Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!


choice made ^^^^^^ whine about it.

next contestant.

If you had been around in 1776 you would have called our Founding Fathers "whiners" for opposing the tyranny of the government, wouldn't you? Our country has always had people like you. You just never get it.

We don't have to accept bad government. However, I think the problem you have is you don't understand the components of bad government, like high taxation and an enormous welfare state. In fact you kinda of like those things, don't you?

oh 1776 bla bla bla,

so you're depending on Republicans to save your land if they don't repeal the inheritance taxes, yet you say the government cant be repaired, time to hit reset !. I hate taxes, everyone hates taxes. Rather than whine about them I do everything I can to protect myself and refuse to depend o the government to save me. If you don't you deserve to lose your property. And yes, I own property ... double digit acreage... PROTECTED from everything within my power.

Pull up your dress and deal with it ... or not.

Yeah, but you called it. Set up a FPA or LLC, EARLY ON before so much appreciation, and make the kids employees with salaries. .... which they then use to buy a bigger % of the FPA or LLC from daddy, which then reduces daddy's estate. The point is, unless you are EXTREMELY wealthy, the system is intentionally set up to allow your family to keep the money.

It's not a tax so much as an economic tool to prevent the accumulation of capital in the hands of a monied few fools who never made money in the first place.

That is not necessarily true.

You can be land rich but not extremely wealthy. Many family farms and family business fall into that category.

It is simply the wrong thing for the government to take money away from families to give to the welfare queens and other despicable greedy leeches that live off of the government.
Family farms are explicitly excluded from the tax .... if they are set up as true family farms.

Frankly, your situation does not appear to be unlike the situation of a friend of my late father's. A couple owned a small printing company post WWII. It was successful, but essentially a small business, but over the years it came to employ probably 30 or so. They had two baby boomer sons. The sons were employed, and sometime in the 70s or 80s, the sons made the move to take the company up a level to "commercial printing." And that proved to be a wise move since small print shops that did letterheads and business cards and such went the way of the dinosaurs.

At any rate, by the 90's, the business had a gross of many millions. And Mom had passed and Dad wanted to retire. Wisely, they had long been structured as a family or closely held corporation, and the sons were corporate officers who had been paid over the years and used some pay to buy stock. Dad retired, and as his "retirement" the sons purchased his stock slowly over the years, so that when Dad died, there was no estate issue in the business.

Simply put, the estate tax issue is republican mythology, and unless there is insufficient planning, it really is only a huge issue to the very very rich. And as Reagan said, I don't worry much about them, as they seem capable of looking out for themselves..
In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.

I assume that first sentence is a typo. They're not taxing the decedent again. I think the righteousness of it and the entire progressive tax system was settled a hundred years ago by people far wealthier than me.
What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.

I assume that first sentence is a typo. They're not taxing the decedent again. I think the righteousness of it and the entire progressive tax system was settled a hundred years ago by people far wealthier than me.
It wasn't a typo. It's part of the gop mythology of the money being taxed twice to the guy who earned it. As you note, the reality is the estate tax is paid by the beneficiaries of the will. And, the flip side is they don't have to pay income tax on it.

We could simply go with counting any passive income one receives, either through capital gains or inheritance, as income, and just tax it at the rate of the taxpayer. There ain't no free lunch, unless your daddy had 100 million and could fund an foundation to hire you for life. LOL
QUOTE="M14 Shooter, post: 11204829, member: 6581"]
What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.
They believe that others are entitled to that money.
They will not admit it, however.[/QUOTE]

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.
They believe that others are entitled to that money.
They will not admit it, however.

Well I for one believe that the government has been entitled by the Constitution to tax inheritance as income. How Congress decides to do that and spend that money is another issue.
Guys like this thank the Republicans for standing behind them and protecting the right that they will continue to be able buy peasants and be able to afford the privilege of being obnoxious assholes.
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oh 1776 bla bla bla,

so you're depending on Republicans to save your land if they don't repeal the inheritance taxes, yet you say the government cant be repaired, time to hit reset !. I hate taxes, everyone hates taxes. Rather than whine about them I do everything I can to protect myself and refuse to depend o the government to save me. If you don't you deserve to lose your property. And yes, I own property ... double digit acreage... PROTECTED from everything within my power.

Pull up your dress and deal with it ... or not.


