Republicans Submit Articles To Impeach Biden As Soon As He's Sworn In

Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president, just because you can, is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."

You have to have the majority in the House to even get an impeachment to the Floor!

The Qanon newbies are in this, way over their heads.... :lol:
Obstruction of justice is fit for impeachment. That is what Clinton was impeached for. Prove me factually incorrect as opposed to the falsehoods you feel entitled to be truth.
Trump obstructed the investigation into his Russian ties the entire time.

By your logic, the first impeachment was warranted.

Impeachment is a reprimand. It didn’t hurt Clinton. Hell, Clinton was so popular with the American People, he could have looked the American People in the eye and told us flat out that he tapped her and she tapped him and dared any of his detractors to get their panties in a bunch. It wouldn’t have mattered. Clinton wasn’t going anywhere nor was he in danger of being moved out over a blow job or any other fun stuff he did in the White House with Monica, Eleanor, and a whole host of women outside of Hilary. He and Hilary have an arrangement and it works. Who gives a shit? Clinton’s downfall was he felt the need to obstruct and cover up over blow jobs that no one cares about. It was is ego and obsession with his image that tripped him up.
As long as democrats control congress and the mainstream media remains the propaganda arm of the democrat party Biden's criminal connections will go unaddressed.

Yes, and so will Biden’s son Hunter’s disgusting habits.

Rumors are there are videos and pictures of Hunter and underage girls on the “Laptop from Hell” that the FBI has. Hunter will of course be free to continue his activities. The FBI and DOJ will ignore any evidence because Biden and Hunter are totally above the rule of law just like Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Pelosi, Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Clinton wasn't impeached for a blowjob. Somebody lied to you. He was impeached and disbarred for perjury, which is a crime.

He lied about getting a blow job. Most people thought it was pretty stupid, and voted Republicans out in 1998.

Newt had to resign. Good thing, because we later found out he was cheating on his wife with a lobbyist.

Then Livingston had to resign because he was fucking around on his wife.

Then they put Denny Hastert in there, and he was paying off teenage boys he ass-raped.

Party of Family Values, everyone. Party of Family Values.
As long as democrats control congress and the mainstream media remains the propaganda arm of the democrat party Biden's criminal connections will go unaddressed.

Yup and you can bet all investigations into him, Hunter and the Chinese will cease. Those that voted for Biden will be regretting it big time. All should Google his list. Its a doozey.
Impeachment is a reprimand. It didn’t hurt Clinton. Hell, Clinton was so popular with the American People, he could have looked the American People in the eye and told us flat out that he tapped her and she tapped him and dared any of his detractors to get their panties in a bunch. It wouldn’t have mattered. Clinton wasn’t going anywhere nor was he in danger of being moved out over a blow job or any other fun stuff he did in the White House with Monica, Eleanor, and a whole host of women outside of Hilary. He and Hilary have an arrangement and it works. Who gives a shit? Clinton’s downfall was he felt the need to obstruct and cover up over blow jobs that no one cares about. It was is ego and obsession with his image that tripped him up.

Actually, he had some funny idea that his private life should be private.

The fact that Hillary lost in 2008 and 2016 tells me that his scandals really did hurt his brand.

Of course, the same people who wanted to impeach him for the blow job are the ones who are all too fine with Trump paying off porn stars.
As long as democrats control congress and the mainstream media remains the propaganda arm of the democrat party Biden's criminal connections will go unaddressed.

Yes, and so will Biden’s son Hunter’s disgusting habits.

Rumors are there are videos and pictures of Hunter and underage girls on the “Laptop from Hell” that the FBI has. Hunter will of course be free to continue his activities. The FBI and DOJ will ignore any evidence because Biden and Hunter are totally above the rule of law just like Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Pelosi, Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

I saw some of them on a friends phone. Disgusting and disturbing don't begin to describe whats on his laptop.
Yup and you can bet all investigations into him, Hunter and the Chinese will cease. Those that voted for Biden will be regretting it big time. All should Google his list. Its a doozey.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

People will realize they like a boring president who doesn't do crazy stuff.
Covid cases will start going down as the vaccine gets distributed properly.
The economy will start improving as people go back to work.

Now, I'm not an optimist. Biden will probably lose the House in 2022 because most of those districts are drawn to favor Republicans and it will probably get worse with redistricting and gerrymandering.

The question is, do the establishment Republicans take back their party, or do the Trump crazies primary some of them and make the GOP as a whole a little crazier.
Yes, and so will Biden’s son Hunter’s disgusting habits.

