Republicans still making hilariously absurd claims

you're a good little sheeple. Good example of what has happened to Freedom loving american males. The left has succeeded in making you all into women ...with little dicks.
Only real men have corded blinds! Low flow toilets are for sissies! :abgg2q.jpg:

Btw, we're coming for your gas stove. Starve you out. By the time we're done with you you'll be living off WalMart beef jerky & Cheetos. CNN now making 'ridiculous claims' about Biden and the Biden crime family?

Lefties think the gas stove stuff is hilarious but what about the documents and the money laundering and the open borders and inflation and polls that put Biden in single digits? Is that hilarious too?
Whether any of that is true or not, it still has nothing to do with gas stoves.
He asked her to look into it because "it's something that should be looked at", retard.

Apparently, your head is exploding because I pointed out that Trump is an ignorant jerkoff who actually suggested that research should be done on whether or not lights inserted into a person's body could cure Covid. :abgg2q.jpg:

If you're so upset over it maybe you should volunteer as a research subject. If you're lucky they won't wrap you in a straightjacket.
With your lack of ability to even consider other treatments, which BTW he was suggesting be done, we would never have discovered penicillin. You'd still be bleeding people with leeches. Moron.
With your lack of ability to even consider other treatments, which BTW he was suggesting be done, we would never have discovered penicillin. You'd still be bleeding people with leeches. Moron.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How about you donate to a research project to examine whether or not UV lights shoved up your ass can cure Covid or ingesting bleach will help? Then you can prove Dotard was right if it works. If it doesn't there's more evidence showing he's deranged.

But we already knew that he's off his rocker so have at it.
This lie about gas stoves being ‘banned’ is yet more idiocy from the dishonest right.
LA has banned NG in new construction. WA building codes council has recommended it to the democrat legislature. What usually follows a ban on fuel required to use an appliance? Washington board moves closer to natural gas ban in new homes
Back in 2019, the nation’s first all-out ban on gas stoves in new constructions took effect in Berkeley, California. Since then, more than 50 cities and counties throughout California have followed suit. Other cities and states like Boston, Milwaukie, Oregon, and Washington state are either considering similar policies or have adopted similar regulations.
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
Not as absurd as the phony Russia hoax of 2016 aimed at Trump.
Republicans supply a steady stream of things for their supporters to be upset about. It makes no difference if their accusations are real or rational. The most recent silly claim is that Biden is going to ban gas stoves. There is no truth to that claim, any more than all the other claims that have been made, but the right has enough media sources to spread such silly claims to their supporters. How long will stovegate be on top of their fears, and what might the next silly claim be?
The freon that was banned was pretty toxic and dangerous. It was replaced by something that was a bit safer and easier to work with.
It was not toxic. The claim was that it damaged the ozone. The claim was probably total horseshit just like all the other claims of the environmentalists. The new stuff is 10 times more expensive and it doesn't work nearly as well. You show all the signs of being totally servile and willing to comply with whatever the government demands.

In fact, one of the reasons that Freon was used instead of such chemicals as ammonia, used in more primitive refrigeration systems, is that it is, for the most part, very chemically and biologically inert.

Not very toxic at all.

As for the alleged “ozone hole”, there are many serious problems with the claim that it ever existed, or that man-made chemicals such as Freon had anything to do with it. One of the biggest problems is a huge volcano, Mount Erebus, which on a daily basis, spews out more ozone-depleting chemicals than Mankind has ever produced, and has been doing so for far longer than Mankind has existed. Care to guess where Mount Erebus is located, relative to the alleged “ozone hole”?
Like firearms, I have bullets lying around all over the place and not one of them has ever killed anyone, moron.
Read an autopsy report.

Cause of death: Bullet wound to the head.

Not cause of Death: Some traitor trash redneck wearing wife beater and coonskin hat.
Read an autopsy report.

Cause of death: Bullet wound to the head.

Not cause of Death: Some traitor trash redneck wearing wife beater and coonskin hat.
Does the bullet go to jail for murder? Run along Winnie, you're making a fool of yourself again.
Does the bullet go to jail for murder? Run along Winnie, you're making a fool of yourself again.
The Bullet Killed
The person is the Killer.

It's not really that difficult to understand.

It's fun to watch you sputter in ignorance.
No need to respond, I've had enough 'stupid' from you today.
The Bullet Killed
The person is the Killer.

It's not really that difficult to understand.

It's fun to watch you sputter in ignorance.
No need to respond, I've had enough 'stupid' from you today.
Put it this way. Load a gun, lay it on a table in front of you. Wait for it to kill someone. I'll wait until that happens. Keep talking Winnie, you're a moron. I think the actual cause of death is usually listed as GSW which is an acronym for Gun Shot Wound. Not gun, not bullet. Your welcome, but I am getting bored with trying to educate your ass. You are the reason Johnny can't read.

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