Republicans Need to Get Real About the 2016 Elections

Wow!! Was there a Democrat debate last night? Hardly a word about it on the news. Such enthusiasm. With this much enthusiasm, are you folks going to get anyone to dhow up come election day? You guys have a debate yet all the chatter remains to be about Republican candidates. LOL!!!
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
Lie #3 WHEN have you seen me support Cruz? Over Hillary? for shit sure, but I am and have been a Rubio supporter.
Lie #4 I understand humor and satire. You've shown neither. What you showed was abject stupidity. A slip, at first, but you've now tripled down on it and like any good Liberal, refuse to admit your mistake.
I spent 30 seconds at your Daily banter link. Unobjective bullshit.
10 more lies there.
Moving on to Charles and David Koch. Yup billionaires who support Conservative causes, but no more so than George Soros is supporting Liberal causes.
Not a lie, but not a valid complaint, either.
Soros and other rich Liberals will spend every bit as much money trying to "Fundamentally transform America"

We're pretty fucking tired of seeing our once great country into the rich uncle that everyone goes to for money but shoes no respect to.
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
Lie #3 WHEN have you seen me support Cruz? Over Hillary? for shit sure, but I am and have been a Rubio supporter.
Lie #4 I understand humor and satire. You've shown neither. What you showed was abject stupidity. A slip, at first, but you've now tripled down on it and like any good Liberal, refuse to admit your mistake.
I spent 30 seconds at your Daily banter link. Unobjective bullshit.
10 more lies there.
Moving on to Charles and David Koch. Yup billionaires who support Conservative causes, but no more so than George Soros is supporting Liberal causes.
Not a lie, but not a valid complaint, either.
Soros and other rich Liberals will spend every bit as much money trying to "Fundamentally transform America"

We're pretty fucking tired of seeing our once great country into the rich uncle that everyone goes to for money but shoes no respect to.

OH Rubio! Pardon me. Are we supposed to be impressed with that as an enlightened choice ? He may come off as appearing a little more sane than Cruz, but underneath he is cut from the same theocratic mold.

Marco Rubio Picks Anti-Gay Birther To Chair Alabama Campaign
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 11/03/2015, 1:57pm
Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign announced last week that its operation in Alabama would be chaired by state Rep. Will Ainsworth and former state Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead, according to
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 09/22/2015, 12:02pm
There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions
SUBMITTED BY: Kyle Mantyla, Monday 08/17/2015, 1:44pm
Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio: Gay Rights 'A Real And Present Danger' To Freedom
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Tuesday 05/26/2015, 10:50am
Marco Rubio was the subject of a fawning profile on today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” in which host Pat Robertson hailed the GOP presidential candidate as “the Democrats’ worst nightmare.” In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Rubio warned that gay marriage represents “a real and present danger” to America because gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.” “We are at the water’s edge of the argument that... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

As for the Koch Brothers vs. Soros goes, the issue is not contributing to a political is what that cause represents. It's who has a vision for the country that is viable and beneficial to the greatest number of people and it is damned sure not the Kochs.

And please get off this imaginary "mistake" that you keep accusing me of . There was NO mistake.
The only way to stop the country's accelerating decline is to elect a Republican House, Senate and President. With which candidate is this most likely? I am concerned that a nominee who is too strident may cause some voters to hedge their bets by voting for Democratic senators. Thoughts?
My first choice would be Marco Rubio. "I mean, you got the first mainstream Hispanic who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."

The jew billionaires seem to like him as well. Way too hawkish for the likes of me.

you're a major fail at life

put down the bong and get help

Or just consider it a compliment that such a walking advertisement for extra-late-term abortion as Jillian doesn't approve of you. Believe me, Penelope, you do NOT want to be a "winner at life" by Jillian's standards.
Look son we don't really care what you "buy" We will expose your lies and demand you back up accusations.

You fuck up and call it satire. You have no shame.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
Lie #3 WHEN have you seen me support Cruz? Over Hillary? for shit sure, but I am and have been a Rubio supporter.
Lie #4 I understand humor and satire. You've shown neither. What you showed was abject stupidity. A slip, at first, but you've now tripled down on it and like any good Liberal, refuse to admit your mistake.
I spent 30 seconds at your Daily banter link. Unobjective bullshit.
10 more lies there.
Moving on to Charles and David Koch. Yup billionaires who support Conservative causes, but no more so than George Soros is supporting Liberal causes.
Not a lie, but not a valid complaint, either.
Soros and other rich Liberals will spend every bit as much money trying to "Fundamentally transform America"

We're pretty fucking tired of seeing our once great country into the rich uncle that everyone goes to for money but shoes no respect to.

