Republicans shut 'er down, boys!

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We have a Senate who has rejected to even read how many House bills? A President who refuses to even talk about any compromise.

And yet we are supposed to believe its the other guys fault?

Sorry, you gotta give in order to take.........
How's this smaller government working out for y'all?

pretty good. I hope it shrinks even more

Precisely... I am not some lazy do nothing who corn holed himself into a job with a unit that is continually running so far in the red that it doubles its debt every 4-8 years... I don't rely on handouts.. and i have no vacations planned to national parks

I hope that this continues to show that the 'shutdown' (which is more like a scale back of unnecessary and unwarranted parts of the federal government) is not catastrophic and this starts the movement toward shrinking the federal government... but for that to happen, the DEM scare machine has to stop with their bullshit tactics that have so many of their rabid followers in full chicken little mode
How's this smaller government working out for y'all?

pretty good. I hope it shrinks even more

Precisely... I am not some lazy do nothing who corn holed himself into a job with a unit that is continually running so far in the red that it doubles its debt every 4-8 years... I don't rely on handouts.. and i have no vacations planned to national parks

I hope that this continues to show that the 'shutdown' (which is more like a scale back of unnecessary and unwarranted parts of the federal government) is not catastrophic and this starts the movement toward shrinking the federal government... but for that to happen, the DEM scare machine has to stop with their bullshit tactics that have so many of their rabid followers in full chicken little mode

This is exactly what Obama and the Democrats fear - that people will realize all of these "non-essential" departments are unnecessary and ask why the federal government would even have "non-essential" departments to begin with.

It's exactly why Obama got caught sending out a memo last time which said "make it hurt". And that philosophy is why he has kept the Andrews Air Force base golf course up and running but has unnecessarily cordoned off monuments.
If Obama had an ounce of genuineness to him, he would be shutting down the least relevant government . Instead, he's keeping government golf courses open while shutting down military grocery stores and the Amber Alert website.

The Dumbocrats are going to have to work overtime with their lies and propaganda to keep this stuff from getting out to the masses. Once it does, I have to imagine the blowback on Obama and the Dumbocrats will be devastating.

Note from Alex Jones: This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it.

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax

Obama’s military golf courses are open, even while the military bases shut down the grocery stores. What is Obama’s response to the shutdown? He goes golfing, of course.

Obama Keeps Military Golf Course Open... Closes Military Grocery Stores

Oops! How humiliating....

The Amber Alert government website has been restored to functionality after internet users pointed out that the website and the system was never really down, and was just made to appear that way by the Department of Justice, possibly as a publicity stunt.

» Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax
Translation: GOP hate media got caught lying, as usual, about the Amber Alert being down and now are trying to cover their lying asses and still blame Obama. Each state controls their own Amber Alert system, the government site just posts statistics and background about Amber Alerts.
If Obama had an ounce of genuineness to him, he would be shutting down the least relevant government . Instead, he's keeping government golf courses open while shutting down military grocery stores and the Amber Alert website.

The Dumbocrats are going to have to work overtime with their lies and propaganda to keep this stuff from getting out to the masses. Once it does, I have to imagine the blowback on Obama and the Dumbocrats will be devastating.

Note from Alex Jones: This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it.

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax

Obama’s military golf courses are open, even while the military bases shut down the grocery stores. What is Obama’s response to the shutdown? He goes golfing, of course.

Obama Keeps Military Golf Course Open... Closes Military Grocery Stores

BTW, The military Commissary does not cost the government a dime to operate, they are non profit yet any profit they do make is turned over to the troop moral and welfare fund....They never fail to make a donation to that fund....So why were they closed?
If Obama had an ounce of genuineness to him, he would be shutting down the least relevant government . Instead, he's keeping government golf courses open while shutting down military grocery stores and the Amber Alert website.

The Dumbocrats are going to have to work overtime with their lies and propaganda to keep this stuff from getting out to the masses. Once it does, I have to imagine the blowback on Obama and the Dumbocrats will be devastating.

Note from Alex Jones: This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it.

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax

Obama’s military golf courses are open, even while the military bases shut down the grocery stores. What is Obama’s response to the shutdown? He goes golfing, of course.

Obama Keeps Military Golf Course Open... Closes Military Grocery Stores

If all this were true, what would it matter...really?
The Republicans wanted smaller government, they've got it.
Even if Obama is keeping his favourite bowling alley and Michelle's favourite ice cream parlour open...there are still plenty of parks, research laboratories and environmental and disease monitoring agencies closed, saving money for the patriots and job-creators.
Some pretty stupid things were closed in some very stupid ways.

The Normandy American Cemetery.

The parking lot for Mt Vernon. Not mt Vernon though, that isn't owned or run by the government, But their parking lot is on Government property....

And private homes. Homes that are privately owned but on a federal beach, the homeowners were told they could not go home...

Totally fucking stupid.
If Obama had an ounce of genuineness to him, he would be shutting down the least relevant government . Instead, he's keeping government golf courses open while shutting down military grocery stores and the Amber Alert website.

