Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

Stupid lefties assume that wealthy people don't already have a small army of tax lawyers to handle their estates. Republicans are doing it for the middle class you freaking jerks. Families lose property and small farms and small businesses when the owner suddenly dies because the federal government demands a whopping tax up front. They have to sell the property or the business to pay the tax. The same goes for poor and middle class people who win a car or a big ticket item in a lottery. They never get to drive it because the government demands a tax up front that they can't afford on top of the sales tax and the property tax and all the other little taxes.

Dummy, there is almost an $11 million exception BEFORE a penny in estate tazxes are owed

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax

1. Roughly 2 of Every 1,000 Estates Face the Estate Tax

2. Taxable Estates Generally Pay Less Than One-Sixth of Their Value in Tax

4. Only a Handful of Small, Family-Owned Farms and Businesses Owe Any Estate Tax

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The decedents of a wealthy person did NOT accumulate or earn the income.

They did nothing to generate the income.

They did nothing to produce the industry/jobs/innovations that produced the fortune.

What did the government do to earn that money? What did the government do to generate that income? What did the government produce that created that fortune?

Did they earn it BECAUSE of US society AND our laws? Hell yeah!

The government didn't do squat to 'earn' someone elses money. Period. Someone's money -- no matter how much or how little -- DOES NOT belong to the government or society, no matter how much you bleat otherwise.

They started businesses, provided jobs, security, growth, prosperity ... and you somehow believe that entitles YOU to what they've earned/accumulated? Why didn't YOU start that business? Why didn't YOU take on that financial risk? Why didn't YOU take on the investments?

Moochers gotta mooch.

What a family earns/accumulates belongs to the family, NOT to you, not to 'society', and certainly not to the fucking government. You want to be in the rich league, go for it. It's a nice place to live.

That military we have costs money. The infrastructure we have cost money. To run the country, it takes money. Let those heirs take the money and earn more. They certainly have a leg up on the rest of society.........
Made your first million dollar profit trade yet, JP Getty?

I have, at the tender age of 24 :) God Bless BTU and don't try and snow me on capital gains

Hey now, don't act like you believe me. Cause I sure as fuck don't believe you. This is the internet and you can be as rich as you want to be. And liars like you have a way of being richer than you actually are. Funny how the "Net is like that. You just never know.
^^^^Covetous and resentful attitude typical of losers who depend upon the charity of others to live a life much better than they will ever be able to pay for themselves.

LOL This clown invests in mutual funds and pretends he's some high rolling trader

You don't like mutual funds eh. Well what a shame. Of course with you being the millionaire you SAY you are, it's hard to take you seriously without knowing for sure that you aren't a lying bitch.

SO put up your tax returns.OK?

I never said I was a millionaire, I SAID I made a million dollar profit trade. Do try and keep up.

You're a fraud, dude and no nothing about trading. Bank it
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus truth. NO TAX UNDER ALMOST $11 MILLION PER FAMILY TO BEGIN WITH BUBS

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The extremists don't understand why people want to have a say in who gets the money they earn.
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus truth. NO TAX UNDER ALMOST $11 MILLION PER FAMILY TO BEGIN WITH BUBS

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Says the idiot who's spamming the thread with meme posters.

About bloody time there is zero reason to have those who inherit money pay taxes on money that has already been taxed.

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Under the current tax system, capital gains tax is due on the appreciation of assets, such as real estate, stock, or an art collection, only when the owner “realizes” the gain (usually by selling the asset). Therefore, the increase in the value of an asset is never subject to income tax if the owner holds on to the asset until death.

These unrealized capital gains account for a significant proportion of the assets held by estates — ranging from 32 percent for estates worth between $5 million and $10 million to as much as about 55 percent of the value of estates worth more than $100 million.

The estate tax also serves as a modest corrective to other tax rules that provide massive tax benefits to income from wealth, such as the fact that capital gains are taxed at lower rates than wages and salaries.

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Conservatives/GOP ALWAYS trying to keep the AmeriKa THEY love to be an aristocracy over a merit based society. Weird

Starting on 3rd base to them means everyone's is equal, lol

I see you continue to ignore all the "little people" who are adversely affected by this. It's the middle class people this hurts. I guess you are out of touch and don't realize how many farmers and small businesses are hanging on by a thread and any chance the children have of making a go of it after the parents die has been made difficult, if not impossible, by undue taxes that place a heavy burden on struggling businesses.

Got it, you'll stick with right wing memes versus truth. NO TAX UNDER ALMOST $11 MILLION PER FAMILY TO BEGIN WITH BUBS

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Says the idiot who's spamming the thread with meme posters.


Your inability to use reason, logic and honesty noted Bubs

Another idiot who thinks that all people in one party or group must all think alike or face sharp criticism from the left. Why do liberals think that everyone in a group must toe the line and believe as others do instead of making up their own minds? Foreign concept to you? I don't get that mentality and wonder if it has something to do with dictatorship worship. If you can't or won't think for yourself, I suppose you can't grasp how other people do that.

It just doesn't work that way with everyone, dipshit. Some are religious, some are not and party has little to do with it.

While you point this out, which makes no sense, you somehow refuse to apply this same scary logic to your own party who defends Islam and atheism. I think it's because you know that Islam is more a form of oppressive government than a religion and you just love that sort of control over people. The left seems so enamored with this type of dictatorship that they are willing to look the other way on the vicious murders of gays, infidels and the horrific treatment of women. Or maybe the left really doesn't care about those things and only uses them to advance their own agenda. I think that's it. You just use people and pretend they are victims and you lie and say you'll help them just so you can lure them to their own demise.
In the stock example here's how a wealth tax works:

You pay $1,000 for some share of what we'll call MicroApple.

