Republicans warn Trump of 2018 Bloodbath

Here we go with the fucking identity politics again. The surest way to keep independents such as myself at home on election day.

Stay home. Well handle putting Trump back in office.

Yeah well, rock and a hard place. Either I vote for those pussy hat wearing retards or a guy who can't stop himself from grabbing pussies and bragging about it. Either way, I'm good.

Well that being the case you won’t be too upset in Trumps second term.

I really don't think he can win. First of all, he's dicking over his own base. They don't realize it yet, but they will before 2020. Second, the people who hate him, REALLY fucking hate him, and I doubt he can win a single vote that he doesn't have already.

So unfortunately, I anticipate we'll be stuck with the pussy hat wearing retards.
I have A FU trump hat
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Why would you want that?

Trump is a laughably weak president and the main source of woe for the GOP right now. The longer he stays, the worse they look, and that's great for independents and democrats who want the GOP to suffer.
Here we go with the fucking identity politics again. The surest way to keep independents such as myself at home on election day.

Stay home. Well handle putting Trump back in office.

Yeah well, rock and a hard place. Either I vote for those pussy hat wearing retards or a guy who can't stop himself from grabbing pussies and bragging about it. Either way, I'm good.

Well that being the case you won’t be too upset in Trumps second term.

I really don't think he can win. First of all, he's dicking over his own base. They don't realize it yet, but they will before 2020. Second, the people who hate him, REALLY fucking hate him, and I doubt he can win a single vote that he doesn't have already.

So unfortunately, I anticipate we'll be stuck with the pussy hat wearing retards.
I have A FU trump hat

I bet it's pink and pussy shaped.
Here we go with the fucking identity politics again. The surest way to keep independents such as myself at home on election day.

Stay home. Well handle putting Trump back in office.

Yeah well, rock and a hard place. Either I vote for those pussy hat wearing retards or a guy who can't stop himself from grabbing pussies and bragging about it. Either way, I'm good.

Well that being the case you won’t be too upset in Trumps second term.

I really don't think he can win. First of all, he's dicking over his own base. They don't realize it yet, but they will before 2020. Second, the people who hate him, REALLY fucking hate him, and I doubt he can win a single vote that he doesn't have already.

So unfortunately, I anticipate we'll be stuck with the pussy hat wearing retards.

Ok. I’ll agree...Who can really predict politics? But I ignore the ones driven nuts with hatred. No net loss there. Their hatred is for what trump stands for as much as for him. Watch them, right here, viciously attack G Bush or Cheney or Condoliza Rice when not attacking Trump. Their seething hatred is for America. Whoever stood in Trumps place would have been the target of the same hatred.
The important thing is to realize Trump has changed the game. No, not by annihilating Democrats though that was nice. He has done it by standing up to the real power elites behind them. The money men...billionaire after billionaire lined up against him. Over 200 corporate CEOs in the S&P 500 opposed him. Silicon Valley and it’s 3/4 of a billion dollars in contributions to defeat him. The Hollywood elites and the media.
Any one of these arms of the ruling elite has destroyed candidates with a word before. But they can’t do it to Trump.
So handicapping has to be done with that in mind.
“Controversial” “came under fire for...” “some people say...” “many people object...”
These media slight of hands don’t work anymore.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Why would you want that?

Trump is a laughably weak president and the main source of woe for the GOP right now. The longer he stays, the worse they look, and that's great for independents and democrats who want the GOP to suffer.
Suffering for those traitors is a good thing But trump would be in real pain if he was impeached And I look forward to that
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Why would you want that?

Trump is a laughably weak president and the main source of woe for the GOP right now. The longer he stays, the worse they look, and that's great for independents and democrats who want the GOP to suffer.
Suffering for those traitors is a good thing But trump would be in real pain if he was impeached And I look forward to that

I look forward to more delusions and more salt. Almost seems like your fake and gay worldview is stating to shatter. YUM!
Here we go with the fucking identity politics again. The surest way to keep independents such as myself at home on election day.

Stay home. Well handle putting Trump back in office.

Yeah well, rock and a hard place. Either I vote for those pussy hat wearing retards or a guy who can't stop himself from grabbing pussies and bragging about it. Either way, I'm good.

