Hard Truths about President Trump....

I have regretted the destruction of the Republican Party, long enough. If Trumpian politics is some kind of hide in dark refuge, that lacking ideas, they are afraid to come out, so be it. As a party, they will cease to be viable, nothing but an anarchist culture war party, for entertainment value.
When Reagan revived the GOP you would have thought they would never be in the present state that Trump has created.
I have regretted the destruction of the Republican Party, long enough. If Trumpian politics is some kind of hide in dark refuge, that lacking ideas, they are afraid to come out, so be it. As a party, they will cease to be viable, nothing but an anarchist culture war party, for entertainment value.
We need a two party system, but a two party system can’t exist if one party insists on being all Crazy Train.

Republicans have had numerous opportunities to right the ship. They have passed every time.
Some real facts about Trump;

1. He is an adulterer
2. He is a thief.
3. He is an abuser of women.
4. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never served his nation in the military.
5. He lies constantly. All he has to do is open his mouth.
6. He is a professional politician and is not an outsider.
talking about Trump or Clinton?
We need a two party system, but a two party system can’t exist if one party insists on being all Crazy Train.

Republicans have had numerous opportunities to right the ship. They have passed every time.
I'll let you worry about it. I have seen people choose the path to their own destruction. We all have. Parties are made up of people. I will not stand in their way. Who knows? Independents could coalesce along with moderate and conservative Dems in the next 10 years to a new party. There will be no quick fix.
I'll let you worry about it. I have seen people choose the path to their own destruction. We all have. Parties are made up of people. I will not stand in their way. Who knows? Independents could coalesce along with moderate and conservative Dems in the next 10 years to a new party. There will be no quick fix.
The Dems are headed for disaster with immigration
Hard truths about President Trump.

1) He turns out democrat voters in massive numbers.

2) Women do not like him and will vote against him simply because they do not like him as an individual, and they will vote against him no matter how badly the democrats wreck the country.

3) Independents do not like him and a majority, in polls, say they will not vote for him...ever.

4) Most Americans get their understanding of Trump through the filter of democrat party media, the democrat party press, democrat party late night comedians, and they do not understand what the democrats are actually doing in this country.

5) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to convince people who did not vote for him in the last 2 elections to vote for him in this election. He is simply talking to the 39% of the republican party who will already vote for him.

6) Trump is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count in this election. 2020 was an unforced error, and Trump is not trying to fix the problems that cost him the last election. He put Ronna Mcdaniel back in charge of the RNC, even though she lost the last 4 election cycles in that position, and like Trump, she is not working 24/7/365 to secure the ballot and the vote count.

7) If the democrats win the next election cycle, they will convict Trump on one of his charges, and they will put him in prison.

Those are hard truths, but they are, in fact, the truth.
He will be convicted before the election.

He will not even get close to winning.

He will never see the inside of a jail.

(unless he goes and visits one of his victims)
He will never see the inside of a jail.

I don’t think Trump will see the inside of a jail
Because he is an ex President and nonviolent offender with no previous convictions….I think they will probably arrange some form of home confinement.
Home confinement that doesn’t involve playing golf every day
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I don’t think Trump will see the inside of a jail
Because he is an ex President and nonviolent offender with no previous convictions….I think thdy will probably arrange some form of home confinement.
Home confinement that doesn’t involve playing golf every day
He must be deported. Like physically clean the nation of this filth
Trump is preaching to the choir

He holds huge rallies in Red areas where everyone tells him how great he is. He comes out assuming it shows how popular he is.

Trump lost five states in 2020 that he won in 2016. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.
He has done nothing to convince them they were wrong and has done more to alienate them
I don’t think Trump will see the inside of a jail
Because he is an ex President and nonviolent offender with no previous convictions….I think thdy will probably arrange some form of home confinement.
Home confinement that doesn’t involve playing golf every day
I'd rather they restricted his social media presence. I don't care if he plays golf.

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