Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?



Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.

Yes, everyone on the Southside and Westside of Chicago gets along great without white people.

they get along with everyone.

Republicans who are 90% white...

Granny says, "Whadaya mean 90% white?"

... Repubs she knows are all white..
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
What rdean
First you say Republicans and conservatives "want gays dead"
Nevermind the Log Cabin Republicans who are all gay and openly defend their equal rights by Constitutional principles
through the GOP, even taking on Precinct Chair positions to actively engage and represent and serve the Republican Party.

According to you they "want gays dead."

Now you are saying they complain "everyone ELSE is racist"

I can understand saying ALL people have biases and ALL can project prejudice as flawed human beings.

But most of the rebuttals to racist cries I've heard are
* people counterarguing NO THEY ARE NOT RACIST
* and the opponents blaming "all whites as a group" are being EQUALLY racist as the people
they argue blaming "all blacks as a group"

So rdean
A. these are VERY SPECIFIC people they are complaining are projecting EQUALLY racist attitudes and generalizations
B. No, they are NOT saying it's "everyone else" (except where I've heard people say ALL people are guilty including them)

Where are you getting these generalizations?
Don't you realize that's the same problem you are complaining about?
Making such "broad sweeping generalizations"
that you blame WHOLE GROUPS you are biased against,
and fail to specify the particular INDIVIDUALS responsible
because you are too busy trying to blame the WHOLE GROUP.

Isn't that the same thing that causes BIGOTRY?
Blaming ALL people of a group or class, because of the wrongs of SOME people?

Why are you blaming a group collectively when it's not fair to all members of that group?
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
More blacks and Latinos voted for Trump then any Republican Candidate in a LONG time, so much for your meme.
rdean said:
Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.

Also rdean
Can you explain how "it's getting along pretty good"
if Democrat leaders censoring Sanders supporters (to the point where Susan Sarandon
publicly advocated AGAINST Clinton being elected the first woman President, saying
she didn't deserve it and the honor should go to someone else not her)
had to be SUED in order to compel them to follow the party rules?

So are you saying it's okay to oppress and abuse "large groups of people for political power"
as long as they aren't targeted by race? And that still counts as getting along pretty good?
You make a false presumption that "90% white" means racist. It doesn't.

First of all, I am not sure your number accurately reflects actual values. Just because 10% of blacks vote Republican doesn't mean 90% of Republicans are white. Blacks only represent about 15% of the population. We're a predominately white country. I would imagine any major political party is predominately white, including the Democrats. So if percentage of whites mean "racists" then the Democrats are almost equally as racist by that delimiter.

Secondly, we really need to have a long national conversation about the label "racist" and what that means. It has become a label commonly applied by the left for anyone who disagrees with their policies. If you disagree with them, you are a racist. That's simply not what the word has ever meant. A "racist" is a person who believes one race is superior or inferior to another. This person can be black or white, democrat or republican, male or female, gay or straight. There is no definitive criteria other than their personal individual viewpoint.

When you transpose this over particular policies, you make leaping assumptions about intent that may or may not be entirely accurate. For instance, the left has historically appealed to minorities and special interests for their votes by constantly offering "assistance programs" and assorted government handouts. We've got 80+ years of historical data on the results and it's not good. The last year black unemployment was lower than white unemployment (yes, there was such a time) was the year before the first minimum wage law. At the time of LBJ's Great Society implementations, the illegitimate birth rate in the black community was less than 25%, it's now over 75%. Until all the Progressive welfare programs from the 40s to the 60s, blacks were actually gaining economic upward mobility. Yes, they were still behind whites but they were improving economically at a faster rate.

In short, the left's generous welfare doled out to blacks has hurt them more than helping. It has served largely as an enabler and an excuse for why they aren't getting ahead. It doesn't motivate them and allows them to remain victims, dependent on the left to continue lavishing them with resources and advantages over others. In many ways, it's like the old "benevolent master" strategy used by plantation owners during slavery... treat your slaves well and they won't run away.

The right... or at least, the Conservative right, looks at each person as an individual who brings certain values to the table in their own right. We believe in equal opportunity but equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome. Your outcome is wholly dependent on personal effort and responsibility. There is not a thing in the world that is "racist" about that, in fact, it's actually the antithesis of racism. We don't believe in segregating people into groups based on their skin color or anything else.

The Left is worried. This thread is an indicator of that worry. They are concerned with the growing number of blacks who are escaping the plantation. Trump received a larger percentage of the black vote than the last 2 republicans who ran for president. This, in spite of all the massive efforts made to portray him as a racist and prop Hillary up as a champion of black causes. Blacks are coming over in droves because they realize they've been sold out and exploited. Sure,there is still a substantial number who solidly support the Democratic Party but that number is declining and it will continue to decline in the future. The ONLY hope of the desperate left is to portray the Republicans as some kind of "white nationalist" and racist party. That may work if the Democrats weren't so hopelessly connected to our racist past.
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
Let's see if I can explain this to you, you idiot.
White people do tend to vote Republican by roughly 55 to 42 percent. Black people tend to vote Democrat by 94 to percent. Who is racist?
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.

I'm more amused that you can't figure this out.

Most of the people where I live, are white. Should I go around demanding they sell their homes, specifically to people who are black (even if they don't have the money to buy those homes), because otherwise you'll claim we're a racists neighborhood?

It's not the job of Republicans, to somehow 'force' blacks to join the Republican party, just so they can meet some arbitrary standard that some mindless nimrod on a forum dreamed up.

And here's the other side.... Why is it the job of Republicans to do something about this? Why isn't it the job of minorities to prove they are not racists and join the party that is mostly white?

See this is why we on the right-wing correctly say that you are racists.

