Republicans see trial as end of trump political career

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.
I heard on the news last night, not many R senators are up for reelection in 2022?

Let me go check....

But if that is the case, then it has to be some other fear?
Ok, was wrong, 20 are up, but 30 are not.... So those 30 should be free to vote their conscience.... you would think?

Oh! 4 are retiring.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
We will see you and your children melt into near vaporized mutants. Unity can only be achieved by getting rid of your Political Prog gods. And there are a lot of them.
It's clear that nearly all of these Republican Senators want Trump ejected from the political conversation.

But they are gutless.

They're HOPING that the Impeachment will do what they are afraid to do. Make Trump ineligible.
You mean the RINOs want him ejected. Of course, they will say things like that to ingratiate themselves with the media. They are groveling disgusting worms. The voters will give them what they deserve.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.
I heard on the news last night, not many R senators are up for reelection in 2022?

Let me go check....

But if that is the case, then it has to be some other fear?
Ok, was wrong, 20 are up, but 30 are not.... So those 30 should be free to vote their conscience.... you would think?

Oh! 4 are retiring.
You must believe voters are dumbasses who will forget getting kicked in the face after a couple of years.
Name the "republicans" who said this.....Romney?....Murkowski?....Graham?

And even if this wishful thinking is true, 70-80 million populists aren't going anywhere....The swamp scum establishment RINOs, who believe that they're going back to the days of being the business-as-usual controlled opposition punching bags for leftist scum, are sadly mistaken.

Trump is out for revenge.. That's his way for the past 40 years.
It's clear that nearly all of these Republican Senators want Trump ejected from the political conversation.

But they are gutless.

They're HOPING that the Impeachment will do what they are afraid to do. Make Trump ineligible.
You mean the RINOs want him ejected. Of course, they will say things like that to ingratiate themselves with the media. They are groveling disgusting worms. The voters will give them what they deserve.

Trump is a RINO and nota very bright one.
Name the "republicans" who said this.....Romney?....Murkowski?....Graham?

And even if this wishful thinking is true, 70-80 million populists aren't going anywhere....The swamp scum establishment RINOs, who believe that they're going back to the days of being the business-as-usual controlled opposition punching bags for leftist scum, are sadly mistaken.

Trump is out for revenge.. That's his way for the past 40 years.
Meanwhile, the democrat REich is trying to impeach him when he's out of office.

Has there ever been anyone more blind to their own hypocrisy and lacking in introspection than the Democrat Reich?
It's clear that nearly all of these Republican Senators want Trump ejected from the political conversation.

But they are gutless.

They're HOPING that the Impeachment will do what they are afraid to do. Make Trump ineligible.
You mean the RINOs want him ejected. Of course, they will say things like that to ingratiate themselves with the media. They are groveling disgusting worms. The voters will give them what they deserve.

Trump is a RINO and nota very bright one.
Only Democrat retards like you fall for the trick of using the terminoolgy of your opponents.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.
I heard on the news last night, not many R senators are up for reelection in 2022?

Let me go check....

But if that is the case, then it has to be some other fear?
Ok, was wrong, 20 are up, but 30 are not.... So those 30 should be free to vote their conscience.... you would think?

Oh! 4 are retiring.
I don't think that it's that simple.

Even if they're not up for re-election, they will lose all their influence in their state's GOP. They'll lose donors!

Besides, personally I believe that Trump has something on almost all GOP Senators. He's blackmailing them or is having someone threaten them, their families or their friends.

That accounts for Lindsey Graham's rapid switching between being anti-Trump and fanatically pro-Trump.

Same is true for Cruz & Rubio.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
Right. LOL
I did not deny a fair election that was you pos traitors
Face it you voted for a socialist who puts immigrants before citizens
he is doing everything for the CCP and has done nothing to improve America. Why does he need a wall around the the Capital and the White House guarded by 30,000 troops if he is so beloved
i can only hope that Trump won't run again. but with his ego, all bets are off.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
Not if they don't convict him.
I don't think Trump had any plans to win in 16. He ran to benefit his brand, and mostly because Obama publicly derided him … over and over. Trump hates to lose, which is why Trump Inc is a mid level casino golf course entity that really doesn't own anything that is really profitable. Trump's income comes from Vernando. Steve Roth and David Mandelbaum have the actual money. Trump never played in the Adelson Steve Boyd world either. He can't compete with guys like that.

