines are NOT connected to the internet.

Routers. It is a clear violation Federal, State and Local Law to relase or give access to a Voter's Private Information.

The one and only time I, as a California Voter was contacted by a political party was when a Republican in L.A. County contacted me via by cell phone. I found out the organization this putz was working for illegally accessed my private voter information. He received a visit from the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff and spent a wonderful year as a guest at one fine establishiments operated by LASO. A year in county slam.

The "Forensic Audit" on Maricopa turn up an addtional 99-Votes for Biden and few votes for the Traitor. I mean these shit eaters from CyberNuts looked for fucking bamboo fibers. Get fucking real.

CyberNuts rendered the Voting Machines in Maricopa County useless.

And all they found that the Traitor lost even more fucking votes.

All you really have the lies.

You believe the lies.

You love the lies.

You need the lies.

You want to be lied to.

All you have is conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition. You have no legal, provable, verifiable proof any Electon Fraud/Voter Fraud. Over 60+Lawsuits were filed and over 60+Lawsuits tossed for lack of any clear evidence.

To prove Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, you must first evidence, proof of said ElectionFraud/Voter Fraud. What you need, you ain't got.

At this all YOU and Make America Stupid Again types are doing is beating a dead fucking horse.

I want to give you a compliment Care4All about how you present your evidence, without the use of personal attack mode that downgrades any chance of debating the issue in an honest manner. You are the best representative that leans left that I’ve run into on this board, so thanks for entertaining oppositional viewpoints without the garbage. I’m sure they’re are a couple others but I’ve just not had the pleasure to engage with them. Oh, Old Lady is a decent sort! Looks like I need to find a male who represents the left in a positive manner. Anyway, enough of my own personal remarks! Lol

So, in response to your positivity about assuming that the checks and balances effectively prevent tampering, I do not share that impression. Mostly because technology is exponentially growing and cannot accurately be measured, but general estimate is every six months information doubles and that’s huge! This means there will always be techies who know more than everyone else. Hackers will easily keep up with new technology because of their own expertise and some surpassing the release of new, public knowledge. This will be the quandary from now on if we’re using any type of machines, which we will for now. Last election over 50% voted with the machine and around 47% mail in. Until technology produces a better solution, we’re stuck temporarily with trusting the machine manufacturers. After they lied I would expect a change in manufacturing companies but it didn’t happen.

“In recent exploration performed by the popular security corporation reveals that your computer and mobile phones can still get hacked even if they aren’t connected to the internet. So here are some of the ways through which your computer and mobile phone can be hacked – even if they are not connected to the online world!”

Thanks! :)

True, hackers will always outsmart security.... At least, that sure is the way it seems...

But what kind of system of voting or vote counting, could we use, in a timely manner, that can count the votes, and transfer the votes to a central location, without ever using some kind of system that transfers the results outside of the net?

I had read recently that the actual in person electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet. These voting machines transfer their vote tallies, to another in house system, then it is that system that transfers those tallies, to a central location...supposedly through an in house system not connected to the internet.... In 2017 those experts found otherwise with those 30 precincts they found, connected to the net, at some point.... So they were somehow, not as secure as we had thought....though note, the check, that central location count, has to match the precinct counts is still in place so if numbers change between the two, it will be caught.

Maybe if we all weren't so anxious to know the results on election night, we could go back to paper ballots, and hand counting the results,

Or optical scanners to count, but then we have to deal with dimples, and hanging Chad's again, like in the 2000 recount.... :(

I just don't know what could make any election, 100% secure, as the saying goes... where there is a will to cheat, there will likely be a way.... But because our elections are run independently for each precinct/voting district, and there are thousands of them, it would take a lot of effort by hundreds of cheaters in multiple locations, to make a difference in a presidential election that is nation seems?
Thanks! :)

True, hackers will always outsmart security.... At least, that sure is the way it seems...

But what kind of system of voting or vote counting, could we use, in a timely manner, that can count the votes, and transfer the votes to a central location, without ever using some kind of system that transfers the results outside of the net?

I had read recently that the actual in person electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet. These voting machines transfer their vote tallies, to another in house system, then it is that system that transfers those tallies, to a central location...supposedly through an in house system not connected to the internet.... In 2017 those experts found otherwise with those 30 precincts they found, connected to the net, at some point.... So they were somehow, not as secure as we had thought....though note, the check, that central location count, has to match the precinct counts is still in place so if numbers change between the two, it will be caught.

Maybe if we all weren't so anxious to know the results on election night, we could go back to paper ballots, and hand counting the results,

Or optical scanners to count, but then we have to deal with dimples, and hanging Chad's again, like in the 2000 recount.... :(

I just don't know what could make any election, 100% secure, as the saying goes... where there is a will to cheat, there will likely be a way.... But because our elections are run independently for each precinct/voting district, and there are thousands of them, it would take a lot of effort by hundreds of cheaters in multiple locations, to make a difference in a presidential election that is nation seems?
How many voting precincts are there in the US?
Well duh!

