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Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

With Conservatives, we all have the RIGHT, to pursue each one's happiness, through the gifts from God, but there are some, who abuse their RIGHTS, by not participating, then demanding that the government takes care of them. Those liberals are the reason why the debt is out of control. All they do is abuse the system.

Two points to this:

1) We had a surplus back in 2000 that you Conservatives turned into four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years when we could have paid it off in nine if Conservatives had done literally nothing to the tax code. Where was all this phony deficit/debt outrage then? It was nowhere to be found.

2) In order to pay for tax cuts, Conservatives raid the welfare block grant. So Conservatives quite literally use welfare to pay for their tax cutting policies, making them the biggest welfare queens of all.

YOUR BELEIFS are the reasons the debt is "out of control". Further, what do you mean by "out of control"? The debt has no measurable impact on the economy, so you posturing about the debt must have to do with something else. What is that something else? How come debt was never and issue for you clowns during Bush, but it was during Obama? And how come you support policies (like tax cuts) that will increase the deficit and debt, if you're so concerned with both?

I'll save you the answer: you're a fucking hypocrite who knows nothing.
I have seen quadriplegics working amongst other citizens, providing for their families and themselves, and then I see liberals with 2 good arms and 2 good legs, out panhandling because not only do they get welfare, but thousands of additional dollars that they don't pay taxes on. I particularly do not contribute to these people, but tell them that Obama has 40 million dollars, go see him for the dollars.

Fact is you don't see shi-t, and substituting in your unverifiable personal anecdotes is a clear indicator that you got nothing as far as actual facts are concerned, and you have to make a highly emotional argument because you're such a snowflake!
Maybe you need to fully quote and put conversations into context instead of distorting, just saying.

No, maybe you should first understand what the fuck it is you are talking about. That's step #1. You're not that far.
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay. Don't complain, be Patriotic.

Right, because they gamed the system to make it that way by buying the politicians who will vote for such taxation policies. Not sure why you think it's a good thing for you that these people pay less in taxes. All it means is that the less they pay, the more you pay for basic services like education and health care. So you can thank the Conservatives for the rise in costs for both. It's entirely their fault.
With Conservatives, we all have the RIGHT, to pursue each one's happiness, through the gifts from God, but there are some, who abuse their RIGHTS, by not participating, then demanding that the government takes care of them. Those liberals are the reason why the debt is out of control. All they do is abuse the system.

Two points to this:

1) We had a surplus back in 2000 that you Conservatives turned into four record deficits that doubled the debt in 8 years when we could have paid it off in nine if Conservatives had done literally nothing to the tax code. Where was all this phony deficit/debt outrage then? It was nowhere to be found.

2) In order to pay for tax cuts, Conservatives raid the welfare block grant. So Conservatives quite literally use welfare to pay for their tax cutting policies, making them the biggest welfare queens of all.

YOUR BELEIFS are the reasons the debt is "out of control". Further, what do you mean by "out of control"? The debt has no measurable impact on the economy, so you posturing about the debt must have to do with something else. What is that something else? How come debt was never and issue for you clowns during Bush, but it was during Obama? And how come you support policies (like tax cuts) that will increase the deficit and debt, if you're so concerned with both?

I'll save you the answer: you're a fucking hypocrite who knows nothing.
1) We had a surplus back in 2000
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
While not defending the increase of the federal debt under President Bush, it's curious to see Clinton's record promoted as having generated a surplus. It never happened. There was never a surplus and the facts support that position. In fact, far from a $360 billion reduction in the national debt in FY1998-FY2000, there was an increase of $281 billion.
Just because you say it, doesn't make it true, Oh Derpy one.
In order to pay for tax cuts, you cut bloated programs like the IRS, EPA, FDA, and other liberal bullshit agencies. Trump is already doing it, and now we get to keep more of OUR money. I guess you don't have a job , because you sure are bitching a lot not getting a tax break, because you don't pay taxes.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

No it doesn't but thanks for playing!

Yes it does! That's all you guys can do...make a stupid statement, then shift the goalposts continuously until you fatigue the conversation. That's why, shortly after the plagiarized stuff you people post, your own posts devolve into a mish-mash of inarticulate ramblings, grammatical errors, and misspellings. You've reached the end of your script and are forced to improvise. So what do you then do? Make up things about yourself to lend your argument the credibility it doesn't have because it lacks any factual support.

Every single Conservative does this.
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay. Don't complain, be Patriotic.

Right, because they gamed the system to make it that way by buying the politicians who will vote for such taxation policies. Not sure why you think it's a good thing for you that these people pay less in taxes. All it means is that the less they pay, the more you pay for basic services like education and health care. So you can thank the Conservatives for the rise in costs for both. It's entirely their fault.
All it means is that the less they pay, the more you pay for basic services like education and health care.
The less who pays? The poor? They don't pay shit. But they get all the goods because of what everyone else has to pay. Want to talk about REAL poverty, go look at the poor in Africa, or South America. that is poor, but shits like you only want the vote so your side can stay in power, to eventually destroy the US and make it poor like everyone else. That is called FAIRNESS.

I say end all corporate welfare, that includes Amtrak, NPR and PBS, just shut down Walmarts, I'd have no problem with shutting them down. I shop mom and pops, I shop local, I wish Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Target and Costcos would all go away. I would have no issues.

