Republicans Want To Gun Down Big Bird

Still havent seen a good argument why the government needs to fund any tv or radio station.
NPR is not necessary. There is Err America and there is MessNBC. There is no good reason to keep funding a government entity to preach to us. And there is a good reason (The first amendment ) for ending funding. Government owned press is not a free press
Good. We shouldn't be spending taxpayer money on TV and radio programming.

If there is demand for it, the market will pay for it. If not, good riddance.

Plenty of alternatives in the private market too. PBS and the CPB are mere fronts for a progressive viewpoint that also enriches certain chosen people. That it has roots in the foundations of industrialists is no surprise. Alfred Nobel got rich through war profiteering and then left his legacy up to his heirs. Trust fund kids often either rail against capitalism or use their resources as a means to protect markets they think belong to them.
The Muppets are a billion dollar corporation, and Sesame Street makes hundreds of millions of dollars in licensing from everything from coloring books to playschool toys. Get them off our backs. If big bird can't fly with that much pure capitalist cash behind him without stealing from the money we need to buy the toys with his stupid face on them for our kids, then he needs to go the way of the Dodo, not before time and good riddance. Enough of these alligator tears for liberal, socialist mega-corporations crying poor-mouth. Get lost. The WWII generation never had Big Bird. That's all the proof I need that if he can't survive in the free market place, then we don't need him now.
Well, there you have it. Not only would the Conservatives not nurture children concerning health care, they do not want them nurtured intellectually. Hell, if they grow up less ignorant than the Conservatives, they might turn into Liberals. Like Cheney said.

man you got all wrong. Usually when you are YOUNG you are ignorant about life, politics and become a Democrat-Liberal. Then you go off into working for a living FULL TIME, having kids, buying a home, etc etc, THAT'S when you GROW up and WISE up and become a Conservative-Republican
well most people who are sane do anyway. Some stay stuck and stupid and stay a Liberal all their lives.
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Whenever the right wing in America tell you media is liberal, I shake my head and wonder who what when where how. Corporations own 'Big Media' in America and corporations are not liberal by any definition of the word. But then there is a smidgen of good broadcasting left and that I guess is the last remaining target of the right. Media that doesn't presnt the nonsense heard on right wing radio or Fox is the target today. No need for Big Brother when you control the message all the messages. [ What Orwell Didn't Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (9781586485603): Andras Szanto, Orville Schell: Books]

'House GOP Budget Takes Away All Federal Funding for Corporation for Public Broadcasting' by Huma Khan

"As the House prepares for debate today on the budget, Republicans are trying to cut off public funding for NPR and the Public Broadcasting Service, which run such iconic programs as "Sesame Street" and "Morning Edition."" As Budget Debates Begin, Republicans Put NPR, PBS on Chopping Block | Common Dreams


poor baby.

Now you're ganna hafta compete on a leveler playing field.

Hey, would you be this pissed if they leaned as far to the right as they do to the left?

I'm betting no.

well not really

You would more likely say they didn't lean left, and that it's a coincidence that they only employ one conservative at npr and that lady that wanted a conservatives kids to die of aides was just joking around.
Yep we need all media controlled by corporations.

why do many want to kill the only source of decent journalism we have left?
Truths they do not want exposed?
This isn't about deficits, PBS/NPR are very small potatoes when it comes to a percentage of the US Budget, PBS/NPR are targets of the right's culture war.
I can say that both of my daughters grew up watching PBS and their great educational programing for kids. I'm not saying PBS made them what they are today, it did give them a head start. My girls did great through out their education years, now highly successful both pull down six figures, not bad for someone in their twenties. Now their children watch PBS.
PBS, what a wonderful educational resource!

The logic that these cuts to the budget is failed. If you add up all of the "small potatoes" items that have been discussed to cut from the budget, the number becomes significant. The politicians and pundits repeat the mantra over and over that certain things are not worth cutting because they don't amount to all that much. With that attitude, nothing will be cut. Anything that is wasteful and helps reduce the deficit should be cut. if PBS and NPR have programming people want to watch or listen to, they should have no trouble getting funding from the private sector like most media stations do. Govt should not be funding any media or news stations or programs as it creates a conflict of interest.
people spend too much time talking themselves into oblivion-- cut Big Bird... it's the only way to go-- people have to be weaned off the teat-- it starts now-- Regards, probus
Now our children can grow up watching Fox like all partiotic American kids should.

The only other option. :eusa_whistle:

In Soviet Russia, you have two channels. Channel one is government propaganda. Channel two is a KGB officer telling to you immediately turn back to channel one.
- Yakov Smirnoff

The Networks (and Cable) would be falling all over one another trying to figure out how to get, how to get to Sesame Street if PBS went away. It's not just a great kids show, it's an industry. They sell Sesame Street clothes, children books, coloring books, games, muppets, video's, computer games and more. Hell they take the damn thing on tour with Sesame Street on Ice.

