Republicans want these children to go to the boys room. Promise they will be "safe"

Those males could slip into the women's restroom...use it...and no one would ever know it was a male.

So....why all this hoopla from the left???

Hint: This issue isn't about letting THOSE males into the women's room. They could do it now and no one would notice.
They use the girl's room now and no one cares or knows. So it's not a matter of where these men go. Nothing is going to change for them. Unless they are intact men who just get off on wagging their weenies in front of females in a disrobing area this law doesn't change what they do.

If this law isn't directed at them, which men is it directed to?
Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender.

And yet they are forcing acceptance - not tolerance, acceptance - of their mental condition on the 99.7 remaining.
I really haven't any problem with the directive because in the end it will have very little impact on schools. In most communities, the small number of transgender students are already using the facilities and are much more accepted by the student bodies than you might think. It's just not big a problem. However, I'm sure it will inspire millions of postings, thousands of internet articles, and demonstrations by the left and right and in the end, it will be much ado about nothing.

Debatable, and not the point. You cannot force acceptance.

You made up something in your pea brain and thought everyone would just accept it.

You are next being forced to accept anything. You can go on hating these young people and their parents until your dying breath. won't stand in the way of their being treated with dignity and their being afforded equal treatment under the law.

These young people......probably the most vulnerable Americans....will be given what every American public school student is given. A safe place to learn and grow. And that includes the ability to take a pee where they feel safe. You have lost this one.

Rachelle – Caller from Kansas on her transgender high schooler
What is this emphasis on feel safe? Are girls who want to be boys really going to be safe in a boy's locker room? Really? No boy is ever going to notice that this is a girl. Her safety is assured. No way. What makes her safer with boys?
You know what, it is time for parents to BOYCOTT the school, and keep their children home for a day or two, in concert together.

The left has decreed this for schools NOW, because school is almost out, so they are trying to slip it by where mass boycotts don't end up on the news, and it appears everyone buys this nonsense.

If we as Americans (who are by faaaaaaar the majority on this issue) who disagree with this for our children's sake, allow this to stand without a very loud, and conceived public fight, then the country is done, because the 1st reason for fighting is for the people who have no power at all, and that is our children, and grand children. They are now attacking our children, and THEIR PRIVACY. What are you people going to do? Lie down, and let them abuse them!
The Republicans push their god on everyone,,,,fuck that party.
Actually Republicans don't push God on anyone. They just want the persecution of Christians to end, to have the same protections for Christians as the Islamic Extremist-loving libs give to Muslims these days. Republicans also want libs to stop ptetending their views are the only ones allowed (intolerance). Republicans also want liberals to stop acting like our RULERS - no more telling us what products we must buy, no more telling us what bathrooms we have to use. (That wasn't a problem until Barry became President).
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ya, know this issue was settled in Houston when the last mayer [sic] issued her freak edict. when it was put to the people of Houston, a pretty liberal city by the way, it was squashed. even gay people came out against the freaks. this is nothing more then a sad attempt by Bama [sic] at legacy building and just like all his other attempts at getting stuff for his library, this one is going to get people hurt.

Well, it did create a lasting legacy for him. History will long remember him as the President who took up the side of criminals, terrorists, foreign invaders, sex perverts, and other degenerates; against that of decent, law-abiding American citizens.
Decent, law-abiding American citizens?

That can't be Republicans. Let him die? Voter suppression? Iraq? Deficit creating Bush Tax cuts? Republicans have caused more damage than Isis and al Qaeda put together.

And now they are going after 0.3% of the population? And look at them. Who looks more scary? Those children or the children of right wingers.

All the other crap aside the point is, the vast majority of Americans, even gay ones thinks this is stupid. Mr. Bama is going to find this to here soon.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

It's you fucking idiots that caused it. If you hadn't made this such a big fucking deal, you and your idiot president, those "people" would be able to use the restroom and no one would have cared. You morons created this problem because it is what you do. You create a problem that doesn't exist, then offer yourselves as the solution. You fucktard s are the scum of the earth.
Let's look at the numbers. .3% of the population is transgender.

And yet they are forcing acceptance - not tolerance, acceptance - of their mental condition on the 99.7 remaining.
I really haven't any problem with the directive because in the end it will have very little impact on schools. In most communities, the small number of transgender students are already using the facilities and are much more accepted by the student bodies than you might think. It's just not big a problem. However, I'm sure it will inspire millions of postings, thousands of internet articles, and demonstrations by the left and right and in the end, it will be much ado about nothing.

Debatable, and not the point. You cannot force acceptance.

