Republicans ramming bill through without reading it

As you can see from the link I provided, which I know not one of you pseudocon tards will actually read, most of the AHCA is a repeal of a bunch of taxes.

It is NOT a full repeal of the ACA. Therefore, it isn't a replacement of the ACA, either.

So to compare this bill's page count to the page count of the ACA is retarded.
Most bills are not read before they vote on them. The lobbyists write the bills based on the pay off. In this case, the R reps were promised a dream come true:

Its the biggest transfer of wealth in a single bill in the history of the US. It harms the elderly, disabled, women, children, certain disabled vets, will raise premiums sky high, take health care away from the poor, will take health insurance away from most working class and cause the deaths of millions but gives enormous wealth to the 2%.

What more could your average Republican/RWNJ want?
please provide a link to that. Thanks
As you can see from the link I provided, which I know not one of you pseudocon tards will actually read, most of the AHCA is a repeal of a bunch of taxes.

It is NOT a full repeal of the ACA. Therefore, it isn't a replacement of the ACA, either.

So to compare this bill's page count to the page count of the ACA is retarded.
So, those headlines from CNN are not true!!! OMG

Alert!!! CNN is fake news! Straight from the mouth of g5000.
Republicans didn't need to read it, they simply asked,
"will it screw poor people?".
"You've got my vote!"
Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.

Dem's and Obama promised people out right bribes to vote for Obamacare.
Yeah but the bill is barely beyond the first stage of what looks to be a long negotiation. When Pelosi made her infamous statement "you will know what's in the bill after it is passed" the democrat party was into two years of working on it and it was about to be passed to the president for his signature.
Yeah but the bill is barely beyond the first stage of what looks to be a long negotiation. When Pelosi made her infamous statement "you will know what's in the bill after it is passed" the democrat party was into two years of working on it and it was about to be passed to the president for his signature.
and it screwed the pooch.
You know, it's becoming more and more apparent that quite a few Americans have the memory of a goldfish. The last bill that was shot down was because they had the CBO grade it, and when the CBO said that it would increase costs, as well as throw a bunch of people who currently have healthcare off of it, nobody voted for it because it would have killed their political career.

This time? Ryan said that they weren't going to wait for the CBO to grade it because there wasn't enough time before they went on vacation, so they rammed it through before it was graded.

However.............the Senate has said that they are going to wait for the CBO to grade it before voting on it. And, if they get the CBO grade and don't like it, they are going to change the bill.

And, if that happens, the bill will have to go back to the House for another vote with the changes.

Nope, Trump hasn't gotten rid of the ACA yet.
You know, it's becoming more and more apparent that quite a few Americans have the memory of a goldfish. The last bill that was shot down was because they had the CBO grade it, and when the CBO said that it would increase costs, as well as throw a bunch of people who currently have healthcare off of it, nobody voted for it because it would have killed their political career.

This time? Ryan said that they weren't going to wait for the CBO to grade it because there wasn't enough time before they went on vacation, so they rammed it through before it was graded.

However.............the Senate has said that they are going to wait for the CBO to grade it before voting on it. And, if they get the CBO grade and don't like it, they are going to change the bill.

And, if that happens, the bill will have to go back to the House for another vote with the changes.

Nope, Trump hasn't gotten rid of the ACA yet.
Bills often go back to committee after being refused by the Senate. That will be fine. Even allowing time for the CBO report. I grimaced when this was passed so quickly myself. But I know how bad Obamacare was and the safety features we have built into the legislative process. I, like you want a GOOD Health Care Act. Let's let the process work.
Do any of you honestly believe either party reads the bills they try and push through? Much like Pelosi before this guy accidently told the truth.
Do any of you honestly believe either party reads the bills they try and push through? Much like Pelosi before this guy accidently told the truth.
Honestly, I would bet it is a small percentage. And that is their primary job, FGS! If I felt my representatives were not reading the bills, I would find another suitable replacement!
As you can see from the link I provided, which I know not one of you pseudocon tards will actually read, most of the AHCA is a repeal of a bunch of taxes.

It is NOT a full repeal of the ACA. Therefore, it isn't a replacement of the ACA, either.

So to compare this bill's page count to the page count of the ACA is retarded.
So, those headlines from CNN are not true!!! OMG

Alert!!! CNN is fake news! Straight from the mouth of g5000.
I notice you didn't point out Trump is a liar, too. Because you are a hack.

