Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

Let us not forget that this so called shut down initially affected only 15% of the government.....

Or at least that is what it was supposed to affect....

Then they brought back most of the Military civilians....

I wonder what that leaves on vacation as far as the entire country goes?

And BTW, if they are going to get paid they shouldn't affect the unemployment numbers at all.......
Most of the country is blaming the GOP for this shutdown (as they should). National approval of the ACA has increased over 17% during the debacle as well.


It is glorious watching this party eat themselves as the rest of the country catches on to their brand of crazy. That is what happens when your policies are so out of touch with this century that you have to appeal to the far right to hold on to any power.

But, then again.. What do polls mean anyway? It's all libruhhl propaganda, right?

This shutdown just handed the house to the dems, I am willing to take bets on that.
Come on - a Republican Congressman screaming at a federal employee for doing an unpleasant task caused by a gleeful Republican initiative is justified?
You must admit, at the very least, that it isn't a good look.

I'm not sure I'm following you here. Can you be more specific? I'm sensing there is a story I missed - maybe a link to it?

Her ya go.
Congressman Castigates Park Ranger For The Memorial Closure He Voted For
"How do you look at them and ... deny them access?" said Neugebauer. He, with most House Republicans, had voted early Sunday morning to pass a funding measure that would delay the Affordable Care Act, a vote that set up a showdown with the Senate and President Barack Obama. With the parties unable to agree on how to fund the federal government, non-essential government functions shut down Tuesday.
"It's difficult," responded the Park Service employee.

"Well, it should be difficult," replied the congressman, who was carrying a small American flag in his breast pocket.

"It is difficult," responded the Park Service employee. "I'm sorry, sir."

"The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves," the congressman said.

"I'm not ashamed," replied the ranger.
I know, I know - it's HuffPo, but that's just the first link I came to.
And I also know that 'screaming' is a bit of hyperbole on my part...substitute 'berate' if you like.

1.) I was not aware of that incident - thanks for the link

2.) I don't care if it's Huffpo (remember, I'm not a liberal, thus I don't close my eyes to the facts) - if it has a video, it is fact that cannot be denied no matter who publishes it

3.) I do, however, enjoy the spin that Huffpo (and all liberals are placing on this). The GOP did not vote to shut down a memorial. Memorials are in the open and are (normally) available 24x7. Barack Hussein actually had to spend money to cordon off the memorials. And that's the point that the left is desperately trying to ignore and then spin. We are not saving one damn penny closing those memorials sitting out in the open public. We're spending money to close them - and it's being done by Obama as a sad and transparent tactic of trying to annoy people and then hope that they blame the GOP. Well, the joke is on him, because it's not working. The blame is being placed squarely where it belongs - on Barack and his dedication to marxism.

By the way - I do have a serious question for the left. Michelle Obama apparently has quite a history of being a lazy, useless bum (plenty of stories out there to research on your own). To this day, she does not have a job. With that in mind, and considering the government "shut down" (hilarious term), why isn't the White House staff on furlough? They don't need White House chef's - Michelle can get her lazy, useless ass in the kitchen and cook. They don't need White House laundry. Michelle can get her lazy, useless ass in the laundry room and place their clothes and their sheets in the washing machine just like the rest of America.

Funny, Obama tries to stop veterans who put their ass on the line for this country from visiting a memorial, but he sure as hell hasn't cut back on a single luxury of his.
Most of the country is blaming the GOP for this shutdown (as they should). National approval of the ACA has increased over 17% during the debacle as well.


It is glorious watching this party eat themselves as the rest of the country catches on to their brand of crazy. That is what happens when your policies are so out of touch with this century that you have to appeal to the far right to hold on to any power.

But, then again.. What do polls mean anyway? It's all libruhhl propaganda, right?

This shutdown just handed the house to the dems, I am willing to take bets on that.

What a sad indictment on you and your kind that being fiscally responsible is considered to be "out of touch with this century". You're just an angry, greedy, parasite [MENTION=39138]Liberal[/MENTION].

