Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

The insidious one now actively being pursued in several European countries (notably France) is a "wealth tax". Under it everyone's net worth is meant to be calculated annually and, for those above some arbitrary threshold, a percentage is to be seized by government. It's meant to inlcude ALL wealth. Cash on hand or in savings; investments of any sort; property real and personal.

Will you welcome it if the threshold, when it comes here, is $1,000,000?

How about $100,000?

Or maybe $10,000?

At what point would you prefer to begin paying?
What did the government do to earn that money? What did the government do to generate that income? What did the government produce that created that fortune?

Did they earn it BECAUSE of US society AND our laws? Hell yeah!

The government didn't do squat to 'earn' someone elses money. Period. Someone's money -- no matter how much or how little -- DOES NOT belong to the government or society, no matter how much you bleat otherwise.

They started businesses, provided jobs, security, growth, prosperity ... and you somehow believe that entitles YOU to what they've earned/accumulated? Why didn't YOU start that business? Why didn't YOU take on that financial risk? Why didn't YOU take on the investments?

Moochers gotta mooch.

What a family earns/accumulates belongs to the family, NOT to you, not to 'society', and certainly not to the fucking government. You want to be in the rich league, go for it. It's a nice place to live.

ALL within the confines of the US society and safety net, weird they didn't build it in Honduras or Somalia!

Guess what WE as a society get to make laws on that wealth created. Don't like it? Go fuk yourself!

Got no answer except: Waaaaa! We're not a third world country, no fair! You have millions and I don't! Waaaa, gimme, gimme, gimme!!

Poor, poor baby.


Glad you don't REALLY believe the US should be a merit based society Bubba

Stop whining and wanting a piece of what others have, go out and create your own wealth. That way you can pass it on to your children.
I tell my gardener that every year when he asked why I need to 1099 him!

Do you even pay your gardener?

Dodge noted Bubba

There's no dodging. The federal govt has no right to tax what has already been taxed.

Dodge AGAIN noted Bubba

I tell my gardener that every year when he asked why I need to 1099 him!

MOST of the wealth transferred HASN'T been taxed yet, exactly zero to those inheriting it!

The hell it hasn't. Federal and state taxes have already been paid on income and capital gains. You're just conjuring up unicorns floating around in pixie dust. One day, when you have finally paid off the double wide and the .5 acre, you'll be thankful that your kids will not have a burden of paying the one thousand dollar tax that they can't afford.

MORE nonsense. Shocking. You think the rich actually do more than take out limited capital and dividends (and pay historically low rates?

Hint MOST of the wealth is accumulated EQUITY! NEVER been taxed dummy!
Did they earn it BECAUSE of US society AND our laws? Hell yeah!

The government didn't do squat to 'earn' someone elses money. Period. Someone's money -- no matter how much or how little -- DOES NOT belong to the government or society, no matter how much you bleat otherwise.

They started businesses, provided jobs, security, growth, prosperity ... and you somehow believe that entitles YOU to what they've earned/accumulated? Why didn't YOU start that business? Why didn't YOU take on that financial risk? Why didn't YOU take on the investments?

Moochers gotta mooch.

What a family earns/accumulates belongs to the family, NOT to you, not to 'society', and certainly not to the fucking government. You want to be in the rich league, go for it. It's a nice place to live.

ALL within the confines of the US society and safety net, weird they didn't build it in Honduras or Somalia!

Guess what WE as a society get to make laws on that wealth created. Don't like it? Go fuk yourself!

Got no answer except: Waaaaa! We're not a third world country, no fair! You have millions and I don't! Waaaa, gimme, gimme, gimme!!

Poor, poor baby.


Glad you don't REALLY believe the US should be a merit based society Bubba

Stop whining and wanting a piece of what others have, go out and create your own wealth. That way you can pass it on to your children.

Yeah, because in wingnutterville, we are all equal *shaking head*

Romney/Bush's started on 3rd base, and conservatives prefer they stay there!
That is why a father works hard for his kids. Precisely to give them an advantage he never had. How could you possibly begrudge them that? Why do you want to undo his hard work and steal it away?

You don't seem to understand that this tax will apply to the ultra wealthy.

Why do you want the ultra wealthy's kids to become do nothing lazy asses living off the efforts of their parents?
Why do you support that landed, gentry class that does nothing constructive?
I thought you right wingers were all about succeeding on your own. Puling yourself up by your boots and all that shit?

Now I find you just want the real real rich to have lazy ass kids contributing nothing to society except their sense of entitlement for being rich beyond your ability to grasp?

Why is that?

You mean like those lazy occupied freaks of nature?
Please explain how the government deserves the money he worked for and his kids don't.

I would if you would tell me first how buying a stock like a Microsoft and holding that stock for years resulting in a stock holding that is worth millions more that was paid for that stock, what actual "work" did the initial purchaser of that Microsoft stock actually do?

