Republicans warn Trump of 2018 Bloodbath

The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.

You are the one who will be surprised. They do not favor the rich getting more tax breaks while the middle class get fewer.
I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.

You said it yourself except you called it “least experienced”. Do you understand that not being beholden is attractive? I don’t care how much money they have. I don’t care what they do when they get off work. I only care that they listen to me rather than Oprah Winfrey.

I don't care how much money their tax cut is. I care how much MY tax cut is. I know that the people who paid the most in taxes will be getting the biggest cut.

Democrats can no longer exist without their construct of lies.

It is far more than that. I have no issue the rich getting a rate cut. What I disagree with is taking away deductions from the middle class and leaving them in place and creating new ones for the rich to take advantage of. Trump said he would end the carried interest deduction but it is still there. The pass through provision helps so-called small businesses that make millions of dollars. This is ripe for abuse. The last minute break for real estate trusts helps Paul Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his vote to yes after this was added and Trump himself. These clowns are enriching themselves by supporting tax breaks for themselves. Corruption at its finest.
To whit...the original post in this thread. It is hope and desire and magical thinking dressed up as a warning. And an old stale one at that...proven wrong Nov. 2016. Same “warnings”...different day...same result. I posted many examples from 2016

This time there is data to back it up. Loss of a Senate seat in Alabama, 15 lost seats in the Virginia House of delegates.
This time there is data to back it up. Loss of a Senate seat in Alabama, 15 lost seats in the Virginia House of delegates.

Oh *this* time it’s real? *This* time it isn’t propaganda and fake news?
You have two choices. You can take your weaponized polls and propaganda and magical thinking and shove it sideways...or you can wait until 2020 and we will do it for you.

“This time it’s real”....sheesh.
I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.

You said it yourself except you called it “least experienced”. Do you understand that not being beholden is attractive? I don’t care how much money they have. I don’t care what they do when they get off work. I only care that they listen to me rather than Oprah Winfrey.

I don't care how much money their tax cut is. I care how much MY tax cut is. I know that the people who paid the most in taxes will be getting the biggest cut.

Democrats can no longer exist without their construct of lies.

It is far more than that. I have no issue the rich getting a rate cut. What I disagree with is taking away deductions from the middle class and leaving them in place and creating new ones for the rich to take advantage of. Trump said he would end the carried interest deduction but it is still there. The pass through provision helps so-called small businesses that make millions of dollars. This is ripe for abuse. The last minute break for real estate trusts helps Paul Ryan and Bob Corker who changed his vote to yes after this was added and Trump himself. These clowns are enriching themselves by supporting tax breaks for themselves. Corruption at its finest.

Once again your complaint is basically that it helps somebody else. The millionaires in the Senate and Hollywood told you so right?
That Republicans must fear the votes of African-Americans, other minorities, and women is very telling.

Given that the White Vote is split.

If the White Vote ever consolidated behind one party, opposite that of Blacks and Hispanics and Gays and Muslims, the other party would never regain power.

The Republicans are presently in power because the Democrats shoved Muslims and Gays and Illegal Beaners and Blacks to the top of the Democratic pyramid, supported by a huge base of Whites with Cultural Suicide tendencies, and because enough Whites became disgusted and flipped parties, that the Corporatist-Republicans actually won.

The trouble that the Republicans are going to have next time is that large numbers of those party-flipping Whites are at-risk of flipping back again in either 2018 or 2020, given the arrogant, crass, uncouth, boorish Imperial Cheeto at the top, and given how viciously and arrogantly the Republicans are breaking promises and breaking government.

Republicans are pulling the wheels off of the Republic... it remains to be seen whether the American People will sit still for that.
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That Republicans must fear the votes of African-Americans, other minorities, and women is very telling.

Given that the White Vote is split.

If the White Vote ever consolidated behind one party, opposite that of Blacks and Hispanics and Gays and Muslims, the other party would never regain power.

The Republicans are presently in power because the Democrats shoved Muslims and Gays and Illegal Beaners and Blacks to the top of the Democratic pyramid, supported by a huge base of Whites with Cultural Suicide tendencies, and because enough Whites became disgusted and flipped parties, that the Corporatist-Republicans actually won.

The trouble that the Republicans are going to have next time is that large numbers of those party-flipping Whites are at-risk of flipping back again in either 2018 or 2020, given the arrogant, crass, uncouth, boorish Imperial Cheeto at the top, and given how viciously and arrogantly the Republicans are breaking promises and breaking government.