The Dumbocrats are going to have to work overtime with their lies and propaganda to keep this stuff from getting out to the masses. Once it does, I have to imagine the blowback on Obama and the Dumbocrats will be devastating.

Note from Alex Jones: This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services. As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar views of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they’re simply blocking it.

Justice Dept. Caught in Amber Alert Takedown Hoax

Obama’s military golf courses are open, even while the military bases shut down the grocery stores. What is Obama’s response to the shutdown? He goes golfing, of course.

Obama Keeps Military Golf Course Open... Closes Military Grocery Stores

If all this were true, what would it matter...really?
The Republicans wanted smaller government, they've got it.
Even if Obama is keeping his favourite bowling alley and Michelle's favourite ice cream parlour open...there are still plenty of parks, research laboratories and environmental and disease monitoring agencies closed, saving money for the patriots and job-creators.

Very true [MENTION=27296]idb[/MENTION] - but I don't want to close down 10% of wasteful government to keep 90% of MORE wasteful government open. I want 100% of it closed down, starting with the worst waste.

Also, stopping people from viewing a mountain is not saving any money (and you know it). It's just Obama being an asshole. Wonder how that's going to work out for him in the 2014 midterm elections? :dunno:
More glaring evidence that Dumbcorats don't give a fuck about people (including children sick with cancer) but instead care only about money, power, and communism...

  • “Treatments for children suffering from cancer. The Republicans have agreed to a compromise by funding the part of the government, including the National Institute of Health, which offers children with cancer last‑chance experimental treatment… The NIH was told by the President, ‘You can’t start any new testing of anything.’ As soon as the Republicans found out about it, they said, ‘Not a problem. Let’s make sure that we fund the NIH. We’ll pass a special bill to fund the NIH so we can save children,’” Glenn explained. “If that’s what you really picked out of the 100% of the pie, you only need to shut down 15%, if that’s what you pick, we’ll fund that. So [Republicans] said, ‘We’ll pass it.” The President said he will veto it if it gets to his desk. That’s the compromise.”

  • “World War II Memorial is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It doesn’t have a staff to it. It is maintained with private financing, built by private financing, maintained with private financing. The White House knew in advance that these flights come in all the time… And so what do they do? They put a chain‑link fence around the World War II Memorial… You have your National Park Service coming out and saying, ‘We were told to inflict as much pain as possible,’” Glenn explained. “Then when the GOP finds out about it, the congressmen remove the barricades. When one of the park rangers says, ‘Hey, you can’t do that’ and starts yelling at the people in the wheelchairs, what happens? The president raises the stakes and then says, ‘I’m going to put guards around that memorial.’ So he’s spending money. Does that seem reasonable to you? By the way, the GOP has offered to cover any costs to keep the memorial open for the greatest generation.”

  • “Then there’s the furloughed military chaplains. The military chaplains are not allowed to work for free. They have all said, ‘We will celebrate mass. We will do our services. We will do baptisms for free.’ They have been told they will be punished if they do it,” Glenn explained. “So you have a baby to be baptized; the military priest cannot baptize your child or he’ll go to jail. He can’t celebrate mass anywhere for free or he will go to jail. Does this sound reasonable to you at all?”

  • “In the Florida Keys small businesses, hunters, and commercial fishermen can no longer practice their trade,” he said. “They have tried to close down the ocean. The Feds are saying, ‘You can’t do any fishing on the ocean.’ Does this seem reasonable to you?”

  • “The American Forces Network, AFN, these are the people that carry shows like mine, they carry shows like… 50% of the shows have to be liberal. But they also not just broadcast the news and talk,” Glenn said. “They also bring our Armed Forces all of the sporting events, all the football games and everything else. The golf course at Camp David is deemed essential, but AFN carrying the football games for our troops is not. Not doing them. Carrying them… By the way, Camp David, the golf course and Camp David is open.”

  • “The D‑day Memorial. The GOP has offered to compromise and fund all of the National Parks,” Glenn explained. “The President has said he will veto any compromise on legislation. So the D‑day Memorial in Normandy has now been barricaded.”

  • “Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home, is privately funded. The Feds blocked the visitors from entering the parking area because the National Park Service maintains the lot… No federal money is used to operate any of these parks. In fact, the federal government makes money through the operation of these parks,” Glenn said. “He had them all closed down and so the 400 to 500 private employees have been furloughed. And by the way, they don’t get any of their money back. They’re just destroyed. Because, I forgot to tell you: The GOP and the Democrats did get together in some emergency legislation. They don’t give a crap about the 400 to 500 employees that are privately. But those government workers, they raced to make sure they knew, ‘Oh, don’t worry. You’ll get your money.’”

  • “A self‑sustaining colonial farm that hasn’t received a dime of government money since 1980 has been closed for the first time in 40 years. The National Park Service has succeeded in closing the farm to the public. In the previous budget dramas, the farm has always been exempted because the government pays nothing, provides no staff, nor do they provide any resources to operate the farm,” he explained. “The President has closed the Vietnam Memorial. The GOP passed the compromised legislation that would fund the memorial, keep it open to the public, but the president said he would veto it.”