I do have one question for you though. Since $17 trillion in debt is not enough spending for you (un-fucking-believable by the way), what is the magic number? What is the number when you will lose your fuck'n mind and demand that government stop spending? I've asked every liberal here and have yet to get an answer (I did have one person give me sort of an answer by comparing the debt to GDP ratio of Japan - which is another nation bankrupt and on the verge of collapse - and then extrapolating that out to the U.S. GDP, but they still didn't give an exact number). I eagerly await your avoidance of this question as you know what ever number you put will expose you as the unhinged asshat that you are... :lol:

You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

And you shouldn't be "crying" about the other stuff either..then.

Like state parks, museums, passports, roads, bridges, and a mess of other stuff.

Like you, Republicans are happy with this mess.

Let's see how this works out in the long run.

Because even the folks Republican worship, the 1%, are getting pissed.

I see Swallow is still in a tizzy over the thought that his government cheese and government food stamps that he actually uses for cigarettes and porn might be cut back a smidge... :eusa_doh:
The House passed several bills. The Senate rejected all of them. Looks like the Democrats own this shut down.

The house bills were far-right fantasies -- not worth consideration as they tried to rewrite an existing non-discretion spending law within a CR on discretional spending programs and budget items.

A responsible House passes a clean CR.

Then as the ACA kicks in, offers up bills for changes and tweaks as needed. The medical device tax is a central to the law being deficient neutral. Non-starter.

These extremists retards are tanking the country because they're rubes unqualified to hold office.

You say that like getting the blame for the shutdown is a bad thing. IMO getting the credit for shutting it down is a net + for the republicans. But then I'm not one of the dependent folk that can't live without a federal wet nurse.

The shutdown is going to hurt the economy. Getting the blame for the shutdown will extend to being blamed for the economy growing worse. If you think that's good for the GOP, you're delusional.

Obama owns the economy sweetie... :lol:

He told the American people he had all of the answers. He implemented 100% of his marxist policies, and all we've seen in return is the worst economy since the Great Depression.
The House passed several bills. The Senate rejected all of them. Looks like the Democrats own this shut down.

The house bills were far-right fantasies -- not worth consideration as they tried to rewrite an existing non-discretion spending law within a CR on discretional spending programs and budget items.

A responsible House passes a clean CR.

Then as the ACA kicks in, offers up bills for changes and tweaks as needed. The medical device tax is a central to the law being deficient neutral. Non-starter.

These extremists retards are tanking the country because they're rubes unqualified to hold office.

[MENTION=39768]hazlnut[/MENTION], even by your standards, this is an epically stupid post.

A responsible house doesn't pass a CR at all - "clean" or otherwise. We're $17 trillion in debt you fuck'n moron, government mooch, American tax payer parasite fuck... :bang3:
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.

Hey Chris, i don't give a rats ass If Ike created it or even Ole George himself.

How much before you say it's too much? Come on give us a number....Do you even know how much the debt already costs in interest alone?
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Dumbocrats don't care about children (hell, they kill them in the womb). They are greedy bastards who would sell a child with cancer into sex slavery if it meant one extra cigarette for these high school drop outs.
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.

[MENTION=11254]Chris[/MENTION] - it's astounding how stupid you are. You swallow any load the liberals blows down your throat.

Fact: the day Obama took office the national debt stood at $10 trillion

Fact: Obama has driven the national debt now to $17 trillion

That means all by himself (and in only 4.5 years) Obama created 41% of the national debt.

Your "90%" figure simply doesn't add up stupid... :lol:

And how about this fact, stupid:

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov?t Data | CNS News
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?
It is only too much, no matter what the amount, when a Democrat is president, and never too much when a Republican is president.

If you remember St Ronnie ran against Carter arguing that the $300 billion he ran up was generational theft. However Reagan and Bush I then ran up $4 trillion in debt and we were told deficits didn't matter. Once Clinton was elected suddenly the deficit was the end of the known world and must be eliminated in 7 years. Then Bush II is elected and surprise, surprise, just as suddenly deficits don't matter again. Now Obama is elected and deficits matter again.

