Republicans Raise National Debt $1 Trillion In Less Than 6 Months

And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

Republicans never cared about the debt. They just have conniption fits about it when demorats are in control. Notice their first major act was spending us into debt by around 1.5 trillion.

King Onegro spent on bottom feeding filth...good, productive people disagree with awarding Guadalupe and ShaQuita with new flat screen tv’s and weed for giving birth to their money trees / anchor babies and creating more of their filthy same.
Good productive people agree with letting good productive people keep more of their OWN hard earned money. Third graders see the can to.
This administration will govern on behalf of our best...get use to it...illegals and bottom feeders no longer make the rules. Good, REAL Americans do.
You’ll need to hire another Black minded communist to run the White House to get what you want again...good luck with that. REAL Americans want their country’re fucked!
My you sure do trash talk Trump the welfare queen...
Wait, Democrats stand ready to cut spending to reduce the deficit? Have they told president Trump?
Maybe they should shut down the govt. deny funding the debt and make the president sequester spending and the budget?

Sound familiar?
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

“Hey mothafuckers GIVE me more free shit!”
“Hey mothafuckers stop running up the national debt!” funny bastards can’t really wonder why nobody takes you seriously...can you?

What's funny is the only defense you have of the GOP budget busting is that you think they're doing what Democrats do.
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months
And if the gop didn't anything about the debt you guys accuse us of starving children
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

When the King of Bankruptcy is in the Oval Office...what did you expect? He is going to screw the he did those companies and walk away with money in his pocket. That is his MO...
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

“Hey mothafuckers GIVE me more free shit!”
“Hey mothafuckers stop running up the national debt!” funny bastards can’t really wonder why nobody takes you seriously...can you?

What's funny is the only defense you have of the GOP budget busting is that you think they're doing what Democrats do.

The days of "Pay as you go" only apply when the Dems are in control.
Barry The Fairy.....8 years=$10T of Debt

Had to give Chuck U.Schummer his ransom money to get a budget deal done....that's what happens when you're fighting off a communist takeover. :102:
Barry The Fairy.....8 years=$10T of Debt

Had to give Chuck U.Schummer his ransom money to get a budget deal done....that's what happens when you're fighting off a communist takeover. :102:

Obama was handed a massive recession....the orange clown was given a healthy economy and he STILL is ballooning the deficit. With his tax cuts and his border wall.....the sky is the limit...literally..
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

“Hey mothafuckers GIVE me more free shit!”
“Hey mothafuckers stop running up the national debt!” funny bastards can’t really wonder why nobody takes you seriously...can you?

What's funny is the only defense you have of the GOP budget busting is that you think they're doing what Democrats do.

The days of "Pay as you go" only apply when the Dems are in control.

GW Bush and the GOP let PAYGO die, and you can see the result in Bush's deficits vs. Clinton's.
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

“Hey mothafuckers GIVE me more free shit!”
“Hey mothafuckers stop running up the national debt!” funny bastards can’t really wonder why nobody takes you seriously...can you?

What's funny is the only defense you have of the GOP budget busting is that you think they're doing what Democrats do.

The days of "Pay as you go" only apply when the Dems are in control.

GW Bush and the GOP let PAYGO die, and you can see the result in Bush's deficits vs. Clinton's.

You realize there two rules...
One....deficits don't matter when the GOP is in charge
Two.....when the Dems are in charge...even spending for natural disasters has to be offset.

And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

“Hey mothafuckers GIVE me more free shit!”
“Hey mothafuckers stop running up the national debt!” funny bastards can’t really wonder why nobody takes you seriously...can you?

What's funny is the only defense you have of the GOP budget busting is that you think they're doing what Democrats do.

The days of "Pay as you go" only apply when the Dems are in control.

GW Bush and the GOP let PAYGO die, and you can see the result in Bush's deficits vs. Clinton's.

You realize there two rules...
One....deficits don't matter when the GOP is in charge
Two.....when the Dems are in charge...even spending for natural disasters has to be offset.


Ronald Reagan killed fiscal responsibility by showing that politicians could survive ballooning the deficits and debt.

the only excuse that the Trumptards have for Trump's budget busting is to claim that Obama did it, so somehow that makes Trump doing it a good thing.

So I guess after Trump is ousted, those supporting the Democratic president can, if they choose, justify further deficits and debt

by saying that, Trump did it! ...and all the Trumptards will agree?
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

What is irritating is when the Democrats spend, the Republicans are outraged, when the Republicans spend the Democrats are outraged and in reality, to do what is best for this nation both should find ways to cut spending, increase revenues.

Both parties are irresponsible when it comes to our money.

Give the Republicans a break, they have once again set out to prove a) deficits don't matter, and b) their tax 'reform' will trickle down to all of us.

the only excuse that the Trumptards have for Trump's budget busting is to claim that Obama did it, so somehow that makes Trump doing it a good thing.

So I guess after Trump is ousted, those supporting the Democratic president can, if they choose, justify further deficits and debt

by saying that, Trump did it! ...and all the Trumptards will agree?

The King of Bankruptcy has broken the Damn. The deficit will now spiral out of control under the GOP until....the Dems regain control then they Hypocrites will go screaming into the streets with alarm over the ballooning deficit! That is the way it happens every time...I have been around long enough to see how the song goes.

But the GOP has never elected an unabashed Bankruptcy King, so it is hard to say how high his debt will go.
And will increase another $617 Billion this year due to tax bill signed into law.

As of the latest reporting by the Treasury Department, the US gross national debt rose by $41.5 billion on Thursday, February 22, to a grand total of $20.8 trillion.

Here's the thing: On September 7, 2017, five-and-a-half months ago, just before Congress suspended the debt ceiling, the gross national debt stood at $19.8 trillion.

The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months

They failed to repeal Obama care which the CBO said would cost around 1.2 trillion each year till 2025.
They are spending just like Democrats. It's disgusting

yea? Cause they sure tax-cut the shit out of our revenues like Republicans.
Feel free to kick in some extra. Libs in blue states threw a tantrum when they were asked to pay closer to their fair share. They cried like bitches about the SALT changes. That is because they are greedy and completely full of shit.
They are spending just like Democrats. It's disgusting

yea? Cause they sure tax-cut the shit out of our revenues like Republicans.
Feel free to kick in some extra. Libs in blue states threw a tantrum when they were asked to pay closer to their fair share. They cried like bitches about the SALT changes. That is because they are greedy and completely full of shit.

So I pay for your share of the deal? Fuck no.

If we are going to do this as a country, fine, I'll do my part.

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