CNN lies, but nothing like Trump does. Again, apples and oranges. Trump is the biggest and greatest liar alive today.

The left wing and pseudocon propagandists have different reasons for lying.

Trump and the pseudocons call it a repeal "because Obama". Trump promised you Chumps he was going to repeal ObamaCare "on day one". He lied then, and he's lying to you now.

The left wing propaganda outlets call it a repeal because they want their basket of tards to bleev they are all going to lose their insurance immediately, sending them into a panic.

Tens of millions of Americans will lose their health insurance eventually. And everyone is going to be paying more.
Do any of you honestly believe either party reads the bills they try and push through? Much like Pelosi before this guy accidently told the truth.
Pelosi never said she didn't read the ACA.

What she said was that there is no way to know the unintended consequences of a complicated new law until it is put into action.

Stop being a mindless parrot of bullshit memes.
GOP lawmaker admits not reading 'every word' of healthcare bill
Considering that the document is short (comparatively), that's a damn shame. I'm sorry, but that's just lazy and a dereliction of his duty as a lawmaker. Part of what those people are paid to do is read and know inside out the damn laws on which they vote.

Congressman Collins stated:
I will fully admit, Wolf, I did not, but I can also assure you my staff did. You know, I have to rely on my staff, and I can probably tell you that I read every word and I wouldn't be telling you the truth, nor would any other member. We rely on our staff and we rely on our committees, and I'm comfortable that I understand this bill in its entirety, Wolf, without pouring through every word, and I'm just being quite honest. That's the way it is.​
Excuse me? The bill is but 126 pages long (Look at it. It's substantively a lot less than that as there's a lot of "white space" on the pages.). It was under discussion for weeks prior to being voted on. Who the hell, especially among people who have college degrees, can't manage to read 126 pages over the course of several weeks?

By all means, rely on one's staff to accelerate one's in-depth analysis. That's what all many principals must do nearly all the time. One reads a report and then meets with the staff who composed it to question them about things that do and don't align with one's professional experience, case-specific knowledge and general knowledge.
The thing that's different, certainly in my field, is that unlike the Congressman, most decision makers don't have an original document they can read and that forms the basis for the analysis their staff performed; the original source information comes from interviews and raw data collection. One person simply cannot perform a case study of a company's operations, or even a subset of them, in a timely enough manner, and that means one must manage to a successful, effective and high quality outcome the approach a team of people doing the "legwork."

I don't have a problem with a Congressperson delegating work. I have a problem with their neglecting their responsibility. For such a short piece of legislation, part of a Congressperson's obligation is reading the thing.

(FWIW, the ACA, which is a huge document, also should have been read by members of Congress. Though it's quite long, they had a year to read it. So, yes, the fact that they didn't read it is equally derelict to me. I should point out too that as goes the AHCA, 2016 incumbent winners of their seats in Congress are equally obliged to also have read the ACA. Big as it is, in two years, one can read it, and as the AHCA is a modification bill not a replacement bill, it's every bit as important to read it. After all, neither bill deals with slight matters.)
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However, the health care law is not the news of the day. I have no idea what it says but can pretty much predict it will cost you more and cover less. The GOP did not repeal Obamacare, they just tweaked it a bit.


The news of the day was that Texas became the 11th state to join the Article V movement to amend the Constitution. States should determine their own health care, like many already have like MA.

Maybe those in the state legislatures around the country have the time to read their own health care laws.
I thought article 5 had closer to 23 states.
So just for the record, then, this is the boffo health care plan the Republicans have been building and promising us about for eight years?'cuz THAT would be pretty EXCITING
Whatever you think of this bill and how it was passed is of no concern to me. What we have now is not working. Put up or shut up is the old mantra. We have all known ins company's are done with Obamacare for years now. Where have the dems been? why haven't they tried to fix it? Hmmmmmmm?
Well, it's the GOP's health care "system" now.
Frankenstein's Monster II.
Well, it's the GOP's health care "system" now.
Frankenstein's Monster II.
At least they are trying to fix it, the dems were fine to allow it to collapse so they could talk the nation into single payer. That is a very underhanded way to govern and the dems should never be rewarded for such rotten behavior.

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