Come on Frankie, everyone knows the dems took the lead when the absentee votes were finally counted! It is how the dems were encouraged to vote, because of the pandemic and safety issues, while Trump discouraged his voters from voting that way..... Even though Trump himself, voted absentee.

The swing states had in their election law, that absentee votes could NOT be counted until after the polls closed....Democrats tried to change the laws to start counting absentee votes earlier, like Florida and other states, but the republican majority legislature would not allow it in those contentious swing states..... That just shows before election day, R legislatures were already planning with Trump, to claim the election was rigged, just like you are now trying to claim with your meaningless graph.
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How many voting precincts are there in the US?
Thousands and thousands.... I mentioned in a post, it would be a task of all tasks to try to pull off cheating in a nationwide federal, presidential election.
More bad news for 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Putin Loving Orange Faced Piece of Shit Asshole the Traitor.


You are fixated on something that never happened. No Voting Machines were connected to the internet. Voting Machines tabulate results, these machines are NOT connected to the internet.

Routers. It is a clear violation Federal, State and Local Law to relase or give access to a Voter's Private Information.

The one and only time I, as a California Voter was contacted by a political party was when a Republican in L.A. County contacted me via by cell phone. I found out the organization this putz was working for illegally accessed my private voter information. He received a visit from the Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff and spent a wonderful year as a guest at one fine establishiments operated by LASO. A year in county slam.

The "Forensic Audit" on Maricopa turn up an addtional 99-Votes for Biden and few votes for the Traitor. I mean these shit eaters from CyberNuts looked for fucking bamboo fibers. Get fucking real.

CyberNuts rendered the Voting Machines in Maricopa County useless.

And all they found that the Traitor lost even more fucking votes.

All you really have the lies.

You believe the lies.

You love the lies.

You need the lies.

You want to be lied to.

All you have is conjecture, contention, innuendo and supposition. You have no legal, provable, verifiable proof any Electon Fraud/Voter Fraud. Over 60+Lawsuits were filed and over 60+Lawsuits tossed for lack of any clear evidence.

To prove Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, you must first evidence, proof of said ElectionFraud/Voter Fraud. What you need, you ain't got.

At this all YOU and Make America Stupid Again types are doing is beating a dead fucking horse.

What a shocker, you’ve confirmed yet again that you don’t read opposing posts when they don’t fall into your limited perception of things. You’ve shown this twice now, and I have no interest to continue participating in your desire to remain ignorant about the various ways machines NOT connected to the Internet can be hacked.
Thanks! :)

True, hackers will always outsmart security.... At least, that sure is the way it seems...

But what kind of system of voting or vote counting, could we use, in a timely manner, that can count the votes, and transfer the votes to a central location, without ever using some kind of system that transfers the results outside of the net?

I had read recently that the actual in person electronic voting machines are not connected to the internet. These voting machines transfer their vote tallies, to another in house system, then it is that system that transfers those tallies, to a central location...supposedly through an in house system not connected to the internet.... In 2017 those experts found otherwise with those 30 precincts they found, connected to the net, at some point.... So they were somehow, not as secure as we had thought....though note, the check, that central location count, has to match the precinct counts is still in place so if numbers change between the two, it will be caught.

Maybe if we all weren't so anxious to know the results on election night, we could go back to paper ballots, and hand counting the results,

Or optical scanners to count, but then we have to deal with dimples, and hanging Chad's again, like in the 2000 recount.... :(

I just don't know what could make any election, 100% secure, as the saying goes... where there is a will to cheat, there will likely be a way.... But because our elections are run independently for each precinct/voting district, and there are thousands of them, it would take a lot of effort by hundreds of cheaters in multiple locations, to make a difference in a presidential election that is nation seems?
Great questions, and I wish someone had a 100% solution to offer right now. AI development could resolve potential human error and fraudulent activity, but at this time may be in development but not yet geared toward the political realm?

We must prevent foreign opportunity to manipulate US election machines; because more than one country has tried this before they and others will try again and again.

I think big investors will promote
the use of self learning AI technology to improve election security eventually. The political arguments will be about the clean aspect of the self-learning part. Since it’s a very hard task to know that 100% of the AI training/self-learning is not tainted during the learning process many will balk. There is so much biased information out there along with factual information diluted with commentary as you know. That will be a major problem for all backers of AI to prove the machines are untainted before using them. Even when programmers are 100% honest, the machines/computer can still learn junk when you’re feeding the machine boxes of information. Investors in self-learning AI will consider this necessary progress, whether that turns out to be the case is unknown. Questioning election outcomes due to human error or manipulation will switch to AI malfunctions and legitimacy of clean learning.
Isn't a router a WIFI component?
Modems are connected to the internet.
No. Routers send network data to routes... Wifi is an accessory provided for on many routers but serious network routers are things that cost 50K or so and do a lot of complex work in getting data to and from where it needs to be.
Now if we could have stopped election officials from hiding the count from observers in PA, GA, AZ, VA, MI, and other states. Then we would like to see the chain of custody on every ballot in the last election. Also...Dominion needs to turn over their keys to the counting machines before they get a chance to erase their databases.
Trollboy as always gets his ass handed to him on a

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