Republicans Submit Articles To Impeach Biden As Soon As He's Sworn In

How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Remember, kids, no Democrat today is responsible for the KKK, but all Republicans today are respDonsible for slavery in America. So pay up!

Hey, Pogo, what have you done to assuage your white guilt today?

Actually Daveward Illiteratehands, the post made no mention of either "Democrats" nor "Republicans". It pointed to Moonglow and declared "you guys formed the KKK". Whelp, I know exactly who formed the KKK and I kind of doubt Moonglow is 179 years old. Go ahead, prove me wrong.

I like your formation of the word "respDonsible" though. Umma see if I can use that somewhere.
Typo. It happens.

Maybe you can find a black person on the street and explain that, as a white man, you're respDonsible for his ancestors being slaves. I'm sure he'll thank you for it.
Your comprehension always been this bad?
My comprehension's great. You can tell because I'm not a leftist.
Obviously your comprehension is greatly damaged.
Because I don't believe your institutional lies?
No. Its because you cant understand what you read.

Historical revisionism.
He's got not one but TWO Republican Chairs owning up to the SS and all he can do is go :lalala:
It's hilarious how you guys implicitly believe a couple of Republicans, when you wouldn't be caught dead doing so with any others.

Not nearly as hilarious as the idea that some anamoulous message board poster speakes for the Republican party while its Chairs, do not..

You run with that, Chico.

Oh by the way yeah I believe Brad Raffensberger too, and I'm not even dead.

Never claimed I spoke for the party. That is yet another intellectual failure of yours. You keep doing that.

The fuck you didn't. You sat here in this very thread declaring that not one but two RNC Chairs, which you collectively referred to as "he" to minimize them, were wrong and you knew better than they did.

A fucking Chair speaks for the party. Those guys earned their position. You OTOH are an amonniloius internet message board poster waving guns around.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

The process has not been cheapened. In one case, Trump tried to pressure a foreign government to investigate a political rival. The second involved a incitement of protestors to perform a terrorist attack against the US.

Please try to impeach Biden. Give Democrats more ammunition to use against Republicans in 2022.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Destroy the roads and train tracks into the cities. Cut the power lines. Starve the heathen. They will go to the Prog burbs and have their way with the stupid bitches before they enter the semi rural and rural areas with the men and women who are armed and know basic guerilla warfare to experienced guerilla warfare tactics. On Jan. 6, the Progs at the capitol Building were pussies. For that is what they are.
The cities are where the $$$$ is

Rural areas have mooched off the cities for centuries. What makes you think they will cut off their cash cow?
Tough to feed a city of millions when the city governments have outlawed people growing food in their own yards.
Ooooh, that'll keep three million people alive for, what, 10 minutes?
You said it was illegal to grow food in the city. Did you forget you said that? What happened?
No, I said that. Do you want to make the case that the cities can feed themselves?

Because they can't. Period. End of story.
You think cities only get their food from Red States?

They have wealth that rural areas lack. They can import food from anywhere in the world
LOL! No impeachment of Joe, but Nancy will trot out her 25th Amendment removal of Joe as soon as he shows his age, makes a gaffe or two, and she gets President Kamala Harris.

It's really irrelevant, Biden will be dead before 2021 is over. But, it's important that he be hounded by the Republicans and conservatives for every single minute of the remaining months of his life.

How do you just make up some bs like that up? Zero evidence Biden will die before 2021
Will Republicans Impeach Biden for stuttering?

No, for treason.

Moron you do realize that Democrats have full majority and none this will ever make it to the floor....right?

The point is to hound Biden every single instant of his existence, until he resigns or dies. Then do the same to Harris. Not a moment of peace or happiness for either of them. Ever.

That's what resistance means.

Go ahead idiots squeal, let's see if the voters will be impressed.
What would a libber know about actual voters?

You mean after Democrats won everything there was to win? Probably more than you obviously.
Dems don't really vote.....they mail in and not legally.

Sore loser talk.
Just responding to your nonstop TDS.

With sore loser talk
Biden makes us all losers
Yes you're a loser but that wasn't Bidens fault. Your loser radical conservative ways made you a loser.
LOL! No impeachment of Joe, but Nancy will trot out her 25th Amendment removal of Joe as soon as he shows his age, makes a gaffe or two, and she gets President Kamala Harris.

It's really irrelevant, Biden will be dead before 2021 is over. But, it's important that he be hounded by the Republicans and conservatives for every single minute of the remaining months of his life.

How do you just make up some bs like that up? Zero evidence Biden will die before 2021
Will Republicans Impeach Biden for stuttering?

No, for treason.

Moron you do realize that Democrats have full majority and none this will ever make it to the floor....right?

The point is to hound Biden every single instant of his existence, until he resigns or dies. Then do the same to Harris. Not a moment of peace or happiness for either of them. Ever.

That's what resistance means.

Go ahead idiots squeal, let's see if the voters will be impressed.
What would a libber know about actual voters?