OH Rubio! Pardon me. Are we supposed to be impressed with that as an enlightened choice ? He may come off as appearing a little more sane than Cruz, but underneath he is cut from the same theocratic mold.

Marco Rubio Picks Anti-Gay Birther To Chair Alabama Campaign
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 11/03/2015, 1:57pm
Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign announced last week that its operation in Alabama would be chaired by state Rep. Will Ainsworth and former state Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead, according to
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 09/22/2015, 12:02pm
There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions
SUBMITTED BY: Kyle Mantyla, Monday 08/17/2015, 1:44pm
Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio: Gay Rights 'A Real And Present Danger' To Freedom
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Tuesday 05/26/2015, 10:50am
Marco Rubio was the subject of a fawning profile on today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” in which host Pat Robertson hailed the GOP presidential candidate as “the Democrats’ worst nightmare.” In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Rubio warned that gay marriage represents “a real and present danger” to America because gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.” “We are at the water’s edge of the argument that... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

As for the Koch Brothers vs. Soros goes, the issue is not contributing to a political is what that cause represents. It's who has a vision for the country that is viable and beneficial to the greatest number of people and it is damned sure not the Kochs.

And please get off this imaginary "mistake" that you keep accusing me of . There was NO mistake.
Soros' vision is communism with him at the top of the politburo.
You may like the idea of the rich paying the way for everyone else. Me, I believe a real man provides for his own living and he's not satisfied with his life style, he should get an education and work his ass off until he is.
It's not my job to see that some liberal's kids have the latest IPhone. It's HIS. My kids are just fine thanks due to me working a second job when I had to, finishing my degree nights after working a full time job, paying for child care out of my pocket and paying for my kids' school lunches. I took responsibility for my actions. I'm sorry you can't do the same.

As for the mistake.... You proposed 2 different make-up's for Congress. What else should I call such an obvious fuck-up?
Last edited:
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
Lie #3 WHEN have you seen me support Cruz? Over Hillary? for shit sure, but I am and have been a Rubio supporter.
Lie #4 I understand humor and satire. You've shown neither. What you showed was abject stupidity. A slip, at first, but you've now tripled down on it and like any good Liberal, refuse to admit your mistake.
I spent 30 seconds at your Daily banter link. Unobjective bullshit.
10 more lies there.
Moving on to Charles and David Koch. Yup billionaires who support Conservative causes, but no more so than George Soros is supporting Liberal causes.
Not a lie, but not a valid complaint, either.
Soros and other rich Liberals will spend every bit as much money trying to "Fundamentally transform America"

We're pretty fucking tired of seeing our once great country into the rich uncle that everyone goes to for money but shoes no respect to.

OH Rubio! Pardon me. Are we supposed to be impressed with that as an enlightened choice ? He may come off as appearing a little more sane than Cruz, but underneath he is cut from the same theocratic mold.

Marco Rubio Picks Anti-Gay Birther To Chair Alabama Campaign
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 11/03/2015, 1:57pm
Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign announced last week that its operation in Alabama would be chaired by state Rep. Will Ainsworth and former state Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead, according to
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 09/22/2015, 12:02pm
There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions
SUBMITTED BY: Kyle Mantyla, Monday 08/17/2015, 1:44pm
Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio: Gay Rights 'A Real And Present Danger' To Freedom
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Tuesday 05/26/2015, 10:50am
Marco Rubio was the subject of a fawning profile on today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” in which host Pat Robertson hailed the GOP presidential candidate as “the Democrats’ worst nightmare.” In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Rubio warned that gay marriage represents “a real and present danger” to America because gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.” “We are at the water’s edge of the argument that... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

As for the Koch Brothers vs. Soros goes, the issue is not contributing to a political is what that cause represents. It's who has a vision for the country that is viable and beneficial to the greatest number of people and it is damned sure not the Kochs.

And please get off this imaginary "mistake" that you keep accusing me of . There was NO mistake.
Soros,\' vision is communism with him at the top of the politburo.
You may like the idea of the rich paying the way for everyone else. Me, I believe a real man provides for his own living and he's not satisfied with his life style, he should get an education and work his ass off until he is.
It's not my job to see that some liberal's kids have the latest IPhone. It's HIS. My kids are just fine thanks due to me working a second job when I had to, finishing my degree nights after working a full time job, paying for child care out of my pocket and paying for my kids' school lunches. I took responsibility for my actions. I'm sorry you can't do the same.

As for the mistake.... You proposed 2 different make-up's for Congress. What else should I call such an obvious fuck-up?

