Republicans who impeached trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul

I don't agree that Dems will have to shed Biden. They made that same mistake in 2014 when they shed Obama.

Biden's biggest problem is that he's boring, but a lot can change between now and the 2022 elections.
Hahahahahahahahahaha what a laugh.....wait...hahahahahahaha
LOL!! You think Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger could run and win as an independent?
Who would vote for them, duh? You voting "Green Party"? Maybe Libertarian? How about Kanye's "Birthday Party"????? The hi-tech oligarchs can throw money at them, but there is no energy there. Remember how well Mike Bloomberg and his money did?

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Given the current state of the Republican party, the vast majority of Americans would vote for a well known independent Conservative.

In any red state they'll certainly get a huge number of Liberals by just knowing that they're running against a Trumpster.
Given the current state of the Republican party, the vast majority of Americans would vote for a well known independent Conservative.

In any red state they'll certainly get a huge number of Liberals by just knowing that they're running against a Trumpster.
Its either going to be Trump or someone like him. Very few candidates are available that will fight for America and its laws, with no worry about who they offend.
Its either going to be Trump or someone like him. Very few candidates are available that will fight for America and its laws, with no worry about who they offend.

You really believe that BULLSHIT????

Trump works only for Trump and couldn't care less about America (and certainly not it's laws!)

Trump does nothing but blow air...and you dupes believe him!

You really believe that BULLSHIT????

Trump works only for Trump and couldn't care less about America (and certainly not it's laws!)

Trump does nothing but blow air...and you dupes believe him!

There you for the Dim America hating trash you are. Of course I believe it, it is the truth. Doesnt the sound of the wind blowing through your ears bother you?
There you for the Dim America hating trash you are. Of course I believe it, it is the truth. Doesnt the sound of the wind blowing through your ears bother you?
Nobody that loves America could support Trump.

America is a DEMOCRACY, and Trump and his supporters have proven that they are very, very much against democracy.
Liz Cheney is hated in her own state and has zero chance of beating her opponent who is 17 points ahead of her...give it up...the dems will lose big and so will any never Trumper republican....

Besides if she somehow won the primary and ran as a Republican Dems would dig up all sorts of shit to call her the new Hitler.
Nobody that loves America could support Trump.

America is a DEMOCRACY, and Trump and his supporters have proven that they are very, very much against democracy.
And you are a wacko nutbag.
The current Poopeypants Reich is the most fascist, dictatorial environment I have ever experienced. For you dimwit Dimmers to quote the opposite? Is idiotic and crazy.
Nobody that loves America could support Trump.

America is a DEMOCRACY, and Trump and his supporters have proven that they are very, very much against democracy.

More TDS bullshit. Of course because lovers of freedom and democracy use big corporations to silence their opponents.
Given the current state of the Republican party, the vast majority of Americans would vote for a well known independent Conservative.

In any red state they'll certainly get a huge number of Liberals by just knowing that they're running against a Trumpster.
You talk in generalities. Name names.
Republicans are 10-points up over democrats in generic ballots. Democrats are poison. Their policies suck. Trump's policies worked. Democrat policies don't work. Its an easy choice.

Nobody that loves America could support Trump.

America is a DEMOCRACY, and Trump and his supporters have proven that they are very, very much against democracy.
LOL first off we are a Republic. Are you Canadian or something? Secondly, the left will be destroyed. They have become too uppity so we are going to wipe them out in the 2022 midterms.
It does work.

Liz Cheney's bid for the WH will come later. For now she can begin to lead her party back to safe ground.
She's the conservative that didn't compromise everything for cheater and a fake.

Exacyly what America needs so badly, an honest contest between the Republican party's best and a real liberal representing the Dem party.
The latter is going to be a hard one to find in America but a new Bernie will be the only one to beat the real conservative.

America might be ready for real progress but he/she will have to run against the perfect candidate in Cheney.
So first back to normalcy and reality with Liz, then when conservatism destroys all hope for the working class, maybe a real change to socially responsible government?
What do you consider "real progress"? just curious
I don't agree that Dems will have to shed Biden. They made that same mistake in 2014 when they shed Obama.

Biden's biggest problem is that he's boring, but a lot can change between now and the 2022 elections.
It's being worth 10% to15% less than a year ago that Biden has done for the people. We supported that family through thick and thin. Movies and TV shows mocking them. And when it came for a return, they punted as Neo Con evil ph uks. Getting men killed and maimed while they enriched themselves and now proving what they are.
Republicans who impeach trump outpace challengers in latest fundraiser haul. The cards continue to stack up against trump.


I don't agree that Dems will have to shed Biden. They made that same mistake in 2014 when they shed Obama.
I agree on Obama if they actually did get rid of him somehow. The rest of the world considers Obama to be the greatest president since Clinton and probably before too.
Biden's biggest problem is that he's boring, but a lot can change between now and the 2022 elections.
IMHO American presidents aren't elected based on any qualities that the candidate can be said to have. Being boring is a huge negative, being older and showing signs of not thinking quickly, not being pleasing to look at, and more are ideals Biden is missing. The last was Hillary's biggest detraction, more than anything else. Kamala at least looks good enough and is super smart just in case that ever becomes important to voters.
What do you consider "real progress"? just curious
I'm always interested in a polite conversation. I said in that post:
America might be ready for real progress but he/she will have to run against the perfect candidate in Cheney.
So first back to normalcy and reality with Liz, then when conservatism destroys all hope for the working class, maybe a real change to socially responsible government?

I see it as at least a three step process, with the final step being as stated. If a discussion seems warranted, I can elaborate further.
I'm actually anxious about having the opportunity. Will you police this thread in a way that can keep it on the rails?
Learn to google:

You can primary all you want, but if anybody that gets primaried runs as an independent, the Trumpsters won't stand a chance in the general election.
If you make the claim, you provide the link. That is nothing new when using forums.

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