Republicans want to raise taxes on the poor, cut them for the rich

Except for the poverty level poor

Except for the poor who are poor? LOL!

everyone should contribute.

The poor do contribute. They provide cheap labor.

The wealthy have foot the bill for entirely too long. When will the bottom 50% pay their fair share?

So you want to raise taxes on the middle class.

Hey, nearly half the population pays no income taxes. That's a HUGE problem when nearly half the voting public can vote to jack up the taxes on the other half while exempting themselves.
Romney wants to cut taxes for all americans. The bull shit story that he wants to raise taxes on the poor is just that, bull shit.
If the definition of middle class is those who currently pay 0 then yes, raise their taxes. Simple enough for you?

The lower middle class would all be in the bottom 50%, yes.

So you want to raise taxes on the middle class.

Got it.
Except for the poverty level poor everyone should contribute. The wealthy have foot the bill for entirely too long. When will the bottom 50% pay their fair share?

If this is true consensus on the right, then the Republican party should be honest about it and run on that principle:

The Rich are overtaxed, and the Not-Rich are undertaxed.
"We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men are created equal"
The upper 2 per cent of wage earners already pay over 60 per cent of the taxes. The poor pay nothing. Nothing!
This is a country where the Departments of Welfare and Social Services practically meet them as they get off the plane or cross the border to offer them carte blanche welfare. This used to be a country where people came exclusively to work, succeed and raise their families in peace. Not anymore.
You can see which way the welfare incentive worked, as described in his book "Angela's Ashes" when Frank McCourt was growing up in America. Mr McCourts father was too much of a drunk to manage to support his family here in the States after immigrating in, so he decided to take his family back to Ireland in order to take advantage of the more readily available 'dole' over there.
If you don't like the tax situation in America try the Soviet Union, Communist China, or maybe even Vietnam.
The Democrats get to sound more like the Greeks every day. The Greeks pay their civil servants a bonus if they show up to work on time, 14 months pay for Christmas and on average they're able to retire at age 53.
The Germans just raised their retirement age to 68 in order to save enough money to be able to support the Greeks, the Italians, the Spanish, the Portugese, the Irish, and coming soon, the French.
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Not shitting you.

The Tax Policy Center took a close look at Republican nominee Mitt Romney's proposed tax and economic plan and concluded that it would cut taxes for the richest Americans and actually raise them on the poor.

How do you raise taxes on those who don't pay taxes? not only that how do you tax those who live for free off taxes?

Do you have an explanation for that??
It has long been the mission of aristocracies to shift tax burdens ever lower away from themselves, actually achieving it is a good sign that a society is sliding into oligarchic tyranny.
Righties - we already know you hate the poor.

No need to rehash that point.
Hate? Nope. Just think they should pay their "fair" share.

Kinda nice to take all you can get, someone elses money I might add, without having to contribute anything.

If you have no skin in the game you could care who pays the taxes. Its not you. Thats for sure.
Another in a long unbroken succession of fail threads by OohPoop.
Righties - we already know you hate the poor.

No need to rehash that point.
Detroit say liberals hate them.....oh and so do environmental policies that cause gas, food and other goods prices to skyrocket....alll for the rich liberals, money making global warming scam.
Hate? Nope. Just think they should pay their "fair" share.

Kinda nice to take all you can get, someone elses money I might add, without having to contribute anything.

If you have no skin in the game you could care who pays the taxes. Its not you. Thats for sure.

I love his and Lakhota's threads, I live to see them make them.....I've never seen people get owned so much in their OWN threads.......
Righties - we already know you hate the poor.

No need to rehash that point.

In what universe are all poor people "lefties?"

The truth is you're a delusional party-line-towing moron.....

Republicans are racist redneck toothless idiots who live in mobile homes and the next second their greedy rich bastards....

So basically they're toothless idiots when you want to portray them that way but then they're greedy rich bastards when that suits your delusional argument?

Make up your fucking mind - or at least expand it a little..
Except for the poverty level poor

Except for the poor who are poor? LOL!

The poor do contribute. They provide cheap labor.

The wealthy have foot the bill for entirely too long. When will the bottom 50% pay their fair share?

So you want to raise taxes on the middle class.

What is middle class to you?

What's greed?
What's Rich?
What's Poor?
What's torture?
What's racist?

Republicans always act as if they dont know the meaning of words. Open a book and stop looking for get individuals definitions so you can criticize them personally?

Not shitting you.

The Tax Policy Center took a close look at Republican nominee Mitt Romney's proposed tax and economic plan and concluded that it would cut taxes for the richest Americans and actually raise them on the poor.

What about the other Thread on this? New Independent Study Show Romney plan would cut taxes for the rich.. ???? How many do we need?

I dont know, What do you think of the OP tho?

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