Republicans newest defense: Prove it to Putin, C.I.A.!

Not until after Obama leaves office because he is preventing the intel services from testifying on this matter before Congress.
Or the secret report isn't nearly as compelling as the Washington Post and the New York Times would like us to believe.

They've already briefed several members of congress already. They didnt go in front of one partisan committee and you guys dismiss all the other briefings like Republicans and Democrats, the CIA, FBI and all the Intel agencies are attempting to smear Russia's good name.
I'd love to evidence of this so called secret report. Wouldn't you?

Me too but thats not what you're saying. You're saying since you dont have it, it doesnt exist. For Putin. Presenting information to Congress isnt good enough...our intel agencies arent good enough. Putin's word is all you need because his credibility far exceeds ours.
I see your point now. I don't know why I didn't get it before. Obviously anything our leaders and representatives say about anything must be true, because they wouldn't lie to us. When ever our government says it can't show us proof of something, because that would compromise intelligence gathering capability, we should never question it.

You're not questioning it, you're saying it's a lie because Putin said so. Putin says prove it and you want us to reveal how we tracked Putin? Show him the playbook?

Because despite the evidence, the consensus and Russias record you still don't believe it and that's someone else's problem but your own? You'll have the evidence and you'll still question it. That's how you operate.....Putin and Trump are right no matter what! Although Trump never said it was a lie.
Or the secret report isn't nearly as compelling as the Washington Post and the New York Times would like us to believe.

They've already briefed several members of congress already. They didnt go in front of one partisan committee and you guys dismiss all the other briefings like Republicans and Democrats, the CIA, FBI and all the Intel agencies are attempting to smear Russia's good name.
I'd love to evidence of this so called secret report. Wouldn't you?

Me too but thats not what you're saying. You're saying since you dont have it, it doesnt exist. For Putin. Presenting information to Congress isnt good enough...our intel agencies arent good enough. Putin's word is all you need because his credibility far exceeds ours.
I see your point now. I don't know why I didn't get it before. Obviously anything our leaders and representatives say about anything must be true, because they wouldn't lie to us. When ever our government says it can't show us proof of something, because that would compromise intelligence gathering capability, we should never question it.

You're not questioning it, you're saying it's a lie because Putin said so. Putin says prove it and you want us to reveal how we tracked Putin? Show him the playbook?

Because despite the evidence, the consensus and Russias record you still don't believe it and that's someone else's problem but your own? You'll have the evidence and you'll still question it. That's how you operate.....Putin and Trump are right no matter what! Although Trump never said it was a lie.
Your faith is truly inspiring. I only have my agnostic skepticism to rely on.
Or the secret report isn't nearly as compelling as the Washington Post and the New York Times would like us to believe.

They've already briefed several members of congress already. They didnt go in front of one partisan committee and you guys dismiss all the other briefings like Republicans and Democrats, the CIA, FBI and all the Intel agencies are attempting to smear Russia's good name.
I'd love to evidence of this so called secret report. Wouldn't you?

Me too but thats not what you're saying. You're saying since you dont have it, it doesnt exist. For Putin. Presenting information to Congress isnt good enough...our intel agencies arent good enough. Putin's word is all you need because his credibility far exceeds ours.
I see your point now. I don't know why I didn't get it before. Obviously anything our leaders and representatives say about anything must be true, because they wouldn't lie to us. When ever our government says it can't show us proof of something, because that would compromise intelligence gathering capability, we should never question it.

You're not questioning it, you're saying it's a lie because Putin said so. Putin says prove it and you want us to reveal how we tracked Putin? Show him the playbook?

Because despite the evidence, the consensus and Russias record you still don't believe it and that's someone else's problem but your own? You'll have the evidence and you'll still question it. That's how you operate.....Putin and Trump are right no matter what! Although Trump never said it was a lie.

nobody cares

Story officially ended around 5:30pm eastern time tonight.

Its all the bumpy all the time s0n!! Time to swap out that avatar!!:bye1:
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Obama's new point of attack:

Evidence? what is that? My butt hurts.


Your new line of defense: They showed both parties evidence but I was told not to believe they have evidence because Putin hasn't seen it.