  • “The operator of a 51‑room inn located on U.S. Government‑owned land in North Carolina abandoned his defiant stance on Thursday to keep his property open despite being ordered to shut down as part of the federal government shutdown. October is this inn’s prime season,” Glenn said. “The GOP has offered a compromise to open this particular park, but the President said no to that compromise. So here is a private individual that will lose out on the money that he makes in his prime season. State troopers, by the way, have blocked the customers have entering the parking lot. How much are they spending on the state troopers? Again, Park Service ranger said, ‘We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.’”

  • “The President has forced residents out of their private homes – the government shutdown being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of their private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land,” Glenn said. “Acadia Park, Maine, ‘We’ve been training at two years at Crossfit for this hike, no kidding.’ She said the shutdown now is going to keep everybody off of Acadia Park.”

  • “A historic restaurant opened during the last shutdown, forced to close. An iconic Philadelphia restaurant been forced to close its doors and turned away book parties because of the government shutdown,” he said. “That is a private restaurant. They won’t get any money back.”

  • “There’s a road that goes through a Colorado park,” Glenn said. “The forest service announced the Pitkin County commissioners to order that Maroon Creek Road be shut down at the height of the tourist season, ahead of what is supposed to be one of the busiest weekends of the fall. The road is to be closed at T Lazy 7 Ranch pending the resolution of the shutdown.”

  • “And here’s my favorite. We joked about this. They actually did it. They are now blocking access to trails, roads, and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction,” Glenn explained. “The National Park Service has now placed cones along the highway outside of Mount Rushmore this weekend, barring visitors from stopping and looking at the mountain. You cannot stop on the road. And they have officers there to ticket you if you do.” Obama: you are forbidden from LOOKING AT A MOUNTAIN:lmao:

  • “The U.S. Department of Agriculture has gone turned off its entire website in response to the government shutdown, leaving farmers, reporters, and others with no way to access any of the agency’s information online,” Glenn said. “The USDA’s total website goes far beyond response of other federal agencies. Seems to be part of an effort to make people feel the effects of the shutdown. Thursday morning calls to the USDA’s press office seeking an explanation were not answered.”

  • “The President has closed the Military Commissary. Military members and veterans and families who shop at the local tax‑free store were shocked to discover that the store’s doors had been locked. They have closed the PX. This is where you go and you shop if you’re a military family. This is at Andrews Air Force base. They have shut the commissary and they have shut the PX,” Glenn said. “So you can’t go buy any groceries, you can’t go buy any clothes, any medicine. You can’t go buy meat, nothing.”

Obama: Inflict as much pain as possible
Too bad they asked for too much............
Is that the rationalization the GOP used for blocking a Budget Conference in both the House and Senate 18 times since Mar 23, 2013?

This isn't part of their talking points so...

...good luck with getting any of them to seriously consider this. :eusa_shhh:
Imagine that! The GOP opposed the DNC Spendathon that has driven the National debt up to $17 trillion dollars. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Go, GOP!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Really, the Republicans have everything they wanted.
The Democrats have been completely hoodwinked and out-maneuvered.

The sequester is still in place and not even under discussion, the government is shut down and any more 'compromise' by the Whitehouse is going to be cream to the Republicans.

Well played to the GOP.
Really, the Republicans have everything they wanted.
The Democrats have been completely hoodwinked and out-maneuvered.

The sequester is still in place and not even under discussion, the government is shut down and any more 'compromise' by the Whitehouse is going to be cream to the Republicans.

Well played to the GOP.

You don't really believe that, do you? For starters, the Republicans have made it clear that they want Obamacare repealed. Is it?

The National Parks seriously doesn't even make my top 1,200 of unconstitutional government expenses that I want to see shut down.

By the way, the government is not "shutdown". Hell, it's not even mildly interrupted. It's astounding to see Democrats go into a tizzy because a freaking park is temporarily unavailable. :eusa_doh:
Really, the Republicans have everything they wanted.
The Democrats have been completely hoodwinked and out-maneuvered.

The sequester is still in place and not even under discussion, the government is shut down and any more 'compromise' by the Whitehouse is going to be cream to the Republicans.

Well played to the GOP.

You don't really believe that, do you? For starters, the Republicans have made it clear that they want Obamacare repealed. Is it?

The National Parks seriously doesn't even make my top 1,200 of unconstitutional government expenses that I want to see shut down.

By the way, the government is not "shutdown". Hell, it's not even mildly interrupted. It's astounding to see Democrats go into a tizzy because a freaking park is temporarily unavailable. :eusa_doh:

Now, to be fair there Rotty, there have been one or two tizzies from the Republican side as well.

Of course the Republicans have won...they wanted smaller government, they've got it.
The Dems didn't even try to negotiate the sequester for example.
It's a long game for the Reps and they've played it brilliantly.

Obama has caved before and they're betting he'll cave I said, any concession from him will simply be gravy to them.

Sure, they said that they wanted to de-fund Obamacare but that was never going to happen.
They've gone into negotiations with a high offer while willing to negotiate down.

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