Well that being the case you won’t be too upset in Trumps second term.

I really don't think he can win. First of all, he's dicking over his own base. They don't realize it yet, but they will before 2020. Second, the people who hate him, REALLY fucking hate him, and I doubt he can win a single vote that he doesn't have already.

So unfortunately, I anticipate we'll be stuck with the pussy hat wearing retards.

Ok. I’ll agree...Who can really predict politics? But I ignore the ones driven nuts with hatred. No net loss there. Their hatred is for what trump stands for as much as for him. Watch them, right here, viciously attack G Bush or Cheney or Condoliza Rice when not attacking Trump. Their seething hatred is for America. Whoever stood in Trumps place would have been the target of the same hatred.
The important thing is to realize Trump has changed the game. No, not by annihilating Democrats though that was nice. He has done it by standing up to the real power elites behind them. The money men...billionaire after billionaire lined up against him. Over 200 corporate CEOs in the S&P 500 opposed him. Silicon Valley and it’s 3/4 of a billion dollars in contributions to defeat him. The Hollywood elites and the media.
Any one of these arms of the ruling elite has destroyed candidates with a word before. But they can’t do it to Trump.
So handicapping has to be done with that in mind.
“Controversial” “came under fire for...” “some people say...” “many people object...”
These media slight of hands don’t work anymore.

I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.
Condi Rice is not only far more intelligent than Hillary...she's a person of high character who was respected throughout Washington. I only wish we had someone like her running things.

Yeah - this was super smart :rolleyes-41: That yellowcake and aluminum tubing crap only cost hundreds of thousands of innocent lives and a couple trillion.

"The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly Saddam can acquire nuclear weapons. But we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."

What in that statement by Rice is in any way not spot on? We knew Saddam was attempting to get Rice made was better to be safe than sorry!
better safe than sorry? tell that to all our heroes who died for republican lies
What lies would that be? Oh, that's on the left just CLAIM that there were lies told when in fact none were told! You've been doing that for years now! The Downing Street memos proved that both the US and Britain were convinced that Saddam had WMD and might use them in the advent of an invasion.

The Bush Administration got rid of a dangerous tyrant...the Obama Administration allowed ISIS to take his place with a premature withdrawal from Iraq...and the Trump Administration has been responsible for the defeat of ISIS in Iraq!
s there anything important in the Downing Street memo? This is the now-notorious secret transcript of a British ministerial meeting on July 23, 2002—obtained and published by the Sunday Times of London just this past May Day—which seems to suggest that, nine months before the war in Iraq got started, the Bush administration a) knew Saddam Hussein didn't pose a threat; b) decided to overthrow him by force anyway; and c) was "fixing" intelligence to sell the impending invasion to a duped American public.


Fred Kaplan is the author of Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War.

Many critics see the memo as the ultimate proof of Bush's duplicity—and, given that no U.S. newspaper picked up the story for two weeks (and then buried it deep inside), as further evidence of the mainstream media's cravenness. Others, and not just Bush apologists, see the affair as overblown and the document's contents as no big deal.

So, let's go to the memo. Actually, let's go to seven memos: the famous minutes; a secret Cabinet Office report written two days before the ministers' meeting (published last weekend by the Sunday Times and the Washington Post); and five eyes-only memos, written around the same time, about various official British meetings with President Bush, then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and then-Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz. (These memos, described in today's Los Angeles Times, have been available in full for some time now on the Think Progress Web site.)

What in these documents is new and significant? What's old hat or trivial? What do they say—and not say—about the Bush administration's prevarications? And should the mainstream media be pardoned or lashed for selling the story so short?

The "killer quote" in the original SundayTimes story is this passage from the July 23 ministers' meeting:

C reported on his recent talks in Washington. There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.

"C" is the code name for Richard Dearlove, head of MI6, the British foreign intelligence service. His "recent talks in Washington" would almost certainly have been with his counterpart, George Tenet, then-director of the CIA. Tenet would have told him about the "perceptible shift in attitude." What accounts for it? "Bush wants to remove Saddam through military action."

This is about as solid as the evidence gets on these matters: By mid-summer 2002—at a time when Bush was still assuring the American public that he regarded war as a "last resort"—the president had in fact put it on his front burners.

