Hard Truths about President Trump....

Hard truths about President Trump.

1) He turns out democrat voters in massive numbers.

2) Women do not like him and will vote against him simply because they do not like him as an individual, and they will vote against him no matter how badly the democrats wreck the country.

3) Independents do not like him and a majority, in polls, say they will not vote for him...ever.

4) Most Americans get their understanding of Trump through the filter of democrat party media, the democrat party press, democrat party late night comedians, and they do not understand what the democrats are actually doing in this country.

5) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to convince people who did not vote for him in the last 2 elections to vote for him in this election. He is simply talking to the 39% of the republican party who will already vote for him.

6) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count in this election. 2020 was an unforced error, and Trump is not trying to fix the problems that cost him the last election. He put Ronna Mcdaniel back in charge of the RNC, even though she lost the last 4 election cycles in that position, and like Trump, she is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count.

7) If the democrats win the next election cycle, they will convict Trump on one of his charges, and they will put him in prison.

Those are hard truths, but they are, in fact, the truth.
EX president trump.
If Trump makes it past the primary I will enjoy seeing him lose yet again and this time he won't have his army to try and change the outcome of an election.
It will be the most lopsided presidential election in the history of the nation. He'll be calling Georgia to find him 1,188,000 votes.
Doesn't change the fact that you morons are going to loose because you are tone deaf to anything that doesn't include division, revenge, and extreme hatred for opposition of political views...

You people are the antithesis of the so called tolerance you preached in years gone by...
We're not going to loose. We're going to tighten.
Hard truths about President Trump.

1) He turns out democrat voters in massive numbers.

2) Women do not like him and will vote against him simply because they do not like him as an individual, and they will vote against him no matter how badly the democrats wreck the country.

3) Independents do not like him and a majority, in polls, say they will not vote for him...ever.

4) Most Americans get their understanding of Trump through the filter of democrat party media, the democrat party press, democrat party late night comedians, and they do not understand what the democrats are actually doing in this country.

5) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to convince people who did not vote for him in the last 2 elections to vote for him in this election. He is simply talking to the 39% of the republican party who will already vote for him.

6) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count in this election. 2020 was an unforced error, and Trump is not trying to fix the problems that cost him the last election. He put Ronna Mcdaniel back in charge of the RNC, even though she lost the last 4 election cycles in that position, and like Trump, she is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count.

7) If the democrats win the next election cycle, they will convict Trump on one of his charges, and they will put him in prison.

Those are hard truths, but they are, in fact, the truth.
The red line is the date of the most recent fake indictment where Trump bitch slapped Democrats with a 7.2 million dollar mugshot.



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