Republicans war on women

Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.
There are no hot conservative women.
bet you think Ann Coulter is hot.
You should see my wife!
But when the left wing standard is women who dye their hair gray...
Lefties have no taste.
I'm sure you think she is, but then again your beer glasses are of the highest strength money can buy
No, she's hot. And she doesn't dye her hair gray like all of the lefty women in town. They don't want to be objectified. Well, they got their disingenuous wish.
There is no need for her to dye her hair she's barely legal.
She dyes the gray out of her hair because she's very honest about her sexuality as opposed to lefty women who aren't and who dye their hair gray.

You really do live in a bubble. Because some women dye their hair gray doesn't mean every one does. I don't need to dye my hair.....I don't have but a few gray hairs and it really adds highlights to my dark brown hair. Many women dye their hair ash blond......which looks gray, and I know some Republican women that do that. What has that got to do with the stupid filing of a bill by the GOP that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman for getting pregnant out of wedlock?

When you say you want to take the country back.....does it mean to the dark ages? It appears so.
Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Sure they do.. they hate their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, granddaughters…etc. Everybody knows that..
'You got some other news to share?

Just wondering why Republicans are so stupid and why Republican women just stand by and let them do stupid things?
You should see my wife!
But when the left wing standard is women who dye their hair gray...
Lefties have no taste.
I'm sure you think she is, but then again your beer glasses are of the highest strength money can buy
No, she's hot. And she doesn't dye her hair gray like all of the lefty women in town. They don't want to be objectified. Well, they got their disingenuous wish.
There is no need for her to dye her hair she's barely legal.
She dyes the gray out of her hair because she's very honest about her sexuality as opposed to lefty women who aren't and who dye their hair gray.

You really do live in a bubble. Because some women dye their hair gray doesn't mean every one does. I don't need to dye my hair.....I don't have but a few gray hairs and it really adds highlights to my dark brown hair. Many women dye their hair ash blond......which looks gray, and I know some Republican women that do that. What has that got to do with the stupid filing of a bill by the GOP that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman for getting pregnant out of wedlock?

When you say you want to take the country back.....does it mean to the dark ages? It appears so.
I live in a bubble all right. It's a bunch of white left wingers in the middle of a black county. They love talking about diversity and they all go gray. Gray sheeple.
I'm sure you think she is, but then again your beer glasses are of the highest strength money can buy
No, she's hot. And she doesn't dye her hair gray like all of the lefty women in town. They don't want to be objectified. Well, they got their disingenuous wish.
There is no need for her to dye her hair she's barely legal.
She dyes the gray out of her hair because she's very honest about her sexuality as opposed to lefty women who aren't and who dye their hair gray.

You really do live in a bubble. Because some women dye their hair gray doesn't mean every one does. I don't need to dye my hair.....I don't have but a few gray hairs and it really adds highlights to my dark brown hair. Many women dye their hair ash blond......which looks gray, and I know some Republican women that do that. What has that got to do with the stupid filing of a bill by the GOP that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman for getting pregnant out of wedlock?

When you say you want to take the country back.....does it mean to the dark ages? It appears so.
I live in a bubble all right. It's a bunch of white left wingers in the middle of a black county. They love talking about diversity and they all go gray. Gray sheeple.
Says the Lord of sheeple
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

This may sound cold but employers should be able to fire anyone and being pregnant shouldn't excuse the other reasons for firing. So are woman somehow so special that they shouldn't be fired???? Men get fired all the time for doing wrong or being a bad employee and in some cases they have to support a family too...

So being pregnant makes you wrong, or a bad employee? Tell me more.

No,,,doing something fireable makes you wrong....Being pregnant shouldn't justify different treatment. Yes this is cold but I don't think a employer should have to treat someone different for any reason.

Go back and read the article. I think you're missing something. It's not about firing someone that isn't doing the job right, it's about firing someone just for getting pregnant and not being know, like Bristol Palin, who did it twice, only she's fortunate to have so many Republicans supporting her she went on to broadcast/support abstinence and got paid for it, all the time she was not abstaining.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

This may sound cold but employers should be able to fire anyone and being pregnant shouldn't excuse the other reasons for firing. So are woman somehow so special that they shouldn't be fired???? Men get fired all the time for doing wrong or being a bad employee and in some cases they have to support a family too...

Don't be an idiot.....getting fired for not doing the job is one thing......getting fired because you are pregnant and not married is a totally different thing. Hateful, mean and spiteful. I hope no Republican single woman gets pregnant while working for one of these bigoted, mean-spitired religious right-wingers.....she'll find out just how much Republican men really hate women, sex and children.

In wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage, Republicans are pushing legislation that aims to protect Americans who oppose these unions on religious grounds. But critics say the language is so broad, the bill creates a license to discriminate that would let employers fire women for getting pregnant outside of wedlock.The legislation, already with 130 Republican sponsors in the House and a companion bill in the Senate, is nobly titled the "First Amendment Defense Act," but in real-world terms it has less to do with the free "exercise" of speech or religion, but with the right to impose one's bigotry (end economic power) on others, using "religion" as a fig leaf. Rightfully labelled "Indiana on steroids," the reactionary and mean-spirited bill would unravel anti-discrimination provisions applicable to federal contractors as well as provide so-called "protection" to religious broadcasters, charities and tax-exempt organizations by allowing them to fire with impunity same-sex couples who get married (notably, since there is no federal legislation barring discrimination against LGBT couples, such firings are already legal in most states). According to the ACLU, this measure would also allow "Christian" organizations to turn away gay people from homeless shelters and drug programs. The text of the proposed legislation, which seems certain to pass the House, is as follows:

Republican House and Senate Introduce Bills Allowing Companies To Fire Single Pregnant Women
So, single women get knocked up fucking around. How do we know who the man is knocking her up? She was fucking around, right? There could be multiple "suspects" or potential fathers. Yeah.. DNA test… She just needs to stop to fuck around or use contraceptive if she is single. How about in vitro or sperm bank.. how do we find the donor?
Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Sure they do.. they hate their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, granddaughters…etc. Everybody knows that..
'You got some other news to share?

Just wondering why Republicans are so stupid and why Republican women just stand by and let them do stupid things?

Why do you think companies should never be able to fire woman? That is a double standard that men don't get.
Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Sure they do.. they hate their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, granddaughters…etc. Everybody knows that..
'You got some other news to share?

Just wondering why Republicans are so stupid and why Republican women just stand by and let them do stupid things?
Because they are just as stupid or they are afraid of the consequences if they disagree with their husbands.
The wife hired a girl recently that kept her pregnancy secret until after she was hired.
They could have fired her on the spot for it but she assured them it wouldnt be an issue since this was her second and she had zero problems the first time around.
She worked all the way till the end and is a great employee.
Of course you also hear about the horror stories of women who cant handle pregnancy and miss a shitload of work for various reasons.
The problem is you never know which one they'll turn out to be.

Well, Mr. fire the woman for not doing the job, or for not being there when she is supposed to, you don't fire her for having gotten pregnant and not being married. But then, as a conservative, you probably would agree that getting pregnant out of wedlock is a reflection on the boss and he should fire her.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

This may sound cold but employers should be able to fire anyone and being pregnant shouldn't excuse the other reasons for firing. So are woman somehow so special that they shouldn't be fired???? Men get fired all the time for doing wrong or being a bad employee and in some cases they have to support a family too...

Don't be an idiot.....getting fired for not doing the job is one thing......getting fired because you are pregnant and not married is a totally different thing. Hateful, mean and spiteful. I hope no Republican single woman gets pregnant while working for one of these bigoted, mean-spitired religious right-wingers.....she'll find out just how much Republican men really hate women, sex and children.

In wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of same-sex marriage, Republicans are pushing legislation that aims to protect Americans who oppose these unions on religious grounds. But critics say the language is so broad, the bill creates a license to discriminate that would let employers fire women for getting pregnant outside of wedlock.The legislation, already with 130 Republican sponsors in the House and a companion bill in the Senate, is nobly titled the "First Amendment Defense Act," but in real-world terms it has less to do with the free "exercise" of speech or religion, but with the right to impose one's bigotry (end economic power) on others, using "religion" as a fig leaf. Rightfully labelled "Indiana on steroids," the reactionary and mean-spirited bill would unravel anti-discrimination provisions applicable to federal contractors as well as provide so-called "protection" to religious broadcasters, charities and tax-exempt organizations by allowing them to fire with impunity same-sex couples who get married (notably, since there is no federal legislation barring discrimination against LGBT couples, such firings are already legal in most states). According to the ACLU, this measure would also allow "Christian" organizations to turn away gay people from homeless shelters and drug programs. The text of the proposed legislation, which seems certain to pass the House, is as follows:

Republican House and Senate Introduce Bills Allowing Companies To Fire Single Pregnant Women
So, single women get knocked up fucking around. How do we know who the man is knocking her up? She was fucking around, right? There could be multiple "suspects" or potential fathers. Yeah.. DNA test… She just needs to stop to fuck around or use contraceptive if she is single. How about in vitro or sperm bank.. how do we find the donor?

But saying this makes you a hater of woman as the person you're talking to don't understand basic biology.
Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Sure they do.. they hate their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, granddaughters…etc. Everybody knows that..
'You got some other news to share?
Where do the idiot Progressives think baby Republicans cone from?

