Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

You and I both know that your response here does not answer the question I asked. Please feel free to try again.
How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Another stupid question posted over and over.
Funny how i don't see your answer?
Why is that?
Oh... you know you can't answer it.
Fuck you asshole - editing my post is more proof you're not only an asshole but a dishonest lying piece of shit.
Aww... funny how upset you get when you realize you can't handle the truth.
Calling you out as a dishonest asshole is not a sign that I am upset.
Keep telling yourself that.

Fact of the matter is you know you cannot support your positions to save your life
You hate that fact, but you know there's nothing you can do about it - when pressed to answer questions about your positions that you know will prove them unsound, you lose your temper, tears stream from your eye and snot flows from your nose.

You simply cannot handle the truth.
You know you cannot cite where the constitution supposedly grants you this entitlement.
As I've told you many times, the US Constitution grants Congress the authority to tax income from whatever source derived. It is the same power they used last night when I filed my taxes.
We both understand that you know you cannot cite where the constitution supposedly grants you an entitlement to other people's money.
I never claimed such an entitlement
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Where does the US constitution grant you this entitlement?
Article, section, clause, please.
Why do you assert the power of the congress and executive to levy taxes are some "individual entitlement?" and what is the definition of entitlement you're using?
I asked: How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Your question, above, does not apply to me.
it certainly does. You assert that I somehow think I'm entitled to another's money. I do no such thing.
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
I think you mix and match for your convenience's sake....
I think I did not see an answer to my question.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Logic fail huh?


If the government thinks it has the right to take a substantial amount of money from a benefactor for an inheritance then why discriminate? Where is the fairness in that?

Shouldn't the welfare queen (who is only getting the money because she helped elect thieving Democrats) be taxed the same rate as any other other benefactors?

That is the logical and fair way to look at the redistribution of the money.

Of course the much better thing to do is for the filthy ass government to stay out of the business of stealing money and giving it away, don't you think?

Okay then, as soon as the "welfare queens" receive 5.43 million dollars in tax free money, by all means, tax that at 40% too.

If you oppose the governments right to tax income, then it's time to focus your efforts on ratifying a new amendment repelling the amendment granting them that power, not nwhining about a filthy ass government and welfare queens......
As I've told you many times, the US Constitution grants Congress the authority to tax income from whatever source derived. It is the same power they used last night when I filed my taxes.
We both understand that you know you cannot cite where the constitution supposedly grants you an entitlement to other people's money.
I never claimed such an entitlement
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?

Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.
The other thing to consider is genetic inheritance. Why should some kids suffer just because their parents have shitty genes?
Progressives hate anything that reduces their ability to buy votes thru entitlement programs as it reduces their partisan political power.
Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs Think by Numbers
As at least 62% of federal spending goes to social welfare programs (2013), this is an outright lie.
We both understand that you know you cannot cite where the constitution supposedly grants you an entitlement to other people's money.
I never claimed such an entitlement
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
Are you saying Congress doesn't have the power to tax income from whatever source derived?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

get a tax lawyer and ask him about an FLP.
Why do you assert the power of the congress and executive to levy taxes are some "individual entitlement?" and what is the definition of entitlement you're using?
I asked: How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Your question, above, does not apply to me.
it certainly does. You assert that I somehow think I'm entitled to another's money. I do no such thing.
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
I think you mix and match for your convenience's sake....
I think I did not see an answer to my question.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
You've yet to ask a question.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.
"It" in any form, is bad for US. Do you think the African elite families who sold their people into slavery pay estate taxes? Think the Kims in North Korea or the Castros in Cuba are paying estate taxes? How about the Saudis? If they aren't, why the fuck should we do it? Unlike those corrupt cultures and "economies", we give people freedom and opportunity to advance. You people need to stop trying to take that away.

9. The United States Taxes Estates More Lightly Than Comparable Countries
Twenty-seven of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development levied some form of estate tax, inheritance tax, or other wealth or wealth transfer tax in 2012 (the latest year for which full data are available). U.S. estate and gift tax revenues at all levels of government were well below average among these 27 countries as a share of the economy.[24]

10. The Estate Tax Is the Most Progressive Part of the U.S. Tax Code

Ten Facts You Should Know About the Federal Estate Tax Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Remind me. Why does that make you entitled to someone else's money?

Someone elses money? Oh right, the guy who died is paying taxes before the genetic lottery winner collects. Hint it's called CONGRESSIONAL LAWS....

Hint: It's called "morality". Making a law doesn't make it right, and dismissing the person who worked for the money as just "the guy who died" doesn't make you anything but a sleazeball and a thief.

The fact that the genetic lottery fucked you in the ass with no lube doesn't make it any more acceptable to use the law to vent your hatred of people whose parents amounted to something and cared about them. Get some therapy, spank your inner moppet, and get a job of your own.

Morality? lol

Yes, I'm well aware that you and other leftist piss stains like you view the concept of morality as funny. You didn't actually need to waste space telling me so.
Okay then, as soon as the "welfare queens" receive 5.43 million dollars in tax free money, by all means, tax that at 40% too.

If you oppose the governments right to tax income, then it's time to focus your efforts on ratifying a new amendment repelling the amendment granting them that power, whining about a filthy ass government and welfare queens......

I have nothing against a minimal necessary government and I think that we should pay for it. Defense, courts, police etc are necessary and legitimate government functions and I don't mind putting up my fair share as long as the money is spent in a fiscal responsible manner.

What I oppose is taking the money that I earn and giving away to somebody else that didn't earn it. To me that is thievery. No welfare, no bailouts, no subsidies and no entitlements.

The government needs to stay out of the business of redistribution of wealth and/or income.

Of all people Davy Crockett explained it very well when he was trying to seek reelection as a Congressman. It is a little lengthy but it articulates the problem with the government taking money from one person and giving it to another.

Not Yours to Give

I asked: How are you entitled to part of the money left to someone by someone else?
Your question, above, does not apply to me.
it certainly does. You assert that I somehow think I'm entitled to another's money. I do no such thing.
You're sure?
You do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
I think you mix and match for your convenience's sake....
I think I did not see an answer to my question.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
You've yet to ask a question.
Ah. You need to lie to preserve your position.
Thank you.
Okay then, as soon as the "welfare queens" receive 5.43 million dollars in tax free money, by all means, tax that at 40% too.

If you oppose the governments right to tax income, then it's time to focus your efforts on ratifying a new amendment repelling the amendment granting them that power, whining about a filthy ass government and welfare queens......

I have nothing against a minimal necessary government and I think that we should pay for it. Defense, courts, police etc are necessary and legitimate government functions and I don't mind putting up my fair share as long as the money is spent in a fiscal responsible manner.

What I oppose is taking the money that I earn and giving away to somebody else that didn't earn it. To me that is thievery. No welfare, no bailouts, no subsidies and no entitlements.

The government needs to stay out of the business of redistribution of wealth and/or income.

Of all people Davy Crockett explained it very well when he was trying to seek reelection as a Congressman. It is a little lengthy but it articulates the problem with the government taking money from one person and giving it to another.

Not Yours to Give

Got it. You're not opposed to tax and spend, you just don't want the government to spend on things you don't agree with.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

I paid no inheritance on the three parcels of land when I received but when I pass it along it will be worth more than the present day deduction.

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