Rumors are there are videos and pictures of Hunter and underage girls on the “Laptop from Hell” that the FBI has. Hunter will of course be free to continue his activities. The FBI and DOJ will ignore any evidence because Biden and Hunter are totally above the rule of law just like Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Pelosi, Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Actually, that laptop is Russian disinformation... and those pictures are fake.

You know, you can fake anything with the right software.
Yup and you can bet all investigations into him, Hunter and the Chinese will cease. Those that voted for Biden will be regretting it big time. All should Google his list. Its a doozey.

Actually, here's what's going to happen.

People will realize they like a boring president who doesn't do crazy stuff.
Covid cases will start going down as the vaccine gets distributed properly.
The economy will start improving as people go back to work.

Now, I'm not an optimist. Biden will probably lose the House in 2022 because most of those districts are drawn to favor Republicans and it will probably get worse with redistricting and gerrymandering.

The question is, do the establishment Republicans take back their party, or do the Trump crazies primary some of them and make the GOP as a whole a little crazier.

Get back to me when he starts implementing his list. I've seen it and its a doozy.
Actually, he had some funny idea that his private life should be private.

Funny how women making rape and assault accusations tends to open one's private life to public scrutiny.


Either we're serious about inappropriate sexual relationships, or we're not.

In my humble opinion ... every elected (or appointed) government official who has ever had an inappropriate relations with a member of the opposite sex (or the same sex) or has ever caused a person of the other, or same, or indeterminate sex to feel uncomfortable by their behaviour ... needs to be removed from office.

That, should go a long way in alleviating the parking problem in Washington D.C.

Do you think they have the nuts?
If I was in Congress that's what I'd be doing right now.
They've impeached Trump twice, cheapening the clearly impeaching a president just for general purposes is the precedent.

I think that impeaching a president just because you can is wrong.....and should not be tolerated.....but that's what Democrats are essentially doing.

Congress is broken.....and I don't see it recovering any time soon.

"If Joe Biden happens to be elected president this year, he will enter office more hobbled by major scandals than any president in the history of the presidency, and there is just no question that his administration will be immediately paralyzed by impeachment proceedings.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I can think of no other major presidential candidate, and certainly no other president (if he should win) who, on the day he was sworn in, would be immediately engulfed by not just one, but four — four! — impeachable scandals.
There’s just no question that if Biden wins, once he takes office, his administration will be bogged down by legitimate investigations into his actual and credibly suspected wrongdoing, corruption, self-dealing, and sexual misconduct."
Impeach him on what? :auiqs.jpg:
More than Trump got impeached for
Either we're serious about inappropriate sexual relationships, or we're not.

In my humble opinion ... every elected (or appointed) government official who has ever had an inappropriate relations with a member of the opposite sex (or the same sex) or has ever caused a person of the other, or same, or indeterminate sex to feel uncomfortable by their behaviour ... needs to be removed from office.

That, should go a long way in alleviating the parking problem in Washington D.C.

My humble opinion, it's nobody's fucking business.

Here's how I look at it. Back in 1998, I was one of you Right Wing Republicans... and man, I was outraged by What Clinton did.

Then Bush got in. And we got wars. And recessions. and in 2008 I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 25% less than what I had made the year before.

But gosh darn it, Bush didn't cheat on his wife with any interns!!! That was the important thing!!!

I honestly don't care if a politician is cheating on his Stepford Wife or not. I care about whether or not he is good at his job.
As long as democrats control congress and the mainstream media remains the propaganda arm of the democrat party Biden's criminal connections will go unaddressed.

Yes, and so will Biden’s son Hunter’s disgusting habits.

Rumors are there are videos and pictures of Hunter and underage girls on the “Laptop from Hell” that the FBI has. Hunter will of course be free to continue his activities. The FBI and DOJ will ignore any evidence because Biden and Hunter are totally above the rule of law just like Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Pelosi, Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

I saw some of them on a friends phone. Disgusting and disturbing don't begin to describe whats on his laptop.

It does look like another example of how high level Democrats, their family members and their close associates are totally above the rule of law. Of course that assumes the videos and pictures are not fakes.

I personally feel sorry for any underaged girls Hunter may have molested and definitely want to see him stopped before he molests any more.

in passing I bet we will never know who was on Jeffery Epstein’s client list. Underaged girls seem very popular with many in the D.C. Swamp.

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