Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
go piss upwind.
My my... all upset about a simple question?
Rather than illustrate the depths of your petulance, why don't you muster up a little courage and substantively answer it?
Are you -sure- you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.
In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?
What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.
(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?

Dubya's TARP? After the economy was "saved", the US should've allowed it to fall off the cliff? THAT'S your posit? lol

Yes, ALL you have is propaganda. I'm shocked

And (surprise) it goes right over your head.
Like I said, Obama has continued TARP for 6 years kiddo.
From 2009 - 2014 the top 7% earners in America have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase, the remaining 93% of WORKING AMERICANS have lost 5%.
Wall Street/Central banks and high earning investors have been living like royalty since then as well. Wall Street has had 3 record years while we have stood still and most losing.
Yet - Obama continues giving them over $trillion per year.
So your position is that they still need saved????

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Our Republic is a terrible form of government. Our Bill of Rights do not protect us from government thievery.

The government has the ability to steal money from us and give it away to the special interest groups that supported the government officials that did the thievery.

The question is that the right thing to do and whenever we can shouldn't we try to prevent it from being done like doing away with an inheritance tax?

We did not get a federal budget bigger than the GNP of all but one other country on earth and $18 trillions in debt by being fiscally responsible. We got this way because of greed and the elected officials using the power of government to get power and stay in power.

The best way to stop greed and out of control spending is to cut off the funding source.
In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Nobody's denying that the inheritance tax is illegal.... just trying to get those that are so in love with it to justify why they feel that taking a person's personal property, property which was accumulated after tax, is such a righteous thing to do.
They believe that others are entitled to that money.
They will not admit it, however.

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?

Our Republic is a terrible form of government. Our Bill of Rights do not protect us from government thievery.

The government has the ability to steal money from us and give it away to the special interest groups that supported the government officials that did the thievery.

The question is that the right thing to do and whenever we can shouldn't we try to prevent it from being done like doing away with an inheritance tax?

We did not get a federal budget bigger than the GNP of all but one other country on earth and $18 trillions in debt by being fiscally responsible. We got this way because of greed and the elected officials using the power of government to get power and stay in power.

The best way to stop greed and out of control spending is to cut off the funding source.
Starve the beast has not been a success story.

However, Reagan did have it right in moving to eliminate deductions, and specific tax credits to special interest groups, in favor of lower tax rates.
Had the family wealth redistributed?

Simple enough.

Select the family business that employs the greatest number of people.

Close it and sell the empty building and land to pay off the taxes. Best to sell to some tax exempt organization, even better if that outfit plans to replace the building with low cost subsidized housing.

No point in building up wealth you know will be confiscated.

Punish wealth creation sufficiently and soon there will be none.
(On Obama being the absolute champion of trickle down economics)
Please tell me more of your nonsense? What "trickle down'?


You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?

Dubya's TARP? After the economy was "saved", the US should've allowed it to fall off the cliff? THAT'S your posit? lol

Yes, ALL you have is propaganda. I'm shocked

And (surprise) it goes right over your head.
Like I said, Obama has continued TARP for 6 years kiddo.
From 2009 - 2014 the top 7% earners in America have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase, the remaining 93% of WORKING AMERICANS have lost 5%.
Wall Street/Central banks and high earning investors have been living like royalty since then as well. Wall Street has had 3 record years while we have stood still and most losing.
Yet - Obama continues giving them over $trillion per year.
So your position is that they still need saved????

Obama huh?.. good thing the House Republicans didn't pass the legislation he signed first isn't it?
Yeah, but you called it. Set up a FPA or LLC, EARLY ON before so much appreciation, and make the kids employees with salaries. .... which they then use to buy a bigger % of the FPA or LLC from daddy, which then reduces daddy's estate. The point is, unless you are EXTREMELY wealthy, the system is intentionally set up to allow your family to keep the money.

It's not a tax so much as an economic tool to prevent the accumulation of capital in the hands of a monied few fools who never made money in the first place.

That is not necessarily true.

You can be land rich but not extremely wealthy. Many family farms and family business fall into that category.

It is simply the wrong thing for the government to take money away from families to give to the welfare queens and other despicable greedy leeches that live off of the government.
Had the family wealth redistributed?

Simple enough.

Select the family business that employs the greatest number of people.

Close it and sell the empty building and land to pay off the taxes. Best to sell to some tax exempt organization, even better if that outfit plans to replace the building with low cost subsidized housing.

No point in building up wealth you know will be confiscated.

Punish wealth creation sufficiently and soon there will be none.
Yeah, but you called it. Set up a FPA or LLC, EARLY ON before so much appreciation, and make the kids employees with salaries. .... which they then use to buy a bigger % of the FPA or LLC from daddy, which then reduces daddy's estate. The point is, unless you are EXTREMELY wealthy, the system is intentionally set up to allow your family to keep the money.

It's not a tax so much as an economic tool to prevent the accumulation of capital in the hands of a monied few fools who never made money in the first place.

That is not necessarily true.

