Republicans: Less to illegals and more to real Americans.

its not good , just in my lifetime since my early adulthood in 1970 i have seen the USA go from a good country of about 200 million Americans to a country of about 310 million in 2010 census and that number doesn't include the 'illegals' . The damage of diversity and multi culturalism has been done to the USA and there is no going back in my opinion .
No shit, the Native American Indians found that out with the WASP assholes a couple of hundred years ago..
------------------------------------- and current Americans shouldn't be as STOOPID as past 'injuns' Moonglow .
i mean , some people both repub and dem think that foreigners have a RIGHT to come to the USA and live here . They qualify what i just said by saying that foreigners just do it legally as i roll my eyes :afro: .
It wasn't a big problem until the US filled up, before then they turned a blind eye...
its not good , just in my lifetime since my early adulthood in 1970 i have seen the USA go from a good country of about 200 million Americans to a country of about 310 million in 2010 census and that number doesn't include the 'illegals' . The damage of diversity and multi culturalism has been done to the USA and there is no going back in my opinion .
No shit, the Native American Indians found that out with the WASP assholes a couple of hundred years ago..
------------------------------------- and current Americans shouldn't be as STOOPID as past 'injuns' Moonglow .
They will be....It is one thing to conquer, it is another to keep...
i just have interest for the upcoming young American kids and babees who will have to put up with all the multi culturalism and diversity being forced on them .

I’ve raised three children in Southern Mexifornia....I have a real good idea of what good people are facing. I spent $3k per month to send my kids to private schools to keep them away from the “multi culturalism” investment I ever made. I feel real bad for those who can’t afford to atleast do that.
its not good , just in my lifetime since my early adulthood in 1970 i have seen the USA go from a good country of about 200 million Americans to a country of about 310 million in 2010 census and that number doesn't include the 'illegals' . The damage of diversity and multi culturalism has been done to the USA and there is no going back in my opinion .

Sad and probably true.
“Americans” simply have too much class and too high of an iQ to stoop to the level of thirdworlders and procreate like rodents.
Democrats: Less to real Americans and more to illegal Mexicans.
Soooo....on this alone, why would any real American vote Democrat?
Your President and the GOP are fighting to stop illegal Mexicans from invading and taking from real Americans....Democrats are fighting back and insisting that we continue to do more and give more to illegal and barely legal Mexicans at the expense of American taxpayers.
Forget all the cash they cost....Have you ever thought about all the different ways illegals negatively effect your quality of life? Think about a day without illegals and their anchor babies.
Imagine If you could send your children to public schools at a 20:1 ratio where teaching academics was paramount rather than teaching the English language and proper behavior.
Imagine being able to get emergency or urgent care without a six hour wait time
Imagine traffic conditions without all the illegals and anchors
Imagine if your teen could get a job at the local fast food joint again because 35 year old illegals don’t hold every position
Imagine walking our beaches without stepping on Bud Light cans again
Imagine Walmart parking lots without dirty diapers
Imagine the decline in crime rates
Imagine being able to start a conversation with strangers again...knowing he/she speaks your language
Imagine all the extra social service funding for real Americans that are struggling
Imagine how much more collegiate funding there would be for real Americans
Imagine saving all that money spent on incarcerated illegals and anchors

Again, I’m curious, how, if you’re a real American do you continue voting Democrat?
The motive to vote Democrat for a bias anchor baby is clear...but is there anyone here sane and NOT AN ANCHOR that can makes sense out of what goes on in the head of an American who continues to support the Democratic effort to save the world when we have so many of our own struggling?

as a real American I'd never vote for a trump scum . you hate this country. you love Russian interference and you love the fact that the person in office humiliates this country every day.

and I don't vote for bigoted white supremacist, misogynists.

but there's a reason you're a broker loser and I'm not.... again, get an education if you're capable. if not, learn a trade.
Jillian has done it all in one post!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for days, or weeks.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars
its not the procreation , its the immigration of ALL types imo . I'm 68 , not too concerned , its just that i see whats happening since probably 86 and R. Reagan and the 'bushes' especially . When i was 20 things were cool in the USA and my good job on the RailRoad was for the taking after i filled out a paper application . Americans were what mattered but now the USA is messed up as it caters to special interest groups that have been imported into the USA .
its not good , just in my lifetime since my early adulthood in 1970 i have seen the USA go from a good country of about 200 million Americans to a country of about 310 million in 2010 census and that number doesn't include the 'illegals' . The damage of diversity and multi culturalism has been done to the USA and there is no going back in my opinion .

Sad and probably true.
“Americans” simply have too much class and too high of an iQ to stoop to the level of thirdworlders and procreate like rodents.

Fertility rates are falling rapidly among Latino immigrants to the US.
its not the procreation , its the immigration of ALL types imo . I'm 68 , not too concerned , its just that i see whats happening since probably 86 and R. Reagan and the 'bushes' especially . When i was 20 things were cool in the USA and my good job on the RailRoad was for the taking after i filled out a paper application . Americans were what mattered but now the USA is messed up as it caters to special interest groups that have been imported into the USA .
-------------------------------------------- i mean , nowadays we have 'mexicans' crying about being disrespected by TACO BELL Advertisements . School rooms are multi lingual , school cafeterias have to consider food choices like 'halaal' . Yep , the catering to 'outsiders' will never stop once you let the 'outsiders' into the USA BrokeL .

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