I have had the benefit of profiting from an increase in a stock price. I didn't do any "work" for that increase to take place.

How about you? Ever bought shares of stock? What "work" did you do to cause an increase in the share price?

How about you take those millions of stock and invest in the safety and security of T bills and other government guaranteed investments, what work did that investor do to guarantee the safety of this type of investment?

And it's funny how you try and make it sound like these kids of ultra wealthy parents are going to suffer if they can't keep every single dollar mom and dad have. They won't miss any meals.

Another full o shit lie. The inheritance tax applies to all, you twit. I know ranchers who, after they died, lost their land because their family couldn't afford the Inheritance tax on the property.

What the hell are you, stupid? Or just ignorant?

The sheep are ignorant, but the ones taxing inheritance are just greedy and can't stand to pass up an opportunity to rob the people.

Many have lost farms and businesses because they couldn't afford the stupid death tax. Many people worked on the parent's farm or business because they knew someday it would be passed on to them. It's unfair to many who have a lot of time invested in keeping the business or farm going only to lose it so Dems can take more money. That is what Dems call fair and they have a problem with inheritance because so many of their dependents don't have property or anything of value to pass to their children. Mostly, they just pass along the notion that government should take care of you by taking away from other people.

Of course, some rich kids will inherit things for doing nothing and they won't miss the taxes taken out. This hurts those who inherit small businesses or farms and the Dems don't give a shit if they end up losing it all.

Estate Tax Myths

1. Roughly 2 of Every 1,000 Estates Face the Estate Tax

2. Taxable Estates Generally Pay Less Than One-Sixth of Their Value in Tax

3. Large Loopholes Enable Many Estates to Avoid Taxes

4. Only a Handful of Small, Family-Owned Farms and Businesses Owe Any Estate Tax
Only roughly 20 small business and small farm estates nationwide owed any estate tax in 2013, according to TPC. TPC’s analysis defined a small-business or small farm estate as one with more than half its value in a farm or business and with the farm or business assets valued at less than $5 million. Furthermore, TPC estimates those roughly 20 estates owed just 4.9 percent of their value in tax, on average

These findings are consistent with a 2005 Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study finding that of the few farm and family business estates that would owe any estate tax under the rules scheduled for 2009, the overwhelming majority would have sufficient liquid assets (such as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and insurance) in the estate to pay the tax without having to touch the farm or business. The current estate tax rules are even more generous.

Furthermore, special estate tax provisions — such as the option to spread payments over a 15-year period and at low interest rates — allow the few taxable estates that would face any liquidity constraints to pay the tax without selling off any farm assets.

5. The Largest Estates Consist Mostly of “Unrealized” Capital Gains That Have Never Been Taxed

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
That is why a father works hard for his kids. Precisely to give them an advantage he never had. How could you possibly begrudge them that? Why do you want to undo his hard work and steal it away?

You don't seem to understand that this tax will apply to the ultra wealthy.

Why do you want the ultra wealthy's kids to become do nothing lazy asses living off the efforts of their parents?
Why do you support that landed, gentry class that does nothing constructive?
I thought you right wingers were all about succeeding on your own. Puling yourself up by your boots and all that shit?

Now I find you just want the real real rich to have lazy ass kids contributing nothing to society except their sense of entitlement for being rich beyond your ability to grasp?

Why is that?

It is none of your business what they do with their money.

Their. Money.

THEIR. Money.

Sure Bubba, sure. NOT created thanks to US right? Dumb wingnutters!
The insidious one now actively being pursued in several European countries (notably France) is a "wealth tax". Under it everyone's net worth is meant to be calculated annually and, for those above some arbitrary threshold, a percentage is to be seized by government. It's meant to inlcude ALL wealth. Cash on hand or in savings; investments of any sort; property real and personal.

Will you welcome it if the threshold, when it comes here, is $1,000,000?

How about $100,000?

Or maybe $10,000?

At what point would you prefer to begin paying?

Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would the right wingers EVER have bubs?
In the stock example here's how a wealth tax works:

You pay $1,000 for some share of what we'll call MicroApple.

You get $10 dividend checks once a year.

That $10 is subject to income taxation.

Now, 30-years later, the paper value of the stock is $1,000,000. Not at all unrealistic. But you're still earning $35,000 a year including the dividend on the number of shares you own, not on their paper value.

But, with a 10% wealth tax, you have to come up with $100,000 to hand over because you still own the stock for which you paid $1,000. You haven't sold any and the value could fall to zero next week but you're still on the hook for at least $65,000 MORE than you earned.

See the fairness in all that?

Me neither.
The government didn't do squat to 'earn' someone elses money. Period. Someone's money -- no matter how much or how little -- DOES NOT belong to the government or society, no matter how much you bleat otherwise.

They started businesses, provided jobs, security, growth, prosperity ... and you somehow believe that entitles YOU to what they've earned/accumulated? Why didn't YOU start that business? Why didn't YOU take on that financial risk? Why didn't YOU take on the investments?

