Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

He thinks the inheritance tax is a capital gains tax. Holy shit.

Dude, you have made yourself look as stupid as I have seen you make yourself look. And that's saying something. What you want to do now? Double down on your stupid? OK.

Prove what you say I think. If you can't do that (which you can't) shut the fuck up about what it is you think I think.
You have no idea. Other than to understand that I think you are an asshole. I do think that.

Trust me. The only ones that would agree with you are the other deranged brainwashed asshats who fall for every fucking cliche or democrat talking point.

That is all you are. No original thought. Just socialist.bullshit, double talk, and hypocrisy.

"Party of the rich!"

You fucking idiots. Anyone trying to treat you with any respect is just wasting their time on a useless ass.
Stupid lefties assume that wealthy people don't already have a small army of tax lawyers to handle their estates. Republicans are doing it for the middle class you freaking jerks. Families lose property and small farms and small businesses when the owner suddenly dies because the federal government demands a whopping tax up front. They have to sell the property or the business to pay the tax. The same goes for poor and middle class people who win a car or a big ticket item in a lottery. They never get to drive it because the government demands a tax up front that they can't afford on top of the sales tax and the property tax and all the other little taxes.
Made your first million dollar profit trade yet, JP Getty?

I have, at the tender age of 24 :) God Bless BTU and don't try and snow me on capital gains

Hey now, don't act like you believe me. Cause I sure as fuck don't believe you. This is the internet and you can be as rich as you want to be. And liars like you have a way of being richer than you actually are. Funny how the "Net is like that. You just never know.
Made your first million dollar profit trade yet, JP Getty?

I have, at the tender age of 24 :) God Bless BTU and don't try and snow me on capital gains

Hey now, don't act like you believe me. Cause I sure as fuck don't believe you. This is the internet and you can be as rich as you want to be. And liars like you have a way of being richer than you actually are. Funny how the "Net is like that. You just never know.

LOL Silly little boy I could care less what you believe. You're the one trying to squawk about shit you know nothin g of then try to go on about mutual funds. LOL Sit down ya broke joke, I'm onto you
I can see the GOP's focus on the Middle Class from here.
I'm 199% for helping those who don't need help and not helping those who definitely need help.
Don't worry folks, it'll all trickle down like it has in the past.

Why should any of someone else's wealth trickle down to you when they die?
Well we all know random losers deserve it more than the children of the people who actually earned the money so they could leave it to their children.

An inheritance tax is not a tax on the dead, it's a tax on the income of the living who get the inheritance. If it's okay to tax a waiter's tips, or a senior's social security,

then it should be okay to tax a massive windfall of income for someone who didn't do anything to earn it.
The government didn't do anything to earn it, either.

Okay, so which of your other taxes do you want raised to make up for the revenue loss if there is no inheritance tax.?
Made your first million dollar profit trade yet, JP Getty?

I have, at the tender age of 24 :) God Bless BTU and don't try and snow me on capital gains

Hey now, don't act like you believe me. Cause I sure as fuck don't believe you. This is the internet and you can be as rich as you want to be. And liars like you have a way of being richer than you actually are. Funny how the "Net is like that. You just never know.
^^^^Covetous and resentful attitude typical of losers who depend upon the charity of others to live a life much better than they will ever be able to pay for themselves.
It should be repealed, the money has already been taxed

1. Not necessarily.
2. What's that got to do with it?
3. Read Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie.

Idiot....of course it's been taxed. Go comment on fairy threads, it's more of your domain

So, you're saying you know nothing about tax law and tax shelters and deferments and short-term vs. long term gains vs. about 100 other financial instruments used to avoid federal income tax.

Tell you what, zipperhead, next time you reply to one of my posts, get my permission.

You're an ant in the afterbirth. Go away.

It's funny when limp wrists such as yourself try to be all manly and shit. Little dude our tax liability for last year is most likely more than you grossed.

With your six kids, breeder, you got more tax breaks by far than the average person gets.
Made your first million dollar profit trade yet, JP Getty?

I have, at the tender age of 24 :) God Bless BTU and don't try and snow me on capital gains

Hey now, don't act like you believe me. Cause I sure as fuck don't believe you. This is the internet and you can be as rich as you want to be. And liars like you have a way of being richer than you actually are. Funny how the "Net is like that. You just never know.
^^^^Covetous and resentful attitude typical of losers who depend upon the charity of others to live a life much better than they will ever be able to pay for themselves.

LOL This clown invests in mutual funds and pretends he's some high rolling trader AHAHAHAHA
That is all you are. No original thought.

Your whackoism is showing again. But while we are laughing at you. Would you say that you think that YOU are an original thinker? If so, what is it that you think you have had an original thought about? All I see you spout is right wing trash fed to you by right wing media and publications. Garbage in garbage out is what I see.
This could be funny if you answer.
That is all you are. No original thought.

Your whackoism is showing again. But while we are laughing at you. Would you say that you think that YOU are an original thinker? If so, what is it that you think you have had an original thought about? All I see you spout is right wing trash fed to you by right wing media and publications. Garbage in garbage out is what I see.
This could be funny if you answer.
You sound so angry and covetous. Lusting after $$ that you haven't earned again?

It must give you heartburn. I can sense the heartburn in your slavering posts.
Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?
He thinks the inheritance tax is a capital gains tax. Holy shit.

Dude, you have made yourself look as stupid as I have seen you make yourself look. And that's saying something. What you want to do now? Double down on your stupid? OK.

Prove what you say I think. If you can't do that (which you can't) shut the fuck up about what it is you think I think.
You have no idea. Other than to understand that I think you are an asshole. I do think that.

Trust me. The only ones that would agree with you are the other deranged brainwashed asshats who fall for every fucking cliche or democrat talking point.

That is all you are. No original thought. Just socialist.bullshit, double talk, and hypocrisy.

"Party of the rich!"

You fucking idiots. Anyone trying to treat you with any respect is just wasting their time on a useless ass.
Exactly. They're worthless, a cancer on society and humanity, and they need to be run out on a rail. Or just wiped off the face of the earth. Either way works.
LOL This clown invests in mutual funds and pretends he's some high rolling trader

You don't like mutual funds eh. Well what a shame. Of course with you being the millionaire you SAY you are, it's hard to take you seriously without knowing for sure that you aren't a lying bitch.

SO put up your tax returns.OK?
LOL This clown invests in mutual funds and pretends he's some high rolling trader

You don't like mutual funds eh. Well what a shame. Of course with you being the millionaire you SAY you are, it's hard to take you seriously without knowing for sure that you aren't a lying bitch.

SO put up your tax returns.OK?

adjective: covetous
  1. having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else.
    "she fingered the linen with covetous hands"
    synonyms: grasping, greedy, acquisitive, desirous, possessive, envious, green with envy, green-eyed
    "this covetous man will never be satisfied"
Every fucking day another ignorant brain dead asshole communist dick head posts a fucking liberal talking point.

The fucking left wing sheep have no fucking clue what kind of unmitigated disaster the death tax has been in countries that have tried it.

They sure as fuck have no fucking clue that the money has already been taxed.

Instead I have to read more utter cliche bullshit from yet another moron liberal who chants more stuff about "party of the rich."

Fuck you. Fuck all of these god damn pinko commie sheep. Fucking ignorant moronic pawns!

I get the sense that you're blocking your true feelings. Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!!
Just think of all the worthy wants , needs, ideas and projects that civil servants could come up with to optimally use those stolen funds....
For the collective good ! Lol

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