Republicans warn Trump of 2018 Bloodbath


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

/----/ Just like the came out for Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHA
/----/ Just like the came out for Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHA

Hillary was a horrible candidate - My prediction is that Dems will go with a younger, centrist female.
Tulsi Gabbard or Amy Klobuchar would be excellent choices in 2020.
I used to like Kirsten Gillibrand, but she's too much of a Clintonista.
But right now we're talking about the mid-terms .. get back on track :wink:
Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

/----/ Liberal Org Warns Democrats: Mueller Indictments Won’t Help In 2018
WASHINGTON — A liberal public interest organization released a report Monday warning that any indictments from Special Counsel Robert Mueller would not benefit Democrats by election time.

According to a 34-page report from the Washington D.C. based Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA), researchers found that the party was looking to bring disgruntled Republican voters over to the Democratic Party side as opposed to reaching out to the progressive base.

The report, funded by Action for a Progressive Future, found the Democratic Party prioritized the “elusive Republican voters” over “people of color, young people and working-class voters overall” and called such a plan to be a “losing strategy.”

“The Democrats are mistaken if they think that revelations of Trump corruption will drive voters to their party in droves. Experience shows us that corruption charges generally breed cynicism, not citizen involvement,” IPA’s Richard Eskow said in a statement.
Liberal Org Warns Democrats: Mueller Indictments Won’t Help In 2018
/----/ Just like the came out for Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHA

Hillary was a horrible candidate - My prediction is that Dems will go with a younger, centrist female.
Tulsi Gabbard or Amy Klobuchar would be excellent choices in 2020.
I used to like Kirsten Gillibrand, but she's too much of a Clintonista.
But right now we're talking about the mid-terms .. get back on track :wink:
/----/ "Hillary was a horrible candidate " Why do you hate women?
/----/ Liberal Org Warns Democrats: Mueller Indictments Won’t Help In 2018

If this baby blows up sometime around spring or summer (highly likely) - damn straight it will be a factor in the midterms. But that's not to say it should be a primary focus for the DNC. It'll take care of itself just fine.

It will be the primary focus. When they lost the White House, Senate, House of Reps and most states it was admit to being losers or find a boost man.
These people are incapable of learning.
In 2018, Americans will see that fatter paycheck and fall on their knees "How could HE do that to us? Take it back. Take it back. Someone somewhere, who paid more in taxes than I did got a bigger cut. It's not Faaaiiiiirrr". In 2018 13 million Americans no longer burdened by fines and penalties caused by the evil obamacare will be crying in their beer. "We want our penalties back! Please punish us." Then we have black and latinos "We don't want those jobs we got. Put us back on welfare. We were happier hanging with the homies."

It will be a bloodbath all right.
There is NOTHING coming from the Mueller fiasco - certainly nothing that would affect the mid-term elections.

The fact is that the biggest Republican concern is not women, or minorities, per se, but rather the fact that the MSM has shown that it can overcome FACTS and create false PERCEPTIONS in the minds of millions and millions of people (voters).

This new tax code is HATED my a majority of the population, in spite of the fact that it is beneficial to just about every federal taxpayer outside a few Leftist-Controlled states. People "hate" a law about which they know next to nothing.

African Americans appear to "hate" Trump and Republicans, despite the fact that they can't point to a single thing Trump has done in his entire life that was anti-Black or harmful to any African American and done BECAUSE of the person's race.

"America" is convinced that Trump is anti-immigration, despite the fact that there is NOTHING in the record that supports this assertion. He is MARRIED to an immigrant, for Christ sake.

Essentially nobody who voted for Trump regrets his or her vote. His is doing everything in his power to implement the agenda that he campaigned on. All of those people will continue to support Trump and the candidates he supports.

But the MSM has mobilized people who sat out the last election, and with the country evenly divided, these awakening anti-Trump people could have a huge impact. It will be interesting to watch.

I'm old, so it won't affect me personally, but still...
Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath


Yeah yeah

The last thing Trump has to worry about are the stupid pink pussy hat wearing bat shit crazy morons in that picture above.

The economy is doing great and now will be doing even better after the tax cut and at the end of the day it is always about the economy. The wailings and lamentations of the asshole Moon Bats are nothing.
The Republicans have had a problem even before Moore. Suburban voters have turned against the GOP because of the far right extremism of the GOP. The Democrats have done better with suburban voters than Clinton. In New Jersey, Clinton won 7 of 12 CD against Trump. The Democrats took 9 of 12 in November in winning the Governor's race. In the Virginia Governor's race, Gillespie tanked in the Virginia suburbs and the 15 seats they lost in the House of Delegates were suburban seats. In Alabama, Moore only won the suburbs by 4 points. Also in a special legislative election in Oklahoma, Democrats won a seat that went 60% for Trump.

The problem is simple. Republicans are ruling against the will of the people. Trump apologists want to blame it on the media but voters are smarter than that. The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration. The whole Moore fiasco adds to their woes. Moore was backed by the RNC which ties Republicans to Moore even though he lost. Of course Trump is a sexual harasser and he is the leader of the party.

Bottom line is that Republicans are in trouble in the House. The danger in the Senate is increasing. Phil Bredeson's decision to run for the Senate puts 3 GOP seatxs in jeapordy while at this time only 2 Democrat seats seem to be in play.

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