H-1B Expert: Marco Rubio Fakes Opposition to H-1B Outsourcing
If you think a man should earn his pay, how do you fell about Mr. Slave Labor Rubio?
good catch.
I don't like everything about anyone. Marco is the best I've got so far. Besides I've met him and he's a great guy.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.

Property in Nassau County is skyrocketing.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.

Property in Nassau County is skyrocketing.
Yep.....and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.

Property in Nassau County is skyrocketing.
Yep.....and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.

My advice...lose weight.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.

Property in Nassau County is skyrocketing.
Yep.....and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.
The truth is.....all economies are local.
Unemployment is down, the stock market has been in record territory for many months now, and the economy is recovering.

If we elect Republicans, we're going to go backwards, because they want to sell us out to the corporations and big oil.
Nothing is getting putting a Republican in the White House is the only way to break the stalemate in Washington.

BTW, property values have been in the toilet since Obama took office. Everything I own is worth less than it did the day he became president. Wages are down and the cost of living is way up. That is the state of the economy.

Property in Nassau County is skyrocketing.
Yep.....and I'm Rosie O'Donnell.

My advice...lose weight.
Wow bubba! Sounds like you're coming a bit unhinged. Care to specify what those lies are? Want to go lie for lie?
Lie #1
you support the theocrats and the oligarchists.

No, we don't at all I do support people who support religious freedom. I'm just as protective of you're right to not practice as I am my right to observe my religion.
Lie #2 you fucked up re Congressmen and attempted to sluff it off by calling it satire.
Boy, I don't know where you come form, but at USMB, you are not the smartest person in the room. Here, you're about 3/4 of the way back towards "box of rocks"
Insisting you're enlightened and Conservatives are inbred rednecks should be left to the few Liberals here with an IQ over room temperature.

Oh, I lied by saying that you support the theocrats and oligarchists? YOU SUPPORT CRUZ.! Read my posts about him! Then tell me again how it’s a lie.

As for your “lie 2” I don’t know what the fuck your talking about but it’s obvious that you don’t understand humor and satire. That is a hallmark of ridged and concrete thinking….and you have the gall to say that I’m not bright.

Now bubba…you want some real lies?? Here you are …..

Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies Debunking the Top 10 Most Egregious Republican Lies - The Daily Banter

Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies Americans Against Fox News and Republican Lies

"There are a fair number of groups and individuals in America that warrant seriously extreme animus as enemies of the people, but none more so than Charles and David Koch. Their reach across the government, particularly at the state level, has already “hurt and destroyed private citizens” and the brothers are far from finished assaulting Americans. They intend on spending hundreds-of-millions of dollars more in the next election because as the brothers admitted on national television; they expect results for their investment that include America without a government and a population of peasants serving the un-American fascist brothers."
Lie #3 WHEN have you seen me support Cruz? Over Hillary? for shit sure, but I am and have been a Rubio supporter.
Lie #4 I understand humor and satire. You've shown neither. What you showed was abject stupidity. A slip, at first, but you've now tripled down on it and like any good Liberal, refuse to admit your mistake.
I spent 30 seconds at your Daily banter link. Unobjective bullshit.
10 more lies there.
Moving on to Charles and David Koch. Yup billionaires who support Conservative causes, but no more so than George Soros is supporting Liberal causes.
Not a lie, but not a valid complaint, either.
Soros and other rich Liberals will spend every bit as much money trying to "Fundamentally transform America"

We're pretty fucking tired of seeing our once great country into the rich uncle that everyone goes to for money but shoes no respect to.

OH Rubio! Pardon me. Are we supposed to be impressed with that as an enlightened choice ? He may come off as appearing a little more sane than Cruz, but underneath he is cut from the same theocratic mold.

Marco Rubio Picks Anti-Gay Birther To Chair Alabama Campaign
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 11/03/2015, 1:57pm
Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign announced last week that its operation in Alabama would be chaired by state Rep. Will Ainsworth and former state Republican Party chairman Bill Armistead, according to
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio's Planned Parenthood Whopper Places Him In Far-Right Fringe
SUBMITTED BY: Miranda Blue, Tuesday 09/22/2015, 12:02pm
There have been several layers of lies that have grown out of the smear campaign that anti-choice groups are currently waging against Planned Parenthood. The first is the baseless allegation found in the heavily edited tapes that activists calling themselves the Center for Medical Progress have been slowly releasing: That Planned Parenthood violated federal laws by profiting from its voluntary fetal tissue donation program. (Or, in CMP’s words, is “selling aborted baby parts for profit.”) Those allegations do not hold water. CMP’s videos edited out many instances of... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio Reiterates His Opposition To Rape Or Incest Exceptions
SUBMITTED BY: Kyle Mantyla, Monday 08/17/2015, 1:44pm
Sen. Marco Rubio called into Glenn Beck's radio program today and reiterated his position that abortion ought to be outlawed, including in cases of rape or incest, predicting that within 100 years, people will look back on legal abortion with disbelief. "I believe a human being is entitled to life, irrespective of the circumstances in which that human being was conceived and so forth," the Florida Republican said. "Now I recognize that other people don't hold that view and in order to save lives in this country, I have supported bills that had to have exceptions in them... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio: Gay Rights 'A Real And Present Danger' To Freedom
SUBMITTED BY: Brian Tashman, Tuesday 05/26/2015, 10:50am
Marco Rubio was the subject of a fawning profile on today’s edition of “The 700 Club,” in which host Pat Robertson hailed the GOP presidential candidate as “the Democrats’ worst nightmare.” In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Rubio warned that gay marriage represents “a real and present danger” to America because gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.” “We are at the water’s edge of the argument that... MORE >
- See more at: Marco Rubio | Right Wing Watch

