Republicans Need to Get Real About the 2016 Elections

The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/29/2015 11:26 am

Glenn Beck dedicated a portion of his television program last night to the remainder of his one-on-one interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, in which the GOP presidential hopeful declared that those who believe in climate change do not bother to cite facts in support of their position because, for them, it is a religion. Pointing to a recent congressional hearing in which he grilled the president of the Sierra Club about the supposed lack of data and evidence for the existence of global warming, Cruz told Beck that "climate change is not science, it's religion." - See more at: Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion'
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The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Would it shock you to know that there was not a single moment in my deliberations about candidates that I thought, "Yes, but which candidate would Progressive Pitstain approve of? I really need to impress him"?

See, what you don't seem to understand is that I don't view a lack of leftist positions as a detriment in a candidate.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/29/2015 11:26 am

Glenn Beck dedicated a portion of his television program last night to the remainder of his one-on-one interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, in which the GOP presidential hopeful declared that those who believe in climate change do not bother to cite facts in support of their position because, for them, it is a religion. Pointing to a recent congressional hearing in which he grilled the president of the Sierra Club about the supposed lack of data and evidence for the existence of global warming, Cruz told Beck that "climate change is not science, it's religion." - See more at: Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion'
As far as what you linked to here, I agree with Cruz.
Like Cecelie, your (as in Progressives and Progressive media) dislike of a candidate is actually a plus when I decide who I will support.
Hell! Global warming isn't even global warming any more. It's "climate change". You STILL claim consensus despite changing the the scope of what all these "scientists" agree to.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?

I think the GOP fumblers are going to somehow put forth candidates at ALL levels for the 2016 elections. The American public is going to force them to.

As I've said time and time again, the ultimate presidential nominee will be someone not in the race today. Whoever it is will rout the opposition and we will see GOP increases in national, state, and local elections.

Who know, perhaps those Muslim politicians in Michigan are Republicans. :)
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/29/2015 11:26 am

Glenn Beck dedicated a portion of his television program last night to the remainder of his one-on-one interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, in which the GOP presidential hopeful declared that those who believe in climate change do not bother to cite facts in support of their position because, for them, it is a religion. Pointing to a recent congressional hearing in which he grilled the president of the Sierra Club about the supposed lack of data and evidence for the existence of global warming, Cruz told Beck that "climate change is not science, it's religion." - See more at: Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion'
As far as what you linked to here, I agree with Cruz.
Like Cecelie, your (as in Progressives and Progressive media) dislike of a candidate is actually a plus when I decide who I will support.
Hell! Global warming isn't even global warming any more. It's "climate change". You STILL claim consensus despite changing the the scope of what all these "scientists" agree to.

OK Alabama. You and your ilk can support those who would create a theocratic oligarchy that will exist in a polluted and war torn Mad Max type of dystopian world. My only question is, do you really want that, or, are you so delusional and uninformed to not know that is what these people represent?

Here is an idea that you might like. Let’s require that all members of congress be Evangelical Christians, that the President and his cabinet be made up entirely of bank executives and that all members of congress must be other corporate CEO’s or board members. That should do it. The perfect plan if you really hate America as we know it that much.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/29/2015 11:26 am

Glenn Beck dedicated a portion of his television program last night to the remainder of his one-on-one interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, in which the GOP presidential hopeful declared that those who believe in climate change do not bother to cite facts in support of their position because, for them, it is a religion. Pointing to a recent congressional hearing in which he grilled the president of the Sierra Club about the supposed lack of data and evidence for the existence of global warming, Cruz told Beck that "climate change is not science, it's religion." - See more at: Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion'
As far as what you linked to here, I agree with Cruz.
Like Cecelie, your (as in Progressives and Progressive media) dislike of a candidate is actually a plus when I decide who I will support.
Hell! Global warming isn't even global warming any more. It's "climate change". You STILL claim consensus despite changing the the scope of what all these "scientists" agree to.

OK Alabama. You and your ilk can support those who would create a theocratic oligarchy that will exist in a polluted and war torn Mad Max type of dystopian world. My only question is, do you really want that, or, are you so delusional and uninformed to not know that is what these people represent?

Here is an idea that you might like. Let’s require that all members of congress be Evangelical Christians, that the President and his cabinet be made up entirely of bank executives and that all members of congress must be other corporate CEO’s or board members. That should do it. The perfect plan if you really hate America as we know it that much.
You watch too many movies. Less than 5% of us go to tent revivals though I suppose more attend church regularly than in say SanFrancisco. There is no hint of Mad Max anarchy despite your uninformed fantasy.
We've read the first Ammendment here to we have no desire to force our beliefs o0n you as long as you extend us the same courtesy

You probably should check off the talking points you touch on as you p[ropagandize about them. Yiu seem to first suggest we think all members of Congress should be evangelical Christians. Later you change to corporate CEOs and board members.

