Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Really, the Republicans have everything they wanted.
The Democrats have been completely hoodwinked and out-maneuvered.

The sequester is still in place and not even under discussion, the government is shut down and any more 'compromise' by the Whitehouse is going to be cream to the Republicans.

Well played to the GOP.

You don't really believe that, do you? For starters, the Republicans have made it clear that they want Obamacare repealed. Is it?

The National Parks seriously doesn't even make my top 1,200 of unconstitutional government expenses that I want to see shut down.

By the way, the government is not "shutdown". Hell, it's not even mildly interrupted. It's astounding to see Democrats go into a tizzy because a freaking park is temporarily unavailable. :eusa_doh:

Now, to be fair there Rotty, there have been one or two tizzies from the Republican side as well.

Of course the Republicans have won...they wanted smaller government, they've got it.
The Dems didn't even try to negotiate the sequester for example.
It's a long game for the Reps and they've played it brilliantly.

Obama has caved before and they're betting he'll cave I said, any concession from him will simply be gravy to them.

Sure, they said that they wanted to de-fund Obamacare but that was never going to happen.
They've gone into negotiations with a high offer while willing to negotiate down.

To be fair, Republican tizzy's have been over things worth having a tizzy about (like Obama collapsing America and forcing jobs overseas by punishing businesses for being successful with things like high taxes and Obamacare). A far cry from a silly national park being temporarily unavailable, wouldn't you agree?

And we both know that temporarily closing a national park does not make "government smaller". When they sell off those parks and permanently close some departments, then government will be smaller.

Really? Coming from Swallow who has spent 5 years with his lips wrapped around Obama's cock while trying to say (while muffled of course) "it's Bush's fault". :lmao:

Obama has fucked this nation up 6 ways from Sunday and you know it. He's letting children with cancer die as punishment for not raising the debt ceiling (even though he voted against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and when were $7 trillion less in debt than we are now) because he wants to "make it hurt" and then attempt to blame it on the GOP. Obama wanted to be president. He created this mess. He OWNS it. And the American people know it too because his approval rating today is a rolling on the floor hysterical 37%.

Really? Coming from Swallow who has spent 5 years with his lips wrapped around Obama's cock while trying to say (while muffled of course) "it's Bush's fault". :lmao:

Obama has fucked this nation up 6 ways from Sunday and you know it. He's letting children with cancer die as punishment for not raising the debt ceiling (even though he voted against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and when were $7 trillion less in debt than we are now) because he wants to "make it hurt" and then attempt to blame it on the GOP. Obama wanted to be president. He created this mess. He OWNS it. And the American people know it too because his approval rating today is a rolling on the floor hysterical 37%.

When a Senator votes he should vote as the people in his state want him to vote, he is their representative.
if a president voted he should vote for the good of all the American people, as per Truman.

Really? Coming from Swallow who has spent 5 years with his lips wrapped around Obama's cock while trying to say (while muffled of course) "it's Bush's fault". :lmao:

Obama has fucked this nation up 6 ways from Sunday and you know it. He's letting children with cancer die as punishment for not raising the debt ceiling (even though he voted against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and when were $7 trillion less in debt than we are now) because he wants to "make it hurt" and then attempt to blame it on the GOP. Obama wanted to be president. He created this mess. He OWNS it. And the American people know it too because his approval rating today is a rolling on the floor hysterical 37%.

Too funny. 4 different polls come out over the last two days with Obama's approval ratings:


The flaming queer humps the lowest one he can find. :eusa_drool:

Even worse for you, Obama's JAR in both Gallup and Rasmussen, the two polls which measure Obama daily, show his JAR is effectively the same as it was before the government shutdown, so he's not really taking much of a hit over this.

And even better, in the same poll which rated Obama at 37% -- rated Republicans' handling of the budget at just 17% :lol:

Here's another good one from that same poll ... favorability ...

Barack Hussein Obama: 44%
Ted "Green Eggs & Ham" Cruz: 16%

Really? Coming from Swallow who has spent 5 years with his lips wrapped around Obama's cock while trying to say (while muffled of course) "it's Bush's fault". :lmao:

Obama has fucked this nation up 6 ways from Sunday and you know it. He's letting children with cancer die as punishment for not raising the debt ceiling (even though he voted against raising the debt ceiling as a Senator and when were $7 trillion less in debt than we are now) because he wants to "make it hurt" and then attempt to blame it on the GOP. Obama wanted to be president. He created this mess. He OWNS it. And the American people know it too because his approval rating today is a rolling on the floor hysterical 37%.

When a Senator votes he should vote as the people in his state want him to vote, he is their representative.
if a president voted he should vote for the good of all the American people, as per Truman.

So voting not to raise the debt ceiling when were $10 trillion in debt was good for Illinois but doing the same thing when were $17 trillion in debt is bad for all of America? :cuckoo:

Seriously, I have to hear your explanation on this one. This should be priceless...

I live with myself by not being a despicable hypocrite like you and Obama - pretending to care while hoarding money for yourselves and using those sick and/or dead children as pawns for your greed.

The real question is: how do you live with yourself. And the real answer is: you're a greedy sociopath with no conscience.
You don't really believe that, do you? For starters, the Republicans have made it clear that they want Obamacare repealed. Is it?

The National Parks seriously doesn't even make my top 1,200 of unconstitutional government expenses that I want to see shut down.

By the way, the government is not "shutdown". Hell, it's not even mildly interrupted. It's astounding to see Democrats go into a tizzy because a freaking park is temporarily unavailable. :eusa_doh:

Now, to be fair there Rotty, there have been one or two tizzies from the Republican side as well.