How do you prove a negative? Senate democrat minority leader Chuck Schumer want's to hire a bunch of political hacks to "investigate" the allegations because he doesn't trust the findings of the FBI and CIA. You almost gotta laugh about the desperation of the looser left to keep the phony issue alive and the willingness of the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media to go along with the democrat party's corruption. As usual the mainstream media and the democrat party underestimates the intelligence of the voters and I expect that the issue will backfire big time and the media will abandon it.
Why are you so opposed to Congress examining the evidence behind the CIA's allegations? Are you afraid they won't stand up?

I'll say this again reeeaaaal slow.

They have presented evidence to Congress.

Got it now? Since no evidence means they were lying I guess now you've flipped sides with this new info huh?
In the past they have, but now

So you were lying and knew they presented the evidence to congress. Which means the whole time you were saying "they haven't presented evidence" you knew was wrong.
Do you even believe any of the stuff you post? It's hard to believe anyone could be quite that stupid.

Well yes, and so do you. Now that I've forced you to admit there is evidence of hacking AND it has presented to Congress you can stop looking like a fool and join reality.
Even you can't be that stupid to believe the crap you are posting.
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The damn thing is the liberal press can come out and LIE to try and change an election and that's okay by them. But you bring the TRUTH and its wrong? That IS screwed up.

I've never been prouder of my fellow Americans for seeing through the propaganda and voting Trump in......:salute::salute::salute:......

The propaganda was from Russia, that has now benn told to you by nearly all the US intelligence agencies...

Must be something when so called patriots believe a ex-KGB war criminal over the very agencies that gave lives to keep them safe for decades...

How do you justify that to yourself? You sell out your country for a few empty promises...

Propaganda are lies. If Russia was behind the Wikileaks leaks, and that if is still undetermined, what was leaked that turned out to be lies, false, propaganda?
Did you get a momentary faux head rush thinking that you are a patriot?
If Hillary had been a strong candidate, the leaks wouldn't have had any impact. The reality, though, is that she was a terrible candidate.
Why the big upset about Russia wanting to influence our election? Doesn't everyone realize:

1. EVERY nation on the face of the earth wants to influence other nations' elections if they can.
2. WE routinely interfere in other nations' elections, even going to war to overthrow their governments and install ones we like better.

It seems that the shock and dismay is a bit misguided.
LOL Think about your thread title and think about how dumb it is.

Your making fun of Republicans for asking for proof to substantiate an allegation. Isn't this the foundation of our country of laws? You can't just make up stuff and expect to not prove it with evidence to support your claim.
Here is a very simple question did those hacked e-mails reveal anything about Hillary Clinton that was not already known or suspected? If it did please share it. If not how does releasing information about someone that is already known and public knowledge change an election?
The damn thing is the liberal press can come out and LIE to try and change an election and that's okay by them. But you bring the TRUTH and its wrong? That IS screwed up.

I've never been prouder of my fellow Americans for seeing through the propaganda and voting Trump in......:salute::salute::salute:......

The propaganda was from Russia, that has now benn told to you by nearly all the US intelligence agencies...

Must be something when so called patriots believe a ex-KGB war criminal over the very agencies that gave lives to keep them safe for decades...

How do you justify that to yourself? You sell out your country for a few empty promises...

Propaganda are lies. If Russia was behind the Wikileaks leaks, and that if is still undetermined, what was leaked that turned out to be lies, false, propaganda?
Did you get a momentary faux head rush thinking that you are a patriot?
If Hillary had been a strong candidate, the leaks wouldn't have had any impact. The reality, though, is that she was a terrible candidate.

And............the leaks were the irrefutable truth, to boot!
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Crazy regressives are now claiming that "PROOF" is a laughable concept?

Indeed, why have proof when you can just assert things? That saves a few brain cycles, the capacity of which is limited to these people.
Crazy! Putin says prove it and were supposed to what? Show him how we tracked his hackers? ROFL.

Of course then they say "They should show it to Congress and they didnt. That's proof our intel agencies are lying on the good background of Russia" Lol whut? As if they are lying because they didn't show proof. Ok! They have shown proof to both parties in congress. Now what? They'll slither away again to a new excuse.

All for the defense of...Russia? What happened to you guys?

Crazy regressives are now claiming that "PROOF" is a laughable concept?

Indeed, why have proof when you can just assert things? That saves a few brain cycles, the capacity of which is limited to these people.

Like you just did...Assert they dont have proof because you say so. And then you had the nerve to say its what regressives do before doing it :eusa_naughty:
Is it true that Canada is turning back American liberals at the border due to having a ban on admitting 'Krazy Klowns'?

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