I am not a Republican. They are almost as bad as the Democrats when it comes to tax and spend.

You didn't pay attention to my previous post where I said this country is too screwed up to be fixed at the ballot box. Learn to read a little better.

I don't need any lectures on how to conduct my business. However, you do need a lecture so you will understand how intrusive and out of control this government can be and that includes an inheritance tax that is not only immoral but nothing more than common thievery. Just because you have figured out a way to circumvent the government you voted for doesn't mean everybody else is in a position to do the same.
9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

Hint: It's called "morality". Making a law doesn't make it right, and dismissing the person who worked for the money as just "the guy who died" doesn't make you anything but a sleazeball and a thief.

The fact that the genetic lottery fucked you in the ass with no lube doesn't make it any more acceptable to use the law to vent your hatred of people whose parents amounted to something and cared about them. Get some therapy, spank your inner moppet, and get a job of your own.

Morality? lol

Yes, I'm well aware that you and other leftist piss stains like you view the concept of morality as funny. You didn't actually need to waste space telling me so.

Funny example in claiming the moral high road, calling someone "and other leftist piss stains" seems oxymoronic.
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.

I assume that first sentence is a typo. They're not taxing the decedent again. I think the righteousness of it and the entire progressive tax system was settled a hundred years ago by people far wealthier than me.
It wasn't a typo. It's part of the gop mythology of the money being taxed twice to the guy who earned it. As you note, the reality is the estate tax is paid by the beneficiaries of the will. And, the flip side is they don't have to pay income tax on it.

We could simply go with counting any passive income one receives, either through capital gains or inheritance, as income, and just tax it at the rate of the taxpayer. There ain't no free lunch, unless your daddy had 100 million and could fund an foundation to hire you for life. LOL

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Papa with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and an exclusion from taxes on the first 5.43 million given away at the time of his passing.......

oh 1776 bla bla bla,

so you're depending on Republicans to save your land if they don't repeal the inheritance taxes, yet you say the government cant be repaired, time to hit reset !. I hate taxes, everyone hates taxes. Rather than whine about them I do everything I can to protect myself and refuse to depend o the government to save me. If you don't you deserve to lose your property. And yes, I own property ... double digit acreage... PROTECTED from everything within my power.

Pull up your dress and deal with it ... or not.


I am not a Republican. They are almost as bad as the Democrats when it comes to tax and spend.

You didn't pay attention to my previous post where I said this country is too screwed up to be fixed at the ballot box. Learn to read a little better.

I don't need any lectures on how to conduct my business. However, you do need a lecture so you will understand how intrusive and out of control this government can be and that includes an inheritance tax that is not only immoral but nothing more than common thievery. Just because you have figured out a way to circumvent the government you voted for doesn't mean everybody else is in a position to do the same.

Voting won't fix you either, I suggest a good therapist and a good pharmcologist.

It wasn't a typo. It's part of the gop mythology of the money being taxed twice to the guy who earned it. As you note, the reality is the estate tax is paid by the beneficiaries of the will. And, the flip side is they don't have to pay income tax on it.

We could simply go with counting any passive income one receives, either through capital gains or inheritance, as income, and just tax it at the rate of the taxpayer. There ain't no free lunch, unless your daddy had 100 million and could fund an foundation to hire you for life. LOL

As I mentioned before shouldn't all beneficiaries of the inheritance be taxed equally, including the welfare queens who get the money through the government?

The inheritance tax is independent of individual income to the beneficiaries. It is a flat tax. Why not tax all beneficiaries equally?

Don't you think that family is more important than welfare? Why do you think some third generation pot smoking ghetto welfare queen is more deserving of the funds than the children of the person that earned the money?

Voting won't fix you either, I suggest a good therapist and a good pharmcologist.

The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

That pretty well explains the mindset of you Moon Bats that thinks that big government will make this country more prosperous. For instance, your Boy Obama has tremendously grown the size of the Federal government but yet family income has declined and we have the most people in poverty and on welfare than we have ever had.
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.

I assume that first sentence is a typo. They're not taxing the decedent again. I think the righteousness of it and the entire progressive tax system was settled a hundred years ago by people far wealthier than me.
It wasn't a typo. It's part of the gop mythology of the money being taxed twice to the guy who earned it. As you note, the reality is the estate tax is paid by the beneficiaries of the will. And, the flip side is they don't have to pay income tax on it.

