Republicans Reveal Their New Two Point Health Care Program

The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.
Won't math strip the emotion out of his LWNJ argument, rendering it worthless? :lol:
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.
Won't math strip the emotion out of his LWNJ argument, rendering it worthless? :lol:
Yep. LOL
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.
It's quite simple, if two men both earn the same amount of money, then they both should pay the same amount in taxes.

If the govt decides, I am going to favor the guy who has health insurance and make him pay less than the guy who does not have it, or the govt decides that if a guy has a mortgage, I am going to make him pay less, than if a guy is renting, then the govt is subsidizing or favoring the one guy earning $50k over the next guy earning $50k.

if there were a ''free market'', the govt would NOT give any tax payers a break for buying health insurance or an incentive for tax payers to buy health insurance. Government interference such as this tax break, IS THE OPPOSITE of a free market.

That guy who doesn't have health insurance is paying more in taxes than the guy with health insurance, to help cover for the govt giving the guy with health insurance, a break on his taxes.

And the tax breaks are just the tip of the iceberg with the government involvement in our health I said and showed you in my post, the govt is up to its eyeballs in it's involvement and interference with the Free Market....and Pandora's box was opened a long long time ago with their involvement and there is no way, they will ever get out of it now....not enough to make any kind of difference that could bring us closer to a free market where prices would be forced meet the every day Joe's needs and pocketbook.
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.
It's quite simple, if two men both earn the same amount of money, then they both should pay the same amount in taxes.

If the govt decides, I am going to favor the guy who has health insurance and make him pay less than the guy who does not have it, or the govt decides that if a guy has a mortgage, I am going to make him pay less, than if a guy is renting, then the govt is subsidizing or favoring the one guy earning $50k over the next guy earning $50k.

if there were a ''free market'', the govt would NOT give any tax payers a break for buying health insurance or an incentive for tax payers to buy health insurance. Government interference such as this tax break, IS THE OPPOSITE of a free market.

That guy who doesn't have health insurance is paying more in taxes than the guy with health insurance, to help cover for the govt giving the guy with health insurance, a break on his taxes.

And the tax breaks are just the tip of the iceberg with the government involvement in our health I said and showed you in my post, the govt is up to its eyeballs in it's involvement and interference with the Free Market....and Pandora's box was opened a long long time ago with their involvement and there is no way, they will ever get out of it now....not enough to make any kind of difference that could bring us closer to a free market where prices would be forced meet the every day Joe's needs and pocketbook.
So we agree the government is the one group of people that pretty much fuck up everything.
Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.
The free market welcomes them, one and all....

Even the families who are working three jobs and earning minimum wage on each of them. You goddam take-it-for-granted right wing assholes make me want to puke.
Yep....seems they will have to stop voting democrat in order to get ahead..... all the other first world countries we could nationalize insurance. 'Course all the big wigs would have to give up the profits they make from hospitals and insurance companies so scratch that idea. Rich folks aren't particular about how they make money. In the last thirty years 86% of all the nation's wealth went to the top 1% of our citizens and poor working stiffs can't even get the minimum wage increased. That's a goddamned joke.......the minimum wage.
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.
The free market welcomes them, one and all....

Even the families who are working three jobs and earning minimum wage on each of them. You goddam take-it-for-granted right wing assholes make me want to puke.
Yep....seems they will have to stop voting democrat in order to get ahead..... all the other first world countries we could nationalize insurance. 'Course all the big wigs would have to give up the profits they make from hospitals and insurance companies so scratch that idea. Rich folks aren't particular about how they make money. In the last thirty years 86% of all the nation's wealth went to the top 1% of our citizens and poor working stiffs can't even get the minimum wage increased. That's a goddamned joke.......the minimum wage.
No....we will not permit your death panels here....
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I would challenge you to put that in a mathematical equasion. Man one versus man two and make sure to calculate the benefits of each.

I believe you mean equation.
[/QUOTE]No....we will not permit your death panels here....[/QUOTE]

Hell.....that's not it. You're afraid you'll have to pay a little more in taxes.
The reason most people do not have healthcare insurance is because their employers can not afford to give them the health insurance benefit...the people not working at all, qualify for Medicaid, it's all those other people who work and pay taxes, but their employer has no coverage to offer, that end up on the exchange or those with preexisting conditions who can not afford ANY
healthcare coverage due to their high prices...

and trump said he will still cover the pre existing....

Well DUH, the ONLY REASON our healthcare has gone up so much is because we are covering all of those people with preexisting conditions...

Dont expect prices to go down without Ocare.... we will always cover those that are sick
So your solution to too much government is even more government. No, hospitals should not be forced to provide services, of course they will pass on the expenses, they have to pay their bills too.

But more than that jacks up costs. All the government red tape has to be handled and everyone has to practice malpractice prevention above all else. That means every test conceivable to keep from getting sued to death.
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
Damn those who pay for rent and food instead of healthcare

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