Republicans warn Trump of 2018 Bloodbath

There are males left in the Democrat Party?

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I blame any losses on McCain grandstanding and giving the thumbs down to Obamacare replacement. Any losses in my eyes are solely on his (and many on his teams) shoulders. His daughter is now on the far left tv shows, good for you...

The GOP are not viewed as wiling to govern. They are viewed far worse than Trump is. McCain is a big part of this now, his legacy etched in the history books.
Their worst fear: Black and Suburban Women - the pussyhats will be out in record numbers :cool-45:

A few weeks before Alabama's special Senate election, President Donald Trump’s handpicked Republican National Committee leader, Ronna Romney McDaniel, delivered a two-page memo to White House chief of staff John Kelly outlining the party’s collapse with female voters.

The warning, several people close to the chairwoman said, reflected deepening anxiety that a full-throated Trump endorsement of accused child molester Roy Moore in the special election — which the president was edging closer to at the time — would further damage the party’s standing with women. McDaniel’s memo, which detailed the president's poor approval numbers among women nationally and in several states, would go unheeded, as Trump eventually went all-in for the ultimately unsuccessful Republican candidate.

The backstage talks provide a window into how those closest to Trump are bracing for a possible bloodbath in the 2018 midterms, which could obliterate the Republican congressional majorities and paralyze the president’s legislative agenda. The potential for a Democratic wave has grown after Republican losses this fall in Virginia, New Jersey and Alabama, and as the president’s approval ratings have plummeted to the 30s.​


Republicans warn Trump of 2018 bloodbath

/----/ Just like the came out for Hildabeast. BWHAHAHAHA

Hillary was a horrible candidate - My prediction is that Dems will go with a younger, centrist female.
Tulsi Gabbard or Amy Klobuchar would be excellent choices in 2020.
I used to like Kirsten Gillibrand, but she's too much of a Clintonista.
But right now we're talking about the mid-terms .. get back on track :wink:

I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 just for her foriegn policy,
Which would most likely be the same reason the DNC would ignore her.
I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 just for her foriegn policy,
Which would most likely be the same reason the DNC would ignore her.

Yeah, she's sensible with regards to foreign policy and her military experience (including a full year in Iraq combat zone) can do nothing but help. But you're right, she got on the bad side of the DNC when as second in command behind Little Debbie Wasserman she insisted on more debates between Clinton and Sanders.

As we know now, that one was already in the tank.

Tulsi Gabbard or Kamala Harris. Unfortunately, the Clintonian influence in the democratic party has to be weeded out first.

Yeah forgot about Kamala. She's smart, a terrific speaker and loaded with charisma. And yep, if I'm the Dem candidate I do NOT want Hillary's support.
Why don't the leftists focus on IDEAS instead of pussy lips?

WTF is wrong with you asshats. Political office is neither enhanced or worse of based on gender. It flourishes best with ideas and creativity.
No first the sexist “gotta run a woman” has to be weeded out.
Sure enough. Name some guys.

Exactly - the Ds have more talent on the female side at present. Additionally, in a time of "Me Too" and hatred of Trump misogyny - putting up a strong female candidate is the right way to go.

The time has come and America is ready. ABOUT time I might add!
A black woman leftist from California is not going to be elected to any office outside of California. After all, California still elects Maxine Waters who is simply an older and louder Kamala Harris.
Why don't the leftists focus on IDEAS instead of pussy lips?

WTF is wrong with you asshats. Political office is neither enhanced or worse of based on gender. It flourishes best with ideas and creativity.
Yes gramps funny you haven't mentioned the asshats who for 8 years sat on their fat butts during Obamas presidency What great ideas did they offer??
Repubs have gerrymandering and the Russian trolls, conservative media, Russian propaganda, and social media strength with fake news in their favor.... I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch at this point, even though it is promising for Democrats
Why don't the leftists focus on IDEAS instead of pussy lips?

WTF is wrong with you asshats. Political office is neither enhanced or worse of based on gender. It flourishes best with ideas and creativity.

If you didn't see the female influence in Alabama and backlash against Trump and asshole kiddie diddlers and pussy-grabbers, then I can't help.
strong female candidate is the right way to go.

The time has come and America is ready. ABOUT time I might add!

Even gonna try this again? Do I have to keep saying how amused I am to see you robots trying the exact same gender politics again?


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