Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

In a hostage situation, the hostage taker is the one making demands. In this case, it was the GOP making the demand to neutralize ObamaCare or the government would be shut down. Refusing to negotiate with hostage takers does not then make Democrats the hostage takers.

ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

They are not "suppressing" anything. They are fully compliant with the Constitution here. They do not have to raise the debt ceiling.

Watching you cry like a little bitch because you're worried your government gravy train table scraps might be interrupted is hilarious...

Hey, anybody else notice this rightard just tried to give the House an authority granted to the whole Congress?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dildo, the House is only a part of the Congress -- it is not the Congress. :eusa_doh: Don't you know anything???

And your query about how much debt is too much ignores what I said. You're sooo fucking stupid, you're blaming Democrats for all of it when Republicans are responsible for about half of it. :eusa_doh:

No, actually, he was correct: the House DOES, in fact, control the purse strings. All budget bills MUST originate in the House.

No charge for the Constitutional Law 101 lesson, but the next one will cost you $50.
Free advice is worth what you pay for it. The Congress, not the House, controls the purse strings. Despite being the body which initiates budget bills, the House cannot get any bill to the president's desk without the consent and approval of the Senate.

You know this link you keep refusing to read? It's a government website. The same government which is unconstitutionally controlled by Barack Obama because he (like you) falsely believes that president means dictator (like when Obama illegally alters laws like Obamacare).

Sorry asshat - this government website proves you are wrong:

"Congress—and in particular, the House of Representatives—is invested with the “power of the purse,” the ability to tax and spend public money for the national government."

Power of the Purse | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

I love exposing Faun for the ignorant libtard he is...

No, actually, he was correct: the House DOES, in fact, control the purse strings. All budget bills MUST originate in the House.

No charge for the Constitutional Law 101 lesson, but the next one will cost you $50.
Free advice is worth what you pay for it. The Congress, not the House, controls the purse strings. Despite being the body which initiates budget bills, the House cannot get any bill to the president's desk without the consent and approval of the Senate.

When was the last time the Senate approved a budget? Just askin'.
Mar 23, 2013
Free advice is worth what you pay for it. The Congress, not the House, controls the purse strings. Despite being the body which initiates budget bills, the House cannot get any bill to the president's desk without the consent and approval of the Senate.

When was the last time the Senate approved a budget? Just askin'.
Mar 23, 2013

Too bad they asked for too much............
ROFL... democrats insist republicans pay for Obama care and if they don't cave into the democrat demand that they fork over the money they are taking the democrats hostage. ROFL
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

They are not "suppressing" anything. They are fully compliant with the Constitution here. They do not have to raise the debt ceiling.

Watching you cry like a little bitch because you're worried your government gravy train table scraps might be interrupted is hilarious...


So now any time a congress with a majority doesn't like a law, they refuse to fund it? Careful what you wish for. There may come a time when there's a genuine liberal democrat in the oval office with a democratic majority in congress.
And ACA is a law, sanctioned by the republican majority supreme court.
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

They are not "suppressing" anything. They are fully compliant with the Constitution here. They do not have to raise the debt ceiling.

Watching you cry like a little bitch because you're worried your government gravy train table scraps might be interrupted is hilarious...


So now any time a congress with a majority doesn't like a law, they refuse to fund it? Careful what you wish for. There may come a time when there's a genuine liberal democrat in the oval office with a democratic majority in congress.
And ACA is a law, sanctioned by the republican majority supreme court.
Yes, that is how it works. Always has worked that way and always will work that way. The ACA is a bill not a constitutional amendment.
Hey, anybody else notice this rightard just tried to give the House an authority granted to the whole Congress?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dildo, the House is only a part of the Congress -- it is not the Congress. :eusa_doh: Don't you know anything???

And your query about how much debt is too much ignores what I said. You're sooo fucking stupid, you're blaming Democrats for all of it when Republicans are responsible for about half of it. :eusa_doh:

No, actually, he was correct: the House DOES, in fact, control the purse strings. All budget bills MUST originate in the House.

No charge for the Constitutional Law 101 lesson, but the next one will cost you $50.

That's the thing.

This law is already paid for..

Which makes this a wholly unique and unprecedented situation.

It's as unique as the way it was passed. Bending the rules of congress and bribing members.
No, actually, he was correct: the House DOES, in fact, control the purse strings. All budget bills MUST originate in the House.

No charge for the Constitutional Law 101 lesson, but the next one will cost you $50.

That's the thing.

This law is already paid for..

Which makes this a wholly unique and unprecedented situation.

It's as unique as the way it was passed. Bending the rules of congress and bribing members.

You're is "wholly unique and unprecedented" the way that the true costs of ObamaCare were hidden by getting 3 years of monies coming in before they started paying monies out for coverage. This new entitlement is going to be extremely expensive because the young people progressives are counting on to pony up are going to figure out they don't need to spend that money because if they DO have medical issues at a later date they can always sign up for coverage then because you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition. So what we're going to have is a lot of low income subsidized people signing up...and extremely unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions sign up...all of which is going to make the cost of ObamaCare go through the roof.
Mar 23, 2013

Too bad they asked for too much............
Is that the rationalization the GOP used for blocking a Budget Conference in both the House and Senate 18 times since Mar 23, 2013?