I could be wrong, but I'm betting that you would like to be taken seriously here.

My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Rubio's positions on immigration, particularly illegal immigration, are unacceptable.

I am strongly in favor of Ted Cruz, myself. He's also Hispanic - not that I personally give a damn about that - and he's intelligent, conservative, and willing to take on both the Democrats and the do-nothing Republican establishment. He has also consistently shown himself capable of doing so as a mature, thoughtful adult, without stridency.

When Black Lives Matter asshats were self-aggrandizing by interrupting the speeches of various candidates with their blathering tantrums, people like Bernie Sanders allowed themselves to be derailed and even hounded off the stage. Ted Cruz, on the other hand, responded calmly and respectfully, maintained control of the situation and his rally, and convinced the protestors to engage in the closest thing they could manage to a reasoned give-and-take with him.

And, of course, we all saw him take on the media and their liberal bias in the last debate. It was measured, reasoned, incisive, and utterly devastating.

Cruz!!!?? Are you serious...he's a stale joke without a punch line. He makes no sense on anything from the economy to social issues. You might want to take a look at some of the dirt that I dug up on him that I posted here: Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Unless you're a religious nut case, or very wealthy, there is no reason to support him or any Republican. Here is more on Cruz:

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples | Page 65 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 10/29/2015 11:26 am

Glenn Beck dedicated a portion of his television program last night to the remainder of his one-on-one interview with Sen. Ted Cruz, in which the GOP presidential hopeful declared that those who believe in climate change do not bother to cite facts in support of their position because, for them, it is a religion. Pointing to a recent congressional hearing in which he grilled the president of the Sierra Club about the supposed lack of data and evidence for the existence of global warming, Cruz told Beck that "climate change is not science, it's religion." - See more at: Ted Cruz: 'Climate Change Is Not Science, It's Religion'
As far as what you linked to here, I agree with Cruz.
Like Cecelie, your (as in Progressives and Progressive media) dislike of a candidate is actually a plus when I decide who I will support.
Hell! Global warming isn't even global warming any more. It's "climate change". You STILL claim consensus despite changing the the scope of what all these "scientists" agree to.

OK Alabama. You and your ilk can support those who would create a theocratic oligarchy that will exist in a polluted and war torn Mad Max type of dystopian world. My only question is, do you really want that, or, are you so delusional and uninformed to not know that is what these people represent?

Here is an idea that you might like. Let’s require that all members of congress be Evangelical Christians, that the President and his cabinet be made up entirely of bank executives and that all members of congress must be other corporate CEO’s or board members. That should do it. The perfect plan if you really hate America as we know it that much.
You watch too many movies. Less than 5% of us go to tent revivals though I suppose more attend church regularly than in say SanFrancisco. There is no hint of Mad Max anarchy despite your uninformed fantasy.
We've read the first Ammendment here to we have no desire to force our beliefs o0n you as long as you extend us the same courtesy

You probably should check off the talking points you touch on as you p[ropagandize about them. Yiu seem to first suggest we think all members of Congress should be evangelical Christians. Later you change to corporate CEOs and board members.

I could be wrong, but I'm betting that you would like to be taken seriously here.


As I suspected, you people are in denial about what these Republicans represent and the havoc that they would wreak on the country. It doesn’t matter that only a small percentage of “us” whoever that is, attends tent revivals. What matters is who is elected –and you support the theocrats and the oligarchists. They want a theocracy and an oligarchy, and while no saying so in so many words-clearly are advocating for exactly that. Wake up!

You say that “we” have no wish to force our beliefs on you,( which I don’t buy) but “they” do and you support “them” Listen to the rhetoric on issues like same sex marriage, and reproductive rights. This is dangerous and frightening to anyone with a brain in their head that works.

My comments about the branches of government was satirical -but that was apparently lost on you.

I don’t expect to be taken seriously by people who have been brainwashed into supporting the radical right, even while their agenda is contrary to their best interests. However, I am indeed serious.
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
Did you forget what the GOP did 2000-2006 when they had control of all 3 houses? It wasn't good.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.

you're a major fail at life

put down the bong and get help
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
Did you forget what the GOP did 2000-2006 when they had control of all 3 houses? It wasn't good.

they crashed the economy and destabilized the mid east
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.

you're a major fail at life

put down the bong and get help
The bong doesn't affect me the same way.

republican lies - My Yahoo Search Results
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.

you're a major fail at life

put down the bong and get help
The bong doesn't affect me the same way.

i hear ya.

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