I can think of any number of Cable channels that would be fighting over NOVA, NATURE, American Experience maybe even boosting their budgets for better (more likely "more") episodes.

Same goes for the news "talent" at both NPR and PBS. Just look how fast Williams got a gig.

Who cares if Sesame Street is brought to you by Pampers and Flintstones vitamins instead of the letter H and the number 7?

Sesame Street, to read the thread you would think this was a Liberal idea created within the walls of the White House, pure bullshit.

Sesame Street is not owned by PBS or the Government.

I imagine the government that buys a 299$ hammer may be overpaying for the television program it buys or funds.

Off by a mile.

I'm saying the oft cited "killing Big Bird" meme is stupid. If any show does not need public funding to keep it going it's Sesame Street. (and a lot of other PBS/NPR programs)

"If" we cut off taxpayer support for PBS and NPR and "if" no one stepped up to pick up the slack and those institutions went the way of the dodo, many programs would survive on other channels and radio stations.

I am also agreeing with you, Sesame Street is not owned nor was it created by the government hence it will survive without a network that is subsidized by government.

So what do you disagree with, I state the government did not create Sesame Street, that the government overpays for hammers hence they are over paying for PBS, I can not see how you read my post and not see I just added a bit in support of your post.
PBS, I must say this, reluctantly, my kid knows the alphabet because of Super Why, that is PBS, oh well. Too bad they did not have the same success with math.

Should the government fund this, not at all, the direct funding is just the tip of the Iceburg, a trillion dollar budget and the government gives us a couple decent shows, nice work.

Ohh a trillion dollar budget?
You are Wrong as per usual.

Methinks you should have watched more PBS.
Curious George can outthink you.

I can not paraphrase or just throw out numbers, who gives a shit, how much is the Federal Government's budget, 3.7 trillion dollars, exactly. Either way, you take your pick, a trillion or 3.7 trillion, that is an awful lot of money to spend. Maybe if we increase the Federal Budget they could start working on a real good Sitcom or Soap Opera. Who knows, maybe if we paid more tax the government could control all content on television or cable or AM radio or the internet.

Yes, you caught me, wrong as usual, I thought the Federal Governments budget was only a trillion dollars, not four trillion.
What kind of comment is that?:eusa_whistle: Speaking of metaphors, at least try to make sense.
If a plant is not growing, you nuture it and you'll realize the reward what it produces.

Are you suggesting that the industrial farms of the USA that feed the world stop and nurture one individual plant if its failing?

Potatoes and government funding, I would of approached the post from this perspective;

It takes 18' of government subsidized water to grow potatoes, should we stop that funding as well?

Yep we should also stop all that govt funded hydro power.
Vegas would get pretty dark and dry.

Are you saying they are building a dam to power Vegas with Federal money or do you think Hydro Power is somehow losing money and needs continued funding?

I can not think of any place the Federal Government is funding new dam construction. I know old dams that do not produce electricity need constant funding.

So just what are you talking about. Last time I checked, the Hoover Dam was built in the last century.
Sesame Street, to read the thread you would think this was a Liberal idea created within the walls of the White House, pure bullshit.

Sesame Street is not owned by PBS or the Government.

I imagine the government that buys a 299$ hammer may be overpaying for the television program it buys or funds.

Off by a mile.

I'm saying the oft cited "killing Big Bird" meme is stupid. If any show does not need public funding to keep it going it's Sesame Street. (and a lot of other PBS/NPR programs)

"If" we cut off taxpayer support for PBS and NPR and "if" no one stepped up to pick up the slack and those institutions went the way of the dodo, many programs would survive on other channels and radio stations.

I am also agreeing with you, Sesame Street is not owned nor was it created by the government hence it will survive without a network that is subsidized by government.

So what do you disagree with, I state the government did not create Sesame Street, that the government overpays for hammers hence they are over paying for PBS, I can not see how you read my post and not see I just added a bit in support of your post.


Just tired I guess. Before when you said "to read the thread you would think this was a Liberal idea created within the walls of the White House, pure bullshit" I somehow took that to mean "to read my post you would think this was a Liberal idea...".

