Hard Truths about President Trump....

Jesse Waters is a moron. He has no idea what he’s talking about.

First Jay Bratt did not go to Mar a Lago and say everything was fine. That never happened. It’s a lie. Second, there was no negotiation going on. Trump’s lawyers claimed he had complied fully with the subpoena.

Last, he has no evidence Jay Bratt was taking any orders from the White House in the case.
Doesn't change the fact that you morons are going to loose because you are tone deaf to anything that doesn't include division, revenge, and extreme hatred for opposition of political views...

You people are the antithesis of the so called tolerance you preached in years gone by...
The OP is some sort of worst case post and this thread immediately 99% infested by Libstain vermin. Not worth the effort to sift thru the puke to try a meaningful reply to the never Trumper post#1.
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The OP is some sort of worst case post 99% infested by Libstain vermin. Not woth the effort to sift thru the puke to try a meaningful reply to the never Trumper post#1.
OP is conservative
You can't put a President in prison for questioning an election. The people won't allow it.

They are allowing it now.....

I don't think it was biden.....it was obama, and the minions he has surrounding biden told biden to put Trump in prison......he got some ice cream, was allowed to watch his t.v. shows, and then signed off on the attack.
"Almost three in four Americans (72%) said that they do not want Biden to run again in 2024, according to a new national Marquette Law School poll released on Thursday..."

This was a poll 1 year ago, the numbers have actually gotten worse for Biden....

The problem is, they will march out and still vote for biden if Trump is the other guy.........Trump drives democrat turn out.......
Thats all Republicans have left
A stacked court system

They can’t count on winning elections anymore

But even the Conservative courts are not buying into the batshit crazy claims from Conservatives

Especially Trump
Yeah, following the Constitution is such a pain, huh. Suffer.
Doesn't change the fact that you morons are going to loose because you are tone deaf to anything that doesn't include division, revenge, and extreme hatred for opposition of political views...

You people are the antithesis of the so called tolerance you preached in years gone by...

They never taught real tolerance....they taught people to "tolerate," democrats and their leftist stupidity....in order to then take over the country and enact their Maoism on everyone....... the demand for "tolerance," was simply one of many tools they use to subvert the country.
The problem is, they will march out and still vote for biden if Trump is the other guy.........Trump drives democrat turn out.......
After 4 years of Biden and Harris, anyone who works for a living will vote for pretty much any alternative.
After 4 years of Biden and Harris, anyone who works for a living will vote for pretty much any alternative.

I don't think that is true...........I live in the Chicago area.....Chicago has become a hell hole and has been for decades now, and they are still voting for democrats.........dittos every democrat party controlled city, and they all vote for democrats over and over again....

Trump drives massive democrat voter turn out...so they can vote against him...this is what the democrats are counting on and working toward with all of these extra judicial indictments against Trump....

Normal Americans don't pay attention to what the democrats are doing, they get whatever limited information they have from democrat party controlled sources, and they will vote for the democrats simply because they don't like Trump as a person........
Doesn't change the fact that you morons are going to loose because you are tone deaf to anything that doesn't include division, revenge, and extreme hatred for opposition of political views...

You people are the antithesis of the so called tolerance you preached in years gone by...
Isn’t revenge a central point of Trump’s campaign?

Every time there’s an election about Trump, he loses.
I don't think that is true...........I live in the Chicago area.....Chicago has become a hell hole and has been for decades now, and they are still voting for democrats.........dittos every democrat party controlled city, and they all vote for democrats over and over again....

Trump drives massive democrat voter turn out...so they can vote against him...this is what the democrats are counting on and working toward with all of these extra judicial indictments against Trump....

Normal Americans don't pay attention to what the democrats are doing, they get whatever limited information they have from democrat party controlled sources, and they will vote for the democrats simply because they don't like Trump as a person........
Yeah, it's sad and sick.
Listen to you, “every time” as though Trump is a lifelong politician…And don’t whine now about the division you people caused, and continue to sow.
Three out of three elections about Trump, he was a loser.

He won one squeaker of an election because the focus was about Clinton and he’s been losing ever since.
Yeah, following the Constitution is such a pain, huh. Suffer.

You mean the Constitution Trump wants to “terminate” when it gets in his way?

Trump's fate is sealed. Kemp wants the party to survive, inherit the corpse.

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