He wants people to kiss his ass. And a lot of people will kiss his ass over the next four years. But he's not running cause he'd be crushed.
I hope you're right, but I don't think you are.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.

While Rump is "not over" in terms of attention-whoring activity --- certainly his enormous ego could never allow that --- his careening career in office certainly is. He lost the national vote by a combined seventeen million (seven million 2016, ten million 2020) never once touched 50% approval (only POTUS in polling history to fail to do that), only sqeaked in the first time due to a perfect storm that included the three crucial states NONE of which he could win outright, saw his pathetic poll numbers dropping precipitously after his little 1/6 panty raid, got impeached twice and is having his baggage loaded on national TV this week.

And of course a litany of criminal charges and civil suits has yet to play out as well.

The real impact this cancer potentially has is out of office, leading the same cult to the same cliff they're attracted to like so many lemmings. But that's why the Twatters and Fecesbooks of the world have permabanned his orange ass, isn't it. Starving a narcissist for attention is every bit as countereffective against such a bleating demagogue as is that demagogue's bleating. If a demagogue bleats in a forest and there's no one there to hear the bleating.... then said bleater will simply bleat to death.
Show me one time I have said I would unite with traitors..never going to happen
Here’s a good book for you haters. Maybe it will open your hateful eyes.
Rump is a fat old self-indulgent puddle of whale blubber... with any luck Mother Nature will take care of this...

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!

Yeah, and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a...wagon!!
If they really thought that, they'd all vote to convict and send him packing for good.
But we all know that isn't going to happen! :)

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.

While Rump is "not over" in terms of attention-whoring activity --- certainly his enormous ego could never allow that --- his careening career in office certainly is. He lost the national vote by a combined seventeen million (seven million 2016, ten million 2020) never once touched 50% approval (only POTUS in polling history to fail to do that), only sqeaked in the first time due to a perfect storm that included the three crucial states NONE of which he could win outright, saw his pathetic poll numbers dropping precipitously after his little 1/6 panty raid, got impeached twice and is having his baggage loaded on national TV this week.

And of course a litany of criminal charges and civil suits has yet to play out as well.

The real impact this cancer potentially has is out of office, leading the same cult to the same cliff they're attracted to like so many lemmings. But that's why the Twatters and Fecesbooks of the world have permabanned his orange ass, isn't it. Starving a narcissist for attention is every bit as countereffective against such a bleating demagogue as is that demagogue's bleating. If a demagogue bleats in a forest and there's no one there to hear the bleating.... then said bleater will simply bleat to death.
Show me one time I have said I would unite with traitors..never going to happen
Here’s a good book for you haters. Maybe it will open your hateful eyes.

Thanks, that's very amusing. However my post had nothing to do with emotion. Here's an idea --- actually read it.

I think this was the main purpose of the trial in the first place. The GOPQ was never gonna convict the Liar in Chief. But the trial had ended his political career. Thank God!
They're lying. His supporters aren't watching the trial. The senators are still sure they can't get reelected in two years without them. T**** is not over.

While Rump is "not over" in terms of attention-whoring activity --- certainly his enormous ego could never allow that --- his careening career in office certainly is. He lost the national vote by a combined seventeen million (seven million 2016, ten million 2020) never once touched 50% approval (only POTUS in polling history to fail to do that), only sqeaked in the first time due to a perfect storm that included the three crucial states NONE of which he could win outright, saw his pathetic poll numbers dropping precipitously after his little 1/6 panty raid, got impeached twice and is having his baggage loaded on national TV this week.

And of course a litany of criminal charges and civil suits has yet to play out as well.

The real impact this cancer potentially has is out of office, leading the same cult to the same cliff they're attracted to like so many lemmings. But that's why the Twatters and Fecesbooks of the world have permabanned his orange ass, isn't it. Starving a narcissist for attention is every bit as countereffective against such a bleating demagogue as is that demagogue's bleating. If a demagogue bleats in a forest and there's no one there to hear the bleating.... then said bleater will simply bleat to death.
Show me one time I have said I would unite with traitors..never going to happen
Here’s a good book for you haters. Maybe it will open your hateful eyes.

Thanks, that's very amusing. However my post had nothing to do with emotion. Here's an idea --- actually read it.
Why? You Putz!

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