Just sort of disjointed the whole thing in what passes for my brain. (that's why I restated the exact same point in a different way, rather than add anything new)
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why can't Big Bird be financed by business rather than government?-- if they advertise a soft-drink or a candybar, so what?-- if u keep trying to micro-manage business it won't be business anymore-- i don't see why NPR should have financing after the Juan Williams debacle-- Regards, probus
I never hear the right wing or the republicans complain about the monies spent on unnecessary war items, but when it comes to honest reporting and quality TV, they are up in arms. Killing people is a positive value for them, educating people is a non starter. Killing Big Bird and other quality radio and TV makes the loonies happy. What a sad group of people.

"The biggest single source of revenue for public media entities is membership. Membership contributions to local stations and "friends of..." groups provide critical support for public media." Who pays for public media?

"However, only 10 per cent of the total funding comes from the government grants. Radio stations are growing financially with the two main sources of revenue which are support from listeners and underwriting. Some of the listeners also undertake a community based fundraising."

Whenever I read your 'opinions', I shake my head and wonder whether you are capable of thinking for yourself and forming your own opinions or do you always just regurgitate those of other people?

You want left wing media, you pay for it. There is no reason why the rest of us should be paying for your media.

I have had this tired complaint before, answered it, and anyone who reads my 'threads' knows different. You are best at ad hominem, thought is lost on you. But to be fair, I have never ever seen an original thread from you? Never. If you have an original thought, please add link to this thread. That way I can judge your presumed originally, so far nada.

LOL, how bout that title..

Republicans Want To Gun Down Big Bird

This is what YOUR MONEY is paying for folks.
[see above.]

call your Reps and ask them to get behind this and...DEFUND NOW

PBS should broadcast commentary on the inanity that passes for political talk today. The rightwing corporate tools on this board use those words constantly. And the commentary came from Mark Fiore's Animated Cartoon Site It is honest reporting even if exaggerated. We hear from the tea party - well we did.

Still havent seen a good argument why the government needs to fund any tv or radio station.

Because it is the right thing to do. Government funds many things that make society better, PBS is just one of them. Much of the infrastructure for radio and TV are government funded. Government is the people and should support all the people, not just the bomb makers.

"A new barbarism, illiteracy and impoverishment of language, new kinds of poverty, merciless remodeling of opinion by media, immiseration of the mind, obsolescence of the soul. Massified, standardizing modes, in every area of life, relentlessly re-enact the actual control program of modernity. Capitalism did not create our world; the machine did." Jean-François Lyotard
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I can certainly understand why the right wingers hate NPR and CPB.

If I were a propagandist working on behalf of the GOP I'd be pissed that they exist, too.

I'm sure you'd be fine with taxpayers money going to Fox News, right? Because that is exactly what taxpayers money being used to fund blatantly left wing media is. I don't 'hate' NPR or CPB.... I just don't want to pay for your media. You pay for it. That's fine. But, unless you are prepared to fund blatant right wing media, there is no reason why we should pay for yours. Get it? You want it - you fund it.

i know you are a compete idiot but in this case i agree with you

none of us should be paying for things we don't believe in

of course, i'm aware of the fact that you don't mind that i end up paying for some religious programs....making you a hypocrite.....

i've heard npr and pbs....
"blatant" leftwing media?

ha ha

you are truly deranged...

either you've never heard npr/pbs (so you are just regurgitating lies that you've been spoon fed by your conservative leaders
you HAVE heard npr/pbs and you are SOOOOOOOOOOOO deranged that your perspective is insane....

You don't 'know' I'm an idiot... you 'think' I am. It's an opinion, for a fact. However, that you cannot tell the difference between an opinion and a fact, does suggest that you may - in fact - be an idiot.

And, you not minding paying for religious programs doesn't make me a hypocrite, it makes you a hypocrite. Now, you are both a hypocrite and an idiot... by your own words. How embarrassing for you.
I can certainly understand why the right wingers hate NPR and CPB.

If I were a propagandist working on behalf of the GOP I'd be pissed that they exist, too.

I'm sure you'd be fine with taxpayers money going to Fox News, right? Because that is exactly what taxpayers money being used to fund blatantly left wing media is. I don't 'hate' NPR or CPB.... I just don't want to pay for your media. You pay for it. That's fine. But, unless you are prepared to fund blatant right wing media, there is no reason why we should pay for yours. Get it? You want it - you fund it.
Blatantly left wing media? Children's programming, Nova, American Experience, Masterpiece Theater, Antiques Roadshow, This Old House, Ken Burns documentaries. All threats to the American way of life and commerce?

You're going to have to 'splain this one to me as if I were six years old.

PBS consistently delivers when private media fails. The Learning Channel brings us Jon and Kate. The History Channel brings us episode after episode of folks driving trucks on the tundra or cutting trees in the Pacific northwest. The Discovery Channel gives us guys fishing for crabs in Alaska. Worthy of a show, but not 26 episodes a season.

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