Republicans Killed Obama Co-Sponsored Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected AP

Spoken like a true Obamabot apologist. Stop deflecting.

No, I speak for the defense of journalistic freedoms because that's what I do for a living.

I'm pointing out that the false outrage on the right is hypocritical, since they themselves passed the big government intrusion into freedom of the press, and were more than happy to use it to investigate journalists, to creep journalists, and to jail them.

So now when a lead investigator at the Justice Department of the administration in the rival party uses the very same law that Republicans championed, they act like Obama did it all himself, when that is not the case.

I speak for the truth, not for knee-jerk partisan hacks like yourself who speak in tired one-liners.

Bullshit. You're speaking in defense of the person you voted for in an attempt to give him a pass for his corruption like you people always do because you're dishonest and dishonorable. The biggest fail in your argument is that Obama was a co-sponsor of the media shield law you are referencing, which means HE KNOWS BETTER. The law didn't need to exist for him to not allow it.

And no, I'm not a partisan hack like you. I'm an independent voter who has no allegiance to the either the Republicans or the Democrats, but I'm someone who can smell bullshit a mile away and you and this administration wreak of it.
from the op's own link:

UPDATE: The Senate roll call for the cloture vote on the Free Flow of Information Act shows that Senator Obama, who was then in the midst of his first campaign for the presidency, missed the vote. Despite his absence, Obama was a public supporter and cosponsor of that 2007 bill. In 2009, after winning the White House, Obama reversed course on a similar media shield law measure, contributing to its death in 2010.

so that explains it. This guy has got to be the most wishy washy in many, many years.
Way to piss off some of you chief water carriers, ass kissers, and general constrictors of pesky facts to your low info base, Barry.

The community agitator's into his second tough week in a row, so I'm guessing there's another vacation just around the next corner or so.
A charlatan is still a charlatan regardless of the excuses and praises you bestow upon him.
The argument is ass backwards. The B. Hussein administration illegally obtained phone records. No law would have protected the media.
New to the board. Hello All. Seems like a good board with voices from all sides....

on topic; isn't it fascinating that Obama's DOJ broke the law and is now asking for that legislation to be reconsidered? ...his political maneuvering is pretty clever. That said, I don't think the law would of stopped them from doing exactly what they did.
Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press

Republicans are basically punching themselves in the face and trying to make us believe that it's Obama's fault.

In a strange twist of irony, Obama co-sponsored legislation that would have better protected journalists from government intrusion.

Republicans blocked it from passage over 5 years ago, because we all know that's how they roll these days. Plus, it would have been inconvenient to shield the media, since they typically hate it for being "liberal".

So now a lead investigator in Obama's Justice Department uses the Patriot Act to subpoena phone records from the AP and Republicans are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!, including none other than Darrell Issa, the biggest hypocrite around, who voted against legislation that Obama co-sponsored, which would have made the Justice Department official go to court to obtain the subpoena.

Republicans are basically doing it to themselves now and trying to scapegoat it all on Obama.

Two things:

1. IF this is needs to be put out loud and clear.

2. Sounds like, without this legislature, what the Justice Dept did is LEGAL....not nice, but LEGAL nonetheless. Can people be prosecuted for doing something totally legal?
New to the board. Hello All. Seems like a good board with voices from all sides....

on topic; isn't it fascinating that Obama's DOJ broke the law and is now asking for that legislation to be reconsidered? ...his political maneuvering is pretty clever. That said, I don't think the law would of stopped them from doing exactly what they did.

I think a point to bring up is....."Did the DOJ break the law the way it is currently written?"
New to the board. Hello All. Seems like a good board with voices from all sides....

on topic; isn't it fascinating that Obama's DOJ broke the law and is now asking for that legislation to be reconsidered? ...his political maneuvering is pretty clever. That said, I don't think the law would of stopped them from doing exactly what they did.

I think a point to bring up is....."Did the DOJ break the law the way it is currently written?"
To quote Hillary, "What difference does it make?" (but you're right)

I'm sure the AP doesn't give a crap. Nor do most people that work in that profession.
This is a red herring, the op has not given us facts on this law and what it was supposed to do.
So why is everything the Republican's fault again? Can't the libs here take responsibility for anything anymore? If the Republicans killed a bill or something, the Democrats had enough balls to take advantage of it.

So who would be more wrong here?

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