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Republicans who did not support a commission to investigate 1/6 are as bad as those wanting to defund the police

Republicans who did not support a commission to investigate 1/6 are as bad as those wanting to defund the police.
Our Capitol was breached and police were attacked by an angry mob driven by disrespect of democracy and police. The same irrational disrespect of those who are asking to defund the police.
The Capitol police WANT the commission.
Trumpism and Antifa are disgusting.
Why should they want to waste millions of dollars on a bullshit investigation just like they did with the "Russian Collusion Hoax". You fuckers on the left have a serious case of OCD...See help before it is too late....

While this shit is happening, the gasoline prices are up over 1 dollar, inflation is already here, you freedoms are being under attack...But watch that 1/6 commission....Fucking progressive slave retards...

Same Price as it was last year and the ya before in May.... Why weren't you complaining then...

When Lumber went from 250 to 900 from April last year to December... Where was your complaint then?

If inflation is your worry? Then you seem to be very selective...
Same Price as it was last year and the ya before in May.... Why weren't you complaining then...

When Lumber went from 250 to 900 from April last year to December... Where was your complaint then?

If inflation is your worry? Then you seem to be very selective...

You seem to have an awful memory.

gasoline prices by year.gif

First of all the right wing attack on our country is not being condemned. Republicans have compared it to tourists taking a selfie among other things. Republicans have insanely refused to support a select committee to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure this never happens again.

You are so FOS. I listen to evil right-wing radio. I watch evil right-wing news. Every broadcaster I watched or heard strongly condemned the riot and stated they should get the max under the law.

On the other side of the coin is your VP, who then encouraged people to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bailout all the lawbreakers during the riots so they could go out and commit more crimes.

It was encouraged by Donald Trump.

No it wasn't. Another Nazi made up lie.

140 officers were injured and one died bdecause of the attack.

Liar. No officer died because of the attack. He died from two consecutive strokes which have nothing to do with excitement.
They already cleared the cop. And I really don't care about a 9/11 style commission. We know it will all be right wing lies anyway. I'll settle for releasing the names of the Republican congress critters who gave guided tours and map layouts to the rioters in the days leading up to the insurrection. COVID might have come from overseas but it was up to the United States to respond to it. And that response..starts with the guy at the top. Too bad the guy sitting in the Oval Office wasn't up to the task. I'm sorry you can't bring yourself to admit that and move on. But, I'm with you on the whole "commission" waste of time....just release the names and let the chips fall where they may in 2022 and 2024.

Do you on the left make this stuff up in your head or does all that legal pot do this to you?

There were no Congress people giving anybody guided tours or maps so they could attack the Capital. I'd ask you for credible evidence of your claim, but that would be fruitless. Instead, why don't they let Republicans question Piglosi on why she didn't act on FBI provided information that this attack was very possible, and did nothing? We would learn more about what really happened with that.

So tell me, what did Trump do wrong with Covid? And don't reply "Trump said this and Trump said that" because no matter what Trump said or didn't say, it didn't change the virus or the outcome of it.
On Covid, Trump can be judged on results... US should had the longest time to prepare and they had some of the worse results, Trump said it himself that it would be gone in a week and that he was down playing it, knowing that he could have offered a better defense.

It is simply results over a half million dead on his watch. Simply this was an attack and he failed to prepare and US paid the cost...
Republicans who did not support a commission to investigate 1/6 are as bad as those wanting to defund the police.
Our Capitol was breached and police were attacked by an angry mob driven by disrespect of democracy and police. The same irrational disrespect of those who are asking to defund the police.
The Capitol police WANT the commission.
Trumpism and Antifa are disgusting.
They just need do it thousands and thousands more times to catch up. Then we can start to be even.
Clearly Dems are determined to puff up Jan 6th into something it was not. That Schumer compared it to the attack on Pearl Harbor was the first salvo of Dem propaganda.
What it was, is a warning to the traitorous leaders that true Americans are tired of their shit. We paid for that building and pay their salaries. They work for us, not the other way around.

Same thing for the Pentagon... Invade that next and see what the result would be...

Simply put a mob which used a violent attack to interfere with the course of US democracy... Trump paid for and organised a rally before hand which they clearly said violence should be used and then there was violence...

But lets have an investigation (a proper one) and we if they can clear their name... Remember GOP wanted to stop an investigation, this is a refusal to look at what happened, it was set up as independent and they couldn't hack an independent investigation, what are they hiding?
First of all the right wing attack on our country is not being condemned. Republicans have compared it to tourists taking a selfie among other things. Republicans have insanely refused to support a select committee to determine what steps need to be taken to ensure this never happens again.

You are so FOS. I listen to evil right-wing radio. I watch evil right-wing news. Every broadcaster I watched or heard strongly condemned the riot and stated they should get the max under the law.

On the other side of the coin is your VP, who then encouraged people to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bailout all the lawbreakers during the riots so they could go out and commit more crimes.

It was encouraged by Donald Trump.

No it wasn't. Another Nazi made up lie.

140 officers were injured and one died bdecause of the attack.

