Republicans Reveal Their New Two Point Health Care Program

The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
Somebody's going to be paying for Trump's massive government intrusions into the market. Who do you think that will be? (not Trump btw since he's never paid taxes)

Well, I'm hoping the folks who have had their premiums subsidized by the taxpayer will find a way to pay for their own premiums once the insurance carriers are able to cross state lines with their product and the markets are made more competitive. Obamacare was in self-destruct anyway. Some folks only had one carrier from which to choose coverage from and the rates and deductibles were going up. Your argument is moot because Obamacare was certainly not controlling the markets.

Another myth from the far right.
Sorry, Trump: Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Wouldn't Lower Costs

You mean like the Obamacare myth that said if you impose a fine on the young and healthy folks should they refuse to purchase healthcare, then they will buy insurance and reduce the costs to the insurance carrier for insuring the unhealthy and the aged? How's that working out for you?
If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.

Excellent. They don't deserve it anyway.
Everyone should take care of their own shit and not expect anyone else to pay for it… Fact
The only affirmative thing I could ask of you is do you have Obamacare, and are you using it......:lol:

My wife and I worked a combined 84 years with a prime contractor of the DOE. We're retired and draw nearly $8,000 a month. I started working in a three pump service station Dec. 19th, 1950 for $0.50 an hour. Nobody has ever given me a goddam thing......and I'm proud of that!
Good for you snowflake....

You'll be really proud when we end Obamacare then....

Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.

If YOU had paid any attention you would know that when Obamacare is repealed it won't suddenly end. Steps will be taken tha,t over time, it will be phased out.

It would really help if read all about, rather than just the headline and make assumption like a typical Leftist drone.
Everyone should take care of their own shit and not expect anyone else to pay for it… Fact

Democrats don't believe in personal responsibility. They believe that it's the government responsibility to ensure their health and welfare.
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!

Not true of private sector employees and a very few public sector employees. One only gets tax breaks on insurance is on that portion, if any, they pay. I am a retired public sector employee, and while my employer pays a small portion of my insurance, I am responsible for the lion's share of the premium. I get to deduct only the premiums and co-pay that comes out of my pocket. My retirement is NOT financed by government. It is an Association that has to get legislative approval to make changes in the plan. Other than that, it's private and funded by the employee thru payroll contributions.

Since our retirement association is self insured, we are not required to seek Obamacare.

I might be a good idea for you to research it before trying to state something is fact when it is nothing more than something you FEEL.
My wife and I worked a combined 84 years with a prime contractor of the DOE. We're retired and draw nearly $8,000 a month. I started working in a three pump service station Dec. 19th, 1950 for $0.50 an hour. Nobody has ever given me a goddam thing......and I'm proud of that!
Good for you snowflake....

You'll be really proud when we end Obamacare then....

Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.
The free market welcomes them, one and all....
It's NOT a Free Market, government is in to our healthcare up to their eyeballs, even WITHOUT OCare!!

The govt subsidizes the employer cost of health care insurance, they subsidize your portion, the gvt pays for hospitals and clinics, and grants for medical degrees and pays for medical schools and pays for research and development and pays for children's health care and pays for Medicare and Medicaid and Military health care with tricare insurance and the VA healthcare, and nursing schools and degrees with grants, and pays for immunizations and flu shots and writes laws to prevent us from negotiating PHARMA prices, and forces hospitals to take the sick in through emergency care, pays for research and development for PHARMA as well....


So, there will NEVER be free market forces that bring it down....

ALSO, healthcare is not like some widget iphone that you want to buy, you don't shop around when your kid broke his arm or your teen is in an auto accident or when you have a heart attack or liver problems....or a stroke etc etc etc.... it's not like you can put off buying that iphone until you have enough money or can shop around till you find the best price.....

Your HEALTH is not a widget, and is not something to bargain over most of the time...

Free market forces, if there were any, DO NOT APPLY....

It just doesn't work like an inanimate object that you want to buy....
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
Somebody's going to be paying for Trump's massive government intrusions into the market. Who do you think that will be? (not Trump btw since he's never paid taxes)

Well, I'm hoping the folks who have had their premiums subsidized by the taxpayer will find a way to pay for their own premiums once the insurance carriers are able to cross state lines with their product and the markets are made more competitive. Obamacare was in self-destruct anyway. Some folks only had one carrier from which to choose coverage from and the rates and deductibles were going up. Your argument is moot because Obamacare was certainly not controlling the markets.

Another myth from the far right.
Sorry, Trump: Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Wouldn't Lower Costs

You mean like the Obamacare myth that said if you impose a fine on the young and healthy folks should they refuse to purchase healthcare, then they will buy insurance and reduce the costs to the insurance carrier for insuring the unhealthy and the aged? How's that working out for you?

