Republicans shamed at their own hearing on Obamacare. Oops!



GOP struggles to land punches at ObamaCare insurance hearing | TheHill

But Republicans were visibly exasperated as insurers failed to confirm certain assumptions about ObamaCare, such as the committee's allegation that one-third of federal exchange enrollees have not paid their first premium.

Four out of five companies represented said more than 80 percent of their new customers had paid.

Democrats, meanwhile, jumped at the opportunity to hammer the GOP.

“This has been a very illuminating hearing because it's shown what our colleagues on the other side's strategy is: grab a headline that will scare the American people about the Affordable Care Act,” said Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.).


Reminds me of other GOP health care debacles:


Former Sen. Scott Brown visits Rep. Herb Richardson at home

He characterized Obamacare as a "monstrosity" that's hurting the middle class.

Richardson and his wife pointed out, however, that Obamacare has been a financial lifesaver for them.

Richardson was injured on the job and was forced to live on his workers' comp payments for an extended period of time, which ultimately cost the couple their house on Williams Street. The couple had to pay $1,100 a month if they wanted to maintain their health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law.

Richardson said he only received some $2,000 a month in workers' comp. payments, however, leaving little for them to live on.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" his wife exclaimed.


Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

In an open letter to Lee published Tuesday on the online political newsletter, Welling takes the senator and "his ilk" to task for acting like "schoolyard bullies" and their "Stop Obamacare at All Costs mantra," which she says "is hurting real people" like her mom.

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.


There are going to be a flood of these stories from now until November.
oh well, you don't seem to care about shame

you do it daily

it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.
it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.

So if the GOP finally wins the Senate back, so what? The House has been blocking everything that would help this country from six years. But Obamacare is here to stay....ooouucchh.
it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.

Y'all can keep trying to convince yourselves of this. When it turns out wrong we're all going to have a good laugh at your expense.

Like we did when every republican on here was convinced, absolutely certainly convinced, Obama would lose his reelection bid.
it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.

Y'all can keep trying to convince yourselves of this. When it turns out wrong we're all going to have a good laugh at your expense.

Like we did when every republican on here was convinced, absolutely certainly convinced, Obama would lose his reelection bid.

Yeah well we are already laughing at you moron since everything we said about Obama are so far is true. Dumbass.
it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.

Ooh! "Ykw's"! It's an inside reference! You are so cool. Or...."fly" it were.

BTW, electoral predictions that are made more than two weeks in advance, especially when the candidates have yet to be decided, are nothing. You get to blow hot air knowing that nobody cares enough to remember what you said way back when.

Try harder.
So facts and truth don't matter, what is important to the left is that it appears they won.


Obamacare is here to stay Chief! We did win!

Sadly for the GOP, now all Americans will be given the opportunity to purchase health insurance at a reasonable rate. That just galls your Pubs, huh?
GOP struggles to land punches at ObamaCare insurance hearing | TheHill

But Republicans were visibly exasperated as insurers failed to confirm certain assumptions about ObamaCare, such as the committee's allegation that one-third of federal exchange enrollees have not paid their first premium.

Four out of five companies represented said more than 80 percent of their new customers had paid.

Democrats, meanwhile, jumped at the opportunity to hammer the GOP.

“This has been a very illuminating hearing because it's shown what our colleagues on the other side's strategy is: grab a headline that will scare the American people about the Affordable Care Act,” said Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.).


Reminds me of other GOP health care debacles:


Former Sen. Scott Brown visits Rep. Herb Richardson at home

He characterized Obamacare as a "monstrosity" that's hurting the middle class.

Richardson and his wife pointed out, however, that Obamacare has been a financial lifesaver for them.

Richardson was injured on the job and was forced to live on his workers' comp payments for an extended period of time, which ultimately cost the couple their house on Williams Street. The couple had to pay $1,100 a month if they wanted to maintain their health insurance coverage under the federal COBRA law.

Richardson said he only received some $2,000 a month in workers' comp. payments, however, leaving little for them to live on.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" his wife exclaimed.


Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

In an open letter to Lee published Tuesday on the online political newsletter, Welling takes the senator and "his ilk" to task for acting like "schoolyard bullies" and their "Stop Obamacare at All Costs mantra," which she says "is hurting real people" like her mom.

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.


There are going to be a flood of these stories from now until November.

CAN you say Priceless???? sure we can
it was so funny watching those republican slither out of the hearing ... its like they had OH FUCK on their faces when nobody came to it
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oh well, you don't seem to care about shame

you do it daily


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT stephney you don't have a leg to stand on??? why just yesterday and today and all the days prior to that you said nobody was paying for health care...

could it be stephoney you were wrong ???? could it be when all the insurance companies said to these republicans we haven't any grievances ...that these republicans would listen ??? they told them they were getting between 80 to 85% of their plans paid ... do these republicans listen??? hell know, just like you Stephney... they don't listen... this year the republicans that need to be reelected on an new campaign slogan...
reelect republicans
they're too stupid to fail
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The liberal "Hill" spin on the mess of Obama-care is the best the low information radical left can do? You almost gotta laugh.
it's ok, they are going to get theirs in November, rest assured of that. As long as the repubs don't step on their ykw's in some way between now and then.

Y'all can keep trying to convince yourselves of this. When it turns out wrong we're all going to have a good laugh at your expense.

Like we did when every republican on here was convinced, absolutely certainly convinced, Obama would lose his reelection bid.

Yeah well we are already laughing at you moron since everything we said about Obama are so far is true. Dumbass.

Like him being born in Kenya? Like saying he would never be reelected? Like saying he would never get Bin Laden? Like he would never pass health care? Stuff like that?
I can't wait for more of these stories. I loved the one about Nude Centerfold Model Scott Brown calling Obamacare a monstrosity and his Republican sponsors jumping up to defend Obamacare. Not just defend it, but "sing it's praises". Republicans did that. It only takes a few more prominent Republicans publicly praising Healthcare and Republicans will only be left with "Benghazi".
Y'all can keep trying to convince yourselves of this. When it turns out wrong we're all going to have a good laugh at your expense.

Like we did when every republican on here was convinced, absolutely certainly convinced, Obama would lose his reelection bid.


Yeah well we are already laughing at you moron since everything we said about Obama are so far is true. Dumbass.

Like him being born in Kenya? Like saying he would never be reelected? Like saying he would never get Bin Laden? Like he would never pass health care? Stuff like that?

You have no idea the joy I felt seeing Rove's meltdown over Ohio in 2012.

The teabaggers lost big time yesterday. One more try to repeal Obamacare might be the death knell of the GOP.

November's a long ways off folks.

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