Republicans think "PORN" is more dangerous than "GUNS".

Actually, did you know that they have been making adult movies for as long as the movie projector and film have existed?
atta boy, answer the question/point you wish were asked/made, instead of the one that was made/asked...very transparent and extremely lame attempt to change directions, he ya go then, I'll make it so easy even you will see the folly of your post: they have been making adult movies since the invention of the movie projector [longer actually if you include flip cards] and in the 60's you were taught it [porn] was healthy...all better now? did you have a point with that post?...didn't think so
Well deanrd
The left believes in regulating "sugary drinks" but not marijuana and other drugs deemed less addictive than sugar! The left argues the choice of reparative therapy should be banned as more dangerous than the choice of abortion. That Christian prayer and expression is imposing on people in schools, but not LGBT policies that are also faith based and a personal choice.

The left passed laws banning and punishing the free choice of how to pay for health care, requiring insurance as the only choice, but refuses govt regulations on the choice of abortion.

As for porn, the cure for the addictions related to porn, to drugs, and for mental and criminal illness is found in spiritual healing.
which can be proven medically to effectively diagnose and cure the causes of both mental and physical ills.

So why isn't the left demanding research into cures for cancer, for criminal addictions, and other mental illness as provided by spiritual healing? This would make medical and mental care affordable and accessible to the public by reducing the cost of diseases and crime that taxpayers are wasting billions on through failed prisons and mental health systems that don't cure anyone.

If the left wants health care for all, the solution is to invest in free programs through medical R&D studies and outreach in spiritual healing.

That solution would also work for problems with guns, porn, sexual and drug abuse/addictions, and causes of all kinds of illness, crime and abusive disorders and conditions.

Books and studies on spiritual healing by
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Dr. Scott Peck
Being gay a choice? You could choose that? So did you? If not, do you still dream about it?

Yeah, it is a choice. Nowhere else do we see this abominable abhorrent behavior.
You mean besides everywhere in nature?
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

I don't know that it's so horrible to ask if porn creates unhealthy views of sex and women. If it were done properly and not by religious freaks, it might provide good information.

That said, the refusal to allow the CDC to gather data on gun deaths is pathetic

Religious freaks or no, I don't see why we need a study pointing out what we already know. Of course porn warps people's minds especially when they're exposed to it at a very early age.
Unlike guns which just blow your brains out.
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?
Hey loon, what about gun porn?
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

I don't know that it's so horrible to ask if porn creates unhealthy views of sex and women. If it were done properly and not by religious freaks, it might provide good information.

That said, the refusal to allow the CDC to gather data on gun deaths is pathetic

Religious freaks or no, I don't see why we need a study pointing out what we already know. Of course porn warps people's minds especially when they're exposed to it at a very early age.
Unlike guns. They just blow your brains out.

Ban all guns and expose kids to hardcore porn videos -leftist dogma
deanrd lies and makes shit up again, starts a thread, gets mocked.
Yer kind are so funni.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say, what lie?

Yer kind screams about everything.

So I say, give me an example.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say if you make the claim, you need to give an example.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say well, if you can't name a single lie, then it's you that's the liar. Then I walk away knowing I can't give an ignorant crazy any more valuable time.

Then yer kind screams chicken, you can't take it when you are called on your lying.

Then I either ask what lie and repeat the entire thing over again or I laugh and go get a latte.
deanrd lies and makes shit up again, starts a thread, gets mocked.
Yer kind are so funni.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say, what lie?

Yer kind screams about everything.

So I say, give me an example.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say if you make the claim, you need to give an example.

Yer kind screams liar.

So I say well, if you can't name a single lie, then it's you that's the liar. Then I walk away knowing I can't give an ignorant crazy any more valuable time.

Then yer kind screams chicken, you can't take it when you are called on your lying.

Then I either ask what lie and repeat the entire thing over again or I laugh and go get a latte.
You are lying right now. No matter what lie is pointed out you told, your sorry lying ass will simply lie and say you aren't lying. It's noted and observed behavior by you lying scum.
Well deanrd
The left believes in regulating "sugary drinks" but not marijuana and other drugs deemed less addictive than sugar! The left argues the choice of reparative therapy should be banned as more dangerous than the choice of abortion. That Christian prayer and expression is imposing on people in schools, but not LGBT policies that are also faith based and a personal choice.

The left passed laws banning and punishing the free choice of how to pay for health care, requiring insurance as the only choice, but refuses govt regulations on the choice of abortion.

As for porn, the cure for the addictions related to porn, to drugs, and for mental and criminal illness is found in spiritual healing.
which can be proven medically to effectively diagnose and cure the causes of both mental and physical ills.

So why isn't the left demanding research into cures for cancer, for criminal addictions, and other mental illness as provided by spiritual healing? This would make medical and mental care affordable and accessible to the public by reducing the cost of diseases and crime that taxpayers are wasting billions on through failed prisons and mental health systems that don't cure anyone.

If the left wants health care for all, the solution is to invest in free programs through medical R&D studies and outreach in spiritual healing.

