Republicans who impeached trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul

When one side is allowed to post their B.S and the other isn't how is political discourse possible?

I haven't been silenced, but plenty of people have been, and surprise surprise most of them are on the right.

What if Trump is running in 2024? If he's banned from say facebook and his opponent is not, how is that not a contribution from facebook to said opponent?
Social media has had the courage to take measures against Trump's inciting of violence and associated criminal behaviour.

While government hasn't been willing to take the risk.

I suggest that the resultant fight between the military and rightist extremists isn't worth the risk. Otherwise Trump would be behind bars.

That's not an effort to troll you marty, it's what I see as the logic behind the whole Trum issue and how any other democratic country would have to handle the situation.

It's very serious and it threatens a fascist takeover.
Social media has had the courage to take measures against Trump's inciting of violence and associated criminal behaviour.

While government hasn't been willing to take the risk.

I suggest that the resultant fight between the military and rightist extremists isn't worth the risk. Otherwise Trump would be behind bars.

That's not an effort to troll you marty, it's what I see as the logic behind the whole Trum issue and how any other democratic country would have to handle the situation.

It's very serious and it threatens a fascist takeover.

Justify silencing opinions you don't like any way you like, it's still bullshit.

Any fascism that hits this country will come from the left, not the right.
That is not even remotely 'smart.'

They all have a reasonable chance of beating a primary challenger and continuing their political careers. If they lose, they can still use the political connections they have to keep gainful employment or fill other open roles.

Pulling out and running as an independent ensures, without a shadow of a doubt, they will lose ALL of that and have exactly zero political prospects or connections. What you want them to do is moronic, not smart.

Which is expected, your party never really wants what is best for the opposing party or even ethic. Why would they, they are in opposition to both those things...

With Trumpsters controlling the Republican party, in almost all red election districts, they do not have a reasonable chance of winning the primary. Nor will they likely have reasonable prospects afterward - Trump mobsters will see to that.

If traditional Republicans only were afraid of being primaried, none of them would support Trump. Their fear goes way deeper than that.

If they ran as independents, they'd pull a huge part of the Republican party along with them, get the support of most liberals and independent voters.

It would be Trump & Trumpster's worst nightmare - they'd be calling in the death threats all day long!
With Trumpsters controlling the Republican party, in almost all red election districts, they do not have a reasonable chance of winning the primary. Nor will they likely have reasonable prospects afterward - Trump mobsters will see to that.

If traditional Republicans only were afraid of being primaried, none of them would support Trump. Their fear goes way deeper than that.

If they ran as independents, they'd pull a huge part of the Republican party along with them, get the support of most liberals and independent voters.

It would be Trump & Trumpster's worst nightmare - they'd be calling in the death threats all day long!
Blah blah waah waah waah better get back to your basement before the leftyvirus or a melty glacier gets you waaah waaaah!
With Trumpsters controlling the Republican party, in almost all red election districts, they do not have a reasonable chance of winning the primary. Nor will they likely have reasonable prospects afterward - Trump mobsters will see to that.

If traditional Republicans only were afraid of being primaried, none of them would support Trump. Their fear goes way deeper than that.

If they ran as independents, they'd pull a huge part of the Republican party along with them, get the support of most liberals and independent voters.

It would be Trump & Trumpster's worst nightmare - they'd be calling in the death threats all day long!
More independent babble.......
Nobody that loves America would support Socialism and the defeat of capitalism which the left are trying to do. DumBama had one thing right in his motto, hope and change. Hope we are no longer a capitalist system and change over to Communism where government controls everything right down to forcing you to take medication you don't want or a healthcare plan you may not need.
Is the sky falling again, Henny Penny?

The U.S. has had 'socialist' programs since the beginning of the 20th century. They've only served to make the country stronger and improve the lives of Americans.

This country was not founded on 'Capitalism'. Nor is the left trying to 'defeat' capitalism.

As has been proven in this and many other countries, capitalism and socialism compliment each other. They are in no way in opposition to each other.

It's only right-wing neo-monarchist brainwashing that has given people like you the idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed to each other.