Some who have read the memo shrug. Even former Slate Editor Michael Kinsleywonders what's new here. After all, we've read over and over that Bush was hellbent on war even earlier than this. The point has been made in Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack, Richard Clarke's Against All Enemies, and Ron Suskind's The Price of Loyalty, as well as in articles by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker and Walter Pincus in the Washington Post.

True, but let's get serious. When the scholars write the big tomes on this sordid saga, they'll want to base their findings on primary-source documents—and here is one, flashing right before us. The Downing Street Memo will be a key footnote in the history books; it should have made front-page headlines in the daily broadsheets of history's first draft.
I'm not sure how he has taken a stand against the wealthy elites. He has brought them into his cabinet. Pretty sure his cabinet is by far the richest and least experienced cabinet so far.

You said it yourself except you called it “least experienced”. Do you understand that not being beholden is attractive? I don’t care how much money they have. I don’t care what they do when they get off work. I only care that they listen to me rather than Oprah Winfrey.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Why would you want that?

Trump is a laughably weak president and the main source of woe for the GOP right now. The longer he stays, the worse they look, and that's great for independents and democrats who want the GOP to suffer.

Pssst...they are either schizophrenic or think we are. Half the time they say Trump is destroying the GOP and the other half they say he and the GOP must be destroyed.
These are not people of good will or honest intentions.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.
What about the outright lie he'd lose millions on this tax deal when the truth is he'd be saving 11-15 million?
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.
The tax bill is unpopular. Republican plans to collapse Obamacare is unpopular. Voters prefer Democrats on immigration.

Yeah, voters prefer to have less of their own money, so that it can be spent on illegals.

You will be in for a surprise come 2018.
Only surprise and New Years wish I want is trump impeached

Why would you want that?

Trump is a laughably weak president and the main source of woe for the GOP right now. The longer he stays, the worse they look, and that's great for independents and democrats who want the GOP to suffer.

Pssst...they are either schizophrenic or think we are. Half the time they say Trump is destroying the GOP and the other half they say he and the GOP must be destroyed.
These are not people of good will or honest intentions.
LOL and republicans are ?? Jeebus save me
That is my biggest gripe, All the people he has put in place have a personal agenda, are working against the agency's they are running, to better there personal investments. the latest one is B Myers, up to head the weather service, he has a weather forecasting business.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.

You are referring to democrats? But republicans have all the power. They could pass most of what they want, but the idiots can't even agree on what they want. And they utterly refuse to give an inch, so no, democrats won't work with them. They're just sitting there watching the train wreck that is the republican party dismantle itself.
And to get to the bottom of the really personal, muderous hatred for him personally you have to realize that they consider Trump a traitor to his class. In their reckoning he should have been one of them.
Instead he spoke to the ones they called “rubes” and “Hicks” and “southern rednecks”. Middle class working Americans they had spent years demeaning were suddenly being treated as if they mattered. And the Hollywood elites were being laughed back to Aspen and Brentwood and the upper west side.
They won’t forgive him for exposing them as elitist vacuous degenerate airheads who make a living playing pretend.
Don’t underestimate the satisfaction so many of us feel in that.

He talked a big game, but his actions don't match his campaign rhetoric. Just looking at the tax bill, all non-partisan analysis of the bill has determined that it will benefit the very wealthiest Americans. It was falsely advertised as a middle class tax bill, which it was certainly not. I will not go into the other implications of the cuts, whether or not the middle class will actually be worse off, but I think it's clear that the benefits will be marginal for them. So ... he and the GOP snakes lied to you.

And it's not the first time. They lied about the cause of the loss of manufacturing jobs as well. They made it seem like all the jobs were going overseas, when really technology has just made them obsolete, and will continue to do so.

I don't really see how Trump has done anything for the middle class, unless you're referring to the few dollars and cents they may save with the tax cuts. He hasn't even cleaned up Washington as promised, FFS. He used to talk nonstop about that.

Here is the way a scummy Marxist lies. He throws every roadblock in the way of progress then says “see he didn’t get anything done”.
You can fall for it. But we won’t. I am watching it happen.
Like republicans did to obama They showed party 1st country 2nd

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