Honestly I haven't a clue. Don't even know if you are right or wrong. What I do know is that the parties refuse to work with each other. And I have to wonder if the " I Won" President isn't at least partially to blame for that....
Too bad they asked for too much............
Is that the rationalization the GOP used for blocking a Budget Conference in both the House and Senate 18 times since Mar 23, 2013?

Honestly I haven't a clue. Don't even know if you are right or wrong. What I do know is that the parties refuse to work with each other. And I have to wonder if the " I Won" President isn't at least partially to blame for that....


The jackass in the white house needs to be COMPLETELY blocked any chance working through the weekend to resolve this mess? If so, I haven't seen any reporting of it. any chance working through the weekend to resolve this mess? If so, I haven't seen any reporting of it.

Working to resolve this? No. Trying to figure out how to make the most political hay? Yes.
Democrats blamed the Republicans and vice-versa. No one, and I mean NO ONE stated the obvious, that the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution states that the Congress has the power and authority to issue debt-free currency that would bypass our friends in the Jewish owned and run Federal Reserve.
Too bad they asked for too much............
Is that the rationalization the GOP used for blocking a Budget Conference in both the House and Senate 18 times since Mar 23, 2013?

Honestly I haven't a clue. Don't even know if you are right or wrong. What I do know is that the parties refuse to work with each other. And I have to wonder if the " I Won" President isn't at least partially to blame for that....
Come on Ollie, it is a well known fact.

Here is Lyin' Ryan's rationalization from last May for putting off the Budget Commission until they have the leverage of a government shutdown and the debt limit in the fall. So obviously the shutdown has been a GOP strategy all along, many months in the planning.

As red ink recedes, pressure fades for budget deal - The Washington Post

The sunnier outlook means that President Obama will be able to pay the nation’s bills for months without seeking additional borrowing authority from Congress — probably until Oct. 1, according to independent forecasts.

That might seem like good news, but it is unraveling Republican plans to force a budget deal before Congress takes its August break. Instead, the fiscal fight appears certain to bleed into the fall, when policymakers will face another multi-pronged crisis that pairs the need for a higher debt limit and the fresh risk of default with the threat of a full-scale government shutdown, which is also looming Oct. 1.

In the meantime, Republicans face a listless summer, with little appetite for compromise but no leverage to shape an agreement. Without that leverage, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday, there is no point in opening formal budget negotiations between the House and the Senate, because Democrats have no reason to consider the kind of far-reaching changes to Medicare and the U.S. tax code that Republicans see as fundamental building blocks of a deal.

“The debt limit is the backstop,”
Ryan said before taking the stage at a debt summit organized by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation in Washington.
Last edited:
Well, no. Democrats put it to a vote, so everyone in their chamber would get a voice. The Republicans are surpressing that democratic process and choosing tyranny instead because their demands aren't being met.

They are not "suppressing" anything. They are fully compliant with the Constitution here. They do not have to raise the debt ceiling.

Watching you cry like a little bitch because you're worried your government gravy train table scraps might be interrupted is hilarious...


So now any time a congress with a majority doesn't like a law, they refuse to fund it? Careful what you wish for. There may come a time when there's a genuine liberal democrat in the oval office with a democratic majority in congress.
And ACA is a law, sanctioned by the republican majority supreme court.

Doubtful. All you guys do is elect marxists. The only time we'll see a "genuine liberal" in the White House is when a Republican gets elected.

By the way - nobody is "refusing to fund a law". Why are you guys so disingenuous? They are refusing to raise the debt ceiling because Obama has spent us off the cliff and into collapse. Clean up your damn budget, make some tough choices like a big boy, and you can fund anything you want that has been passed into law.
That's the thing.

This law is already paid for..

Which makes this a wholly unique and unprecedented situation.

It's as unique as the way it was passed. Bending the rules of congress and bribing members.

You're is "wholly unique and unprecedented" the way that the true costs of ObamaCare were hidden by getting 3 years of monies coming in before they started paying monies out for coverage. This new entitlement is going to be extremely expensive because the young people progressives are counting on to pony up are going to figure out they don't need to spend that money because if they DO have medical issues at a later date they can always sign up for coverage then because you can't be denied for a pre-existing condition. So what we're going to have is a lot of low income subsidized people signing up...and extremely unhealthy people with pre-existing conditions sign up...all of which is going to make the cost of ObamaCare go through the roof.

And that's the thing, ain't it?

You folks prove out what people think of you over and over..

[ame=]Alan Grayson on the GOP Health Care Plan: "Don't Get Sick! And if You Do Get Sick, Die Quickly!"' - YouTube[/ame]

Grayson was right.

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