You mean after Democrats won everything there was to win? Probably more than you obviously.
Dems don't really vote.....they mail in and not legally.

Sore loser talk.
Just responding to your nonstop TDS.

With sore loser talk
Biden makes us all losers

I'll give you tip on not sounding unhinged about how Biden wronged you - AT LEAST WAIT UNTILL HE IS SWORN IN!
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him for being an idiot. Even Pelosi couldn't disagree with that.
Sore losers looking for reasons to impeach that don't exist. LOl!
That's what Democrats did for three years for the first one.
Not when it was proven that voter suppression prevented millions of minorities from voting. Democrats were ready for it this time. Republicans will never win again without voter suppression.
So you agree with Democrats that black people are too poor and too stupid to get IDs to vote with.
How would it be any diff than how the GOP treated Bill Clinton? This stupid feud has been going on since the rabid Reagan Repubs started it when GWB sr lost his reelection attempt.

Go back farther. When you guys formed the KKK to oppose Lincoln's policies is when it really started.
Moonglow did not form the KKK. That is unless his name is James Crowe, Calvin Jones, John Booker Kennedy, John Lester, Frank O. McCord or Richard R. Reed and he's at least 179 years old. NOR was it formed to "oppose Lincoln's policies" (who was already dead) or for any political purpose at all.
Destroy the roads and train tracks into the cities. Cut the power lines. Starve the heathen. They will go to the Prog burbs and have their way with the stupid bitches before they enter the semi rural and rural areas with the men and women who are armed and know basic guerilla warfare to experienced guerilla warfare tactics. On Jan. 6, the Progs at the capitol Building were pussies. For that is what they are.
The cities are where the $$$$ is

Rural areas have mooched off the cities for centuries. What makes you think they will cut off their cash cow?
Tough to feed a city of millions when the city governments have outlawed people growing food in their own yards.
Ooooh, that'll keep three million people alive for, what, 10 minutes?
You said it was illegal to grow food in the city. Did you forget you said that? What happened?
No, I said that. Do you want to make the case that the cities can feed themselves?

Because they can't. Period. End of story.
You think cities only get their food from Red States?

They have wealth that rural areas lack. They can import food from anywhere in the world
I said nothing about red or blue states, moron. I said cities can't feed themselves.

As it turns out, I'm right.
You know, it's ridiculous for the democrats to do this without precedence in either impeachment where no crime was committed, and then have the balls to say on inauguration day "but let's all join together and be unified". It's like somebody walks into your living room and shits all over everything and then says "hey, you wanna go have a beer?"

I guess the democrats now know what's going to happen in 2022 if the GOP takes back the House. Fuck you and your unity.
A blow job isn't a crime and yet Republicans saw it fit for impeachment. You were in full agreement too.

Are you repenting?
For the millionth time, Clinton was Impeached for the same reason that he lost his law license. He committed perjury. He lied under oath to avoid being held responsible for sexual harassment. What he did to Lewinski had nothing to do with his Impeachment.
Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Yawn. The only news here is that someone still believes Breitbart.

and hey, maybe it’s not too late for you can send Bannon some money to build the wall.
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Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

let's see. You say:

If he should win. He's already won.

The House is still Demo controlled where such a bill wouldn't make it off the floor. Even all the Republicans wouldn't vote for it.

Rump is gone, Biden gets sworn in on Jan 20th. Get used to it.
Biden didn't win diddly squat and anyone that can claim that with a straight face is just asn inept as pedo Joe.....
I claim it, and you are a liar who cannot prove Biden didn't win.
Yes, we know what you've been told to say.
Are you saying I've been told to say Biden won? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Dude, you have got to be high on something.
You've been told to believe Biden won fairly and transparently. You're a gullible moron.

We were told this by Republicans that ran the elections in places like GA and even Trump's own Attorney General named Barr. Please tell me how you are not a gullible idiot to still believe something was stolen while all these in-charge Trumpsters somehow didn't notice.
Wow......Even with a Tucker Carlson interview, Trump couldnt get anything to stick?
The Biden family are experts at treason. Joe's son and brother set up the shell company to split the laundered money, put Bobulinski in financial charge and asked him not to tell Joe any particulars when they met. That's called plausible deniability. Ol' Joe don't know nothing and don't care to know nothing but shares in the ill gotten profits. You know, like a full on mobster. Do you not have access to any real news or something? Hell RW I gave you the link, all you do is come back with inane comments which, frankly, is all I ever expect from you anyway.
Where are you getting all of this shit from? The Epic Times, or the Gateway Pundit? If he is such a criminal why has he not been investigated and charged. You all are so full of shit I can smell you from here .

You and your Russian and Chinese buddies are claiming that Trump has been a criminal his whole life. Why has he never been charged?
He soon will be Bubba. The Teflon Don is running out of time. He is slick but it will soon be over. Many well connected and moneyed criminals evaded justice for a long time but they were all brought down eventually .Stay tuned
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