We don't look at race. You never see a Republican demanding that x number of such and such race be represented. We don't look at what your skin color is, on the way to joining the group. We look at the issues, the ideology, what works and what doesn't, policy positions and so forth.

*YOU* on the other hand.... you look up what percentage of the group is white. You make judgment calls based on the color makeup of the group.

No matter how you cut it.... your position is the racists position. You making a judgement about Republicans based on what percentage of them are white.... is the definition of racists.

You are racists. How can we say that? Because simply the truth about your position.

Kind of how that works sparky. :)
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
Let's see if I can explain this to you, you idiot.
White people do tend to vote Republican by roughly 55 to 42 percent. Black people tend to vote Democrat by 94 to percent. Who is racist?

*GASP!* You're using logic on a democrap? Don't you know this could hurt his selfestimate, and melt the snowflake?
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
What rdean
First you say Republicans and conservatives "want gays dead"
Nevermind the Log Cabin Republicans who are all gay and openly defend their equal rights by Constitutional principles
through the GOP, even taking on Precinct Chair positions to actively engage and represent and serve the Republican Party.

According to you they "want gays dead."

Now you are saying they complain "everyone ELSE is racist"

I can understand saying ALL people have biases and ALL can project prejudice as flawed human beings.

But most of the rebuttals to racist cries I've heard are
* people counterarguing NO THEY ARE NOT RACIST
* and the opponents blaming "all whites as a group" are being EQUALLY racist as the people
they argue blaming "all blacks as a group"

So rdean
A. these are VERY SPECIFIC people they are complaining are projecting EQUALLY racist attitudes and generalizations
B. No, they are NOT saying it's "everyone else" (except where I've heard people say ALL people are guilty including them)

Where are you getting these generalizations?
Don't you realize that's the same problem you are complaining about?
Making such "broad sweeping generalizations"
that you blame WHOLE GROUPS you are biased against,
and fail to specify the particular INDIVIDUALS responsible
because you are too busy trying to blame the WHOLE GROUP.

Isn't that the same thing that causes BIGOTRY?
Blaming ALL people of a group or class, because of the wrongs of SOME people?

Why are you blaming a group collectively when it's not fair to all members of that group?
Republicans do want gays dead. Here is a short list of Republican "holy men" who have openly called for the execution of gays.

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Ted Cruz admits sharing platform with 'kill the gays' hate preacher Kevin Swanson was 'a mistake'

He was the only GOP nominee who felt it was a mistake attending. The others had no problem at all. - GOP gay group booted from N.C. convention - May 20, 2004

Republicans were hilarious at the USMB saying, when Romney was running, it's a different day. We don't want to kill gays anymore. Then Romney hired a gay advisor. What happened:

Then there's all the conservatives (another name for Republican) who went to Africa and got laws changed to execute gays.

Meet the American pastor behind Uganda's anti-gay crackdown
One of several.

Then there's Mike Pence. Our brand new Vice President.

Here's What Mike Pence Said on LGBT Issues Over the Years

Course Pence cost his state tens of millions because of his hatred. Now he's Vice President.

But that's just the gays. What about all the things Trump has said about other minorities. They are on Youtube. Go watch him say them. I even put a very short list together leaving out many, many more.

Popular Trending Trumpisms:
A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
Here he is going after American soldiers who actually went to war, unlike Trump: I like people who weren't captured
Very popular among Republicans - Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Women love this one: Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
Let's see if I can explain this to you, you idiot.
White people do tend to vote Republican by roughly 55 to 42 percent. Black people tend to vote Democrat by 94 to percent. Who is racist?
Republicans. Blacks know where they aren't wanted.
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.
Let's see if I can explain this to you, you idiot.
White people do tend to vote Republican by roughly 55 to 42 percent. Black people tend to vote Democrat by 94 to percent. Who is racist?

*GASP!* You're using logic on a democrap? Don't you know this could hurt his selfestimate, and melt the snowflake?
The whites that aren't racist and don't join the GOP are gays and college professors and scientists and entertainers. Mostly the educated.

The GOP prefers the Alt right, the KKK, the Aryan Nation and others of that ilk. The Democrats may have started the KKK a hundred and fifty years ago, but we all know where they hang out now.
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.

Your party is completely imploding, troll.
Republicans do want gays dead.

First of all, gays are not a RACE. Your OP is about "Racism" not homophobia... which is also another created left-wing term designed to denigrate those who don't believe like you.

Second, Donald Trump, the current Republican president-elect, is the most PRO-GAY president to ever run for and win office as such. He made history at the Republican Convention as the first GOP candidate to openly support the LGBTQ community in his acceptance speech.

Seems to me a bit strange the Republican party nominated him and millions of Republicans voted for him and this wasn't an issue, given your supposition they all hate gay people. How does one even rationalize such a viewpoint? :dunno:

Let me explain to your dumb ass what you see happening... your little special interest groups are dissolving. People are more informed than ever through social and alternative media and you can't control the narrative anymore. This game of "identity politics" you've been playing is stale and old, people just aren't adhering to it anymore. It has lost it's panache. So you find yourself out there desperately trying to regain momentum and your wheels are spinning. You can't get any traction. People are just tuning you out because you have no real message... no vision... no inspiration... it's just more and more hateful and vitriolic rhetoric being thrown at your adversaries, and the people are quite fed up with you.

You've obviously decided to idiotically double-down on this and that's fine with me. I hope you continue to push this narrative because it's marginalizing you politically and that's a good thing for our country.
Republicans who are 90% white complain that everyone else is racist. How does that work?

Democrats are everyone else and yet, they seem to be getting along pretty good.

We are waiting for you to post a link to back that up.

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