Moochers gotta mooch.

What a family earns/accumulates belongs to the family, NOT to you, not to 'society', and certainly not to the fucking government. You want to be in the rich league, go for it. It's a nice place to live.

ALL within the confines of the US society and safety net, weird they didn't build it in Honduras or Somalia!

Guess what WE as a society get to make laws on that wealth created. Don't like it? Go fuk yourself!

Got no answer except: Waaaaa! We're not a third world country, no fair! You have millions and I don't! Waaaa, gimme, gimme, gimme!!

Poor, poor baby.


Glad you don't REALLY believe the US should be a merit based society Bubba

Stop whining and wanting a piece of what others have, go out and create your own wealth. That way you can pass it on to your children.

Yeah, because in wingnutterville, we are all equal *shaking head*

Romney/Bush's started on 3rd base, and conservatives prefer they stay there!

Everyone has the same opportunity to make something of themselves. Or not.
That is why a father works hard for his kids. Precisely to give them an advantage he never had. How could you possibly begrudge them that? Why do you want to undo his hard work and steal it away?

You don't seem to understand that this tax will apply to the ultra wealthy.

Why do you want the ultra wealthy's kids to become do nothing lazy asses living off the efforts of their parents?
Why do you support that landed, gentry class that does nothing constructive?
I thought you right wingers were all about succeeding on your own. Puling yourself up by your boots and all that shit?

Now I find you just want the real real rich to have lazy ass kids contributing nothing to society except their sense of entitlement for being rich beyond your ability to grasp?

Why is that?

It is none of your business what they do with their money.

Their. Money.

THEIR. Money.

Sure Bubba, sure. NOT created thanks to US right? Dumb wingnutters!

Their money, not YOURS.

You are entitled to exactly zero of what someone else has. Period.

Someone else having money does not take any money from you.

You want to accumulate wealth, go do it. Start small, invest wisely, start a business, ask questions, never stop learning.

Best place to start? Stop whining and wanting something for nothing.
Did they earn it BECAUSE of US society AND our laws? Hell yeah!

The government didn't do squat to 'earn' someone elses money. Period. Someone's money -- no matter how much or how little -- DOES NOT belong to the government or society, no matter how much you bleat otherwise.

They started businesses, provided jobs, security, growth, prosperity ... and you somehow believe that entitles YOU to what they've earned/accumulated? Why didn't YOU start that business? Why didn't YOU take on that financial risk? Why didn't YOU take on the investments?

Moochers gotta mooch.

What a family earns/accumulates belongs to the family, NOT to you, not to 'society', and certainly not to the fucking government. You want to be in the rich league, go for it. It's a nice place to live.

ALL within the confines of the US society and safety net, weird they didn't build it in Honduras or Somalia!

Guess what WE as a society get to make laws on that wealth created. Don't like it? Go fuk yourself!

Got no answer except: Waaaaa! We're not a third world country, no fair! You have millions and I don't! Waaaa, gimme, gimme, gimme!!

Poor, poor baby.


Glad you don't REALLY believe the US should be a merit based society Bubba

Stop whining and wanting a piece of what others have, go out and create your own wealth. That way you can pass it on to your children.


The fucking morons and their ignorant fucking democrat talking points and cliches.

Can be better described as puppet strings.

You see zeke's posts? What a fucking giant asshat. Does he even have one clue what a fucking moron he is? Answer: No, he doesn't.

He thinks the inheritance tax is a capital gains tax. Holy shit.
It's like these dip shits on here don't understand that the ultra wealthy have been using that wealth to influence legislation favorable to their tax situation for years and years. Just like they have done now.

What they can't buy at the legislative level they go for by hiring the best tax accountants and estate planners that money can buy to avoid as much tax as they can.

That's why they need middle class Repubs looking out for them. No one else will do it. LMAO.
The fucking morons and their ignorant fucking democrat talking points and cliches.

Can be better described as puppet strings.

You see zeke's posts? What a fucking giant asshat. Does he even have one clue what a fucking moron he is? Answer: No, he doesn't.

He thinks the inheritance tax is a capital gains tax. Holy shit.

He thinks the inheritance tax is a capital gains tax. Holy shit.

Dude, you have made yourself look as stupid as I have seen you make yourself look. And that's saying something. What you want to do now? Double down on your stupid? OK.

Prove what you say I think. If you can't do that (which you can't) shut the fuck up about what it is you think I think.
You have no idea. Other than to understand that I think you are an asshole. I do think that.
And the low info right wingers who are near poverty are out in force to support the Romney class. Fukking amazing

Inheritance or estate tax works to level the playing field, as it were. Ideally, everyone would start at the same point, and would gain his or her money by personal merit, rather than having the luck of being born into it; inheritance tax would facilitate this, and would thus improve social mobility, and might make the American Dream somewhat feasible.

Death tax - RationalWiki

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