Republicans warn Trump of 2018 Bloodbath

And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Not true but whatever. As a non Marxist I know I don’t lose money because somebody else didn’t. The millionaires and billionaires fighting these tax cuts know what they are doing believe me.
And it reminds me...remember when democrats whined we’re nurdering women because the government won’t pay “15.00 a month in birth control”? And now they say “18.00 a month is useless”.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.
Like republicans did to obama They showed party 1st country 2nd

Then the democrats must not have had the country anywhere on the list.

Illegals would have certainly come before the country. But then, all illegals vote democrat, not even half of the country does so.
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And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.

You are referring to democrats? But republicans have all the power. They could pass most of what they want, but the idiots can't even agree on what they want. And they utterly refuse to give an inch, so no, democrats won't work with them. They're just sitting there watching the train wreck that is the republican party dismantle itself.

So the democrats *havent* been opposing him?
But no I think I have been clear in hoping that “train wreck in the Republican Party” plays out completely. And quickly.
The marxists can claim they never opposed him. But we know they lie...right?
I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.

You said it yourself except you called it “least experienced”. Do you understand that not being beholden is attractive? I don’t care how much money they have. I don’t care what they do when they get off work. I only care that they listen to me rather than Oprah Winfrey.

I don't care how much money their tax cut is. I care how much MY tax cut is. I know that the people who paid the most in taxes will be getting the biggest cut.

Democrats can no longer exist without their construct of lies.
Dotr Since you have been such a loyal subject as of Tues you can have Sarah's job
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.

You are referring to democrats? But republicans have all the power. They could pass most of what they want, but the idiots can't even agree on what they want. And they utterly refuse to give an inch, so no, democrats won't work with them. They're just sitting there watching the train wreck that is the republican party dismantle itself.

So the democrats *havent* been opposing him?
But no I think I have been clear in hoping that “train wreck in the Republican Party” plays out completely. And quickly.
The marxists can claim they never opposed him. But we know they lie...right?

Of course they oppose him. They are the opposition party.

I hate the democratic party and also want it dismantled or changed dramatically, but they don't have many options, really.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Mike Pence as president? Interesting concept! I could deal with that.

Expect all faggotry laws to go "poof" though. :)
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Mike Pence as president? Interesting concept!

Eddie doesn't understand that a President Trump is better for democrats than a President Pence.

I wouldn't mind Pence, except for the religious mania. I am too pro-woman to be pro-religion.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Mike Pence as president? Interesting concept!

Eddie doesn't understand that a President Trump is better for democrats than a President Pence.

I wouldn't mind Pence, except for the religious mania. I am too pro-woman to be pro-religion.

I bet you are all over Islam. Just not pro-gay enough to not be against it.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Mike Pence as president? Interesting concept!

Eddie doesn't understand that a President Trump is better for democrats than a President Pence.

I wouldn't mind Pence, except for the religious mania. I am too pro-woman to be pro-religion.

I bet you are all over Islam. Just not pro-gay enough to not be against it.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying I support Islam because I support gay people's right to not get spat on?

I despise Islam. Disgusting religion. I even support the spirit of the travel ban, though I'm not sure it is very effective in practice.
There's no question that the Dem strategy is to drag the investigation out until a few weeks before the midterms, then run another fake news story or hand down another meaningless indictment to convince the voters Trump colluded with the Russians, hoping the voters will be stupid enough to vote Dem. What else can they do?
YEAH who cares about truth ? Certainly not those wanting an end to the investigation into russia invading our elections We call those scum traitors
And a year from now you'll still be insisting there's something there when everyone knows there is not. But again, what else do you have?
NOTHING? EVERY investigating office says they did and will do it again WHO besides your %^&^%'s say different?
Could you repeat that, only in English?
No agency agrees with the statement that russia had nothing to do in our elections and repubs don't care if they do it again Now do you understand ?? Guess English isn't your strong suit
I'm talking about your claims that Trump colluded with Russians to influence the election, f-ing moron. There's nothing there. There IS plenty of collusion with Russia and Hillary, however. That much is established. Fusion GPS, the fake dossier, paying Russians to make false claims to give Obama an excuse to illegally wiretap Trump Tower. But you keep repeating your talking points, traitor.
Yeah calling Americans names worked well last time didn’t it :)
Gotta call em like I see em Ever notice how trump bashes dems?? Think that'll work when he needs there help?
Yeah, sure. Like they would ever do anything to help him.
He said they would especially on infrastructure
And everyone knows their word isn't worth a shit.
Trump said it not Dems and you're right, trump is a liar
He repeated what they said but what they said is a lie. He'll learn if he makes the mistake of trusting the lying bastards.
I despise Islam. Disgusting religion. I even support the spirit of the travel ban, though I'm not sure it is very effective in practice.

So here’s a good example. Would you say “Trump promised a travel ban and didn’t even do it?”
Just another little thing we wanted and the elites didn’t. So they threw up every roadblock they could. They ultimately failed but look at the media jumping the gun with a list of unfulfilled promises. Sad! Trump's 9 biggest unfulfilled campaign promises


And here they are crowing that his tax Plan has been stopped in Congress...when they were confident it would be at the time.

They condemn Trump for not doing things they themselves roadblocked. Ultimately he wins but they make hay in the meantime.
Dishonorable, dishonest people.
I despise Islam. Disgusting religion. I even support the spirit of the travel ban, though I'm not sure it is very effective in practice.

So here’s a good example. Would you say “Trump promised a travel ban and didn’t even do it?”
Just another little thing we wanted and the elites didn’t. So they threw up every roadblock they could. They ultimately failed but look at the media jumping the gun with a list of unfulfilled promises. Sad! Trump's 9 biggest unfulfilled campaign promises

View attachment 167649

And here they are crowing that his tax Plan has been stopped in Congress...when they were confident it would be at the time.

View attachment 167651

An article from Salon? You think I'm gonna read that trash?

Utimately, it's up to Trump to get his agenda through. It's not the dems' responsibility, or the media's. It's his. If he fails, then he is the failure.

And the GOP needs to understand that compromise is not a dirty word.
I despise Islam. Disgusting religion. I even support the spirit of the travel ban, though I'm not sure it is very effective in practice.

So here’s a good example. Would you say “Trump promised a travel ban and didn’t even do it?”
Just another little thing we wanted and the elites didn’t. So they threw up every roadblock they could. They ultimately failed but look at the media jumping the gun with a list of unfulfilled promises. Sad! Trump's 9 biggest unfulfilled campaign promises

View attachment 167649

And here they are crowing that his tax Plan has been stopped in Congress...when they were confident it would be at the time.

View attachment 167651

An article from Salon? You think I'm gonna read that trash?

Utimately, it's up to Trump to get his agenda through. It's not the dems' responsibility, or the media's. It's his. If he fails, then he is the failure.

And the GOP needs to understand that compromise is not a dirty word.

I’m not defending Trump in those posts. He is doing fine. I am pointing out the despicable craven character of the Marxists fighting him.
I thought I was fairly plain about it.
To whit...the original post in this thread. It is hope and desire and magical thinking dressed up as a warning. And an old stale one at that...proven wrong Nov. 2016. Same “warnings”...different day...same result. I posted many examples from 2016

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