We could simply go with counting any passive income one receives, either through capital gains or inheritance, as income, and just tax it at the rate of the taxpayer. There ain't no free lunch, unless your daddy had 100 million and could fund an foundation to hire you for life. LOL

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Papa with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and an exclusion from taxes on the first 5.43 million given away at the time of his passing.......

Two thumbs up!

Voting won't fix you either, I suggest a good therapist and a good pharmcologist.

The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

That pretty well explains the mindset of you Moon Bats that thinks that big government will make this country more prosperous. For instance, your Boy Obama has tremendously grown the size of the Federal government but yet family income has declined and we have the most people in poverty and on welfare than we have ever had.

"When Obama took office in January 2009, the federal government employed 2.792 million people. Right now, it is down to 2.714 million."

Public Sector Payrolls Under Obama Much Lower than Other Presidents The New Republic

Voting won't fix you either, I suggest a good therapist and a good pharmcologist.

The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

That pretty well explains the mindset of you Moon Bats that thinks that big government will make this country more prosperous. For instance, your Boy Obama has tremendously grown the size of the Federal government but yet family income has declined and we have the most people in poverty and on welfare than we have ever had.

"When Obama took office in January 2009, the federal government employed 2.792 million people. Right now, it is down to 2.714 million."

Public Sector Payrolls Under Obama Much Lower than Other Presidents The New Republic

bet that left a mark ^^^... not that flashie is smart enough to notice.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

First $5.4 million PER person (couple) isn't taxed

after 2013 ?


Only the wealthiest estates pay the tax because it is levied only on the portion of an estate’s value that exceeds a specified exemption level — $5.43 million per person (effectively $10.86 million per married couple) in 2015

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

The land has significantly appreciated in value. One of the three is one of the last undeveloped acreages along the beach in Pinellas County. My great grandfather bought the land in the 1920s when it was cheap. Another is an orange grove that it worth quite a bit as development land. Then there is the 300 acres of woodlands in Highlands County.

It happens.

2. Taxable Estates Generally Pay Less Than One-Sixth of Their Value in Tax

4. Only a Handful of Small, Family-Owned Farms and Businesses Owe Any Estate Tax
Only roughly 20 small business and small farm estates nationwide owed any estate tax in 2013, according to TPC. TPC’s analysis defined a small-business or small farm estate as one with more than half its value in a farm or business and with the farm or business assets valued at less than $5 million. Furthermore, TPC estimates those roughly 20 estates owed just 4.9 percent of their value in tax, on average.

Furthermore, special estate tax provisions — such as the option to spread payments over a 15-year period and at low interest rates — allow the few taxable estates that would face any liquidity constraints to pay the tax without selling off any farm assets.

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?

Dubya's TARP? After the economy was "saved", the US should've allowed it to fall off the cliff? THAT'S your posit? lol

Yes, ALL you have is propaganda. I'm shocked

And (surprise) it goes right over your head.
Like I said, Obama has continued TARP for 6 years kiddo.
From 2009 - 2014 the top 7% earners in America have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase, the remaining 93% of WORKING AMERICANS have lost 5%.
Wall Street/Central banks and high earning investors have been living like royalty since then as well. Wall Street has had 3 record years while we have stood still and most losing.
Yet - Obama continues giving them over $trillion per year.
So your position is that they still need saved????

Really? You think Obama is in charge of the federal reserve OR you think he should've just let the US economy go back into the ditch where he found it after 8 years of Dubyas/GOP "job creator" policies???

Yeah, I forgot Obama has super duper powers in right wingers world view..

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Our Republic is a terrible form of government. Our Bill of Rights do not protect us from government thievery.

The government has the ability to steal money from us and give it away to the special interest groups that supported the government officials that did the thievery.

The question is that the right thing to do and whenever we can shouldn't we try to prevent it from being done like doing away with an inheritance tax?

We did not get a federal budget bigger than the GNP of all but one other country on earth and $18 trillions in debt by being fiscally responsible. We got this way because of greed and the elected officials using the power of government to get power and stay in power.

The best way to stop greed and out of control spending is to cut off the funding source.

We got an $18 trillion debt thanks to Ronnie/Dubya/GOP policies! THINK

(Hint the US GDP is is ALSO much, much greater than those other nations dummy)

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