Liar. No officer died because of the attack. He died from two consecutive strokes which have nothing to do with excitement.
The right can never win anymore with that. Our nation is not what it was. Its core values are now disinformation and physical confrontations. We are moving to be no different then most other nations now.
You are the Nazi. She doesn't need to be a expert.This hypocrisy of Republicans should be a major issue in 2022.

The only hypocrisy is on the left. They want a 911 style commission for one stupid break in, but nothing for the virus that China sent to the world that killed over 600,000 Americans that we are still suffering the results of well over a year later.
Biden announced an investigation into that:

You are just asking for a double standard...
Same Price as it was last year and the ya before in May.... Why weren't you complaining then...

When Lumber went from 250 to 900 from April last year to December... Where was your complaint then?

If inflation is your worry? Then you seem to be very selective...

You seem to have an awful memory.

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Same price as the last two years at the same time... By the way Biden has very little effect on Global Oil prices unless he starts a war... Might as well blame him for the weather. by the way prices increased under Trump as well as you can see, where was your criticism of Trump...

And lumber prices have been increasing under Trump from 250 to 900 when he left... Again why no complaint while under Trump...

So we see prices increase under Trump but you offer no blame to Trump... You seem to lack objectivity on the performance of either President... I didn't blame Trump for Oil or Lumber prices... Like Biden they have little to do with either...
Biden announced an investigation into that:

You are just asking for a double standard...

He didn't announce anything. He told the intelligence committee to get back to him in 90 days. Before that, he stopped a State department investigation that Trump started.

Biden announced an investigation into that:

You are just asking for a double standard...

He didn't announce anything. He told the intelligence committee to get back to him in 90 days. Before that, he stopped a State department investigation that Trump started.

Read your own article you quoted... The first investigation was a botched job run out of the State Department... It lacked objectivity and was trying to confirm a theory from the start...

Biden put the proper professionals in place and then got out of their way. The Trump team can't halp themselves by getting involved and screwing up the independence of the investigation... Biden did the right way, let the expert professional investigate independently and come back to him, micromanaging it just leads to disaster.

Thanks for bringing that up... It really shows the difference between the two administrations... The report given to Biden will be respected throughout the world. It 's findings will be used by US allies... Trump's investigation was considered a joke by the international community as it looked like a political hatchet job from the start...
Same price as the last two years at the same time... By the way Biden has very little effect on Global Oil prices unless he starts a war... Might as well blame him for the weather. by the way prices increased under Trump as well as you can see, where was your criticism of Trump...

And lumber prices have been increasing under Trump from 250 to 900 when he left... Again why no complaint while under Trump...

So we see prices increase under Trump but you offer no blame to Trump... You seem to lack objectivity on the performance of either President... I didn't blame Trump for Oil or Lumber prices... Like Biden they have little to do with either...

It never hit $2.80 a gallon under Trump, and that was under unbelievable economic times when fuel prices normally increase. That's why the year before it was $1.81. Our unemployment rate is now 6.1%, and fuel should be just as low this year as it was last.

The President doesn't set energy prices, but his actions cause the prices to change. Trust me, I spent a couple of years trading contracts in the commodities market. While no expert, I do know how that animal works.

Buying and selling oil is not much different than ebay. You put a barrel of oil on ebay and people bid on it. The more people bid, the more expensive that barrel gets.

This is what happens in the commodities market, except they buy long contracts (bidding the price up) based on news of the commodity which oil is.

Before winning the election, Dementia said he would end fracking. Whorris said if she won the presidency, she would stop all US fracking on day one with an executive order. When Biden got in, the first thing he did was close down the Keystone pipeline. Next he halted all new oil exploration or drilling on public lands.

When traders see news like this, they start buying long contracts. Then you add in the cyber attack on our largest gasoline pipeline, and that put the icing on the cake. Instead of Dementia holding Russia responsible, he lifted sanctions on their oil line to Germany.
Republicans who did not support a commission to investigate 1/6 are as bad as those wanting to defund the police.
Our Capitol was breached and police were attacked by an angry mob driven by disrespect of democracy and police. The same irrational disrespect of those who are asking to defund the police.
The Capitol police WANT the commission.
Trumpism and Antifa are disgusting.
the police...or DOJ are investing it, the Congress has conducted hearings....

so not sure how not wanting another probe called a Commisson, will do anything differently or how that’s close to the dems goal of defunding local police departments....

why did the dems object to the gop idea of a commisson to probe all political violence?

Republicans who did not support a commission to investigate 1/6​

Stuff it, Rosebud. You had your shot and then some. The democrats already investigated 1/6 to the nines and spent a whole WEEK going over it back in January in such detail that they thought enough to hang all on Trump and impeach him with and THAT followed WEEKS of data gathering.

And you've had another four months since to investigate.

And you STILL got it all wrong. Your investigations will have nothing in it about the roll the fraud election played, nor Nancy and other's efforts to maximize the damage that day hoping to make Trump look bad as the fail guy. All anyone needs to know of 1/6 is that it never would have happened if not for the crazy, whackjob, illegal election you held disenfranchising tens of millions of people.

Your only interest in 1/6 now is to try to spin it all up again as something caused by Trump and his zombie-rebel Anarchists! You just want to keep dividing the nation. You need to keep attacking Trump and conservative voters to keep the real crimes of the democrats off the front pages!

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