Republicans to repeal inheritance tax!

1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.

If a family works hard and owns two or three pieces of business property, that land value can easily put them over 5 million depending on where the land is owned. Why the FUCK should their heirs have to sell off that land to pay the government. ? Dont those grredy fuckers realize those commercial properties generate something called property tax? that has to be paid every year, but no thats not good enough. How about stopping government waste? of course they need our money, cause they cant straighten their own shit out. All they are capable of is , taxing people, printing more money , and manipulating currency. Then they turn around and project their guilt on its citizens
Progressives hate anything that reduces their ability to buy votes thru entitlement programs as it reduces their partisan political power.
Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs Think by Numbers
As at least 62% of federal spending goes to social welfare programs (2013), this is an outright lie.

You really are stupid. Read what you posted, critically. Giving $ Billions to corporate welfare isn't spending dumb shit, it is passing the government largess on to corporations.
Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.
The party of the rich, for the rich, by the rich. Once again, the wolves shear the sheep while the sheep cheer them on.

Republicans Push 269 Billion Handout For Millionaire Heirs And Heiresses


WASHINGTON -- House Republicans this week will vote to hand the heirs and heiresses of America's largest fortunes a $269 billion tax break by repealing the federal inheritance tax.

The legislation would shield the very richest families from taxes on the fortunes they inherit. After years of GOP attacks on the inheritance tax, also known as the estate tax, only a few thousand of the wealthiest families are subjected to it -- 4,700 total in 2013, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Only individual fortunes worth over $5.43 million can be taxed under current law, an amount that doubles to $10.86 million for wealthy couples. The Republican proposal would eliminate all of these estates -- which are over 15,700 percent richer than the median American household -- from taxation.

If a family works hard and owns two or three pieces of business property, that land value can easily put them over 5 million depending on where the land is owned. Why the FUCK should their heirs have to sell off that land to pay the government. ? Dont those grredy fuckers realize those commercial properties generate something called property tax? that has to be paid every year, but no thats not good enough. How about stopping government waste? of course they need our money, cause they cant straighten their own shit out. All they are capable of is , taxing people, printing more money , and manipulating currency. Then they turn around and project their guilt on its citizens

how about taking into consideration a family knows how to take care of 5M$$ worth of real estate when they die .. if they don't they should. That's why god invented tax lawyers.
Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
He's parodying the incoherent M-14
Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

The land has significantly appreciated in value. One of the three is one of the last undeveloped acreages along the beach in Pinellas County. My great grandfather bought the land in the 1920s when it was cheap. Another is an orange grove that it worth quite a bit as development land. Then there is the 300 acres of woodlands in Highlands County.

It happens.
Progressives hate anything that reduces their ability to buy votes thru entitlement programs as it reduces their partisan political power.
Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs Think by Numbers
As at least 62% of federal spending goes to social welfare programs (2013), this is an outright lie.
You really are stupid. Read what you posted, critically. Giving $ Billions to corporate welfare isn't spending dumb shit, it is passing the government largess on to corporations.
You apparently do not understand anything you wrote or my responses to same.
]Congress seems to have the power to tax...AND to provide tax breaks, incentives, and credits to certain folks and organizations
Why do you oppose "corporate welfare"?
Progressives hate anything that reduces their ability to buy votes thru entitlement programs as it reduces their partisan political power'; corporate welfare does this, so you oppose it.
Government Spends More on Corporate Welfare Subsidies than Social Welfare Programs
This is a lie, as at least 62% of federal spending goes to social welfare programs (2013).

I'm sure you -still- do not understand.

Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.
In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?
What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
He's parodying the incoherent M-14
Who only asked you a question you do not have the intellectual honesty to answer.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy

A parcel of land is 40 acres. The land would have to be worth over 45 grand per acre. Not likely, but not impossible I suppose.

Got it. You're not opposed to tax and spend, you just don't want the government to spend on things you don't agree with.

Pretty much. I think they should spend it on the minimal necessary government functions but not take it from me and give it to somebody that never earned it.