That solution would also work for problems with guns, porn, sexual and drug abuse/addictions, and causes of all kinds of illness, crime and abusive disorders and conditions.

Books and studies on spiritual healing by
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Dr. Scott Peck
Being gay a choice? You could choose that? So did you? If not, do you still dream about it?

Yeah, it is a choice. Nowhere else do we see this abominable abhorrent behavior.

No where else but in over 1,000 animal species...:rolleyes:

When did you choose? Did you find yourself equally attracted to men and women but flipped a coin?
Well deanrd
The left believes in regulating "sugary drinks" but not marijuana and other drugs deemed less addictive than sugar! The left argues the choice of reparative therapy should be banned as more dangerous than the choice of abortion. That Christian prayer and expression is imposing on people in schools, but not LGBT policies that are also faith based and a personal choice.

The left passed laws banning and punishing the free choice of how to pay for health care, requiring insurance as the only choice, but refuses govt regulations on the choice of abortion.

As for porn, the cure for the addictions related to porn, to drugs, and for mental and criminal illness is found in spiritual healing.
which can be proven medically to effectively diagnose and cure the causes of both mental and physical ills.

So why isn't the left demanding research into cures for cancer, for criminal addictions, and other mental illness as provided by spiritual healing? This would make medical and mental care affordable and accessible to the public by reducing the cost of diseases and crime that taxpayers are wasting billions on through failed prisons and mental health systems that don't cure anyone.

If the left wants health care for all, the solution is to invest in free programs through medical R&D studies and outreach in spiritual healing.

That solution would also work for problems with guns, porn, sexual and drug abuse/addictions, and causes of all kinds of illness, crime and abusive disorders and conditions.

Books and studies on spiritual healing by
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Dr. Scott Peck
Being gay a choice? You could choose that? So did you? If not, do you still dream about it?

Yeah, it is a choice. Nowhere else do we see this abominable abhorrent behavior.

No where else but in over 1,000 animal species...:rolleyes:

When did you choose? Did you find yourself equally attracted to men and women but flipped a coin?
Nonsense! Animals aren't gay and male fishes don't prefer trouser trout. Stop lying. I don't care what lying report you come up from some lying media pos either.
Well deanrd
The left believes in regulating "sugary drinks" but not marijuana and other drugs deemed less addictive than sugar! The left argues the choice of reparative therapy should be banned as more dangerous than the choice of abortion. That Christian prayer and expression is imposing on people in schools, but not LGBT policies that are also faith based and a personal choice.

The left passed laws banning and punishing the free choice of how to pay for health care, requiring insurance as the only choice, but refuses govt regulations on the choice of abortion.

As for porn, the cure for the addictions related to porn, to drugs, and for mental and criminal illness is found in spiritual healing.
which can be proven medically to effectively diagnose and cure the causes of both mental and physical ills.

So why isn't the left demanding research into cures for cancer, for criminal addictions, and other mental illness as provided by spiritual healing? This would make medical and mental care affordable and accessible to the public by reducing the cost of diseases and crime that taxpayers are wasting billions on through failed prisons and mental health systems that don't cure anyone.

If the left wants health care for all, the solution is to invest in free programs through medical R&D studies and outreach in spiritual healing.

That solution would also work for problems with guns, porn, sexual and drug abuse/addictions, and causes of all kinds of illness, crime and abusive disorders and conditions.

Books and studies on spiritual healing by
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Dr. Scott Peck
Being gay a choice? You could choose that? So did you? If not, do you still dream about it?

Yeah, it is a choice. Nowhere else do we see this abominable abhorrent behavior.

No where else but in over 1,000 animal species...:rolleyes:

When did you choose? Did you find yourself equally attracted to men and women but flipped a coin?

Dear Seawytch
This is different for each person like what religious spiritual or political
beliefs or affilations we use to express ourselves.

Some of it is born in us spiritually, some is how we interact with others externally.

The last I checked, the govt did not take sides punishing people
for discriminating if they didn't agree with Christian or Conservative beliefs.

So why should people be harassed or namecalled
for not agreeing with LGBT or liberal beliefs?

these are personal beliefs, some born some chosen,
and that's up to people to exercise and express their beliefs
without fear of govt abused to silence penalize, establsh or prohibit.

Do you agree that people's choice of LGBT beliefs
should be respected and protected equally
as beliefs about Christianity or Atheism?

Shouldn't all people have equal rights to exercise and
express our own beliefs and not abuse govt to impose our beliefs on others?

Do you agree with equal protections under laws or not?
Or do you believe in discrimination by creed?
Well deanrd
The left believes in regulating "sugary drinks" but not marijuana and other drugs deemed less addictive than sugar! The left argues the choice of reparative therapy should be banned as more dangerous than the choice of abortion. That Christian prayer and expression is imposing on people in schools, but not LGBT policies that are also faith based and a personal choice.

The left passed laws banning and punishing the free choice of how to pay for health care, requiring insurance as the only choice, but refuses govt regulations on the choice of abortion.