Baby Republicans? Do you dipshits register them that early..........and let them vote? Talk about voter fraud.
Republicans deny the claim that there is a Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women. Filing a bill that allows employers to fire single women that get pregnant! What about the men that got them pregnant? And, won't this encourage abortions? Welfare? What are they thinking? Oops, they are not thinking.

Where are the Republican women on this? Why do they think it is okay? Stepford wives, anyone?

Well, it’s happened. Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant…just like Jesus would. H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act, “prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person — which is defined to include for-profit corporations — acting in accordance with a religious belief that favors so-called traditional marriage,” the Huffington Post reports. “This means the feds can’t revoke a nonprofit’s tax-exempt status or end a company’s federal contract over this issue.”

The bill includes protections for people who believe marriage is between “one man and one woman” and “sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.” If that’s not awful enough, American Civil Liberties Union legislative representative Ian Thompson points out that the legalized discrimination within the bill extends to other groups conservatives regularly attempt to deprive of equal treatment — single mothers.

House GOP Files Bill That Allows Employers To Fire Single Pregnant Women

Conservative men love women. Your side is the queer brigade that hates women so much you want to marry men.
Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.
The wife hired a girl recently that kept her pregnancy secret until after she was hired.
They could have fired her on the spot for it but she assured them it wouldnt be an issue since this was her second and she had zero problems the first time around.
She worked all the way till the end and is a great employee.
Of course you also hear about the horror stories of women who cant handle pregnancy and miss a shitload of work for various reasons.
The problem is you never know which one they'll turn out to be.

Well, Mr. fire the woman for not doing the job, or for not being there when she is supposed to, you don't fire her for having gotten pregnant and not being married. But then, as a conservative, you probably would agree that getting pregnant out of wedlock is a reflection on the boss and he should fire her.

I agree. She should be fired for fucking up on the job, not for getting pregnant.
Where is this war on woman????

Did you even read the OP? Can you even read? That is the war on women.........filing a bill that literally gives employers the right to fire pregnant single women is a war on women. Why not the men that got them pregnant? And, aren't they going against their own belief's? Won't this open the door for single women to want to get abortions? I thought you all were against abortion? And, won't this make single pregnant women qualify for welfare? I thought you all were against welfare? Isn't it a stupid decision? Hopefully there is enough Democrats to derail this bill.......but kudos to you all for winning the House and the you can wreck the country without interference. Well, maybe not, we still have a damn smart President......he'll veto the hell out of such stupidity.
Because only women get to choose. That's the lefty way.

Oh, and men get to choose to fire women that get pregnant and are not quaint. That's like so 1930's......where you cons want to take the country.

If this is simply getting fired for getting pregnant then I agree with you...
Republican's war on women......but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Sure they do.. they hate their grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, granddaughters…etc. Everybody knows that..
'You got some other news to share?

Just wondering why Republicans are so stupid and why Republican women just stand by and let them do stupid things?
What was that about???
but they keep taking actions that prove they hate women.
Pay attention to the part "THEY HATE WOMEN" You said it. Now, all of a sudden I am stupid because you said it. WTF????
I'm sure you think she is, but then again your beer glasses are of the highest strength money can buy
No, she's hot. And she doesn't dye her hair gray like all of the lefty women in town. They don't want to be objectified. Well, they got their disingenuous wish.
There is no need for her to dye her hair she's barely legal.
She dyes the gray out of her hair because she's very honest about her sexuality as opposed to lefty women who aren't and who dye their hair gray.

You really do live in a bubble. Because some women dye their hair gray doesn't mean every one does. I don't need to dye my hair.....I don't have but a few gray hairs and it really adds highlights to my dark brown hair. Many women dye their hair ash blond......which looks gray, and I know some Republican women that do that. What has that got to do with the stupid filing of a bill by the GOP that literally gives employers the right to fire a woman for getting pregnant out of wedlock?

When you say you want to take the country back.....does it mean to the dark ages? It appears so.
I live in a bubble all right. It's a bunch of white left wingers in the middle of a black county. They love talking about diversity and they all go gray. Gray sheeple.

No wonder you're so twisted up in knots. You want to go back to the dark ages, when men dragged women around by their hair and hit them with a club if they didn't behave.
I'm just surprised that Republican women are so willing to accept being pushed around and told what to do......geezh!

When women take time off to play mommy, they come back to work in the same position they were in when they left, but not in the same position relative to all the other employees. They lose opportunities that those who did not leave take advantage of.

So? Does that give the employer the right to fire a woman just because she is pregnant and isn't married? Try to focus on the OP.

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