I bet you didn't even bother to listen to Crockett's rationale, did you?
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy
A parcel of land is 40 acres.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy

A parcel of land is 40 acres. The land would have to be worth over 45 grand per acre. Not likely, but not impossible I suppose.

some dirt commands 1 -1.5 million an acre, and sells at those prices.
Hey .... Lets have some political hacks decide how much is too much to leave to your beneficiaries.
Then let them decide who else really desrves it .

To be "fair"... Lmfao
Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!

Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?

Someone please explain why the government should seize Paris Hilton's inheritance instead of it going to Paris Hilton as her great-grandpa intended. Explain how this is "fair".

First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy

A parcel of land is 40 acres. The land would have to be worth over 45 grand per acre. Not likely, but not impossible I suppose.

some dirt commands 1 -1.5 million an acre, and sells at those prices.
Yeah, but you called it. Set up a FPA or LLC, EARLY ON before so much appreciation, and make the kids employees with salaries. .... which they then use to buy a bigger % of the FPA or LLC from daddy, which then reduces daddy's estate. The point is, unless you are EXTREMELY wealthy, the system is intentionally set up to allow your family to keep the money.

It's not a tax so much as an economic tool to prevent the accumulation of capital in the hands of a monied few fools who never made money in the first place.
1. The first million dollars of the estate IS NOT TAXED
2. If you're married and your wife is a US citizen, she pays NO TAX... NONE,

now tell everyone how much this effects you on a personal level ..

My parents left me an inheritance of three parcels of land that was worth more than the inheritance minimum taxation rate nowadays. Fortunately I got the inheritance before the new laws came in effect.

If I leave the parcels of land to my children and grand children they will be taxed on it and the filthy ass welfare queens will get the money that my parents worked so hard to accumulate and that I have made improvements on.

The government and the welfare queens did absolutely nothing to earn the money and it should be distributed as the family decides, not to be given away by some filthy ass Libtard politician so he can get more votes from the greedy bastards that want the money.

So yes, the laws do affect some of us on a personal level.

The exclusion amount has been increasing. It was 675,000 in 2001 and now it is 5.43 million.

Flash's post does not pass the rational test. The only way his beneficiaries would owe tax, if he did not when he inherited, is if the land appreciated exponentially faster than the exclusion.

No one with the possible exceptions of Bernie Sanders and some of the black caucus have any interest in adversely affecting a functioning economic enterprise, nor of depriving some family of the wealth their father or mother created. As I tried to say, before M-14 went off like a 88 mm gun with a blocked breach, that actual amount of revenue raised is really insignificant compared to tax revenue as a whole. Rather, the tax is set up to "encourage" the extremely wealthy, like Bill Gates, to leave the msft stock (or JJ stock) to a foundation, so that ownership of corporations is not permanently ensconced in corrupt and incompetent inbred fools, as we see in countries run by Sharia law.

It's a wedge issue for the gop. I assume 20 or so megawealthy donors want this, and a return to when JD Rockefeller was writing to John "Son, today I give you 10000000 shares of standard oil." That worked fine for standard while John was at the helm, and perhaps Nelson's generation could have made it work, but their kids .... bankruptcy

A parcel of land is 40 acres. The land would have to be worth over 45 grand per acre. Not likely, but not impossible I suppose.

some dirt commands 1 -1.5 million an acre, and sells at those prices.

Location, location, location. Which is why it is not impossible.
First off they tax the amount over 5.43 million dollars and the rest is taxed at 40%. To the heirs its like 5.43 non taxable bonus free income and the rest of the bonus income is taxed. How is any tax fair? My parents once gave me a car, I had to pay a gift tax on that. How was that fair?

Gosh, I'm so glad that you helpfully explained to us why it's really okay to take something that isn't yours because it doesn't really harm the people it DOES belong to. That just makes you all warm and fuzzy and not like a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit at all.

In the same measure why do you think you're entitle to the part of my income I paid last night? Does that make you a cheap-ass, covetous, thieving piece of shit?

What in the blazing hell are you blithering about? "Part of your income you paid last night" where? To whom? What part? Strain a little and try to make a coherent post, for Crissakes!
Fine, admit it, you're okay with the thieving government and taking part of my income when it never, ever belonged to them aren't you? Well aren't you?
Sorry -- missed your answer.
Are you sure you do not receive any benefit from the government that you think you're entitled to?
go piss upwind.

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