As for porn, the cure for the addictions related to porn, to drugs, and for mental and criminal illness is found in spiritual healing.
which can be proven medically to effectively diagnose and cure the causes of both mental and physical ills.

So why isn't the left demanding research into cures for cancer, for criminal addictions, and other mental illness as provided by spiritual healing? This would make medical and mental care affordable and accessible to the public by reducing the cost of diseases and crime that taxpayers are wasting billions on through failed prisons and mental health systems that don't cure anyone.

If the left wants health care for all, the solution is to invest in free programs through medical R&D studies and outreach in spiritual healing.

That solution would also work for problems with guns, porn, sexual and drug abuse/addictions, and causes of all kinds of illness, crime and abusive disorders and conditions.

Books and studies on spiritual healing by
Dr. Francis MacNutt, Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, Dr. Scott Peck
Being gay a choice? You could choose that? So did you? If not, do you still dream about it?

Yeah, it is a choice. Nowhere else do we see this abominable abhorrent behavior.

No where else but in over 1,000 animal species...:rolleyes:

When did you choose? Did you find yourself equally attracted to men and women but flipped a coin?
Nonsense! Animals aren't gay and male fishes don't prefer trouser trout. Stop lying. I don't care what lying report you come up from some lying media pos either.

Dear miketx
Gay penguin dads in German zoo hatch their first chick

Penguins partnered up as two males/best friends
to raise a chick together.

Bonabo's are observed to have bisexual actions between them.

If you take homosexual literally, then football teams are homosexual.
It refers to the external relations.

You may be right about the internal relations.
I believe homosexual and heterosexual attractions between
people are spiritual first, it's about the relationship first
and then about how this is manifested or incarnated.

Because it's a spiritual process and path,
nobody should be dictating this for anyone else
especially not govt. LGBT advocates are hypocritical
if they don't treat all beliefs with equal protection and respect,
since these are all faith based and not proven by science.

People have free and equal choice similar to religious
beliefs and affiliations and nobody shoulid be harassed
bullied or punished for believing or not believing what is faith based.

Shame on liberal Democrats for blaming rightwing
Christians for imposing beliefs in schools and govt,
then turning around and doing this same with LGBT beliefs.

Either treat beliefs the same and include them all or exclude them all,
or it's discrimination by creed to abuse govt to establish
one set of beliefs while prohibiting or penalizing another.

Totally against the First and Fourteenth Amendment,
and wrong of the Democrats to abuse political party,
media and govt to "conspire to violate equal civil rights of others"

Two wrongs don't make them right,
it just makes both sides mad at the
other for violating their equal rights to their own beliefs.
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

I don't know that it's so horrible to ask if porn creates unhealthy views of sex and women. If it were done properly and not by religious freaks, it might provide good information.

That said, the refusal to allow the CDC to gather data on gun deaths is pathetic

Religious freaks or no, I don't see why we need a study pointing out what we already know. Of course porn warps people's minds especially when they're exposed to it at a very early age.

how do we "already know" it?

perhaps for some people healthy porn is good for them.

and by healthy, I mean that it isn't the things I said before.

personally, I don't think porn is a big deal.
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?
The totally unrelated issues of apples and oranges.
Florida Republicans Believe Porn Is More Dangerous Than Guns

The state's House of Representatives approved the resolution by a voice vote on Tuesday. The resolution states a need for education, research and policy changes to protect Floridians, especially teenagers, from pornography.

Republican Rep. Ross Spano says there is research that finds a connection between pornography use and mental and physical illnesses, forming and maintaining intimate relationships and deviant sexual behavior. Spano is also a candidate for attorney general.

The most twisted part of this is the demands by Florida Republicans to research the public health impact of porn, while the CDC is implicitly banned from doing research on gun violence. The 1996 Dickey Amendment specifically blocks the CDC from using its budget to "advocate or promote gun control," and since objective, peer-reviewed, scientific studies consistently show effective gun control would reduce gun violence, there's no research the CDC can do that won't sacrifice its funding.


Yea, that's right. Republicans want to study the damage caused by porn but not the damage caused by guns.

And yet, they follow a guy who not only dates porn stars, they want him to be a role model for their children.

What is with these people?

I don't know that it's so horrible to ask if porn creates unhealthy views of sex and women. If it were done properly and not by religious freaks, it might provide good information.

That said, the refusal to allow the CDC to gather data on gun deaths is pathetic

Religious freaks or no, I don't see why we need a study pointing out what we already know. Of course porn warps people's minds especially when they're exposed to it at a very early age.

how do we "already know" it?

perhaps for some people healthy porn is good for them.

and by healthy, I mean that it isn't the things I said before.

personally, I don't think porn is a big deal.

How exactly do you sanitize people being paid to have sex on camera into something "healthy"...? I know this might be difficult for you but try to imagine the life of a typical teenage boy growing up in today's society where porn is so abundant and easily accessible. How can it not have a detrimental effect on the way they perceive women, sex, and on society at large?

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