As for the Koch Brothers vs. Soros goes, the issue is not contributing to a political is what that cause represents. It's who has a vision for the country that is viable and beneficial to the greatest number of people and it is damned sure not the Kochs.

And please get off this imaginary "mistake" that you keep accusing me of . There was NO mistake.
Soros' vision is communism with him at the top of the politburo.
You may like the idea of the rich paying the way for everyone else. Me, I believe a real man provides for his own living and he's not satisfied with his life style, he should get an education and work his ass off until he is.
It's not my job to see that some liberal's kids have the latest IPhone. It's HIS. My kids are just fine thanks due to me working a second job when I had to, finishing my degree nights after working a full time job, paying for child care out of my pocket and paying for my kids' school lunches. I took responsibility for my actions. I'm sorry you can't do the same.

As for the mistake.... You proposed 2 different make-up's for Congress. What else should I call such an obvious fuck-up?

Oh I see what it is that you're having a hissy fit over... A TYPO! I said :

Here is an idea that you might like. Let’s require that all members of congress be Evangelical Christians, that the President and his cabinet be made up entirely of bank executives and that all members of congress must be other corporate CEO’s or board members. That should do it. The perfect plan if you really hate America as we know it that much.

It was a typo idiot. And a joke which you still don't get. I meant to say:

Here is an idea that you might like. Let’s require that all members of congress be Evangelical Christians, that the President and his cabinet be made up entirely of bank executives and that all members of Supreme Court must be other corporate CEO’s or board members. That should do it. The perfect plan if you really hate America as we know it that much.
The fact that you have to latch on to something like that, and continue to whine about it tell me all that I need to know about you. You have nothing else to hang a hat on so you have to dwell on some petty bull shit like that, which was NOT serious.

As far a Soros being a Communist....that is just as stupid as stupid gets . A "real man" ? You inhabit some strange world in a strange time and place.
Trump and Carson,.........the GOP own grave diggers.
Ben Carson: The confusing world of an equally confused GOP front runner Ben Carson: The confusing world of an equally confused GOP front runner

When Donald Trump blasted to the top of the presidential polls in July, it became clear 2016 would be a very unusual election cycle for Republicans trying to nominate someone to win back the White House.

Then things got stranger. Trump fell out of first place, nudged aside by a candidate who is his temperamental opposite but resembles the mogul in one crucial aspect: Dr Ben Carson, a soft-spoken retired pediatric neurosurgeon, has zero background in politics.

But does Ben Carson really belong there?

Carson is more than an American success story, brilliant brain surgeon and bestselling author of 10 Christian-themed books. He has also coined some of the most outlandish statements ever uttered on the national stage, a purveyor of bizarre conspiracy theories and a provocateur who compares abortion to slavery and same-sex marriage to pedophilia.
People seemed to be content
Freaks were in a circus tent
Not running for President
Those were the days
This is the latest Predictwise summary of the odds bookies are giving as of 11/08/2015.

Compared to a month ago, Bush and Fiorina have fallen. Rubio, Cruz and Trump have risen. Carson, the same.

2016 President - Republican Nomination | PredictWise

44% Rubio
20% Trump
12% Cruz
10% Bush
06% Carson
04% Christie

Other candidates 2% or lower.
This is the latest Predictwise summary of the odds bookies are giving as of 11/08/2015.

Compared to a month ago, Bush and Fiorina have fallen. Rubio, Cruz and Trump have risen. Carson, the same.

2016 President - Republican Nomination | PredictWise

44% Rubio
20% Trump
12% Cruz
10% Bush
06% Carson
04% Christie

Other candidates 2% or lower.

That's interesting....I wonder how many people actually know much about Rubio...

Rubio | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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