Republicans ramming bill through without reading it

So now the libs are concerned about whether a bill is read or not? That's rich! Hey libs how does it feel? You earned it baby, you sat back and allowed irresponsible crap like this for years when it was Pelosi and Reid calling the shots. Live with it snowflakes! It's your monster not ours.
If we start expecting our "leaders" to read bills before they vote on them, they'll NEVER have time to fund-raise.
Hey, don't you know that fund-raising is the most important part of their damn job!?! Sure governing should be, but who cares about doing real work when you can rub elbows with stars instead and raise money for your next run for office?
Hey pal, they gotta have their priorities, ya know.

If I were not a honest man I would have been a politician...

They should all be thrown out of D.C. but alas Americans would just vote another group of Charlatans in and nothing will change...
Term limits, publicly-funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change their behavior, overnight.

But evidently their behavior is just fine for most of us. What's more important is how Kim Kardashian is feeling today.

Hey, just her butt is all I am wanting to feel, wait not really because let me be factual it is all fake like the politician that tell the ugly baby mother her kid is cute as can be!

Politicians will never do something to harm their gravy train until a real political revolution happen and too many kids today lose focus quickly when the revolution does not happen and finishes the same day...
So now the libs are concerned about whether a bill is read or not? That's rich! Hey libs how does it feel? You earned it baby, you sat back and allowed irresponsible crap like this for years when it was Pelosi and Reid calling the shots. Live with it snowflakes! It's your monster not ours.
So just for the record, then, this is the boffo health care plan the Republicans have been building and promising us about for eight years?

'cuz THAT would be pretty EXCITING.
However, the health care law is not the news of the day. I have no idea what it says but can pretty much predict it will cost you more and cover less. The GOP did not repeal Obamacare, they just tweaked it a bit.


The news of the day was that Texas became the 11th state to join the Article V movement to amend the Constitution. States should determine their own health care, like many already have like MA.

Maybe those in the state legislatures around the country have the time to read their own health care laws.
You're not really surprised by that, are you?

This is about politics, not what's good for anyone. National politicians base virtually every vote, bill, comment and action on how it will affect them politically.

It's a shame that there are people who think national politicians are altruistic.

This is about fundraising, re-election and building a long term electoral power base to stay in office forever, yet somehow that screamingly obvious fact gets past those who don't want term limits.

Tell me something I don't know.

Will you support the Article V movement so states like MA can resume their own health care plans instead of dividing the country on dolts who don't even bother reading what they vote for?
If we start expecting our "leaders" to read bills before they vote on them, they'll NEVER have time to fund-raise.
Hey, don't you know that fund-raising is the most important part of their damn job!?! Sure governing should be, but who cares about doing real work when you can rub elbows with stars instead and raise money for your next run for office?
Hey pal, they gotta have their priorities, ya know.

If I were not a honest man I would have been a politician...

They should all be thrown out of D.C. but alas Americans would just vote another group of Charlatans in and nothing will change...
Term limits, publicly-funded elections and a Balanced Budget Amendment would change their behavior, overnight.

But evidently their behavior is just fine for most of us. What's more important is how Kim Kardashian is feeling today.

Hey, just her butt is all I am wanting to feel, wait not really because let me be factual it is all fake like the politician that tell the ugly baby mother her kid is cute as can be!

Politicians will never do something to harm their gravy train until a real political revolution happen and too many kids today lose focus quickly when the revolution does not happen and finishes the same day...

I think we have had enough revolutions.

What we need is limited government. Will you support the Article V movement?
However, the health care law is not the news of the day. I have no idea what it says but can pretty much predict it will cost you more and cover less. The GOP did not repeal Obamacare, they just tweaked it a bit.


The news of the day was that Texas became the 11th state to join the Article V movement to amend the Constitution. States should determine their own health care, like many already have like MA.

Maybe those in the state legislatures around the country have the time to read their own health care laws.
You're not really surprised by that, are you?

This is about politics, not what's good for anyone. National politicians base virtually every vote, bill, comment and action on how it will affect them politically.

It's a shame that there are people who think national politicians are altruistic.

This is about fundraising, re-election and building a long term electoral power base to stay in office forever, yet somehow that screamingly obvious fact gets past those who don't want term limits.

Tell me something I don't know.

Will you support the Article V movement so states like MA can resume their own health care plans instead of dividing the country on dolts who don't even bother reading what they vote for?
As with every other law, I'll decide when I see it.
Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.
GOP lawmaker admits not reading 'every word' of healthcare bill

We all remember Nancy Pelosi famously saying that they needed to pass Obamacare to know what was in it, but now we have those in the GOP admitting to not reading their health care law as well

I reckon cuz it's not important enough to read.

So apparently the Goppers in congress are admitting what everybody should already have known, none of these clowns actually read, let alone understand, what they are voting on. Why am I not shocked?
Makes me wonder what Trump promised some of the people that changed their vote, knowing the GOP didn't read it and didn't let the plan get audited before voting on it.

It was passed the same way the original BOcare abomination was passed, with strong arm political tactics.
If we start expecting our "leaders" to read bills before they vote on them, they'll NEVER have time to fund-raise.

Sure they can. They just need to write the bills better.

For example, "The affordable care act and all it's associated regulations are hereby repealed."

Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
Nobody reads these bills. They are long, and you have to read the bill and then do a lot of background studying to understand the effects.

The 126-page AHCA had two amendments totaling 11 pages, making the full bill 137 pages. The Affordable Care Act and a reconciliation bill attached to it comprised 974 pages.
Of course they didn't read it. They're useless turds who simply do what they're told to do.
You don't know that. It was only 200 pages with days to read it. That is directly opposed to the Obamacare that was 1400 pages and printed too late for anyone to read it...Hence pelosi said, "We have to pass it to see what is in it." Amusing truthful statement from Pelosi. So, SYTFE, who are the useless turds again?
You do realize that the AHCA is not an actual repeal of ObamaCare, right? And it isn't anywhere near as comprehensive as the ACA.

That's why it is shorter.

But Trump and the idiot Chumps claim it is a repeal of ObamaCare.
Can anyone here imagine Donald Trump reading a 200 page bill?

Me, either.

I can't even imagine him reading a 10 page document, unless it was a bunch of comic strips.

"I should appoint Charles Schultz to my Cabinet."

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