You didn't read the Forbes article I linked did you? Of course not. All I get is non-thinking deflection. Why in the hell did your even reply?
Obamacare, I was one of the very first posters on this board,who declared opposition to the mandates. So,in your laziness,you added absolutely nothing to the discussion. Good job.
The only affirmative thing I could ask of you is do you have Obamacare, and are you using it......:lol:

My wife and I worked a combined 84 years with a prime contractor of the DOE. We're retired and draw nearly $8,000 a month. I started working in a three pump service station Dec. 19th, 1950 for $0.50 an hour. Nobody has ever given me a goddam thing......and I'm proud of that!
Good for you snowflake....

You'll be really proud when we end Obamacare then....

Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.

Dear Campbell
Why can't the set up be opened to Optional choices.
so the citizens already under the plans can continue them
through the taxpayers who support that system,
while those who opt out can elect to be under the
revised Republican plan that removed the mandates.

Anyone who fears losing their coverage should set up an
agreement with Obama Pelosi and Democrats in Congress
who voted in ACA to be responsible for shifting the costs
to sources within the control of those who support ACA
and/or converting it to singlepayer for THOSE MEMBERS.

and let others opt out who don't agree with that plan.

Let the people depending on continuing their insurance
hold the officials who passed the bill to set it up this way
equally responsible for substituting other means
of providing that coverage which they should have
planned in the first place. If they didn't set it up right
to begin with, they should be responsible for fixing it.
My wife and I worked a combined 84 years with a prime contractor of the DOE. We're retired and draw nearly $8,000 a month. I started working in a three pump service station Dec. 19th, 1950 for $0.50 an hour. Nobody has ever given me a goddam thing......and I'm proud of that!
Good for you snowflake....

You'll be really proud when we end Obamacare then....

Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.
The free market welcomes them, one and all....

Even the families who are working three jobs and earning minimum wage on each of them. You goddam take-it-for-granted right wing assholes make me want to puke.
I like their 2 point plan better than their 3 point plan that included a national sales tax of medical cost not covered by insurance.
As long as per existing conditions is kept and kids staying on parents plans until 26 then other plans could work. Those two aspects give working people a decent shot.. Not a good one or fair one, but a decent one.
I thought the really high deductibles was a bone of contention for a lot of people posting on this board....

question : could you afford your healthcare Insurance for your family or just yourself, if your employer did not get a "group insurance rate" and pay for 60-80% of the cost for the premiums?

I KNOW Matt and I could not in any way, come close to pay the $12,000 a year it is for an individual insurance plan,times 2 so $24,000 for the both, here in Maine....and that's for fairly cruddy insurance, with high deductibles and out of pockets...thru the roof.

I thank goodness for the opportunity to buy it through his work...still a crappy plan, but for the two of us it is $530 a month, and that's with his employer paying for about 80% of the cost of the premium for him, and they contribute nothing towards my coverage....and THAT is expensive as heck at that price....but if we had to buy individual plans, because my husband's employer did not carry a group plan for their employees, then it would be $2000 A MONTH for our healthcare insurance here!
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
Good for you snowflake....

You'll be really proud when we end Obamacare then....

Do you mean taking away insurance from 20,000,000 Americans who won't have a thing without it?
Your fake news tell you that?

If you paid any attention to anything but Fox News you'd know that 20,000,000 Americans who are covered by Obamacare will lose it if Obamacare is cancelled.
The free market welcomes them, one and all....

Even the families who are working three jobs and earning minimum wage on each of them. You goddam take-it-for-granted right wing assholes make me want to puke.
Yep....seems they will have to stop voting democrat in order to get ahead.....
The really beautiful part is that my tax dollars will no longer go toward paying for your health insurance because you are too lazy to pay for your own needs yourself.
All the people that get their healthcare insurance through their employers, have been subsidized by all of those people that never had health care coverage through their employers for decades now.... your employers and you, have been getting a tax deduction, which is the govt helping to pay for your health insurance through federal tax dollars and state tax dollars that those people without healthcare have had to pay, FOR YOU, silly one!
Are you too fucking dumb to know the difference between a subsidy and a deduction? A subsidy has to actually be taken from someone to give away to another. A deduction means you get to keep what you earned.
are you too stupid to understand that if we have two guys, both making $50k and one is forced to pay more in taxes than the other guy, just because he doesn't carry his own healthcare insurance costs, that the govt is gifting one guy with less taxes due while punishing the other guy with more taxes due....

tax deductions ARE subsidies, if everyone does not get it....all tax deductions and favors given to one group of people over another group of people are counted as EXPENDITURES in the National budget....

And it is a SUBSIDY for our govt to let employers write off the healthcare insurance expense from their taxes....Do you think employers would pay for employee healthcare without the tax deduction?

Come onnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

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