Republicans Stunned God, Guns, And Gays No Longer Working For Them

With the November midterms looming and Republican hopes of taking control of both chambers of Congress slipping away, GOP campaign consultants are scrambling because their traditional appeals to voters are now falling flat and they're not sure what to do about it.

According to a report from Politico's David Siders, Republicans have normally banked on culture war issues to drive the base to the polls but in 2022 "God, guns and gays" isn't playing well with voters in large part because the electorate and attitudes on those three hot-button issues have evolved.

So what happens when the only thing you have, are divisive issues that don’t work for you anymore?

Hey, I know, let’s try trickle down economics. That’s a winner.
No longer working?

70% of Americans say the Democrats have the the country heading in the wrong direction and are leaving the Democrats for the GOP....

I smell a desperate troll....
It was during Reagan's bid for President that Christians were tapped to side with Republicans on moral issues....

Before that time both parties were equally Christian...neither party was treating Christians as a voting block separate from what they owned.

To this day, over 30% of Democrats still are opposed to abortion and homosexual rights. (Despite all the claims of the opposite)

Christians, like most Americans are getting fairly tired of all the hypocrisy of politicians and the lack of qualified candidates/leadership their Government has been displaying.
Congress was in session in less than 2 days
It’s still going on as long as some are saying it was a “peaceful protest” and punishments haven’t gone up the ladder high enough.
Not one mention of reproductive rights. The Dems will win the House too, because women voters outnumber male voters by more than 8 million. Even women who oppose abortion don't want a total ban. "Heartbeat laws" are killing women.

Mitch McConnell's threat to pass a national abortion ban is real and women know it. As long as Republicans oppose women's rights, they're dead in the water.
McConnell can chirp all he wants, but a national abortion ban is as unconstitutional as RvW was.

You need a reality check, abortion may help in some states but it isn't polling as well as you think.
No longer working?

70% of Americans say the Democrats have the the country heading in the wrong direction and are leaving the Democrats for the GOP....

I smell a desperate troll....

You are the troll. Republicans are a major part of the reason this country is headed in the wrong direction.

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