Is it any wonder no one takes the Tea Bag Brotherhood seriously?

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney
Last edited:
It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.

[MENTION=11254]Chris[/MENTION] - it's astounding how stupid you are. You swallow any load the liberals blows down your throat.

Fact: the day Obama took office the national debt stood at $10 trillion

Fact: Obama has driven the national debt now to $17 trillion

That means all by himself (and in only 4.5 years) Obama created 41% of the national debt.

Your "90%" figure simply doesn't add up stupid... :lol:

And how about this fact, stupid:

Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov?t Data | CNS News
First of all, the fiscal year does not begin the day a new president takes the oath of office, and spending on the previous president's policies immediately end.

At the end of Clinton's last fiscal year the debt was $5.8 trillion and at the end of Bush's last fiscal year it was $11.9 trillion. There is interest on that $11.9 trillion that Obama inherited which obviously Obama "all by himself" has nothing to do with. That puts it at over $13 trillion that Obama inherited. Then you have the cost of Bush's 2 wars and the unfunded Medicare part D that carry over into Obama's years.

So we see that very little of the $17 trillion is due to new Obama POLICIES.
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?

It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.

You are out of your fucking mind. Obama ran up more debt in 1 year than Reagan did in 8
It was to much when Bush doubled it. Now it's twice as bad.

It should be against the law to pass debts to your children.

90% of the National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes.

Go to to see the numbers.

You are out of your fucking mind. Obama ran up more debt in 1 year than Reagan did in 8

No, actually he didn't.


Notice how the debt accelerated during Bush's last two budget years. Obama's debt is a continuation of that trend and neither Bush nor Obama are directly responsible for that acceleration. It happened because of the recession. Bush set the all-time record by increasing the debt by $1.1 trillion in 100 days between July 30 and Nov 9, 2008—but that had little to do with his choices.

Recessions cut tax revenues—in this case, dramatically. That accounts for nearly half of the deficit. So blaming Obama for the full deficit is like blaming him for not raising the tax rate to keep tax revenues up. Most of the increased spending is automatic increases in unemployment benefits, food stamps, and social security payments for early retirement. Very little of it is from stimulus spending, and that's over.

The green line shows what would have happened to the national debt if Reagan and the Bushes had balanced their budgets as Reagan claimed he would. G.W. Bush, in all modesty, claimed he would "retire nearly $1 trillion in debt over the next four years. This will be the largest debt reduction ever achieved by any nation at any time."

Republicans are quite embarrassed by this performance, so they have invented a cover story: The Democratic Congress did it. Nice try. But for 12 of the 20 years the Congress was not Democratic. Also, presidents can veto, and when it was Democratic, Congress passed smaller budgets on average than the Republican Presidents asked for. Presidents propose the budget, and they have the most influence.​

National Debt by President
Maybe $25 trillion will be enough, Or maybe at $26 Trillion and we have to rename LA, New Peking.

Someone tell us, when is it too much?
It is only too much, no matter what the amount, when a Democrat is president, and never too much when a Republican is president.

If you remember St Ronnie ran against Carter arguing that the $300 billion he ran up was generational theft. However Reagan and Bush I then ran up $4 trillion in debt and we were told deficits didn't matter. Once Clinton was elected suddenly the deficit was the end of the known world and must be eliminated in 7 years. Then Bush II is elected and surprise, surprise, just as suddenly deficits don't matter again. Now Obama is elected and deficits matter again.

Is it any wonder no one takes the Tea Bag Brotherhood seriously?

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter."
Dick Cheney

I'm sorry, would you care for a wider brush? Or would you rather answer the question?

When is it too much, no matter who or what party is President. What will make it too much? I say it was too much before Bush left office. You refuse to get off the party line BS. You have nothing to add, then don't answer.

BTW the interest for the past fiscal year was $415,688,781,248.40 Yes that's 415 Billion.... Nearly one half trillion. Is it too much yet?

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