Of course the Republicans have won...they wanted smaller government, they've got it.
The Dems didn't even try to negotiate the sequester for example.
It's a long game for the Reps and they've played it brilliantly.

Obama has caved before and they're betting he'll cave I said, any concession from him will simply be gravy to them.

Sure, they said that they wanted to de-fund Obamacare but that was never going to happen.
They've gone into negotiations with a high offer while willing to negotiate down.

To be fair, Republican tizzy's have been over things worth having a tizzy about (like Obama collapsing America and forcing jobs overseas by punishing businesses for being successful with things like high taxes and Obamacare). A far cry from a silly national park being temporarily unavailable, wouldn't you agree?

And we both know that temporarily closing a national park does not make "government smaller". When they sell off those parks and permanently close some departments, then government will be smaller.

Come on - a Republican Congressman screaming at a federal employee for doing an unpleasant task caused by a gleeful Republican initiative is justified?
You must admit, at the very least, that it isn't a good look.
Now, to be fair there Rotty, there have been one or two tizzies from the Republican side as well.

Of course the Republicans have won...they wanted smaller government, they've got it.
The Dems didn't even try to negotiate the sequester for example.
It's a long game for the Reps and they've played it brilliantly.

Obama has caved before and they're betting he'll cave I said, any concession from him will simply be gravy to them.

Sure, they said that they wanted to de-fund Obamacare but that was never going to happen.
They've gone into negotiations with a high offer while willing to negotiate down.

To be fair, Republican tizzy's have been over things worth having a tizzy about (like Obama collapsing America and forcing jobs overseas by punishing businesses for being successful with things like high taxes and Obamacare). A far cry from a silly national park being temporarily unavailable, wouldn't you agree?

And we both know that temporarily closing a national park does not make "government smaller". When they sell off those parks and permanently close some departments, then government will be smaller.

Come on - a Republican Congressman screaming at a federal employee for doing an unpleasant task caused by a gleeful Republican initiative is justified?
You must admit, at the very least, that it isn't a good look.

I'm not sure I'm following you here. Can you be more specific? I'm sensing there is a story I missed - maybe a link to it?
To be fair, Republican tizzy's have been over things worth having a tizzy about (like Obama collapsing America and forcing jobs overseas by punishing businesses for being successful with things like high taxes and Obamacare). A far cry from a silly national park being temporarily unavailable, wouldn't you agree?

And we both know that temporarily closing a national park does not make "government smaller". When they sell off those parks and permanently close some departments, then government will be smaller.

Come on - a Republican Congressman screaming at a federal employee for doing an unpleasant task caused by a gleeful Republican initiative is justified?
You must admit, at the very least, that it isn't a good look.

I'm not sure I'm following you here. Can you be more specific? I'm sensing there is a story I missed - maybe a link to it?

Her ya go.
Congressman Castigates Park Ranger For The Memorial Closure He Voted For
"How do you look at them and ... deny them access?" said Neugebauer. He, with most House Republicans, had voted early Sunday morning to pass a funding measure that would delay the Affordable Care Act, a vote that set up a showdown with the Senate and President Barack Obama. With the parties unable to agree on how to fund the federal government, non-essential government functions shut down Tuesday.
"It's difficult," responded the Park Service employee.

"Well, it should be difficult," replied the congressman, who was carrying a small American flag in his breast pocket.

"It is difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "I'm sorry, sir."

"The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves," the congressman said.

"I'm not ashamed," replied the ranger.
I know, I know - it's HuffPo, but that's just the first link I came to.
And I also know that 'screaming' is a bit of hyperbole on my part...substitute 'berate' if you like.
Bloomberg: Jobless-Claims Jump Flashes U.S. Shutdown Warning: Economy - "Claims for U.S. jobless benefits jumped last week to the highest level in six months, providing the first statistical warning that the damage from the partial federal shutdown is starting to ripple through the economy. “The economic costs of a shutdown are going to increase the longer the shutdown occurs,” said Ryan Sweet, a senior economist at Moody’s Analytics Inc. in West Chester, Pennsylvania and the second-best claims forecaster over the past two years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “If this drags along for the next couple of weeks, the economic toll will be even more significant.” "

Consumer confidence has fallen off a cliff faster than any time since 2008. Front month interest rates have spiked. The cost of the partial shutdown grows with each passing day.

You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

The shutdown is going to hurt the economy. Getting the blame for the shutdown will extend to being blamed for the economy growing worse. If you think that's good for the GOP, you're delusional.

You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

The shutdown is going to hurt the economy. Getting the blame for the shutdown will extend to being blamed for the economy growing worse. If you think that's good for the GOP, you're delusional.

It's very good for the GOP. Need a tissue?

You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

And you shouldn't be "crying" about the other stuff either..then.

Like state parks, museums, passports, roads, bridges, and a mess of other stuff.

Like you, Republicans are happy with this mess.

Let's see how this works out in the long run.

Because even the folks Republican worship, the 1%, are getting pissed.
You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

The shutdown is going to hurt the economy. Getting the blame for the shutdown will extend to being blamed for the economy growing worse. If you think that's good for the GOP, you're delusional.

It's very good for the GOP. Need a tissue?


But the state of UTAH does..

Seems that the biggest employer of the sons of Brigham the Federal Government.

The shutdown is going to hurt the economy. Getting the blame for the shutdown will extend to being blamed for the economy growing worse. If you think that's good for the GOP, you're delusional.

It's very good for the GOP. Need a tissue?


But the state of UTAH does..

Seems that the biggest employer of the sons of Brigham the Federal Government.


I'm sure your posts make sense to yourself.

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