Republicans are pulling the wheels off of the Republic... it remains to be seen whether the American People will sit still for that.

The greatest fear, bar none, of the Marxists is white solidarity.
That Republicans must fear the votes of African-Americans, other minorities, and women is very telling.

Given that the White Vote is split.

If the White Vote ever consolidated behind one party, opposite that of Blacks and Hispanics and Gays and Muslims, the other party would never regain power.

The Republicans are presently in power because the Democrats shoved Muslims and Gays and Illegal Beaners and Blacks to the top of the Democratic pyramid, supported by a huge base of Whites with Cultural Suicide tendencies, and because enough Whites became disgusted and flipped parties, that the Corporatist-Republicans actually won.

The trouble that the Republicans are going to have next time is that large numbers of those party-flipping Whites are at-risk of flipping back again in either 2018 or 2020, given the arrogant, crass, uncouth, boorish Imperial Cheeto at the top, and given how viciously and arrogantly the Republicans are breaking promises and breaking government.

Republicans are pulling the wheels off of the Republic... it remains to be seen whether the American People will sit still for that.

Passing tax cuts so that we can keep more of the money we earn is "pulling the wheels off of the Republic"? Yeah, the American people are going to be UP IN ARMS about that! (eye roll)
That Republicans must fear the votes of African-Americans, other minorities, and women is very telling.

Given that the White Vote is split.

If the White Vote ever consolidated behind one party, opposite that of Blacks and Hispanics and Gays and Muslims, the other party would never regain power.

The Republicans are presently in power because the Democrats shoved Muslims and Gays and Illegal Beaners and Blacks to the top of the Democratic pyramid, supported by a huge base of Whites with Cultural Suicide tendencies, and because enough Whites became disgusted and flipped parties, that the Corporatist-Republicans actually won.

The trouble that the Republicans are going to have next time is that large numbers of those party-flipping Whites are at-risk of flipping back again in either 2018 or 2020, given the arrogant, crass, uncouth, boorish Imperial Cheeto at the top, and given how viciously and arrogantly the Republicans are breaking promises and breaking government.

Republicans are pulling the wheels off of the Republic... it remains to be seen whether the American People will sit still for that.

The greatest fear, bar none, of the Marxists is white solidarity.

The greatest fear of liberals will always be that people who's votes they've bought with freebies will finally figure out that being supported by the State means that they'll never be anything but poor. That isn't a "color thing"...
Stay home. Well handle putting Trump back in office.

Yeah well, rock and a hard place. Either I vote for those pussy hat wearing retards or a guy who can't stop himself from grabbing pussies and bragging about it. Either way, I'm good.

Well that being the case you won’t be too upset in Trumps second term.

I really don't think he can win. First of all, he's dicking over his own base. They don't realize it yet, but they will before 2020. Second, the people who hate him, REALLY fucking hate him, and I doubt he can win a single vote that he doesn't have already.

So unfortunately, I anticipate we'll be stuck with the pussy hat wearing retards.

Ok. I’ll agree...Who can really predict politics? But I ignore the ones driven nuts with hatred. No net loss there. Their hatred is for what trump stands for as much as for him. Watch them, right here, viciously attack G Bush or Cheney or Condoliza Rice when not attacking Trump. Their seething hatred is for America. Whoever stood in Trumps place would have been the target of the same hatred.
The important thing is to realize Trump has changed the game. No, not by annihilating Democrats though that was nice. He has done it by standing up to the real power elites behind them. The money men...billionaire after billionaire lined up against him. Over 200 corporate CEOs in the S&P 500 opposed him. Silicon Valley and it’s 3/4 of a billion dollars in contributions to defeat him. The Hollywood elites and the media.
Any one of these arms of the ruling elite has destroyed candidates with a word before. But they can’t do it to Trump.
So handicapping has to be done with that in mind.
“Controversial” “came under fire for...” “some people say...” “many people object...”
These media slight of hands don’t work anymore.

I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.

And just handed them a yuge tax cut.
...Passing tax cuts so that we can keep more of the money we earn is "pulling the wheels off of the Republic"? Yeah, the American people are going to be UP IN ARMS about that! (eye roll)
No... undermining Constitutional government and undermining the Rule of Law and destroying the Safety Net all comprise 'pulling the wheels off the Republic".

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