Republicans who impeach trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul. The cards continue to stack up against trump.>republicans-who-impeached-trump-outpace-challengers-in-latest-fundraiser-haul

Big whoop. Corporate whores spending massive amounts to keep their swamp creatures in power.
Wherever Trump goes it's a sold out crowd. Dementia couldn't pack a high school gym, especially now that everybody sees what a failure he turned out to be. Polls show if the election were held today, Trump would easily beat Biden and actually, if we didn't have all this mail-in bullshit due to the virus, he'd still be our President today.
Thanks for admitting that mail-in balloting had to be instituted because of Covid, & not some crazed plot that you Trumptards hallucinated after listening to right wing jerkoffs like Trump & the Kraken nut.
My right to choose if I want a vaccine or not
You still have that right.
my right to not wear a facediaper
That one too.
my right to affordable gasoline for my car
Not a right. That's just your own entitlement.
my right to being able to purchase groceries at the store
You still have that right.
my safety since the borders are open and the police have been defunded
That's horseshit partisan dramatics on your part.
my right to travel freely between states
Still there.
my right to actual cures for the leftyvirus
Not a right. That's just your own entitlement.
my right to have my vote count in a fair election, my right to be protected by a viable military force,
Still there.
my right to not be attacked in the men's room by a transvestite
Fucking Looney toons.
my right to an honest and fair press, my right to apply for the Supreme Court, my right to be taxed fairly, my right to expect Dim dregs to have to work and pay taxes......
You don't have any right to be an entitled Karen. Get over it.
You still have that right.

That one too.

Not a right. That's just your own entitlement.

You still have that right.

That's horseshit partisan dramatics on your part.

Still there.

Not a right. That's just your own entitlement.

Still there.

Fucking Looney toons.

You don't have any right to be an entitled Karen. Get over it.
Waah waah waah Dimmer Poopeypants is out to destroy the country and you dimwits just sit there with your fingers up your pelosi letting him do it.
Fucking looneybin is right Dimmer.
Fundraising does not always equal votes you also have to consider how much of the money is coming from out of state donations. I don't have the exact numbers but I believe Terry McAuliffe out raised and outspent Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia Governor's race as well as having Democrat heavy hitters come in and stump for him yet he still lost.
Fundraising does not always equal votes you also have to consider how much of the money is coming from out of state donations. I don't have the exact numbers but I believe Terry McAuliffe out raised and outspent Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia Governor's race as well as having Democrat heavy hitters come in and stump for him yet he still lost.

Hillary had way more money than Trump did for campaigning. The OP is trying to make the case of how many people are against Trump which campaign contributions have little to do with it.
Thanks for admitting that mail-in balloting had to be instituted because of Covid, & not some crazed plot that you Trumptards hallucinated after listening to right wing jerkoffs like Trump & the Kraken nut.

I never said that. The Communists used the virus as an excuse to promote mail in voting. In fact they have it in their so-called voters rights bill they are trying to push through. The more mail in you have, the more uninformed voters that vote. Democrats could never survive without the stupid voting.
I never said that. The Communists used the virus as an excuse to promote mail in voting. In fact they have it in their so-called voters rights bill they are trying to push through. The more mail in you have, the more uninformed voters that vote. Democrats could never survive without the stupid voting.
Your orange god convinced Republicans not to use mail in voting.

Is the sky falling again, Henny Penny?

The U.S. has had 'socialist' programs since the beginning of the 20th century. They've only served to make the country stronger and improve the lives of Americans.

This country was not founded on 'Capitalism'. Nor is the left trying to 'defeat' capitalism.

As has been proven in this and many other countries, capitalism and socialism compliment each other. They are in no way in opposition to each other.

It's only right-wing neo-monarchist brainwashing that has given people like you the idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed to each other.


What in hell would capitalism need socialism or social programs for? The concept of socialism is to make everybody equal. Having government spend money on certain things does not a socialist country make. Our founders never wanted our federal government to be a charity either, they wanted our federal government to govern and let people take care of their own financial and personal problems.

When you depend on the federal government to take care of problems you should be taking care of yourself, you surrender a portion of freedom in an exchange for a more powerful and controlling government.
Social media has had the courage to take measures against Trump's inciting of violence and associated criminal behaviour.

While government hasn't been willing to take the risk.

I suggest that the resultant fight between the military and rightist extremists isn't worth the risk. Otherwise Trump would be behind bars.

That's not an effort to troll you marty, it's what I see as the logic behind the whole Trum issue and how any other democratic country would have to handle the situation.

It's very serious and it threatens a fascist takeover.

What would Trump be behind bars for, speaking against Big Brother? Like the MSM, major social media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. Our constitution prohibits government from silencing speech, but that doesn't mean they can't get others to do it for them. Either way it's still anti-American.

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