So this is just an attempt to avoid reality. We live in a globalized world, with a globalized economy. The Founders never envisioned a time when you can sit at your computer in Seattle, order a product from Florida, have it delivered by a company based in Texas, and paid by a credit card based in Delaware. When Conservatives say the things you said above, they know it's unrealistic (Amtrak services millions of riders a day, 750,000 alone in the NE corridor, so you can't "get rid" of it). But that lack of realism is exactly what Conservatism is. Look at your economic policy of "if you build it, they will come". That's not reality, it's fantasy. Which is why it was in a movie, and not real life.

I think the truth is that you're just a lazy person who doesn't give much thought to anything.

As far as the $15, I'm all for it however, it will speed up automation and eliminate jobs. The trucking industry is looking at eliminating 4 million jobs in three to five years, with truck automation. McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King and other fast food restaurants are looking at eliminating millions of jobs through automation. Self checkouts are popping up at larger retail chains and grocery stores. How many jobs are you willing to eliminate to get wages up to $15 an hour? Amazon has an almost fully automated 120,000 square foot warehouse where less than 20 people would work.

You know, I've heard from Conservatives that those companies "are looking" to automate for decades, and it has never come to fruition the way you say it will. So how about instead of making predictions that will inevitably turn out wrong, you deal with the reality of today. Automation is happening, regardless of the wage and has done so for the last 40+ years. Yet, employment at the very positions you claim are going way has increased.

So what we have here is a Conservative (you), unaware of the current state of things. So you lazily (and sloppily) mumble and ramble generalized nonsense as you did here, without any knowledge of that which you speak.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't speed up automation. Raising the minimum wage increases consumer demand, which increases revenues, which increases employment. I've seen self-checkouts for years, but I don't see a requisite drop in employment in the retail or food service sector.

So one of us is talking out of our ass. Employment numbers seem to indicate that person would be you.
dear, the poor and Mr. Trump only pay the taxes we are legally obligated to pay. Don't complain, be Patriotic.

Right, because they gamed the system to make it that way by buying the politicians who will vote for such taxation policies. Not sure why you think it's a good thing for you that these people pay less in taxes. All it means is that the less they pay, the more you pay for basic services like education and health care. So you can thank the Conservatives for the rise in costs for both. It's entirely their fault.
I am advocating for a Jobs Boom and eliminating Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, in Right to Work States.
In order to pay for tax cuts, you cut bloated programs like the IRS, EPA, FDA, and other liberal bullshit agencies.

So tax cuts don't pay for themselves, then. So what economic benefit do they have? If they don't pay for themselves, and don't increase consumer demand, and increase household debt, why do them at all?
I guess you don't have a job , because you sure are bitching a lot not getting a tax break, because you don't pay taxes.

So this is nothing more than the Russian Active Measure of projection; accuse others of that which you do yourself.

I don't believe for a second that you have a job. I don't believe anything you say about yourself. And you trying to foist your own pathetic life on me, as if I am your equal in that sad regard, is a joke. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

So what happens is your posts devolve into these limp-wristed impotent attacks that ultimately do nothing to support your flawed positions that I point out, that then send you into hysterics.

Such a snowflake!
The less who pays? The poor? They don't pay shit.

Try to read a post before responding to it. The less the wealthy pay in taxes, the more everyone else pays for basic services like health care and education. That's why education and health care costs spiked dramatically during Bush. Tax cuts reduced revenues, which reduced spending, which raised costs.

ant to talk about REAL poverty, go look at the poor in Africa, or South America. that is poor, but shits like you only want the vote so your side can stay in power, to eventually destroy the US and make it poor like everyone else. That is called FAIRNESS.

So if you are trying to compare poverty in third world with ours, you're setting the bar awfully low (but you're not very high-bar yourself). I think you need some mental health. You seem very angry, and enraged and I'm not sure why. Such a snowflake!
I am advocating for a Jobs Boom and eliminating Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment, in Right to Work States.

Conservative policies have never and will never result in a jobs boom. Why? Because Conservative policies are antithetical to capitalism, whether they realize it or not. That's why the economy always does better when Democrats are in control than Conservatives.
Okay Derpy is now on ignore, I can only take so much of liberal lunacy and ignorance of the left.
Maybe you need to fully quote and put conversations into context instead of distorting, just saying.

No, maybe you should first understand what the fuck it is you are talking about. That's step #1. You're not that far.

BS! I responded to another poster and you took it off in another direction, you can't stick to the subject fine, but I am not going off on a tangent with you, so if you want to participate and go along great, if you want to control the direction, it ain't gonna happen.
BS! I responded to another poster and you took it off in another direction, you can't stick to the subject fine, but I am not going off on a tangent with you, so if you want to participate and go along great, if you want to control the direction, it ain't gonna happen.

Fair enough, snowflake.
No it doesn't but thanks for playing!

Yes it does! That's all you guys can do...make a stupid statement, then shift the goalposts continuously until you fatigue the conversation. That's why, shortly after the plagiarized stuff you people post, your own posts devolve into a mish-mash of inarticulate ramblings, grammatical errors, and misspellings. You've reached the end of your script and are forced to improvise. So what do you then do? Make up things about yourself to lend your argument the credibility it doesn't have because it lacks any factual support.

Every single Conservative does this.

You move the post by butting into the conversation and you took off in a tangent, I didn't go with you and am not going, so if you want to stick with the original conversation, fine, if not, fine, but I won't go along.

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