You can be land rich but not extremely wealthy. Many family farms and family business fall into that category.

It is simply the wrong thing for the government to take money away from families to give to the welfare queens and other despicable greedy leeches that live off of the government.

here's the deal. You can whine about it or do something to protect your land. Its that simple.

You decide.

You see here folks?
Hells bells...this is why we keep electing idiots over and over.
You would think that someone who posts in a political forum would know at least something.
And Dad2three....if your question is

So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?

Dubya's TARP? After the economy was "saved", the US should've allowed it to fall off the cliff? THAT'S your posit? lol

Yes, ALL you have is propaganda. I'm shocked

And (surprise) it goes right over your head.
Like I said, Obama has continued TARP for 6 years kiddo.
From 2009 - 2014 the top 7% earners in America have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase, the remaining 93% of WORKING AMERICANS have lost 5%.
Wall Street/Central banks and high earning investors have been living like royalty since then as well. Wall Street has had 3 record years while we have stood still and most losing.
Yet - Obama continues giving them over $trillion per year.
So your position is that they still need saved????

Obama huh?.. good thing the House Republicans didn't pass the legislation he signed first isn't it?

So you saying you get it? (hardly I am sure)
The point your making is both have been involved in today's grossly out of control trickle down economics is BOTH parties.
Which agrees exactly with my point.
Republicans are not the "party of the rich"
Washington is the party of the rich.
Neither party less corrupt than the other.
So no Bubba, you will not even attempt to push your propaganda. Shocking

Answer this question...
Who paid 100 cents on the dollar for toxic assets in the 10's of $billions to Wall Street firms?
Who, for six straight years, has propped up Wall Street using over a $trillion per year of our money?
And that just barely scratches the surface.
Is that propaganda?

Dubya's TARP? After the economy was "saved", the US should've allowed it to fall off the cliff? THAT'S your posit? lol

Yes, ALL you have is propaganda. I'm shocked

And (surprise) it goes right over your head.
Like I said, Obama has continued TARP for 6 years kiddo.
From 2009 - 2014 the top 7% earners in America have lavished in a record 33% earnings increase, the remaining 93% of WORKING AMERICANS have lost 5%.
Wall Street/Central banks and high earning investors have been living like royalty since then as well. Wall Street has had 3 record years while we have stood still and most losing.
Yet - Obama continues giving them over $trillion per year.
So your position is that they still need saved????

Obama huh?.. good thing the House Republicans didn't pass the legislation he signed first isn't it?

So you saying you get it? (hardly I am sure)
The point your making is both have been involved in today's grossly out of control trickle down economics is BOTH parties.
Which agrees exactly with my point.
Republicans are not the "party of the rich"
Washington is the party of the rich.
Neither party less corrupt than the other.

isn't that what I said? sure it is.
here's the deal. You can whine about it or do something to protect your land. Its that simple.

You decide.

The deal is that we have an out of control government. You can accept that you want and even like it but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept it.

Our country is so broken that it can't be fixed at the ballot box. The only way it can be fixed is to hit the reset button.

As time goes on more and more people will understand it and hopefully one of these days soon there will be enough interest to do something about it. Until then we are pretty much fucked.
here's the deal. You can whine about it or do something to protect your land. Its that simple.

You decide.

The deal is that we have an out of control government. You can accept that you want and even like it but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept it.

Our country is so broken that it can't be fixed at the ballot box. The only way it can be fixed is to hit the reset button.

As time goes on more and more people will understand it and hopefully one of these days soon there will be enough interest to do something about it. Until then we are pretty much fucked.

choice made ^^^^^^ whine about it.

next contestant.

So you saying you get it? (hardly I am sure)
The point your making is both have been involved in today's grossly out of control trickle down economics is BOTH parties.
Which agrees exactly with my point.
Republicans are not the "party of the rich"
Washington is the party of the rich.
Neither party less corrupt than the other.

The Hildabeast is not going to get her $2.5 billion from the poor in this country, is she?

Big money will flow into all the candidates of both parties and there will be IOUs. Lots of them.

choice made ^^^^^^ whine about it.

next contestant.

If you had been around in 1776 you would have called our Founding Fathers "whiners" for opposing the tyranny of the government, wouldn't you? Our country has always had people like you. You just never get it.

We don't have to accept bad government. However, I think the problem you have is you don't understand the components of bad government, like high taxation and an enormous welfare state. In fact you kinda of like those things, don't you?
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.

If a family works hard and owns two or three pieces of business property, that land value can easily put them over 5 million depending on where the land is owned. Why the FUCK should their heirs have to sell off that land to pay the government. ? Dont those grredy fuckers realize those commercial properties generate something called property tax? that has to be paid every year, but no thats not good enough. How about stopping government waste? of course they need our money, cause they cant straighten their own shit out. All they are capable of is , taxing people, printing more money , and manipulating currency. Then they turn around and project their guilt on its citizens

Would you like some cheese with that whine?

I'm sure the bank would loan them the money to pay their taxes, all they need to do is to borrow the money using the land they got for nothing as collateral.

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