You made up something in your pea brain and thought everyone would just accept it.

You are next being forced to accept anything. You can go on hating these young people and their parents until your dying breath. won't stand in the way of their being treated with dignity and their being afforded equal treatment under the law.

These young people......probably the most vulnerable Americans....will be given what every American public school student is given. A safe place to learn and grow. And that includes the ability to take a pee where they feel safe. You have lost this one.

Rachelle – Caller from Kansas on her transgender high schooler

I don't hate anyone. I consider them mentally disabled, in need of attention.

What I hate is that few have the spine to stand up to the Democrats' dictatorial policies.
Where do they find pictures of obviously underage and alleged cross dressing boys? Isn't it against the law to use pedophile sexually explicit pictures? What about the ugly side of the equation and it's impact on young girls? You can bet your ass(ets) that the Obama girls won't have to share a bathroom with a confused boy.

You found those pictures sexually explicit? Which parts?
Why are these parents letting their boys dress as girls. A decision like that should be able to be made when they are eighteen. They are minors, those parents should be put in prison. Heck most of the boys grow out of it in their 20's. Letting kids make life choice decisions as children is child abuse.

You just don't possess the ability to empathize nor understand the issue.

Its not your fault. You were born that way.
So should kids all a sudden should be able to get tattoos? Drink? Smoke? Those are life long decisions, and of course not we won't let them do those things. Then why is the trans gendered thing different. They have to take hormone pills to make the switch. That is child abuse.

You don't get it. Try a little empathy for once in your miserable life.








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

It's you fucking idiots that caused it. If you hadn't made this such a big fucking deal, you and your idiot president, those "people" would be able to use the restroom and no one would have cared. You morons created this problem because it is what you do. You create a problem that doesn't exist, then offer yourselves as the solution. You fucktard s are the scum of the earth.

Incorrect. As usual.
Why are these parents letting their boys dress as girls. A decision like that should be able to be made when they are eighteen. They are minors, those parents should be put in prison. Heck most of the boys grow out of it in their 20's. Letting kids make life choice decisions as children is child abuse.

You just don't possess the ability to empathize nor understand the issue.

Its not your fault. You were born that way.
So should kids all a sudden should be able to get tattoos? Drink? Smoke? Those are life long decisions, and of course not we won't let them do those things. Then why is the trans gendered thing different. They have to take hormone pills to make the switch. That is child abuse.

You don't get it. Try a little empathy for once in your miserable life.
What happens when the wake up in their 20's and realize they are a man? Which most do, and they have tits and the hormones of a woman? A lot commit suicide, because they made a life long decision when they were just a kid. Where is your empathy, you fool.
Seriously? If they went into the ladies room, who would even give them a second look?








Republicans feel they have a winning issue that will help Trump become President. Forcing these young people to use the Men's Room. Republicans insist they would be perfectly safe. And they if they used the Women's Room, they would sexually attack women.

They look very dangerous, don't they?

It's you fucking idiots that caused it. If you hadn't made this such a big fucking deal, you and your idiot president, those "people" would be able to use the restroom and no one would have cared. You morons created this problem because it is what you do. You create a problem that doesn't exist, then offer yourselves as the solution. You fucktard s are the scum of the earth.

Incorrect. As usual.

I am absolutely correct, as always.
Where do they find pictures of obviously underage and alleged cross dressing boys? Isn't it against the law to use pedophile sexually explicit pictures? What about the ugly side of the equation and it's impact on young girls? You can bet your ass(ets) that the Obama girls won't have to share a bathroom with a confused boy.

You found those pictures sexually explicit? Which parts?
They're sexually explicit because they are used as examples of gender. Get it? You show a picture of a ten year old with hooker makeup, romantic lighting, bedroom eyes, glossy lipstick, pouty lips..and proudly identify that child as a transgender..

It's fucking sick. And child porn is about what the pictures are meant to be used for. These pics are meant to trick men into thinking the children are female, so wackos can shock them when they reveal they have penises.
Those males could slip into the women's restroom...use it...and no one would ever know it was a male.

So....why all this hoopla from the left???

Hint: This issue isn't about letting THOSE males into the women's room. They could do it now and no one would notice.

Look, if you conservatives realize this, why make a law about bathrooms!!

Don't act like Obama started this transgender bs. The republicans of NC did by passing a law that can not properly be enforced!!
The Republicans push their god on everyone,,,,fuck that party.
Why should the majority of real women that feel uncomfortable with men in their restroom be forced to comply with the wishes of less than 1% of the population.
other than the democrats trying to push their immoral society on decent people. Fuck democrats.

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