Republicans ramming bill through without reading it

Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.

It was passed the same way the original BOcare abomination was passed, with strong arm political tactics.

It's worse, they did not even bother waiting for a CBO report on their legislation, not that the Dim CBO report was not politically skewed.
Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.

It was passed the same way the original BOcare abomination was passed, with strong arm political tactics.

It's worse, they did not even bother waiting for a CBO report on their legislation
That was deliberate.
Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.

It was passed the same way the original BOcare abomination was passed, with strong arm political tactics.

You have no idea.

Obama first came out and said that the debates would be held in full view of the public on C-SPAN. It ended up being behind close doors.

Then Obama said it was not a tax, only for Justice Roberts on the Supreme Court to turn it into a tax just to make it half way Constitutional. Another lie.

Then Obama said we could keep our own coverage and pay less for health care. More lies.

Obama also had to bribe members of his own party with such famous bribes as the Cornhusker kickback and Louisiana Purchase.

The kicker was, Ted Kennedy had been diagnosed with brain cancer and he knew that his vote was needed to pass Obamacare. He was scared that if he died someone might be elected who might not vote for Obamacare. So they did what any democracy hating person would do, they tried to suspend elections and merely appoint a replacement, but failed to do so. To make a long story short,, the liberal people of MA voted for Scott Brown who ran to stop Obamacare, for you see, they had their own health care and were very happy with it and did not want it tinkered with. So that should have been the end of Obamacare, thanks to democracy, but the Dims used Reconciliation to bypass the Senate, something that is not even Constitutional.

And the rest is history.
Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
You do realize that the AHCA is not an actual repeal of ObamaCare, right? And it isn't anywhere near as comprehensive as the ACA.

That's why it is shorter.

But Trump and the idiot Chumps claim it is a repeal of ObamaCare.
Tell that to them:

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Vote passed mostly along party lines 217-213

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Health care: Republicans pass bill to replace Obamacare -

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates
All that will matter to the American voter is what happens to the cost of their health care. Everything else is bullshit.
Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
You do realize that the AHCA is not an actual repeal of ObamaCare, right? And it isn't anywhere near as comprehensive as the ACA.

That's why it is shorter.

But Trump and the idiot Chumps claim it is a repeal of ObamaCare.
Tell that to them:

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Vote passed mostly along party lines 217-213

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Health care: Republicans pass bill to replace Obamacare -

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates
Like I said, the rubes are parroting a lie. It's not a repeal.

I guess you didn't read it, either.

Hey, it's only 200 pages!
Can anyone here imagine Donald Trump reading a 200 page bill?

Me, either.

I can't even imagine him reading a 10 page document, unless it was a bunch of comic strips.

"I should appoint Charles Schultz to my Cabinet."
It's apparent you butt is still hurting for the November loss. Try Preperation H.
So now the libs are concerned about whether a bill is read or not? That's rich! Hey libs how does it feel? You earned it baby, you sat back and allowed irresponsible crap like this for years when it was Pelosi and Reid calling the shots. Live with it snowflakes! It's your monster not ours.
Yes it's ours UNTIL you have the balls to replace it
So just for the record, then, this is the boffo health care plan the Republicans have been building and promising us about for eight years?

'cuz THAT would be pretty EXCITING
Whatever you think of this bill and how it was passed is of no concern to me. What we have now is not working. Put up or shut up is the old mantra. We have all known ins company's are done with Obamacare for years now. Where have the dems been? why haven't they tried to fix it? Hmmmmmmm?
Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
You do realize that the AHCA is not an actual repeal of ObamaCare, right? And it isn't anywhere near as comprehensive as the ACA.

That's why it is shorter.

But Trump and the idiot Chumps claim it is a repeal of ObamaCare.
Tell that to them:

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Vote passed mostly along party lines 217-213

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Health care: Republicans pass bill to replace Obamacare -

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates
Like I said, the rubes are parroting a lie. It's not a repeal.

I guess you didn't read it, either.

Hey, it's only 200 pages!
Your gripe is with CNN and WSJ. Not me.
Can anyone here imagine Donald Trump reading a 200 page bill?

Me, either.

I can't even imagine him reading a 10 page document, unless it was a bunch of comic strips.

"I should appoint Charles Schultz to my Cabinet."
It's apparent you butt is still hurting for the November loss. Try Preperation H.
Actually, I've been butt hurt since the primaries when the pseudocon tards passed over four actual conservatives and chose a New York limousine liberal instead.
Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
You do realize that the AHCA is not an actual repeal of ObamaCare, right? And it isn't anywhere near as comprehensive as the ACA.

That's why it is shorter.

But Trump and the idiot Chumps claim it is a repeal of ObamaCare.
Tell that to them:

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Vote passed mostly along party lines 217-213

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

House Republicans pass bill to replace and repeal Obamacare

Health care: Republicans pass bill to replace Obamacare -

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates

House Passes Bill to Repeal Obamacare: Live Updates
Like I said, the rubes are parroting a lie. It's not a repeal.

I guess you didn't read it, either.

Hey, it's only 200 pages!
Your gripe is with CNN and WSJ. Not me.
No, I pointed out to you that your post was built on a false premise. An apples and oranges comparison.

So my gripe was with YOU, dumbass.
Can anyone here imagine Donald Trump reading a 200 page bill?

Me, either.

I can't even imagine him reading a 10 page document, unless it was a bunch of comic strips.

"I should appoint Charles Schultz to my Cabinet."
It's apparent you butt is still hurting for the November loss. Try Preperation H.
Actually, I've been butt hurt since the primaries when the pseudocon tards passed over four actual conservatives and chose a New York limousine liberal instead.
You can find it in the "Butt Hurt" aisle at the grocery store.
Most bills are not read before they vote on them. The lobbyists write the bills based on the pay off. In this case, the R reps were promised a dream come true:

Its the biggest transfer of wealth in a single bill in the history of the US. It harms the elderly, disabled, women, children, certain disabled vets, will raise premiums sky high, take health care away from the poor, will take health insurance away from most working class and cause the deaths of millions but gives enormous wealth to the 2%.

What more could your average Republican/RWNJ want?

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