You get $10 dividend checks once a year.

That $10 is subject to income taxation.

Now, 30-years later, the paper value of the stock is $1,000,000. Not at all unrealistic. But you're still earning $35,000 a year including the dividend on the number of shares you own, not on their paper value.

But, with a 10% wealth tax, you have to come up with $100,000 to hand over because you still own the stock for which you paid $1,000. You haven't sold any and the value could fall to zero next week but you're still on the hook for at least $65,000 MORE than you earned.

See the fairness in all that?

Me neither.

A wealth tax is not even being considered in the USA. If you were to die and then will that stock to your son lets say, not one penny of the 1 million dollars that stock is worth would be taxed in 2015 by the Feds.
Stupid lefties assume that wealthy people don't already have a small army of tax lawyers to handle their estates. Republicans are doing it for the middle class you freaking jerks. Families lose property and small farms and small businesses when the owner suddenly dies because the federal government demands a whopping tax up front. They have to sell the property or the business to pay the tax. The same goes for poor and middle class people who win a car or a big ticket item in a lottery. They never get to drive it because the government demands a tax up front that they can't afford on top of the sales tax and the property tax and all the other little taxes.

No not really, another myth exposed.

Is the estate tax killing small farms and businesses - The Washington Post
About bloody time there is zero reason to have those who inherit money pay taxes on money that has already been taxed.

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Under the current tax system, capital gains tax is due on the appreciation of assets, such as real estate, stock, or an art collection, only when the owner “realizes” the gain (usually by selling the asset). Therefore, the increase in the value of an asset is never subject to income tax if the owner holds on to the asset until death.

These unrealized capital gains account for a significant proportion of the assets held by estates — ranging from 32 percent for estates worth between $5 million and $10 million to as much as about 55 percent of the value of estates worth more than $100 million.

The estate tax also serves as a modest corrective to other tax rules that provide massive tax benefits to income from wealth, such as the fact that capital gains are taxed at lower rates than wages and salaries.

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


Meanwhile, I'm going to try to help you:



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In the stock example here's how a wealth tax works:

You pay $1,000 for some share of what we'll call MicroApple.

You get $10 dividend checks once a year.

That $10 is subject to income taxation.

Now, 30-years later, the paper value of the stock is $1,000,000. Not at all unrealistic. But you're still earning $35,000 a year including the dividend on the number of shares you own, not on their paper value.

But, with a 10% wealth tax, you have to come up with $100,000 to hand over because you still own the stock for which you paid $1,000. You haven't sold any and the value could fall to zero next week but you're still on the hook for at least $65,000 MORE than you earned.

See the fairness in all that?

Me neither.

A wealth tax is not even being considered in the USA. If you were to die and then will that stock to your son lets say, not one penny of the 1 million dollars that stock is worth would be taxed in 2015 by the Feds.
And if that stock is subsequently sold, what then?

Another idiot who thinks that all people in one party or group must all think alike or face sharp criticism from the left. Why do liberals think that everyone in a group must toe the line and believe as others do instead of making up their own minds? Foreign concept to you? I don't get that mentality and wonder if it has something to do with dictatorship worship. If you can't or won't think for yourself, I suppose you can't grasp how other people do that.

It just doesn't work that way with everyone, dipshit. Some are religious, some are not and party has little to do with it.

While you point this out, which makes no sense, you somehow refuse to apply this same scary logic to your own party who defends Islam and atheism. I think it's because you know that Islam is more a form of oppressive government than a religion and you just love that sort of control over people. The left seems so enamored with this type of dictatorship that they are willing to look the other way on the vicious murders of gays, infidels and the horrific treatment of women. Or maybe the left really doesn't care about those things and only uses them to advance their own agenda. I think that's it. You just use people and pretend they are victims and you lie and say you'll help them just so you can lure them to their own demise.

Irony??? lol
About bloody time there is zero reason to have those who inherit money pay taxes on money that has already been taxed.

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Under the current tax system, capital gains tax is due on the appreciation of assets, such as real estate, stock, or an art collection, only when the owner “realizes” the gain (usually by selling the asset). Therefore, the increase in the value of an asset is never subject to income tax if the owner holds on to the asset until death.

These unrealized capital gains account for a significant proportion of the assets held by estates — ranging from 32 percent for estates worth between $5 million and $10 million to as much as about 55 percent of the value of estates worth more than $100 million.

The estate tax also serves as a modest corrective to other tax rules that provide massive tax benefits to income from wealth, such as the fact that capital gains are taxed at lower rates than wages and salaries.

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


Can't follow a thread huh? Shocking

Hint try to read what I responded to Bubba!
In the stock example here's how a wealth tax works:

You pay $1,000 for some share of what we'll call MicroApple.

You get $10 dividend checks once a year.

That $10 is subject to income taxation.

Now, 30-years later, the paper value of the stock is $1,000,000. Not at all unrealistic. But you're still earning $35,000 a year including the dividend on the number of shares you own, not on their paper value.

But, with a 10% wealth tax, you have to come up with $100,000 to hand over because you still own the stock for which you paid $1,000. You haven't sold any and the value could fall to zero next week but you're still on the hook for at least $65,000 MORE than you earned.

See the fairness in all that?

Me neither.

A wealth tax is not even being considered in the USA. If you were to die and then will that stock to your son lets say, not one penny of the 1 million dollars that stock is worth would be taxed in 2015 by the Feds.
And if that stock is subsequently sold, what then?

Cap gains taxes on the GAIN is paid. Among the lowest in modern times!

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