Republicans: Obama must defend Christian values

so follow your own beliefs.

leave everyone else alone.

Redfish lives in the Louisiana bubble. They think that everyone in the entire world is either Catholic or Baptist. They have never met an atheist, or even an Episcopalian, for that matter. If you told them that there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, they would definitely assume that you are crazy, or lying. Everybody in Louisiana went to Catholic school...even a lot of the Baptists. That is where they get a lot of their beliefs about abortion, gays, and reproduction. It is like a foreign country down there.

LOL, many of my relatives are Episcopalian, my father was a Congregationalist, my mother was a Methodist, I have relatives who are atheists.

As to muslims, that 2 billion people do not believe that abortion is right, even though they believe that murder of non-muslims is no only acceptable, but encouraged.

If an unborn child is not a human being, why is it two counts of murder when a pregnant woman is killed?

I have no issue with gays except that their legal unions should not be referred to as marriages. A marriage is one man and one woman, anything else is a civil union.

It is not 2 counts of murder when the fetus is under 20 weeks.
depends on which state it happens in.

they shouldn't do that. and yes, it happens in some states. but again, that has to do with divesting the mother of something... not divesting her of her right to reproductive choice.

horseshit, it has to do with protecting the life of an unborn human being. YOU do not have the right to kill another human being even if he/she has not been born yet.
Most Christians and many other religions believe that life begins at conception. Do you know that in China you are considered to be one year old at birth.

That abortion is murder is not just my value, it is the value of a majority of the people on earth. You baby killers are the minority view.

so follow your own beliefs.

leave everyone else alone.

We follow the law in this country, not any set of beliefs. Currently abortion is legal, that's the law until it gets changed. Remember girl, your momma was pro life.

How do you know her mother isn't pro-choice?

because she is alive, idiot.

i am pro choice. i have an 18 year old son i CHOSE to have.

now be a good boy and stop trying to impose your religious dogma on the rest of us.

If you are pro-choice have your lover put on a condom, take BC pills, or have him pull out at the last moment. Take some responsibility for your actions, don't murder the result of them.
This is not a religious position, its based on human anatomy and biology.
I saycall it a civil union but grant it the same privileges as marriage. That is fair.

Ok. it's a civil union. That should resolve that issue 100%. Hopefully, we can move on to something more important, like wedding cakes.

calling it a civil union creates a separate class that is unwarranted by our law.
I saycall it a civil union but grant it the same privileges as marriage. That is fair.

why? they should be denied the same status as everyone else because it offends you?

you understand this issue is a dead one now, right? done. finito. the court ruled.

have a good day.

settled for now. But not forever. Right and wrong do not have time limitations.
so follow your own beliefs.

leave everyone else alone.

We follow the law in this country, not any set of beliefs. Currently abortion is legal, that's the law until it gets changed. Remember girl, your momma was pro life.

How do you know her mother isn't pro-choice?

because she is alive, idiot.

i am pro choice. i have an 18 year old son i CHOSE to have.

now be a good boy and stop trying to impose your religious dogma on the rest of us.

If you are pro-choice have your lover put on a condom, take BC pills, or have him pull out at the last moment. Take some responsibility for your actions, don't murder the result of them.
This is not a religious position, its based on human anatomy and biology.

The Catholic church condemns artificial birth control.
Redfish lives in the Louisiana bubble. They think that everyone in the entire world is either Catholic or Baptist. They have never met an atheist, or even an Episcopalian, for that matter. If you told them that there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, they would definitely assume that you are crazy, or lying. Everybody in Louisiana went to Catholic school...even a lot of the Baptists. That is where they get a lot of their beliefs about abortion, gays, and reproduction. It is like a foreign country down there.

LOL, many of my relatives are Episcopalian, my father was a Congregationalist, my mother was a Methodist, I have relatives who are atheists.

As to muslims, that 2 billion people do not believe that abortion is right, even though they believe that murder of non-muslims is no only acceptable, but encouraged.

If an unborn child is not a human being, why is it two counts of murder when a pregnant woman is killed?

I have no issue with gays except that their legal unions should not be referred to as marriages. A marriage is one man and one woman, anything else is a civil union.

It is not 2 counts of murder when the fetus is under 20 weeks.
depends on which state it happens in.

they shouldn't do that. and yes, it happens in some states. but again, that has to do with divesting the mother of something... not divesting her of her right to reproductive choice.

horseshit, it has to do with protecting the life of an unborn human being. YOU do not have the right to kill another human being even if he/she has not been born yet.

That's one opinion.
Redfish lives in the Louisiana bubble. They think that everyone in the entire world is either Catholic or Baptist. They have never met an atheist, or even an Episcopalian, for that matter. If you told them that there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world, they would definitely assume that you are crazy, or lying. Everybody in Louisiana went to Catholic school...even a lot of the Baptists. That is where they get a lot of their beliefs about abortion, gays, and reproduction. It is like a foreign country down there.

LOL, many of my relatives are Episcopalian, my father was a Congregationalist, my mother was a Methodist, I have relatives who are atheists.

As to muslims, that 2 billion people do not believe that abortion is right, even though they believe that murder of non-muslims is no only acceptable, but encouraged.

If an unborn child is not a human being, why is it two counts of murder when a pregnant woman is killed?

I have no issue with gays except that their legal unions should not be referred to as marriages. A marriage is one man and one woman, anything else is a civil union.

It is not 2 counts of murder when the fetus is under 20 weeks.
depends on which state it happens in.

they shouldn't do that. and yes, it happens in some states. but again, that has to do with divesting the mother of something... not divesting her of her right to reproductive choice.

horseshit, it has to do with protecting the life of an unborn human being. YOU do not have the right to kill another human being even if he/she has not been born yet.

and Roe v Wade already held that the governmental interest does not kick in until after the first trimester.

again, stay out of everyone else's business. and stop trying to impose your religious dogma on everyone else. make your own decisions.

you (and most people, if we're going to be fair) aren't smart enough to make decisions for others.
The biblical teachings of Jesus include:[3]

...there are your Christian values, RW'ers...get to work adhering to them.

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